Too Late To Say Goodbye (Dab...

By serraabae

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‼️I do not own any of the MHA characters just the OC's and the plot‼️ ‼️AU‼️no quirks ‼️I do not own any of... More



204 8 21
By serraabae

I fluttered my eye lashes open to a flickering light above me. My head was throbbing, lips dry. My mind was foggy, trying to remember the events leading up to this moment. Where was I?

My wrists and ankles were bound in heavy chains, I was barely able to move. I looked to my side and saw Touya beside me.

My eyes grew wide with fear, "Touya- what did to you?", my voice cracked.

There were bruises all over his face and arms. Blood stained on his white hair. Dried blood all over his face.

Different bruises in different stages of healing. There was tape over his mouth to silence him. His eyes, those eyes...were full of so much pain.

Tears filled my eyes from seeing him like this. "Baby...what happened to you?", a single tear fell down my face, he blinked slowly.

I leaned close to his face and tore off the tape with my mouth.

He coughed out for a moment, "What happened?", my eyes staring into his scarred ones.

"That blondie's got anger issues and a bad case of jealousy", his voice was raspy and tired. "What did he do to you?", I clenched my jaw, "Kicked the shit out of me".

"He has that same strength your sister does-and well... you now too", his gaze slowly lifted to mine, my lips parted. "He- what?", "Yeah, his punches hurt almost as much as hers did".

It all hit me again.
Light was gone.

"You okay?", he asked softly, "No", he rested his head on my shoulder. "I'm sorry Rain", he whispered, "For what? My best friends being traitors or my father taking my sister from me again?", I let out a laugh, tears in my eyes.

"You went through a lot in 12 hours", his tone low, "I have a feeling it's just going to get worse from here on out", I said with a sigh.

"Yeah me too", I rested my head atop his. "At least we're in here together", I whispered as I kissed the top of his head.

"Yeah, it could be worse-right?", he joked, "Right".

The door flew open and we flinched at the action, "Rain, you're awake", Deku smiled at me, "Fuck off", I spat angrily.

"Why don't you take these chains off so I can tears your limbs off one by one", I glared him down, his eyes widened slightly.

"Rain I came here to-", "I swear to fucking god if you say talk- I will snap your damn neck", I cut him off.

He looked down, "I know Bakugo can get-", "Go away Deku", I looked to the side, unable to look at him anymore.

He sighed and left the room. "So, what's the plan?", Touya sighed and glanced at me. "I have no idea", I threw my head back on the concrete wall. "We're gonna die here, aren't we?", his tone tired, "Yep".

After a few hours had passed, the door flew open.
Bakugo rushed in and unhooked my chains on the wall. He bound my wrists, "HEY!!- Let go!!", I struggled to escape.

"Rain!!", Touya yelled, I looked back at him, "Touya!!", I cried out, then I felt a needle in my neck.

And my consciousness slipped away from me.

I woke up, my mind foggy. I quickly noticed I was dressed in a silk white dress. My eyes filled with fear as I noticed my hands were chained to a table with a red cloth over it, candles lit on the center and a bottle of my favorite champagne.
My ankles were still chained to the chair.

God this man is a whole different type of crazy.

Bakugo walked inside the room, "You hungry?", he said as he sat across me at the table. "What the fuck is this?", I said as I looked at him, my face filled with fear.

"We're having dinner", he said as he sipped a glass of whiskey. "You sadistic motherfucker", I said under my breath.

"Don't be like that, come on eat up", he said as he began to eat his meal. I looked at him with wide eyes, my brows furrowed.

"Do you know how fucking crazy you are?", I asked him, "I'm crazy because I want to have dinner with a beautiful woman, that I love deeply?", he said as he tilted his head to the side.

"I'm chained to the fucking table Bakugo", I said as I raised my voice.

"Champagne?", he asked as he lifted the bottle, "It's Dom Perignon 1994, the expensive shit", he winked at me. I just sat there in shock, looking at him like he was insane.

"How many times do I have to tell you I don't love you", I said flatly. "We both know that isn't true", "It definitely is", I snapped back.

"Because I'm in love with Touya Todoroki, madly in love", I said with a smile. My words caused his jaw to clench, his fists balled and he slammed on on the table, "Shut up", he said angrily.

"You know every time we fuck, I'm screaming his name at the top of my lungs", I said with a smirk, "Gets me wet just thinking about the way he fucks me", I said as I threw my head back.

"I SAID SHUT UP!!", he shouted as he shot up from the table, his fists slamming on it.

I laughed, "Woah, I knew this would get a rise out of you, but still", I paused, "You really are obsessed, aren't you?", I said as I tilted my head to the side.

Bakugo rushed over to me and gripped my jaw tightly, forcing me gaze to meet his.

"If you don't shut that pretty mouth of yours, I will", he said, his voice tinted with hate. "You won't touch me", I said as I narrowed my eyes.

"Oh really, wanna bet?", he said as his eyes averted to my lips them my eyes. "Yeah", I said flatly.

He slowly leaned closer, and I spit in his face. He stepped back and wiped his face, then his eyes met mine again. "You're gonna regret that", he said as his eyes filled with rage.

"What? You gonna kill me, do it", I said as I raised a brow. He let out an airy laugh. "You're bluffing", he said, "I'm a 51-50, I don't do bluffing", an insane smile grew on my face.

He rubbed his face and looked to the side.

He rushed to my side, "I love you", he said as he held my thigh. I sighed, "Eat shit and die", I said flatly.

"You know by now, you'd get that- that isn't what I want to hear Rain", he said as he tilted his head to the side. "You know by now, I'd assume that you'd get the fact that I still don't love you", I said as I looked to him, my eyes low.

"It's still him, isn't it?", he narrowed his eyes. "Yes, and it always will be", I paused, "He's more of a man than you could ever be". "He's kind, and rude in all the right ways, he puts me first, always, you never did", I said as I glared at him.

"And don't even get me started on the way he touches me", I said as I started to smirk. "Stop", Bakugo said firmly, "God the way his hands move down my body-", "Rain, STOP!", he shouted angrily. "Or what?", I said with wide eyes and a smile.

"For starters, he actually can make me cum", I said, then Bakugo's fist slammed into my face with full force, knocking me unconscious instantly.

I woke up hours later in a different room. The room was dimly lit, when my eyes fully opened, my stomach dropped.

"Touya", I whispered, then my eyes met his. His legs were chained to the wall behind him. His arms held up and bound in chains to the wall above his head.

He had dried blood all over his clothes, new and old wounds covering his skin. Bruises on both his eyes and lips. I could faintly see him, but I saw what I needed to see.

"Did he do that?", my voice turned cold, he coughed out some blood, "Yeah-he really doesn't like me".

I was infuriated. My blood was boiling under my skin. My veins running a red river of revenge and rage.

"I'm gonna fucking kill him", I baled my fists. The door flew open.

Touya's face fell when he saw me in the light, fear and regret in his eyes.

"What did he do to you?", Touya asked as he studied my face. My head fell, "Rain, what did he do to you?", he asked, his voice raising slightly.

"Nothing I couldn't handle", I said, my eyes looking away from his.

"What the hell did you do!", Touya shouted as he looked to Bakugo approaching us. Bakugo rolled his eyes, "That's all her fault, she decided to have an attitude with me", Bakugo words caused smile on Touya's face as he looked to me.

"She wanted to be difficult and make me use violence", Bakugo said, "Do you realize how fucked up what you just said is?", Touya glared at Bakugo.

Bakugo scoffed, "This could have all been prevented if she just did as I said", "God, you are fucked in the head- and that's saying a lot- I'm pretty fucked in the head", Touya said, "You just don't get it do you?", Touya said with an airy laugh.

Bakugo stepped close to him, "Get what?", he asked as he tilted his head to the side. "She doesn't love you anymore", Touya glared at him.

Bakugo let out a laugh through his nose and looked to the side.

"What makes you so sure, Dabi?", Bakugo's words caused Touya's jaw to clench. "Cause I'm the one who's fucking her every night, not you", he smirked.

Then Bakugo's fist slammed into Touya's face, Touya was smiling as he licked the blood from his lip, "Aw, did I hurt your feelings kid?", Touya asked.

A smile grew on my face, then Bakugo's fist slammed into him again. "Oh I definitely did", he chuckled. "Enough!", Bakugo shouted as he began to wander the room.

"You're so fucking hot", I smirked at Touya, he winked at me. "Rain and I belong together", Bakugo held the gun on his face.

"Rain and I- belong together", he repeated, "You", he pointed the gun at Touya. "You're just getting in the way", my eyed widened when I realized what was about to happen.

"You see- if you were gone- Rain and I could finally be happy", Bakugo faced me again, a wide grin on his face. "We can be together like we're supposed to", he nodded slowly. "Bakugo", I said softly as he lifted the gun to Touya's head.

"Bakugo", my tone stern. "What?", he looked to me innocently, "Let's talk about this- we can talk first", I said quickly, knowing he had the upper hand.

I needed to play this right if I wanted to keep Touya alive.

"Rain", he kneeled in front of me, "This was always the plan", he paused, my eyes started to fill with tears knowing I had nothing to do to save Touya except this.

"Your dad, he wants us to get married and take over- we're going to run his business and rule the world together", his eyes wide, a mix of excitement and insanity in his deep red eyes.

"We're going to get married and- finish what he started", his smile grew as he spoke, "Don't you see? This was always the plan".

A single tear fell from my eye. I knew what u had to do.

I should have known. It was always a trap. This had always been my father's plan. He knew I'd go along with it fi it meant Touya could stay alive.

He saw that I loved someone, and he used that against me.

I saw all the beauty in love, how it makes you feel. God it was a great love him and I had. I wouldn't trade it for anything else in this world. It was pure chaos, serenity itself.

But now I was faced with the other side of love. Sacrifice. Where you cared about someone so deeply you'd giving everything up, to make sure they're safe. You put them first.

And that's what I had to do.

"If I say yes- will you let him go?", "Rain no!! ARE YOU INSANE?!!!", Touya screamed. "Will you let him go if I say yes?", I asked him again, "RAIN NO!!!". "Deku!", Bakugo yelled as he shot up.

"Finish him", Bakugo brushed past Deku. "Hey wait!", Touya snapped as Deku started to unchain him.

"NOOOO!!!", I cried out, "Deku!!", I struggled to free myself. "DEKU-please...please don't do this", tears streamed down my face.

"Please- don't...don't take him from me", I sobbed. Deku's face fell slightly, "I'm sorry Rain", he faced away from me.

"God- no please- don't let this be the end- come on", I cried, "Deku- please...please understand-...I can't- he's my- he's...I love him", I could barley see from all the tears.

Just let me say goodbye- please-...let me say goodbye", his head fell, "Make it quick", he said as he stepped to the side.

Touya rushed to me. He held me tightly and I cried into his chest. God it felt good to be in his arms again.

"I'm so sorry", he whispered, "I love you so much Rain", he held the sides of my face. He wiped the tears falling down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry", I sobbed, "No- don't you dare apologize", he shook his head. "The day I met you was the greatest day of my life", blood started to trickle from his scars.

"You gave me something- that will last forever", he started to smile. "The kind of love that plants a fire in our hearts and awakens our souls- and brings peace to our minds...and that's what you've given me", he paused, "That's what I hope to give you forever".

I couldn't stop the tears from falling, "I'll never love anyone the way I love you Touya Todoroki", my voice cracked, "I love you forever Rain, never forget that", his forehead rested on mine.

"Just let me go, we'll meet again soon", he whispered, Deku pulled him away, "Touya!!", I cried, "TOUYA!!". "RAIN!!!", his hand reached for mine until the door slammed shut.

"NOOOO!!!!", I screamed at the top of my lungs, unable to control my breathing. I continued to sob, my face and lips wet from all the tears.

The pain I felt right now. No pain in the world could compare.

This. This was hell.

And when I heard the gunshot echo through the room. I knew. He was gone. I physically felt my heart shatter in my chest. I was broken. I was alone again.

I shut my eyes and my head fell. "I love you till the day my heart stops", I whispered.

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