Motivation of Memories: The S...

By NubianGoddess494

8.5K 616 230

After the death of her grandmother Genevieve Elise Anne Bonsu is finally moving out of her parents home. Grow... More

Welcome (A/N)
New Beginnings
Nice 2 Meet U
Final Straw
What U Deserve
Impulse Decisions
Party at Paisley
Party at Paisley: Part 2
Wake Up
Greatest Showman
Music To My Ears
Its All Accidental
Bad News
Morning Bliss
Full Disclosure
Dinner on Me
Dinner On Me: Part 2
Talking Through The Turbulence
Long Way Home
Internal Conflict
Just U & Eye
Safe Distance
Cars & Conversations
Eye Know
Dancing with the Devil (Roles Reversed)
Later That Night
Just the 2 of Us
Morning Introspectives
A Dark Day
U Should Go
Family Ties
Mind on U
Home Is Where the Heart Is
Home Is Where the Heart Is: Part 2
Meet Me in the Middle
In A New Light
Phase One
Getting Acquainted
Come Clean
Beach Party with the Band
B Mine (Roles Reversed)
Eye Remember 2
Let Me Make It Up 2 U
Eye've Got an Itch 2 Scratch
Eve've Got an Itch 2 Scratch: Part 2
The French Mistake
Rehearsal Gone Wrong
Interpersonal Exploration (Roles Reversed)
Tonight We're Gonna Party
Tonight We're Gonna Party Part 2
The Voices
Meeting Madonna
First Day
Rest, Relax, Reveal.
We Will See
Expect The Unexpected
Eye Promise
On the Road
On the Road: Part 2
Late Night Arrival
Sound Check
Show Up
Show Up Part 2
Show Up Part 3
1 Month 2 Go
Rude Awakening
LA Bound
Hold It
New York New York
New York New York: Part 2
Fear and Sensitivity
4 U
Eye Am Her Keeper
Truth B Told
Dreams and Nightmares
Do My Eyes Decieve Me
Waiting Game
Home Sweet Home
Smoke and Mirrors
Old Friends New Feelings
Deep Sigh
Genny from the Block
Let Me Carry That
Holidays On The Road
Holidays On The Road: Part 2
Holidays on the Road: Part 3
Christmas at Paisley Park
Unspoken Feelings
Tell Me Something Good
Rest & Realizations
New Year's
New Years: Part 2
Valentine's Day (Roles Reversed)
Valentine's Day: Part 2 (Roles Reversed)
Wake Up Call
Eye'll Tell U
Show Me Who U R
Pleasant Realities
Sweetest Dreams
Night Cap

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

80 5 0
By NubianGoddess494

Prince's POV

When we walked in together, smiling, two days in a row, everyone knew everything was right with the world again. Andre shoots me a thumbs up when no one is looking and the girls have dropped their hostility.

It's lunch time now and we're all sitting and eating, talking across our various tables. It feels a lot like high school. The cheerleaders and the jocks. The girls are sitting around Genevieve asking her questions. The guys and I are talking too but, I can't stop looking at her.

"I'm glad y'all made up man. I couldn't take another day of you moping around."

"Now, I wouldn't say I was moping. I was just worried about her."

"Y'all kiss and make up?" Jerome asks raising his eyebrows.

"No, just regular made up." I smile.

"Just face it. She doesn't like you." Miko says grinning before taking a huge bite out of his sandwich.

"I don't think you want to play this game anymore, man." I laugh earning a chuckle from Andre who almost choked on his drink.

"You keep saying that but the bottom line is she ain't your woman."

"She don't have be mine for me to know she don't want you!" The table erupts into laughter.

"Shut up! Here she comes."

"Hello, gentlemen." She smiles resting her hands on Jerome and Miko's chairs.

"The ladies and I couldn't help but overhear your laughing. We wanted to know what was funny."

"They think I'll never win your heart and apparently that's hilarious."

"Is that so?" We all look around sheepishly trying to avoid her gaze. "Any guesses as to who will win my heart?" She smirks as we sit in awe. Andre looks at me and we both almost laugh. This is why we never sat next to each other in school. "No guesses? Well I'll give each of you a chance to impress me." Slowly she walks around the table dragging her hand across everyone's shoulders. "One of you, will be meeting me at my apartment for dinner. I expect you at my door wearing my favorite color. If you really want to prove yourself bring a bouquet with my favorite number of my favorite  flower. Oh and I'll be making us a wonderful meal. Bring my favorite ice cream for dessert if you'd like to stay a while afterwards. If you know what all of those favorite things are I'll see you at 7 and if you're wrong you'll leave empty handed." The bell rings signaling the end of lunch and the smirk on her face returns as she begins to walk away. "Dress to impress. Good luck, boys."

"Well the first one is easy." Andre shrugs.

"Are we really going to do this?" I ask feeling a little frustrated by his interest.

"Free meal is a free meal." Jerome shrugs.

"I'm out. I ain't gonna chase no woman! I don't care how fine she is." Morris exclaims before leaving the table.

"Whoever has all the answers is hers." Andre adds. "No more debating." I look over at him in shock.

"Deal. Cause it's gonna be me." I roll my eyes at Miko and nod my head.

"Alright I'm in too." The four of us shake on it and get up from the table. I follow after Andre unhappy with what we just agreed to.

"Man, why did you do that?"

"To mess with Miko. Everyone knows you're the only person who would know all those answers. She rigged the game."

"I don't think I do man. Imma be thinking about this shit all day."

"You got his man and if you don't she'll be dining alone."
We walk back to set and I rack my brain for the answers. Luckily these next few scenes are between Morris and Apollonia it'll give me time to think.

The first one is obvious. It's teal.  Her notebooks, her jackets, even her duffel bags are teal. What about the next one. Her favorite number. Well I know she likes to take her shots in threes but that's because of her grandmother. I know she thinks two digit odd numbers are bad luck but I don't remember her favorite number. What's the next one?

This goes on for the rest of the day. I shoot my scenes, I sit down, I start thinking, repeat.

"How many you got?" Andre asks as we pack up for the day.

"Two and a half."

"What're your missing?"

"Favorite ice cream."

"What's the half?"

"Favorite number. I've narrowed it down to two numbers but I'll just get two bouquets."

"Y'all didn't go get ice cream this summer?"

"We were supposed to but it rained so we just had ice cream in her apartment." That was a great day. The rain made it hot and muggy. I was frustrated with a song I was working on and agreed to meet her in a few hours. She called me before I left and said it was raining but she wanted to invite me over anyway. She bought the ice cream and I bought the toppings. She specifically asked for nuts, cherries, whipped cream and chocolate sauce. When I showed up we put everything on the table like an assembly line.

That was the day I made her watch The Wiz. We talked about the music and the dancing. She really liked how Diana Ross's skirt moved. As I flip through the pages of my memory, I can see her sitting beside me on the couch. She was wearing all black before she dropped her spoon and had to change. Then it clicks.

"I know what it is. I gotta go get ready. I'll catch you later."

"Tell me how it goes!"

Genevieve's POV

As soon as filming finished for the day, I start the walk to my car.

"Genevieve wait!"

"What is the attire for dinner?"

"Dress nice but comfortable."

"Alright, I'll see you tonight, beautiful." I smile coyly.

"We'll see." I walk away smiling.

I start cooking as soon as I get home. Stuffed chicken breasts, roasted garlic potatoes, and balsamic glazed Brussel sprouts are on the menu tonight. I make quick work of dinner and give myself plenty of time to get dressed. I change out of my sweats and into a 50's style long black pencil dress. I altered it to give it a bit more cleavage and make it skin tight. It has a decent amount of stretch and hugs my curves just right. I curl my hair allowing the large waves to flow down my back being sure to keep the hair out of my face. I don't think I realized how long my hair has gotten. I smile to myself as it touches my back. I put on my favorite diamond earrings and simple black pumps to compliment the dress perfectly.

I look over myself one more time before I go sit in the living room. It's 6:45 and anyone could be here in a matter of minutes. I sit waiting patiently trying my best to keep my composure. I'm not worried about who will or won't show up. I know who's coming. He has something to prove. I just want dinner to go well. I turn on the music and wander around the house tidying up this and that. I'm very proud of my apartment. The apartment complex did more than paint, they also updated my appliances. My tour check paid for a new dining room set, a bigger couch with matching chair and ottoman, and another television. I'm glad I've made this space my own. There's a shockingly gentle knock on the door. I open it and there stands Prince. He's wearing a glimmering teal suit with a white ruffled shirt and matching shoes. His hair is curly like it always is but pulled away from his face.

"Hi, Prince"

"Hey, Genny. Sorry if I'm overdressed. It's the only teal suit I had."

"You look great."

"So do you."

"What about the other items?"

"Strawberry ice cream, whipped topping not from the can, walnuts, fudge, and cherries."

"And the flowers?" He holds up two bouquets of flowers and I chuckle.

"I couldn't remember if your favorite number was 4 because of your siblings or 5 because of your birthday." He admits sheepishly.

"It's 5 but I also like the number 9 so I'll give you a bonus point."

"So, did I pass?" He smirks.

"With flying colors. Now get in here and put that ice cream away before it melts."

Prince's POV

I walk past her and into the kitchen, placing the ice cream and the toppings in their proper places. A pleasant aroma fills my nose as she removes two trays from the oven and takes the lid off of the pan on the stove. Her back arches slightly when she bends over to close the oven and her hair falls in her face.

"Have a seat. I'll make you a plate." I sit at the table tapping my foot as she loads two plates with food. I watch the swivel in her hips as she approaches. The curve of her hips drives me wild. She sets one plate in front of me and the other across the table. "What do you want to drink?" She smiles.

"Water is fine." She walks away and pours two glasses of water from a pitcher. When she returns to the table she sits across from me and close her eyes for a moment. When they open again we begin to eat. "I never pegged you as the religious type."

"I'd consider myself more spiritual than religious."

"So who do you pray to?"

"God, my ancestors, the earth. It depends."


"Well in Christianity you praise Jesus for being the son of God, right?"


"And God is the creator of things living and not?"


"Then why should we not praise the rest of his creations? The earth grows our food and sustains or animals, the trees supply our oxygen, rivers and reservoirs hold our water. Shouldn't they also be thanked?"

"What did you pray just now?"

"For the food, for the ability to cook, for this date to go well."

"Date?" I smirk feeling a little better about coming.

"Would you call it something else?"

"Well, no but you said you don't date in the industry anymore."

"I reserve the right to change my mind. I also may have been persuaded."

"Why all the set up? What's with the guessing game?"

"A little fun never hurt." She smiles sipping from her water. "How is everything?"

"It's incredible. Beats that hotel food we were eating." We laugh and the night continues like this for a while. Once the dishes are washed, we migrate to the living room. She turns on her record player and music fills her home. We sit talking and listening to her extensive vinyl collection.

"Do you want some wine?" She asks abruptly.

"Sure. While you do that I'm gonna pick the next record." She agrees walking back to the kitchen. I flip through the records and smile seeing Stevie Wonders face. I look over the track list and prepare to switch the records when I change my mind. I move the needle to restart the album and go into the kitchen.
I walk over to Genevieve who is still pouring wine and wrap my arms around her waist slowly. She settles into my arms and we rock slowly to the music.

"Dance with me, mama." She puts her hand in mine and I lead her to the center of the kitchen. Hesitantly, I put my arms around her waist as she puts her arms around my shoulders and we continue to rock. I look down at her her eyes glowing gold as she looks back at me. She rests her head on my shoulder while we sway. I sing softly in her ear with Marvin as the song progresses. A lot of people think this song is only about sex but I know it's truly about love and intimacy. It's about being wanting to be with someone and hoping they want to be with you too. It's about moving to the next step with that person for Marvin it probably was sex but for me and Genevieve I have bigger plans. I know I'm still working through my divorce but I can't deny my feelings anymore. I know I could give her the world but only if she'll let me.

The song ends and we separate. She grabs the wine and we walk back to the couch. I sit in my normal spot on the left end of the couch. She normally takes the right end but I can't stand the distance.

"Come here, girl." She looks at me with shock in her eyes but without debate she sits beside me. We sip in silence as the music plays, unbothered by the repetition.

"You look so beautiful tonight, Genevieve."

"I...", she starts before changing her mind. "Thank you, Prince."

"Something on your mind?" She shakes her head.

"I'm just really happy you're here." She looks up from her glass and over at me, her eyes still glowing gold. Something outside makes a loud noise not too far away. Genevieve jumps, startled by the noise. Her eyes shift to the door never looking away. The noise continues and her expression shifts from a face of concern to one of fear. She gets up and looks out the window before coming back to the couch. Standing in front of me she sighs. I hold her hand as she thinks, rubbing her knuckles gently. I pull on her arm lightly to get her attention. She looks at me and smiles. Looking down at my feet, she pushes one aside before sitting in my lap. I wrap my arms around her as she adjusts her body. She leans her back against the arm of the couch, her knees bend and take their place on the couch, and her head returns to my chest. I wrap my left arm around her back pulling her closer to me. I love the way she feels in my arms. I could stay like this forever.

She traces the threads on my jacket while I rub her thigh. Our eyes are closed as we take in the silence.

"Thank you for an amazing night. I'm so happy you came."

"I'm glad I came too. This your way of saying you want me to leave?" She chuckles softly into my chest before looking up at me.

"You can leave whenever you want."

"What if I want to stay?" I ask looking back at her, her eyes shining golden light.

"That's okay too." She smiles softly.

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