Their singing happy birthday

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Hope had gathered Kaleb,Mg,Landon,Raf,Lizzie,Josie,and Ric all into the common room at 7am

Lizzie- why the hell are we up at 7am?

They all nodded in agreement.

Ric- just listen to Hope ok.
Hope- Look Ameila has barley left her room in 3 days since the dream demon and todays her birthday.
Landon- it's her birthday?
Mg- yeah we didn't know
Lizzie- I actually did know this
Josie- she hates her birthday through
Hope- I know but I think she needs it just a small one to show we aren't scared of her and we care about her. I already called some of our family to see if they can come. So please.
Landon- Of course count me in
Raf- yeah!
Mg- me too!
Kaleb- anything for little wolf
Josie- of course I'm in

Everyone looked at Lizzie. While the two butted heads alot she was concerned for her.

Lizzie- oh i'm in too sorry fell asleep there for a moment.
Landon- what do you want us to do?
Hope- Well landon I have a different Job for you.
Landon- okay?
Hope- get her out of her room today. I mean away from us while we set up but just hang out with her make sure she eats whatever.
Landon- you can count on me babe

They kiss and landon makes his way to Ameilas dorm. He knocked and there was no answer when he walked in he saw her wrapped in a blanket.

Landon- hey mia!
Ameila- go away
Landon- no can do
Ameila- I mean it
Landon- Nope

Landon walked over and pulled her out of bed and threw hoodie and pants at her,

Ameila- ugh
Landon- come on lets go for a walk.
Ameila- er fine.

Ameila got dressed (landon left the room) they then made there way outside and too the lake.

Ameila- where is everyone?
Landon- I'm not sure

Ameila just figured everyone forgot about her birthday which she didnt really care but she felt weird that no one was around or atleast Hope to say happy birthday.

Ameila- hey Lan?
Landon- yeah mia?
Ameila- why'd you drag me out of bed?
Landon- I was concerned about my sister
Ameila- Sister?
Landon- Yeah I'm I feel a sibling bond.
Ameila ok dork but me too

Ameila smiled

Landon- omg the big bad Ameila smiled
Ameila- shut up i'll throw you in the water!
Landon- Hey no calm down can't swim!
Ameila- still?
Landon- yup
Ameila- ok well we are changing that because what if theres a monster and we end up in the water and you drown because you can't swim.

Before landon could protest Ameila did a spell to change them into bathsuits and jumped in the water.

Landon- uh ok guess were doing this.

Landon gets in the water and after about 30 minutes he gets the hanging of swimming and they started splashing and fighting around in the water. Hope then astral projects to check on them and smiles big to see Amiela laughing and goofing around and Landon was the one who did it she then takes a picture and disappears.

Ameila- are you scared of me?
Landon- no your the last person I would be scared of. I trust you.
Ameila- I'm a monster though.
Landon- no not to me not to your family either.
Ameila- Landon I was made out of power and hate I was born to kill Hope I'm a mistake.
Landon- you were born to kill Hope but you were raised with love because your a mikaelson no matter what they saved you and didn't let you fall into evil.

The two get out of the water and dry off. Hope then texts landon saying its good to come back. Ameila goes over and hugs Landon.

Ameila- thank you for today
Landon- anytime now lets go get some food.

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