Too Late To Say Goodbye (Dab...

By serraabae

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‼️I do not own any of the MHA characters just the OC's and the plot‼️ ‼️AU‼️no quirks ‼️I do not own any of... More



203 8 7
By serraabae

"Your father wants to talk", Deku asked through the closed door, "Tell him I said fuck off", I pulled the blankets over my head. "Honey, you can't shut me out in my own home", my father said in a high pitched tone.

"Fuck off", I raised my voice slightly. The door flew open and Bakugo and my father stepped inside.

"Guess we don't knock", I stayed in bed, "Get up Rain, have some respect", Bakugo said in a calm tone, "Respect", I laughed, "What does my father know about respect".

"Rain honey, please sit up", my father's tone soft, "What do you not understand about fuck off?", I nuzzled my head further into the pillow. "Get up Rain", I heard a gun click.

"Do it", I sat up and slowly inched towards the gun Bakugo was pointing at me.

"Pull the trigger", I pressed my head against the end of the gun, his eyes widened slightly. "Stand down young Bakugo", my father held his hand up. In an instant, I kicked Bakugo's arm and snatched the gun.

They all lunged towards me but stopped when I held the gun to my temple. "Ah, ah, ah", I said in a high pitched tone. All their faces filled with fear and anticipation.

"Rain, honey, put the gun down", my father smiled, "Let's not play this game now".

"Game? You think I'm joking about blowing my head open?", a smile grew on my face, "You took Light from me...and Touya", I paused, "The only man I have ever and will ever love", I clicked it back and they all flinched.

"But they're gone now...", my eyes grew wide with insanity. "So- I don't really have anything left to want me alive", I laughed, "So the final fuck you is ...this".

His face dropped slowly. "I pull this trigger and all your plans for me just...die with me", my smile grew wider. "Rain, please", Bakugo pleaded.

"Rain, don't do this", Deku's eyes and tone honest. "Sorry boys, but I'm done being your little puppet", I shut my eyes and pulled the trigger. It clicked.

I laughed hysterically, "It was a blank! What are the odds!!", before I could react, Deku rushed to me and grabbed the gun, restraining me in the process.

"You're fucking crazy", Bakugo muttered under his breath as he stared me down, "Call it what you want, but the man right next to you made me like this", my eyes averted to my father.

"Bring her to the dining hall", he said before they both left.

"Rain- are you crazy?!", Deku whispered in a panicked tone, "Everyone I love is dead Deku, I have nothing left to lose".

There was a silence between us, "Don't give up just yet Rain, trust me", he whispered. "What's that supposed to mean?", I looked back at him as he guided me down the hall.

"Things aren't always as they seem to be", he said with a sigh, I furrowed my brows, unsure what he meant by that.

"Cut the cryptic comments, what's going on?", I pushed further, "Nothing", his tone filled with disappointment.

He chained me to a chair at the end of the long glass table. My father seated at the other end, Bakugo and Deku across each other.

"Now that we're all here", my father started, "Rain, Bakugo", he looked between us. "You two are to be married at the end of the month", I rolled my eyes, "There will be an event, everyone important will be there and see my heir".

"What makes you think I'm gonna go along with this?", I said with a laugh.

"You don't have a choice my dear", he smiled, "I'm not doing this", I shook my head. "You will do this", he slammed his fist on the table.

"Or what? You've taken everyone I cared about from me, I don't have anything to lose", I smiled.

"You don't?", he held an iPad up, it was live footage of Denki and Jiro working at the bar.

My face dropped, "You wouldn't", "Try me", he smirked. I clenched my jaw, the anger inside me growing like a wildfire. "So what's it gonna be Rain?", he leaned back in his seat, "I've got two of my men in there ready to blow their brains out".

"I'll do it", I said with no hesitation. His grin grew even wider, "That's my girl", I looked down.

"You're a fucking monster", I said in a cold tone, "That's no way to speak to your father", he tilted his head to the side, "When have you ever been a father to me?", I said with a laugh.

He glared at me, "You'll be under 24 hour supervision now, and you'll be staying with Bakugo", he stood up and slammed the dining hall doors shut.

"Tch", I looked to the side, "Finally some alone time for us", Bakugo grinned and winked at me.

"Eat shit and die", I spit in his face across the table.

He wiped it off his face, his glare intensifying by the second. "Deku, will you give my fiancée and I a moment alone", he stood up from the table.

Deku glanced at me, my eyes saying 'I'm fine'.
When the doors shut, he inched closer to me.

"You better start acting like my wife Rain, or things are going to get messy", he stood in front of me, "You don't scare me".

"Really?", he leaned closer, "I can kill you with my bare hands", my tone flat and unbothered.

"Wanna bet?", he grabbed my jaw and squeezed it tightly, his strength was like my sisters, maybe stronger. "Love to", I said through half lidded eyes.

He grinned, "You asked for it".

He unchained my hands and legs.

In one swift motion, I kicked his jaw, causing him to stumble back. I stepped back, keeping my distance.

"Nice hit babe", he lunged towards me and threw his fist into my stomach. "Don't call me that", I snapped as I grabbed his head and banged it on my knee.

"I'll call you whatever the fuck I want", he threw his fist into the side of my face, causing me to spit out some blood.

I wiped my lip, my gaze slowly lifting to his. "Feels good to bleed", I said, my eyes full of rage.

I kicked him with full force, and he hit the wall behind him. The stone wall crumbled from the impact.

He ran towards me and grabbed my arm. He slammed me against the wall, his hand moved to my throat. He held my up against the wall and leaned closer.

"If you're flirting, I'm not interested", I said with a grin. His eyes turned cold and his grip tightened.

I kicked his crotch and he fell to the ground. I stood over him and continued to throw punches into his face. One blow after the other.

"DIE! DIE! DIE!!!", I screamed as I lost control of my rage. His face was bloodied and bruised as he laid there unconscious.

"DIE!! Die!-...die...die", my punches stopped, my breathing heavy. "Die", my voice cracked, tears welling in my eyes as my vision started to blur.

"Rain!", Deku threw the doors open and rushed to me. "What...happened?", his tone filled with concern. I stared at my hands covered in blood.

"I...snapped", I whispered, realizing I was unable to control my rage. Bakugo's chest was moving up and down slowly.

(song rec: I Found- Kellin)

I lost control.

I was losing my mind.

Tears streamed down my face as I stared at my hands.  "Are you okay?", he kneeled down in front of me. "I cant do this", my eyes finally met his, "What?". "I...cant...I cant- control head- it's all...I cant", I started to sob.

"It's okay", he said in a soft tone, his hand rested atop mine. "He's...gone", my eyes widened slightly. "Come on", he picked me up bridal style and walked me out the room. I stayed silent as tears fell down my face.

My mind and body numb.

"Do you wanna talk?", he sat beside me on the bed. "He's...not coming back", I whispered, "He's gone...because of me-I...I dragged him into this".

"I- was the one who...wanted my father dead-...he- he didn't want to do this", my breathing heavy, "He said to let it go-...and I- I....didn't...listen and now-...he's...gone".

"He told me to let it go...let it go- and I-...made him do this...I killed him- it was my fault", I continued, "It's my fault", my eyes met his. "It's all my fault....he's gone because...of me", I sobbed.

Deku held me tightly as I sobbed.

"It's not your fault Rain", he whispered, "This is not your fault", he held my face, tears in his eyes.

"None of your fault", he paused, "Do not blame yourself for this". "I killed him, not you", a tear fell down his face. "I pulled the trigger", his voice cracked slightly.

"Then why don't I hate you?", my voice full of sadness, his head fell. There was a comfortable silence between us.

I trusted him...but why? He killed the love of my life. But I didn't blame him...why?

"Let me clean those wounds", he walked off to the bathroom. "I should've never...I should have just-...listened", I whispered to myself, "Why didn't I listen?...why didn't...why couldn't...I just-...listen to him".

Deku proceeded to clean and bandage my hands.
"Thank you", I sniffled, "I don't deserve that, I should be thanking you for not strangling me right now", he joked.

I laughed sadly, "You should". He smiled, "There's that smile I missed so much", I looked down, "I miss him".

"I know you do", he squeezed my hand gently, "In another life, right?". I smiled sadly, "Yeah, in another life".

"Get some rest, and let me know if there's anything I can get you", he smiled, "Goodnight", I said before he closed the door.

"Oh, forgot this", he entered the room and handed me my sketchbook.

"How did you-", "We confiscated it from one of the houses you were staying in, well- I did, I figured you'd want it", he shrugged his shoulders.

I took it from his hands and stared at it, "Thank you", I whispered.

I flipped through each page slowly. Staring at every image I had drawn of him. Tears streaming down my face as I remembered us.

There was a note on the back of the most recent drawings of him.

Your lips were soft like winter...In your passion....I was lost...

My breathing hitched and I shut my eyes. I held the book close to my chest. I threw my head back as I remembered his voice, his face...him.

"Thank you", I whispered. A single tear fell from my eye onto the page. It landed directly on the word: Lost.

And that's who I was without him. Lost.

I grabbed a pen and let my emotions out on the sketchbook.

Line after line. Every stroke of my pen. Was...him.

Page after page.


It was all him.

His eyes.

His scars.

Every inch of him...was art.

Hours passed as I lost myself in my thoughts. Thoughts of him and I in another life.

Married. In a small house on the top of a hill. We had two cats. Shoto and Light visited for the holidays. We laughed. We smiled. It was a paradise.

Next time, I won't let you go. I promise.

The doors flew open, causing my thoughts to fade away. Bakugo stormed in, there was a bandage on his face, over his left eye. "What is that?", he inched closer to me. "None of your business", I stood up and held the book tightly.

"Give me the book Rain, before I take it", he balled his fists. "So desperate for me to kick your ass again?", I stepped back as he inched closer to me.

"Give me the damn book!!", he snapped, the wall stopped me from behind. "No", I stood my ground. In an instant, he snatched it from my hands. His eyes widened as he flipped through the pages.

"It's's all...him", his breathing began to get heavier by the second. "And it always will be", I looked him up and down. He threw the book across the room. His fist slammed into the wall just beside my head, I didn't even flinch.

"YOU'RE MINE NOW!!!! NOT HIS!!!", he screamed in my face. My face stayed flat, emotionless. "SAY IT!!!", he yelled, his eyes wide with rage.

"I belong to him, and I will always....belong to him", my tone flat. "YOU'RE MINE!! YOU'RE MINE!!!", he grabbed my jaw, "I will never be yours".

"You will be", his eyes averted to my lips then back to my eyes. His lips crashed into mine and I bit his lower lip. He stepped back and held his lip, "You'll come around, I'm sure of it", "Hey Bakugo". He stopped in his tracks.

"Eat shit and die".

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