Everlark- Family, Love and Ha...

By hungerjay1

27.3K 886 591

*This is carried on from 'Everlark- The Years After The Epilogue', so if you haven't read that I suggest you... More

Love Between Us
Dont Let Me Go
Remember What I Said
The Fire Burns Within You
I Don't Need Anybody Else
Save The Date
Ready Sweetheart?
I Told You To Let Me Go
Knowing the Truth
Chasing The Waves
It's Latin For Fresh
Letting Go
The People We Love The Most
Our Team
Daisy Chains
Blue Eyed Beauty
Coralline Snow
Start With What You Know Is Real
Happy Birthday Peeta
Telling The Children
I Just Want To Be With You
Peter Pan
Take Another Deep Breath
Just Too Hard
Our Little Girl
Goodbye Haymitch- Part 1
Goodbye Haymitch- Part 2
Katniss' Epilogue
Thankyou~An Author's Note

I Didn't Hurt You Did I?

1K 25 4
By hungerjay1

''MUMMY'', I hear the sound of Oakley's small feet, stomping in her crib wanting to be let out. Over the years I'd gotten used to which screams meant what, whether they were from excitement, fear, or annoyance. But nothing had prepared me for last night. The sound of Rye's cry, shooting down my spine, nothing had ever woken me up so quickly. When Peeta and I got there he was shaking and crying from a nightmare, oh how I wished he didn't have to live through those like we did. I swung my legs out of bed and put on a robe to go and let Oakley out. When I got there Willow and Rye had beaten me to it, they were all sat on the floor playing with some of Oakley's toys, Willow looked up and I gave her smile.

''Morning you lot'', I said as I went over to them.

''Mummy!'' Oakley squealed once she'd saw me, she pushed herself up and wobbly made her way over, tottering on her small toddler legs.

''You alright darling?'', I said, giving Rye a kiss on the forehead before swooping Oakley up in my arms.

''Yeah, I am now. Will talked to me earlier'', he said before getting up and leaving. ''I'm just gonna go get changed.''

''Alright Mr, see you for breakfast.'' I said as he left.

''Yeah, I should go shower'', Willow said.

''Oh, you've been out?'' I questioned.

''Yeah, this morning,''

''Shoot anything worthwhile?'' I asked, I loved having something in common with her and being able to connect with her in a way my mother and I never could.

''Not really, two geese. But I gave them to Thomas's family.'' I smiled internally at her kindness.

''Alright sweetie,'' just as she was about to leave I called her back. ''Thankyou, for Rye, I know he finds it hard. You've a good heart you know?''

''Yeah, I know. Learned from the best'', and with that she left, her copper hair trailing behind her.

''Shall we go find daddy then missy?'' I said to Oakely as I stroked through her long blonde locks.

''Yes, da-da.'' I put her on my hip and then walked through to the kitchen where there was a mouth-watering aroma filling the air. But he wasn't there. ''Where's daddy?'' Oakely asked, as she fiddled with my loose waves.

''I'm not sure actually, let's look through here shall we?'' I head into the front room, but he wasn't there either. Confused, I slipped on some shoes and went out into the garden and there he was, kneeling down by the flowerbed. I let Oakely go and she ran down the grass, jumping onto Peeta, who looked up smiling at her. As he turned around, there was a bundle of Primrose freshly planted. ''Oh Peeta'', I said running over to him and getting engulfed in his strong arms, which promised hope and safety. ''Thankyou.'' Was all I could manage to get out.

''Well, spring has sprung, so I wanted to replant them brand new before you woke up, it was meant to be a surprise.'' Every year he replanted them, and every year I felt that lump rise from the bottom of my throat, threatening for the tears to spill.

''I love them, thankyou'', I managed to choke out. Peeta held me for a while, stroking my hair, whilst I buried my head into his chest. After a short while, I felt Oakley tugging on my robe, which resulted in Peeta sandwiching her between us.

''Well, well, well'', I broke away from the hug to see Willow and Rye stood there, Willow with her hand on her hip and eyebrows raised. ''Looks like we weren't invited to this family gathering Rye.''

''Looks like it'', Peeta chuckled and sprinted over, then quickly grabbed them both swinging them over his shoulders. They tackled him to the ground, where they landed in a heap of laughter. Rye started punching his dad's chest playfully, as Peeta tried to catch and move his fists away. ''I can't believe you baked without me today dad, I would've done it!'', he said.

''Hey, hey, calm down- I need to do some later anyway so you can help me then alright?'' Peeta said, surrendering. Rye mumbled a small 'Alright' and then we all went inside for breakfast.

''Are you two all set for tomorrow?'', I asked as Rye munched through a cheese bun. A common favourite.

''Wait, what's happening tomorrow?'' Willow asked, a confused look overcoming her face.

''If I haven't told you once, I've told you a thousand times Willow. District 4? Annie's birthday? Surprise party? We had a dress fitting ages ago!'', A look of realisation crossed over her face.

''Wait- that's tomorrow?'' She suddenly sounded alarmed.

''Yes'', I sighed.

''I need to change my dress then, I don't think I like it anymore.'' She still had the same love for wearing dresses as she did when she was 12, picking them out, co-designing her own, nothing like me who couldn't even put one outfit together.

''Well then you can be the one to tell your Aunt, because I am not-''

''Alright, alright, I'll go over to Uncle Haymitch's and sort it now. They are still staying there right?'' She said, grabbing her things.

''Yes they are, but you better go quickly'', she gave us a quick hug, ruffled Rye's hair and left. ''Be safe'', I shouted as the door slammed shut. I closed my eyes, giving myself a second to calm down, I felt Peeta's hand outstretch and place ontop of mine to comfort me.

''Daaad?'' Rye asked.

''What is it my son?''

''Can you take me down to the hotel where Aunt Johanna's staying? I wanna go see Charlie,'' Charlie was Johanna's adopted son, who she brought home for the first time last year. She had spent months debating whether or not she was ready to finally take care of someone and right now at this time in her life she was ready, she was ready to love again. I think it was after spending so much time with our kids and seeing how happy and safe they were, she wanted that- but without the commitment of a partner, and so she adopted.

''Yeah I'll take you over now, is it okay if your mum takes your baking role though?'' He asked raising his eyebrows.

''Yep, I don't mind- just don't mess up'', Rye warned me, as he swung his arms around my neck.

''I'll see you later, I love you.''

''I love you too mum, so much'', Peeta pecked me on the lips and then left. Whilst they were gone I knew I had a good 15 minutes to put Oakley down for a quick sleep and finish getting dressed. I took her into her nursery and laid her down, being careful not to crumple her dress up. I'd already done my hair and light makeup, so all I needed to do was find something to wear. I stepped into my wardrobe and found a small top, which extenuated my waist and a pair of jeans.


''Katniss, you're doing it wrong, you're getting flour everywhere'', Peeta laughed, as a cloud of flour exploded into the air.

''It's not my fault this damn whisk doesn't work properly'', I moaned, sagging my shoulders in disappointment.

''Come here'', Peeta grabbed my hand placing it back onto the handle of the whisk.

''Peeta I'm no good at this'', I groaned.

''Trust me.'' He placed his hand ontop of mind, slid his free arm around my waist and held the bowl still. My back pressed intimately onto his front. I could feel his toned torso through his t-shirt, as his arm flexed whenever he moved the whisk. I, very messily, spooned the mixture into a cake tin as Peeta loaded the dishwasher. Once that was done I placed it in the oven and started to help clear away.

''Um babes, where does this go?'' I asked, turning around with an open bag of flour and crashing into Peeta.

''All over me apparently'', he said. His jaw turned up into a huge smile, as he chuckled to himself. His eyes suddenly darkened into something else. ''Katniss.'' He said, grabbing my wrist. ''Let's put the flour down.'' He whispered into my ear, sending warm shivers down my neck. As soon as I'd put the flour down, he grabbed me and pulled me into his arms, his hand caressed my hair and his eyes were fixed, staring at me. I looked down and flushed. ''I'm so lucky'', he said. Plain and simple.

''I'm the lucky one. What did I ever do to deserve you?'' I asked, stretching my arm out and tracing the outline of his face with my hand.

''I knew it, the moment I saw you sing that, just like my father, I was a goner- I still am.''

''Shut up and kiss me,'' I said, cutting him off.

''Whatever you want Mrs Mellark'', I closed my eyes and felt the weight of his lips on mine, soft, loving, caring. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he picked me up. All of a sudden his grip tightened and his lips stopped moving. I opened my eyes to see his blue marbles burning through mine, his pupils contracting to pinpoints.

''Peeta'', I whispered. My heart beating faster and faster.

''Mutt.'' No, no, not this again. Please, a tear slid down my face. I reached down and unhooked his hands from my thigh, releasing myself from him, his hand stretched out, I stepped back. He stepped forwards.

''Peeta, it's not real.'' I said, over and over again, slowly stepping away. His brow was furrowed deeply, angrily. I took a deep breath, knowing what was going to come when Oakely erupted in cries, she'd woken up. Suddenly Peeta's eyes returned to normal, and a look of horror overcame his face. I'd seen this look a million times and still it haunted me, how he thought of himself as a monster.

''W-w-w, I didn't hurt you did I?'', He asked, his eyes glazing over.

''No, you didn't. I need to get Oakely,'' I walked past him and down the hallway into the nursery without saying any more. I reached down and picked her up, holding her close.

''Katniss'', Peeta said, his vulnerable tone sending shivers down my back. He body suddenly gave way and he slumped to the floor, the only support being the wall behind him. There, he started crying, banging his head against his knees. I walked over, with Oakley and sat down next to him.

''Daddy? Why you sad?'' Oakley asked, her blue eyes full of concern.

''Come here princess'', Peeta took her and held her in him arms, silently crying. I rested my head on his shoulder and held them both tight. ''Are you sure I didn't hurt you?'' He asked.

''I'm sure. You did it Peeta, you didn't let him take you from me.'' I sobbed into his t-shirt.

''I never would, not forever.''

''I know.''

''We wuv you daddy'', Oakely said, lisping her words a little.

''And I love you too. Katniss, is all this real life? You and me and our children? I'm not dreaming am I? Please don't tell me I'm dreaming, I don't want to wake up and be back in the cell, frightened of every sound I hear.''

''You're here with us.'' I whispered.

''I'm here safe. Real or not real?''


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