Too Late To Say Goodbye (Dab...

By serraabae

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‼️I do not own any of the MHA characters just the OC's and the plot‼️ ‼️AU‼️no quirks ‼️I do not own any of... More



424 10 99
By serraabae

I slipped the gun he gave me in the leather holster on my thigh, I added a few small blades just in case.

"Gloves?", he asked, noticing my black velvet gloves, "I have 2 blades hidden in these", I slipped them out and showed him, "Ah, I see".

"Shall we?", he held his arm out, I glanced at his hand.

I had to play along, pretend nothing happened, pretend I didn't hear anything. If I wanted this to work, I needed to play the part.

I grinned and hooked my arm in his, "Let's raise hell", he said, I smirked. You have no idea...

"Names please?", the man guarding the door to the ball room asked us, "Mr and Mrs Smith", Dabi grinned, I let a small laugh out. "So he does have a sense of humor", I said quietly to Dabi as we entered the grand room.

"It was my idea", he wiggled his brows, "Why am I not surprised?", I let out a sigh. "Let's get a drink", I followed him to the bar, his hand locked with mine.

"Martini, thanks", I said to the man, "Same", Dabi nodded. "Bold move, you sure you can handle it?", the man handed us our drinks.

I sipped mine, he coughed a little as he sipped his. I smiled, "How do you drink this?", he wiped his mouth.

I scanned the room, "What's the target look like?", I said quietly, "Half red half white hair, burn scar on the red haired side", Dabi leaned closer to me.

My eyes met his, he had one grey colored eye, one blue colored. I narrowed my eyes slightly, and looked him up and down.

"Found him", I downed the rest of my drink, "You did-how-", "He wont approach if you're with me, go", I set the glass down on the bar.

"Rain I'm your backup", Dabi said sternly, "Then back me up from over there!", I snapped, he sighed and walked off.

My eyes met Shoto's every now and then, I made small talk with the guests around me. Empty smiles and laughs as I joined their pointless conversations.

"Another martini please", I pushed my empty glass on the bar top. "Make it two", I heard a deep voice say beside me.

I glanced at the figure, and it was him. "What are the chances?", he handed me my drink, "Hm?", I stared into his different colored eyes.

The blue eye was almost familiar, I saw the same rage and pain. A deep blue fire burning with chaos.

"Everyone's dancing and he's not with you", he grinned, I smiled and looked to the side. My eyes met Dabi's, he was glaring at me from afar, his eyes burning with jealously.

"We had a ...disagreement", I sipped my drink, my eyes fixated on his. "What a shame", his eyes narrowed for a moment.

"For him", I raised one brow, he grinned, "I never would've left you alone", he leaned closer, "Is that so?". "Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him, what do you say?", he held his hand out, I took it.

He guided me towards the dancefloor.

His left hand slipped to my lower waist, the other, holding my right hand. I held his shoulder with my free hand, our faces close.

"So you got a dance, do I get a name?", I asked as we swayed, "Shoto Todoroki, you?", "Serena Smith", I lied.

"Shoto Todoroki, sounds important", I said into his neck, "Only in certain circumstances", he retorted. "And what would those circumstances entail?", his hand softly pulled my body closer to his, "When my father's involved".

"Who's your father?", I asked him, he held my hand out and spun me around.

He pulled me back to his chest quickly, "You ask a lot of questions, Serena", "When I want something, I don't hesitate to get it".

A grin grew on his face, "And what is it you want, Miss Smith?", he said into my neck. "Don't go asking stupid questions now", I said slyly, "I think you have an idea".

"Enlighten me, please", his hand slipped to my hip, "You", I whispered into his neck.

"What about your boyfriend?", I grinned, my eyes met Dabi's, "What boyfriend?", my eyes averted to Shoto's. "Let me take you somewhere", he took my hand and I followed him out the room and down the hall.

"What is this place?", he opened the door to a quiet room, just a sofa, bar on the back wall and a piano in the middle. "No clue, found it earlier, no one comes around here though, I like it", he paused, "The quiet".

"Sometimes I need to get away from all that bullshit talking", he sighed and threw his head back. "You have to go to a lot of these things?", I asked as I made us a drink.

"Yeah, I'm the youngest of my siblings, I get thrown into all these bullshit events", "How many siblings do you have?", I poured his drink into a glass.

"3", he paused, "Well, 2 I guess", he sipped it. "I guess?", I sat beside him. "The eldest of the Todoroki's, Touya, he um...passed away a while ago", his eyes fell, "I'm sorry to hear that". "I lost my little sister, so I know how you feel", I tried to gain his trust.

He downed the rest of his drink, "And it was all my asshole father's fault", I noticed his blue eyes started to burn with rage when he spoke of his father.

Almost the same rage I see in Dabi's eyes. "Your father?", I asked, "Yeah, heard of Endeavor?", "Oh".

"Yeah, he's a fucking monster, I hate doing these bullshit events in his name, making him seem like he's this great person-no one knows who the fuck that man really is and what he put me and my siblings through", he ranted.

"Sorry- whenever I talk about him I get angry", he sighed. "It's okay, I know the feeling", I smiled softly.

"I'm totally venting right now-you barely know me, sorry", he rubbed his face, "Don't worry about it", I poured him another drink.

"If I may ask, why do you do these things for him if he's such a bad man?", I asked, he laughed through his nose, "Great question".

He stayed quiet for a while, really thinking about what I said. "I think maybe some part of me deep down thinks he'll better", his tone was soft. "Yeah", I looked down, thinking of him.

"Then the other part wants to expose him for the monster he really his", he balled his fist, "Then do it", I threw the rest of my drink back.

"No-no I can't", he said quickly, "People don't change Shoto, they just lie", I said, my voice flat.

"If you keep waiting around for him to change, you'll be waiting your whole damn life", I leaned closer to him.

"So do it...ruin he ruined you", my eyes widened with insanity. His face fell slightly, "Those eyes, I've seen those eyes before", he leaned closer.

I looked away quickly, "We should go", I checked the time, "You have a speech to give". "Right", he followed me out, confusion in his voice.

"In Endeavors honor, I'd like to welcome his youngest son to the stage, Shoto Todoroki", a woman announced.

"Remember", I held him back and leaned into his neck, "People don't change", I whispered before he had to get on stage.

I stayed beside the stage, "Endeavor is so grateful for all of you to take time to be here tonight", he started, "My father is...", he went quiet. He glanced at me, my eyes narrowed and I nodded.

"A monster", his eyes lifted to the audience. The crowd gasped, quiet chatter and gossip filled the empty room. He was choked up, unable to get another word out. His face pale, panic in his eyes.

I decided to intervene, I made my way to the stage, "Let me", I whispered to him, he nodded.

He moved aside and handed me the microphone.

"I think we should all make a toast", the room went silent, I held my drink up, "To monsters".

They all held their drinks up, "There are many types of monsters in this world", I started, "Monsters who will not show themselves and who cause trouble, monsters who abduct children, monsters who devour dreams, monsters who suck blood and..."

I lifted my gaze, my eyes met Dabi's, "And monster's who always tell lies", his face dropped slowly, panic in his eyes. "Lying monsters are a real nuisance, they are much more cunning than other monsters", my eyes stayed glued to his. His lips were parted eyes wide with terror as he realized what was happening.

"They pose as humans, even though they have no understanding of the human heart", I narrowed my eyes, "They eat, even though they've never experienced hunger, they study, even though they have no interest in academics".

"They seek friendship, even though they do not know how to love", I stayed quiet a moment.

"If I were to encounter such a monster, I would likely be eaten by it, because in truth...I am that monster", Dabi shoved past the crowd as they clapped wildly.

I walked off the stage, "You saved me there, thank you", Shoto smiled widely, "We need to get out of here now", I grabbed his hand.

"Where are we going?", he asked as the elevator went up, "I'm sorry", I said, "What?", he asked before I kicked his head, knocking him out instantly.

He fell on me and I dragged him to the room. A couple passed us, "Had a little too much to drink", I joked, they laughed.

I threw him in the room and took a deep breath. "Fuck you're heavy", I said through breaths.

"RAIN!!!", I heard Dabi scream as he entered the room, "Fuck!", I whispered. I heard his footsteps rush to the room, I slammed the door shut before he could get to it.

"RAIN!!", he screamed as he threw his fist on the door, I held it back with all my strength. "RAIN!!- open the- open the door please", he said in a soft tone, "Rain open the door", he raised his voice slightly, still trying to sound calm.

"RAIN- can we just talk please", he banged one more time, "Can we just talk".

"Rain- sure you're angry- I know- just let me", his voice soft, yet angry, he banged on the door.

"RAIN!! Don't make me come in there!!", he yelled before he kicked the door down. I grabbed the gun from my leg and aimed it at him.

"Let me explain before we start pointing guns at each other", he held his hands up slowly.

I laughed, "TALK?!!", I yelled, "RAIN- let me explain!!", he screamed. "Listen I understand your anger but-", "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND MY ANGER!!!", I screamed at the top of my lungs, "If you wouldn't be pretending to love me", I said softly before I shot his arm, the bullet just grazing his skin.

"YOU SHOT ME?!", he held his arm, "YOU WERE PLANNING TO SELL ME OUT TO MY FATHER!!!", I kicked his face with my heel. "THAT WAS NEVER MY PLAN!!!-My plan...was not the same as Shigaraki's- I was using him to get to you", he said quietly, wiping the blood from his lip.

My face slowly fell, "I need take down Endeavor and your father- I knew you wanted him dead-both of them...I was never playing you", his head fell, "I was playing him", his deep blue eyes met mine, my breathing hitched.

"Every word I said to you was true...I never lied to you once...and I-...wasn't pretending...not for a second".

I saw it in his eyes, I knew he wasn't lying. I saw the regret, the hope. The hope that I'd believe what he said. That everything would go back to how it was between us.

I didn't know what to say, for once in my life. I didn't know the right words to respond with.

"Why did you need Shigaraki?", I held the gun back up, "Money- he has more money than he knows what to do with- weapons", he grunted.

" he found you", we stared at each other for a while. I took in all his words.

"How do I know you aren't lying?", I tilted my head to the side, he stood up slowly and stepped closer to me.

"You don't", he paused, "Life's a bet, there's no knowing if you'll win or lose". I looked up into his eyes, "Who's Rei?".

This. If he could give me an answer, an explanation, anything. Tell me one thing. Then I might just believe him.

He sighed and looked down, he waited a while before he spoke up, "My mother". My eyes widened, that- was the truth.

"Rain?!!", I heard a familiar voice bang on the door. My eyes widened with fear, I knew that voice. It was...Bakugo.

But... how did he find me?

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