
By geek_and_nina

235K 6.2K 368

collection of hollstein one shots More

Childhood Friends Headcanon
Hollstein Meets On A Plane AU
Gingerbread and Hot Chocolate
Welcome to the 21st Century
Oceans (Featuring Catmilla)
Blame It On The Alcohol and the Waltzing
Giants and Elves
Hollstein On Deck
Body Swap
Gender Swap
Human Studies
Carmilla Finds Out That She Has Stolen Laura's First Kiss
Elevator Trope
High School Teachers AU
Damn Leather Pants
Coming Out
Tippy Toes
Tiny Sick Gay Laura
You Ate All Of My Cereal
Up for Discussion
Catch That Cat
On Display
Journalist and Actress
Waking Up Together Isn't Always A Good Thing
Video Games
NSFW: Picture It
Weeks, Months, and Years
Hours and Days
Insides and Outsides
Beginnings, Middles, and Ends
Beach Burn
The Only Way
Huge Spider
Accidentally Married
Watching Crappy TV Together
First Kiss
Hollstein: Halloween
Laura's Dead
DB Cooper
School Dance
Washing Dishes
Soulmate AU #2
Doing Laundry
Forced Marriage
Shopping for a New Apartment
A Night In
Breaking Waves
Cold Hands
Cupcakes for Carmilla
February Air
The Hour When Everything Comes to Life
Watching Them
Hair Cut
Movie Night
Blood Cakes
Camping AU
Blast from the Past
Secret Identity
Princess Bride AU
Formal Wear
Songwriter AU

Class Clown Gets The Grumpy One to Laugh

4.1K 118 8
By geek_and_nina

Is Laura Hollis really all that funny?  Carmilla wondered as she watched LaFontaine and Perry laughing uproariously over something that she had said. Being something of a loner, the older girl had never really talked but, Carmilla had always enjoyed keeping an eye on the more attractive girls in her school. Especially Laura, Laura was definitely her favorite to watch.

"Why is that Carmilla girl always watching us with that scowl on her face? Are we doing something that she doesn't approve of or has her face gotten stuck like that?" Perry asks grumpily.

"Maybe she just has a resting bitchface?" LaF offers, not wanting to say anything hurtful about someone that they didn't actually know at all.

    "Maybe she would like to join us, but doesn't actually know how to ask." Laura suggests as well.

"I'll give you ten bucks if you can go over there and make her laugh by the end of our lunch period." LaF bets her, having always enjoyed the sight of Laura embarrassing herself. The girl truly had a knack for getting herself into awkward situations.

"I'll take that bet." Laura answered and shook their hand to seal the deal.

"Go get 'em, Tiger." Laf encouraged her with a grin.

"Hey Carmilla, the others and I noticed you watching us all alone over here and were wondering if you would like to join us." Laura offered.

Carmilla smirked at her and sat backwards in her seat to better look at her, leaving her food untouched and forgotten as she trained her intense stare on Laura.

"No, no, Cupcake. I'm good." the dark haired girl said. Laura bristled at the nickname and her spine stiffened.

"My name is Laura. Just in case you didn't know." the younger girl practically growled.

"Oh, I know, believe me." Carmilla replies with the quirk of an eyebrow.

"Why don't you call me that, then." Laura says and it nearly sounds like a threat.

"Why don't you make me?" Carmilla says and it sounds nearly teasing, sending a shiver up Laura's spine.

"Watch yourself or I might." Laura threatened back, her face scrunching up in anger.

Carmilla nearly howled with laughter. "That bunched up face you make when you're angry is adorable, Buttercup."

"Bite me, Bitch."

"I just might, I could have it arranged." Carmilla says before rising and throwing out her untouched pile of food.

"Bring it, sister!" Laura shouts to her, before leaving to rejoin her friends.

"What- in the world  was that?" LaFontaine asks.

"That girl drives me absolutely crazy!  I say white and she says black. I say the cat ran up the wall and she says he started at the top and ran down." Laura grumbles, clearly Carmilla has gotten more than a little underneath her skin.

"No, no, no, she was looking at you like she wanted to shove you up against the wall, and have her way with you."  LaF exclaims, looking excited and completely giddy.

"What ever you say, all I know is that you owe me ten dollars." Laura says, looking exhausted.

"I'm pretty sure that that girl is looking to give you much more than ten dollars, sweetheart. She looks at you like you are dinner being served up on a silver platter." Perry says, much more crassly than she would usually say anything.

"Nobody treats someone that they actually like like that." Laura protests.

"Carmilla isn't just anyone there, Frosh." LaF insists.

"If you say so?" Laura questions. "I guess that if I tried really hard that I could see the two of us together."


She excuses herself and heads to the bathroom. She's washing her hands when Carmilla follows.

"Why, hello there, cutie." she smiles nefariously.

"Carmilla." she replies in a deadpan.

"Did I piss you off, punkin?" Carmilla asks, purposefully using only the nicknames to continue grating on her nerves.

"You usually do, Karnstein." she replies, trying to keep a handle on her temper.

"It's a hobby of mine." Carmilla says with a shrug as she leans against the wall nonchalantly.

"Why? I don't understand where you get such joy from picking on me." Laura asks.

"I told you earlier that you make the most adorable faces when you're aggravated," the dark girl says, shoving off the wall and slowly making her way to where Laura still stood, her arms crossed over her chest in a plainly defensive posture.

"So, you're saying that you irritate me purely because you enjoy my facial expressions? Because I'm cute? Like a little kid on the playground pulling a pretty girl's pigtails?" Laura asks, backing towards the door.

"That's the basic concept, yes."  Carmilla answers in the affirmative. She stepped even closer, and basically pinned Laura to the door with her stare, a book's breadth left in between them, Laura's history book held aloft like a shield. "Though you would know it if I were pulling on your pigtails, Creampuff."

"You think so?" Laura asks, her breathing becoming heavy as she stared into eyes the same color as coal.

"I know it." Carmilla murmurs, pressing into Laura even more tightly and kissing lightly, a spot of exposed shoulder bringing to Laura's mind the memory of her having dared Carmilla to bite her. This no longer seemed like such a brilliant idea. Then she kissed a sensitive place right on that sensitive place, then her ear, and finally softly captured her lips with her own. Laura gasped quietly  in her throat, barely loudly enough for Carmilla to hear and the older girl broke away, only to have Laura reach up and drag her by the hair back down to her mouth.  Carmilla was surprised to say the least but not at all disappointed as Laura's tongue explored the inside of Carmilla's mouth, the decided winner in this battle for dominance.

Carmilla locked her fingers through Laura's belt loop, and dragged her impossibly nearer as Laura's books and bag fell to the floor. Laura used the moment of shock to her advantage, reversing their positions and smacking Carmilla into the door, she gasps and Laura finally backs away.

"Sorry..." she mutters, wiping at her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Never  apologize for that...it was incredibly hot." Carmilla informs her, looking at Laura's mussed hair and angelic face in a completely new light.

Laura chuckles, which then turns into a full body laugh that Carmilla catches and is completely incapable of repressing.

"Here, give me your number and maybe we can hang out for real sometime? Work our way up to me sitting with you and your friends." Carmilla asks, suddenly nervous.

"Of course... Creampuff." Laura says, scrawling her number across the back of one of Carmilla's soft and pale hands. She then turned and left the older girl stunned and disheveled, standing stock still in the middle of the bathroom.

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