Since when do you speak Japanese?

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Hope was walking around mystic falls high when the PA rang out in her name to go to the principal's office.

Hope-P. A. system? It's a little dramatic, don't you think?
Ric-Not as dramatic as the message Landon left me, saying he had something urgent to discuss. Anything you want to share?
Hope- Only that I'm pretty sure the monsters are after him this time.
Ric-And you didn't think that that's something I should know?
Hope-More like I was afraid of what you were gonna say after that.
Ric-Hope. You need to go back to the Salvatore School.
Hope-That was it.
Ric- Not for your sake. For theirs. Maybe Landon isn't that important to you. But if Malivore wants him, we need to want him more. And Ameila's flashes are getting worse you've seen it.
Hope- Look, I will take care of it, but from a distance. And I"m looking for a fix for her.
Ric- Okay, what am I missing here, Hope? Hmm? You told me the truth, and everything worked out fine.
Hope-Not the whole truth. Hmm. Landon and I, we were in love. Like, real love. Epic love, if that even exists.
Ric- I can assure you it does.
Hope-Now he's with Josie, and they don't know what we were to each other. And I'm just afraid that if I tell them, she's gonna hate me forever or he's gonna hate me or I'm gonna hate myself because I made us all miserable. So I can't tell them. Not yet and god Ameila might already never forgive me but-
Ric- but what?
Hope- Ameila loves Josie and obviously me being gone screwed all our relationships.
Ric- You're scared of how they will react
Hope- fuck yeah I am. When I jumped I wasn't supposed to come back but I'm here
Ric- I'm gonna let the langue slide this once
Hope- you can't tell Josie

At this point the sheriff walked in

Sheriff- Sorry to interrupt
Hope- it's okay I was just leaving.
Ric- I won't tell her but think about what I said about the transfer.

Hope then walks out. Back at the salvorte school. Ameila was in Josie's room when Vardemous walked in. Something about this guy felt off to Ameila and she didn't like him.

Vardemous-I'm sorry to hear you're unwell.
Josie-You shouldn't be surprised. You gave me that black magic spell, and because of it, I broke that kid's arm, and mine's not doing so hot either.
Vardemous -What did your father have to say about this?
Josie- I-I haven't had the chance to ask him yet.
Vardemous -That's understandable. He was busy starting brawls.

Ameila's eyes glowed a faint yellow.

Ameila- I'm pretty sure that's your fault, too!
Vardemous- I may have something that can help that rash of yours.
Josie- I've had enough of your help. I cast that spell, and I'm gonna deal with the consequences. But I'm never doing black magic again.
Vardemous - I would urge you not to limit yourself. Black magic has its place in our craft.
Josie-My dad always said the exact opposite.
Vardemous- Of course. I cannot think of a single reason why he would want to limit your exceptional abilities.
Ameila- You need to back off. If she said she's done she is done. And don't you dare speak as if you know Dr. Salztzmans intentions.

Ameila moved a little closer to Vardemous eyes still glowing. Josie grabbed her hand in an attempt to calm her.

Vardemous- Miss Mikaelson I suggest you calm yourself before I need to. Also do not act as if you haven't done black magic. And Josie If you ever need to talk my door is always open.
Vardemous walks out of the room.

Ameila- god I wanna take that door and shove it up his-
Josie- hey hey just breathe okay. Let's go on a walk okay?
Ameila- fine

The two start walking around the grounds when they run into Dorian who was trying to talk to a guy with a sword swinging around. The girls rushed over.

Dorian-Dude, I'm gonna find someone who can understand you, but I need to know you're not gonna go stabbing everyone.
Ameila- Who's your friend?
Dorian- beats me
Josie- Konichiwa.

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