Loki One Shots ♥

By MischiefMaker615

211K 2.5K 531

*REQUESTS ARE OPEN* will contain smut, fluff, + More

Love Potion
Dark Angel
Are You Drunk?
The Theater
Back Off
Don't Tease
Sex Pollen
7 Minutes
Doctor (Pt. 2)
Carbs of the Flesh
Turning Tables
Hearts and Bubbles
Losing Sleep
Get Seated
Boyfriend (Pt.1)
Boyfriend (Pt.2)
Boyfriend (Pt. 3)
Missing You
Naked and Afraid
Boyfriend (Pt.4)
Thin Ice
Be Prepared
Pleasure Tastes Like Pleasure
Just the Two of Us
Don't Worry Darling
President's Theory
To Better Use
Polly Pocket
Portal Play
Freedom Can Wait
The Doctor is In
Die For You
Interior Motive
Heads Will Roll
Dangerously Yours
Who's Fault
Mischief and Chaos
Stress Management
Cheeky Minx
Hard to Get
Go Away
Take Two

Where's My Variant?

15.3K 94 10
By MischiefMaker615

Rating: Mature 

Summary: Loki is gone, where was he? in his place, President Loki shows up and tends to make sure you forget about the old variant and becomes curious on why he favored you so much. 

You nearly fell out of your seat as smoke seemed to explode through the room, making you instinctively cover your nose as you looked around to see if the tower was under attack. granted you could barely see but the substance seemed to be coming from the labs, spreading under door and through the halls to where it had then reached you. ''Jarvis, open up available windows and vent this stuff out, are we under attack?''

''negative agent Y/N, but the cause seemed to have been a minor accident in the labs, no further actions needed for security.''

''as usual'' you sighed and headed down the steps, figuring it had been another incident caused by Stark and upon entering the lab you waved away the remaining smoke. ''Tony? was that you?'' you called, sliding your hand along the tables as a guide to walk forward. A figure seemed to stand up amongst the smoke, revealing it to be none other than Loki.. but he didn't quite look like himself.. he usually never wore his helmet but this one seemed to have the horns a bit shorter and his attire seemed..political based. No matter, you were happy to see your boyfriend whom you've been dating for a few weeks now unharmed. ''Loki you know Tony doesn't want anyone in here and this is a pretty good reason why for once; you okay?''

"If Stark doesn't want anyone in here, he should have placed a lock on the door'" he told you and you froze. The way he spoke was a lot different then how he usually spoke to you. It was almost as if he was speaking to you like you were one of the Avengers or Thor for that matter.. the Loki you knew always showed you that you were the only one he cared for here.. his voice was gentle, understanding...

Your eyes move around the room now that the greenish smoke had listed. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, but the smoke's color was a coincidental color was it not? And the way he eyed your body gave you an uneasy feeling, a feeling our actual boyfriend never gave you. The smoke, the strange get up, his vibe and attitude...

''due to the fact that no one but you ran over from that explosion, i do believe we are alone together..'' he smirked. ''I wonder why that variant favors you so much.. shall we find out?'' he asks as he slowly started stalking forward.

Other variant? You mean Loki? Your Loki? ... things seemed clear and in a world of magic and illusions, anything was possible that this clone couldn't be your boyfriend.. without a word you moved to the door, figuring it be best to skip the interrogation and find your phone at least. Your steps were cut short though as he suddenly appeared in front of you and you take a step back so you wouldn't ram into his chest. ''- will you quite fooling around- if you have something to say then just say it.'' You told him firmly, hoping this was all just a trick to get back at you for.. whatever you apparently did.

''are you asking me what I want?'' he smirked.


''well i thought it be quite obvious darling, i want you'' he smirked, his voice coming out like a purr and a hand slammed into the wall before him as you try to walk around him, cutting you off from leaving the room.

You flinch a little bit, looking at him as seriously as he was looking at you. You find yourself backing, a hand reaching back and found the table behind you all while holding eye contact as he stalked forward and you moved around it so the table was a barrier between you both. ''..what is your problem?''

Loki smirked at your harsh attitude, knowing you still were in denial thinking he was the Loki you were accustomed to and the fact that the denial was that strong made him all the more curious and.. lustful as to why the variant favored you so much. ''you still think I'm trying to mess with you?''

''well considering all the pranks you've pulled before 'god of mischief', yes.'' You tell him but the both of you knew the truth by now. This wasn't your Loki.

''then I'll have to prove it then darling'' he smirked, almost as if he was playing along with her as he eyed her body even more

''p-prove what?''

''that I'm in love with you of course.'' He exclaimed, using one swift motion to shove the table out of his way and stepped forward until you backed up, having fallen into a rolling chair in which his hands immediately gripped the arms of the chair to hold you steady. ''or at least that's what the other Loki failed to do or he would have fought harder to be here instead of me.'' He mocked and you looked up at him in defense.

''what the hell did you do to him?''

Loki smirked as he gripped your chin. ''I hope you don't plan on constantly being difficult with me, otherwise I'm never going to get a good taste of you'' he purred with a grin, leaning down to press his lips all over your neck while moving forward so then the back of the chair meets the wall behind you to stabilize and immobilize you.

You gasp, finding yourself trapped in the chair and the only one blocking your way out was kissing at your jawline and neck. Fear filled your eyes as to where Loki had gone, if he was okay, if he was even.. your thoughts became hard to formulate at the feeling of his lips against your skin ''I want you.. to bring him back..'' you breath, trying hard to fight your feelings as your hands tried to push at his unbudging shoulders.

''and I just want you to feel absolute ecstasy..'' he breathed and began to nibble on your ear.

When you began to feel yourself tingle, you knew it would be to late to stop yourself and in one smooth and quite lucky motion, used your elbows to push off and slide down between his legs and got up, running to leave the lab. You of course dumbly glanced back, your stomach dropping when he wasn't there before running into something solid. You knew exactly what- or who you had run into because his arms wrapped around yours, pinning them at your sides so you would be immobile. ''let go!''

''darling, you do need to realize just how much I have to offer you without you trying to be stubborn, it only turns me on..'' his voice got dangerously low as he caught your lips in his in a urgent and passionate kiss, running his tongue along your lower lip as he almost moaned in his mouth as he had in yours.

Pulling an arm free, you quickly cover his mouth as he pant, your cheeks red and flustered. ''despite who you look like..'' you started and pull your hand away as he began to kiss your palm. ''-I want my Loki back-''

''I will be the only man you ever have to be around again. Anyone else who comes near you will severely regret it." His tone was low and lethal, expression having a deadly look that made you hesitate.

''t-they'll stop you.. Stark has cameras-''

''No one has to know about this my dear Y/N, i can make it seem like we're not even here.." he said and gripped your hips, his thumbs making small circles that made a small light glow of green formulate from his finger tips and it swirled around your wrists unnoticeably. The way his voice dropped, how smooth and seductive he made his voice and touch feel made your core awaken and your womanhood drip almost despite your inner denial of it all. once his grip added pressure, the mist like glow became solid and rope replaced itself so your wrists were now tied behind your back. ''Just to make sure that you don't get too unruly with me.''

You tense, knowing by the gentle yet firm pressure on your wrists you knew what happened. He released you from his grip as well and you both knew it was because they were sturdy enough to make sure you wouldn't get far in that position. ''u-untie me right now-''

''now which one is your room?'' he seemed to think out loud, completely blowing off your demand and before you knew it, you were over his shoulder, a hand on your ass to make sure you stayed put as he ventured out of the lab finally and down the halls; listening to a bit of negative language that left your beautiful mouth. It really didn't matter who's room you entered but your back couldn't hit the mattress fast enough, a bit uncomfortable by your arms current position but the ropes around your wrists became its green mist form again, parting so you had enough time to get your arms in front of you but much like a magnet, pulled them up so they became tied to the headboard.

''gods your so beautiful...'' Loki breathed, at the foot of the bed as he took off his jacket and loosened his tie, his eyes roaming your body before he removed his tie completely. Crawling up your body with his lips traveling with any exposed skin you had, he took a deep breath and took in your sweet scent; finding your mouth again before you could protest. The horns of his helmet almost seemed to frame your face and prevented you from turning away even if you wanted to.. but the fact was, it felt to good for your body to listen to reason. Although the V-neck was on his side, it wasn't enough and it came ripping off, earning a gasp from you in which he took the opportunity to welcome his tongue in and your wrists tried to pull against the ropes, earning a small stretching sound against them. his lips only pulled back to allow him to take off his shirt while his eyes admired you, seeing how shy you were as her cheeks lit up an adorable red at the sight of his body. "You're so alluring, how can you expect me to ignore you like this?"

Taking the brief moment you'd been distracted, he fully lower his body onto yours. Somehow it felt as though you fit perfectly against him, and he almost groaned at the way you were now pressed together. Loki didn't understand why you seemed to be so panicked, but a charming smile spreads across his face as you continued to squirm and avoid eye contact. "Have you never done something like this before? " He questions as his finger tips gently traced the skin along your bra, hooking a finger in the middle and threatened to pull. He then took your jaw and made you look at him. "Because I can promise you that I will make sure to treat you gently, and you will not leave this bed until you have been more than satisfied. Thoroughly. " His words grew huskier.

You've done it before.. but dating Loki for only a few weeks you both had been planning on it but haven't gotten the opportunity before this whole.. incident happened. of course this Loki didn't seem to be the kind and gentle type compared to how you expected your Loki to be..

''ive... I'm saving myself-'' you lied, thinking there might be a one percent chance of getting pity and a reconsideration to let you 'wait' even though by your dripping evidence he just soon discovered with a devilish smirk and a flinch on your part as he rubbed your core through your jeans, it was a complete and utter lie. The fact that you even tried to lie to the god of lies added the feeling of stupid to your mix of lust drunk.

''you need to relax and enjoy what I'm offering you..'' he whispered, knowing anything you said now at this point would be useless. He then got up to the foot of the bed and undid his pants. Even before he removed them you knew it wasn't your average size and your legs snapped shut upon instinct knowing damn well that thing wasn't going to fit. He seemed to read your mind and smirked, leaning down against the bed and his fingers gripped the edge of your pants from your ankles. ''then me offer you this,'' he started and in one swift motion they were off and lost behind them. "If I can make you orgasm with my tongue and fingers, you'll let me do as I please. If you can hold out for 10 minutes, then I'll stop and let you go" he said and smirked." Deal?"

Your heart rate picked up, almost in fear, anticipation and overstimulation by it all being so sudden, so new and so wrong of it all that it couldn't help but feel good at the same time. ''no deal-'' you stuttered and your cheeks couldn't get any redder as you made one last useless attempt to free your wrists.

''so much energy that could be put to better use my love'' Loki chuckled as he removed his final article of clothing that made you freeze, knowing your thought had been true even before the pants were off; its not going to fit. He removed yours as well after climbing back up your body, not caring if they broke or not and gave a kiss between your breasts before taking your mid bra section in his teeth and pulled. As you tried to protest, his lips moved to yours to hush you while his finger caught your bra and finished the job and with a small snap, came off and behind him.

Moaning in your mouth, you felt his hands moving up your body and kneading your mounds, his hands being the perfect size and you couldn't help but moan in his mouth as well. Feeling his lips smirk against your own, a hand left one of your breasts and was replaced by his lips, his tongue skillfully rubbing and flicking while the departed hand found your other lips. He stroked you up and down before his thumb found your very much ready special spot and your back arches in response, making his grip on your chest tighten in response out of arousal before his hand and mouth switched places. By the other hand working on your lower half, you felt it lower and linger at your entrance, making you tense up again as you quickly tried getting the words out. ''wait-''

Loki pushed a finger deep inside her with hesitation being nonexistent while she gave a gasp upon his intrusion. Giving a smirk he looked down at her and stroked her cheek ''my my if you give me this much of a reaction by just one finger what will happen if I add another?''


But he did just that but this time after both digits went all the way in he began his strokes in quick and deep motions. You began to pant, your vision becoming hard to focus and your skin tingled almost everywhere as he worked you. His lips moved down your jawline, neck and to each breast before he kissed down your stomach. His mouth eventually made it to your womanhood and his tongue attacked your clitoris while his fingers pumped faster and your walls clenched tight. He began curling his fingers in a come-hither motion while his tongue flicked and sucked. Any more pulling on the restraints and they probably would have broken their magical hold as your back arched and your moans started forming his name.

''gods.. L-Loki!..'' you panted, your legs beginning to shake but his firm grip on each held them spread open while he moved to rest them both over his shoulders. Your ropes suddenly vanished into green mist right as your walls tighten and you feel yourself coming undone where your hands go to grip his horns as you came, calling his name out as your vision danced for mere seconds and he still sucked at you as you rode your high.

Opening your eyes your loose grip released his helmet as you panted, moving to sit up once your mind slowly told you you were free but a hand shot up and to your chest, pushing you back down and pinning you there as Loki stood and got on top of you, smirking at his work as you weakly gripped his wrist and your eyes were drunk like. ''I'm not done with you yet darling..'' he purred and moved himself to your entrance.

Your eyes looked up at him in worry and he merely smirked as his hands took yours, lacing your fingers together before pinning them above your head. ''do not worry love, i'll make sure you can take all of me even if we have to work you all night long..'' he whispered before pushing himself in a little and your legs tried to close but he was in the way of each other. ''just relax..'' he purred, smirking at your failed attempt and added in another inch which made your grip in his hands tighten. A hand released yours and moved itself down again to your clit, making you arch your back and made him chuckle as it seems to be your reaction whenever he touched you there. Working you again in small but fast circles, whenever your breath hitched is when he added more of himself. ''hold onto me.'' He instructed and you found yourself willingly clinging onto him as his breathing picked up. In one smooth motion he pushed himself all the way in, making you gasp and grip but he made sure to not move to let you adjust.

You felt him tense, knowing he was restraining from rutting you like a stallion in heat right then and there. When you both felt yourself relax is when he slowly began thrusting, slow, smooth strokes. You close your eyes as the pain seemed to disappear all together and got replaced by just pleasure. Loki gently began sucking at your neck, knowing there was going to be marks later you will need to deal with and tangled your fingers in his hair. He seemed to moan at this and you felt yourself smile knowing you could pull a reaction out of him as simple as that. Loki seemed to have read your mind and traced a single finger across your breast to get you hard again, giving you the same triumphant look you had as if to get you back.

His pace began to get faster as his grip moved to your wrists, pushing them into the mattress beside your head as he got more rougher and sharper. ''gods you feel amazing...'' he moaned as he slowly started to increase his impacts, starting to ram into you as you tried pulling your wrists free, making him chuckle. ''even after all of this you're still trying to get away'' he said hungrily and looked down at you as if a predator cornered its prey. ''I suppose youre going to have to learn who's in charge here.. ill have you begging for it.. ruined for any man that dares to touch you... even if I need to teach you..all.. night.. long..'' he said between thrusts and you gave a small whimper before he dove his hand to your clit again, increasing the speed with no mercy as your walls quickly clenched on his cock. He buried his face in the crook of your neck and bit down on your skin to give another mark just as his thrusts began getting slopping and your walls started fluttering. Right as you came Loki was following quickly behind and he devoured your mouth as you both finished, him plunging deeply inside of you and keeping you impaled as he filled you completely with his seed. You hadn't realized it until his kiss became gentler that your finger nails were gripping his back and slide your hands to his shoulders, catching your breath. He took steady breaths as he slowly pulled himself out of you, looking down in ecstasy while your eyes looked up at his own, matching his high before realizing.. he was still hard. A dangerous smirk spread across his lips and he pressed his forehead to yours, horns forcing you to hold eye contact as you shivered, knowing what was to come. You.

''now..how about that deal..'' he smirked.

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