Too Late To Say Goodbye (Dab...

By serraabae

17.8K 511 1.7K

‼️I do not own any of the MHA characters just the OC's and the plot‼️ ‼️AU‼️no quirks ‼️I do not own any of... More



544 15 55
By serraabae

I woke up the next morning, groggy, a throbbing headache. "Meting in 10 be ready", Dabi announced from behind my door. I rolled over and groaned, not wanting to do anything all day.

I made my way down stairs, I sat beside Dabi on the sofa. "Let's get started, shall we?", Shiggy announced in a raspy voice. I leaned back on the leather sofa as he rambled on. "Now our goal is to get Endeavor and Yagi Toshinori and take them down", he started, "How do you plan on doing that?", I added, "With you, Miss Toshinori", my eyes widened a little.

"How so?", I tilted my head to the side, "There's an event next week, hosted by Endeavor", he paused, "What if he recognizes me?", I added, "Let me finish please", he held his hand up.

I scoffed, "He won't be attending the event, just his children", he started, "And we need you to get Shoto alone, he's the one with the answers, we'll know more when we get intel from him".

"Shoto?", I asked, "Yes, Shoto Todoroki, his youngest son", Shiggy said. "We have it all planned, Dabi will be right there watching your every move to make sure nothing happens to you, along with Hawks".

My eyes narrowed, "What if he recognizes me?", I asked, "He won't, we'll make sure of that", Shiggy said with a smile. "How are you so sure?", I leaned forward, "Trust us".

"The event is in LA, no one will know your face and I doubt Shoto's dumbass will recognize you", he said with a chuckle, "The kid is quite dense", "So it'll be quite easy", he smirked, I studied his response. "LA, are we driving there?", I asked, "Yes, you Dabi and Hawks", Dabi sighed.

"Any comments?", Shiggy asked everyone, "How are we sure no one will recognize her?", Hawks asked, "She's small news, the media has probably forgotten about it by now, no one in LA will know who she is", he said with a grin.

"What happens if they do?", I asked, "We will deal with that when we need to", he said in an annoyed tone.

"And how do you plan on keeping her safe?", Dabi asked, I looked to him, "You'll save her, I'm sure of it", Shiggy smirked at us. I looked to the side, annoyed. "I can handle myself", I cleared my throat. "We'll see", he said with a smile.

"When do we leave?", I leaned back on the sofa, "Tonight", Shiggy sat up, "You're all dismissed". He glanced a Dabi, everyone sat up and walked off.

"Dabi, a word", Shiggy walked to another room, Dabi following close behind him. My eyes narrowed, wondering why he needed him alone.

I tip toed towards the room they entered together, making sure they wouldn't be able to hear me.

I put my head beside the closed door, "She can't find out our plan, got it?", Shiggy snapped at him, "She won't, relax", Dabi said in an annoyed tone. "I don't know if I'm so sure of that, you two seem close", Shiggy said, my eyes grew wide.

"We aren't", Dabi said sternly, "If she finds out we're turning her into her father to get to him, it's all over", Shiggy said, I clenched my jaw, the anger inside me fueling by the second.

"Don't worry, I have it handled", Dabi said slyly, "Getting her to trust me will be easy". I scoffed quietly, my eyes full of rage.

"If she finds out we're done for, make it happen", Shiggy said before I heard his footsteps approaching the door. I quickly walked off to the kitchen as if nothing happened.

I balled my fists on the counter. I was infuriated.

Did he think he could just play me? And I wouldn't find out? If it's a war he wants, it's a war he'll get. Game on motherfucker.

"Everything ok?", Hawks approached me, a smirk grew on my face, "Everything is great", I said calmly. His eyes narrowed, "You sure-", "Oh I'm sure", I walked past him, making my way to my room.

I ran into Dabi, "Make sure your packed, we're leaving in an hour", he said flatly. "Got it", my shoulder shoved past his.

I threw all my clothes into a black leather bag. I made sure to pack my sketchbook and pens. "I'm running to the store before, need anything?", Dabi asked from the doorframe, "Nope", I grinned, knowing I'd be able to sneak around in his room.

I paid attention to his footsteps as they trailed off, down the stairs. I heard the door shut and made my way to his room.

I opened the door quietly, I started to go through all his things. Trying to get a clue of what the hell he was planning. I went through all his drawers, making sure to put everything back into it's place.

My eyes widened when I saw a black journal underneath his pillow. "Gotcha", I grinned and opened it. I made sure to take photos of every page, if there was anything to know in here, I wouldn't miss it. Most of them were poems, dark shit.

I heard the door open downstairs, I quickly hid the journal where I found it and quietly made my way out.

I rushed into my room, shutting my door quietly. "Rain- you ready to go?", he opened my door, "Yep", I grabbed my bag and walked past him, his arm grabbed me, stopping me.

"What's going on with you?", he asked quietly, "Nothing", I grinned, his eyes narrowed as he studied my response. "I'm not playing this game, the fuck is going on with you?", he said quietly, his grip on my arm tightening. I yanked my arm back, "Nothing".

"I call shotgun-", "No fucking way, get in the back", Dabi said to Hawks, he sighed in defeat. I sat in the passenger's seat. It was dark out, just the stars in the sky.

Dabi sped off into the empty road. "I've never been to LA, I'm so excited", Hawks said in a calm tone, "I don't want to hear you speak", Dabi said in an annoyed tone.

"This is going to be a long drive", I sighed and turned to the side. "No shit", Dabi added. I rolled my eyes and went through the photo's I took of his journal. One of the passages caught my eye, the heading read: Monsters. I read through it, and it wasn't bad. Actually, it was really good.

"What are you doing?", Dabi asked, I quickly tuned my phone off, "Nothing", I sighed.

Hours passed as he drove down the two lane road, I hadn't said a word to him and he hadn't said a word to me. He pulled over at a small motel on the side of the road.

"Hawks get your ass up", Dabi snapped at him, "Uh what?", Hawks rubbed his eyes and sat up slowly.

"Three rooms", Dabi said to the old man, "Only got 2, sorry", the man said, Dabi sighed, "What? I don't bite", I winked at him. "Here", Dabi slapped some cash on the counter and the man handed us two keys.

"So who's going to be my roommate", Hawks grinned, "No one, she's with me", Dabi threw his arm around me. "Fuck you", Hawks took the key and walked off.

"Shall we?", he opened the door for me, "Such a gentleman", I rolled my eyes.

If I wanted my plan to work, I had to play along with him this week. I had to make him think I hadn't figured anything out. I needed to be two steps ahead of him at all times. He wants to play games with me, I can play too. And I can do it better.

"I'm gonna shower", I started to strip my clothes off in front of him. "Want company?", he asked, from behind, "No thanks", I glanced back at him as I slipped my underwear off.

I tuned back before I shut the bathroom door, his eyes were hungry, he looked like he wanted to devour me. This will be easy....

I left the shower and changed into some underwear and an oversized t shirt. I left the bathroom and his eyes met mine instantly. His shirt was off, exposing his scarred chest and toned body.

I caught myself staring and quickly looked away. There's no denying there was a tension between us. He was a sight to see, and I couldn't deny the way he made me feel.

But I had to tell myself that wasn't real. That is was pure sexual attraction, nothing more. "Don't worry, I don't bite", he stopped in front of me, "Unless you want me to", he whispered into my neck. I felt my body heat up instantly, my cheeks flushing.

I laid in the bed, pulling the covers up over my body. I turned the light off beside my bed.

When I heard the shower stop, my eyes opened. My back stayed to him, but I could hear him change into his clothes. I felt him lay beside me, no words were said between us.

But there was an undeniable tension we both so desperately wanted to break.

Hours passed, but I couldn't sleep. My mind was running wild with thoughts.

Thoughts of him, wanting him. Needing him...Yes I was angry with him, I wanted to destroy him, his dreams. I hated him, but something clouded that hate...

He was trying to play me, that was his only goal, I heard it with my own ears. But why did that not feel like the whole story...

I left the bed quietly and walked outside to get some air. The air was crisp, quiet. A few cars in the lot, but I was the only one awake. I leaned on the wooden fence and my head fell.

I heard the door open behind me and the sound of a lighter. "Can't sleep either?", his voice was deep and raspy.

"Nope", I sighed, he inhaled the cigarette and blew the smoke out into the clean air. I snatched the cigarette between his fingers and tossed it on the ground. "What'd you do that for?", he faced me, his toned chest in my line of vision.

"Those things will kill you", I raised one brown, "That's the point", he grinned.

"You're stupid", I said, my eyes glued to his deep blue ones. "So what if I am?", he stepped closer to me, "You know better than to make stupid choices", I tilted my head to the side.

"I don't think I do", his face inched closer to mine. "Cause if I did, then I wouldn't be doing this", he said before his lips crashed into mine.

Fireworks. Every inch of my body was firing off, every nerve, every cell. It felt like my body was on fire with passion. I held onto his neck as our lips moved against one another's, his snaked around my waist, pulling me close to him.

He was like a drug, and I couldn't get enough of him. Every time we touched it was pure bliss.

When his eyes stared into mine, my heart skipped a beat. When his hands were on my body, a wave of devotion rushed through me. It felt right, him and I.

But I knew it was just lust, infatuation. Right...

I woke up the next morning, my head on his chest, his arms around me. I noticed he was fast asleep, small snores escaping his lips. His black hair hanging messily over his face.

We slept together. My plan was going just the way I wanted it to. But part of me felt something for him. I tried to tell myself it was just lust. But it was something deeper than that.

But I couldn't trust him. If he was going to play me, I was going to do just the same.

I sat up and grabbed my sketchbook. I moved to the end of the bed and started to draw the sight in front of me, my hand drew lines and shapes as I focused on him then my work.

"Am I your muse?", he asked, his voice deep and raspy. He sat up and began to light a cigarette. His eyes meeting mine every time I looked up.

"Stay still", I said, focusing on getting the drawing finished, "I'll take that as a yes", his deep blue eyes met mine, I grinned.

In this moment I wasn't thinking about anything but him. The only thing on my mind was the sight in front of me. It felt good, here in this moment. Just him and I.

I stared at the finished artwork, I grinned and showed it to him, "Yours if you want it", "Keep it".


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