Ikigai (A Naruto One Piece Cr...

By SilverLoveBlood

196K 8.4K 1.2K

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means your 'reason for being. ' 'Iki' in Japanese means 'life,' and 'gai'... More

Christmas Special
New Year's Eve


11.3K 445 91
By SilverLoveBlood

"You are to drink your medicine in the specific time. I have labeled all the medicine bottles so you won't forget."

A harsh wind blew Megumi's long raven hair. Her gaze fell on the open window. She closed it, her patient whining, saying her room feels stuffy.

"The wind is cold, Kaya." Megumi lightly scolds, but she leaves the window slightly open to let small air come in. "You have to take better care of your body. I will no longer be here to always check on you."

She turns to the ram butler, handing him a small notebook. "Those are the ingredients for her medicine and how to make it. I also added recipes for vitamins and other medicines just in case you need it."

The butler scans the notebook, impressed at how detailed the contents are. She even drew illustrations just for it to be easily understood. "Thank you, Megumi-sama. We are extremely grateful for your help in treating the young miss." He and the servants bowed their heads, most of them tearing up.

Megumi felt uncomfortable. She knows she contributed a lot in treating the young lady, but they don't have to bow down like that. "I only shared the knowledge I have." She chose her words carefully and tried to be humble.

"Megumi, do you really have to leave?" Kaya embraced her from behind and buried her face in her back. "I am not fully healed yet. Can't you stay until then?"

Megumi shook her head and pats the head of her patient.

Kaya was bedridden when she first saw her. When the village doctor discovered her medical knowledge, he and the villagers dragged her to the mansion and begged her to take a look at her. Although she repeatedly said she is no doctor, they still kept begging her to check on the young miss. She did as they requested and with the small medical knowledge she acquired from her master, she assisted in treating her.

It's been six months since she's been making medicine for Kaya and other villagers. She has also been making money through hunting and supplying meat in the market.

Everyone in the village loved her and she has a long line of suitors.

She's living a simple life, but there's a part of her that's missing. Though she is happy, she feels empty.

The life she lives now doesn't suit her.

She is born in a ninja family and raised to be one of the best ninjas in the village. She grew up chasing after her older brother, eventually reaching the same level as him and became an anbu captain. So, living as a civilian is not her at all.

She had long told the couple who saved her and took her in, Anna and Rael, about these concerns. They expressed their understanding and support on whatever her next choices will be. And she thought of her next move carefully for the past months.

A long-nosed curly-haired man, who she saw hanging out by the tree nearest to Kaya's window, influenced her on her decision. Usopp, his name, informed her of the existence of bounty hunters whilst sharing an unrealistic story of his pirate adventures. Upon further discussion, she decided the job is the most suitable for her since it is close to her former occupation.

After months of arrangements, came her departure.

She informed the whole village. Though they were saddened, they were happy she found something that truly interests her, something she really wants to do. They assisted her in preparation, providing her stocks for her voyage. Kaya gifted her a small ship, which she refused and insisted to pay for, but after a long argument, she eventually gave in and accepted it. A small celebration was in lieu the night before her departure wherein they chatted, sang, and danced 'til dawn.

As the sun rose from the sea, Megumi boarded her ship and left Syrup Village.

A white flag waving at the cliff elicited her curiosity. Upon closer look, it was a jolly roger: A skull with curly hair and a long nose, same as the boy who waved it. A small smile bloomed on her lips as she gazes at the crying boy, who seem to be saying something but his sobs drowned his words.

Megumi didn't have to hear it, she knew they were words of encouragement from her student.

Taking out a kunai from the holster strapped on her leg and a small pouch she had prepared to gift him yesterday but unable to give it due to some circumstances, she threw the pouch to the air and with precision, then the kunai after. The ninja weapon hit the pouch and flew a good distance, lodging unto the tree; behind the sobbing mess of her student. She gave him tips on how to precisely hit an object from a far distance, she's confident he's able to pull off what she just did, though not with a kunai.

Raising her hand and waving back, she bade him farewell before taking the helm and turning the boat, officially starting her voyaging adventure at the vast sea.



A year later


"Get off. Quickly." Megumi nudges a pirate, whom she just captured, with her foot.

The pirate grunts and his comrades were spouting strings of curses and complaints, but with just a glare from their captor, they turned silent. They wouldn't dare piss her off. They saw her capabilities. A monster is what she is. A young female bounty hunter captured them in a manner of minutes. It was almost unbelievable.

"Excellent work again, Ms. Megan." A group of marine are quick to take the captives. Their captain whistles as his vice captain checks the identity of the pirates and crosses their names off the wanted list, also computing the bounty.

Megumi registered as bounty hunter under the name Megan Black. She's currently the most well-known female bounty hunter in the East Blue, earning the name Black Maiden. She gained her fame after defeating and capturing two pirate groups that were raiding an island. All on her own and not a single scratch on her.

Her talent with the blades were admired by a huge number of both marines and bounty hunters while feared by the pirates. Rumors stated that she could cut metal with a dull knife and can a tree with a blade of grass.

Her abilities reached the Marine Fleet Admiral, who eventually recruited her and offered her a high rank in the Navy. She immediately rejected the offer, refusing to be bound by rules and orders.

Receiving the bounties, she strolled the town, buying products and stocks for her next travel. She bought large amount of them, not caring about the cost. Sailing the sea is quite dangerous, she wouldn't know when she'll arrive on an inhabited island, it's better to be excessive than die in starvation.

She rolls out a scroll and have the owners set her purchased products on it and she'll seal it there. This ability of hers has shocked many, some assumed it was a devil fruit power. She never confirmed it though, thus it remained a mystery to them.

Shopping made her hungry, not to mention, she's been living on food pills the past week. Her stomach growled, begging to be filled with real food. She walks around, searching for a good restaurant which serves her hometown's cuisines. It's been a long time since she ate such, her tongue craving for the familiar taste of home.

She stops, sighing and rolling her eyes. "I know you've been following me around, show yourselves."

Two kids, a black haired boy with a straw hat and a pink haired one with glasses.

She resisted the urge to roll her eyes and just groaned. "What is it you want?" She asks, clearly annoyed. She felt no malice from the two, hence the only reason she's being civil to them. She could just disappear right there and then, however, she's curious of the two's intention of following her around.

"Shishishi!" The straw hat boy laughs, scratching his nape. "I saw what you did to store the things you bought. It's so cool!" He compliments.

Oh great! Megumi internally complains. Another curious guy with a lot of questions. She now regrets not disappearing earlier.

"Join my crew!" He blurts out of nowhere, shocking her.

Megumi blinks, taken aback by his words. "You're recruiting me?" She points herself and he nods.

Now she's amused.

"You're a new pirate, aren't you?" Another nod. "Do you have any idea who I am?" She asks as if talking to a clueless child, which he is.

He shakes his head. "Should I?" Was his innocent answer. His pink-haired companion doesn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Luffy." He whisper-yells whilst tugging his friend's shirt. The straw hat boy turns to look at him, still clueless as ever. "She's the Black Maiden." He informs him.

But Straw Hat, whom Glasses called Luffy, still has zero idea. "That's a cool name. Who?"

"She's a famous bounty hunter. How can you not know her?"

Megumi's question exactly. If this kid is not from East Blue, it's understandable. However, she has captured pirates and criminals from multiple parts of the sea and they knew her name.

"She's basically the strongest female bounty hunter in East Blue."

"Is she?" The Luffy guy stood unfazed by her fame. He turns to her, his eyes shining with admiration.

Megumi flinched, remembering a blonde kid from her former village.

"Join my crew!" It's no longer an offer, it's a demand.

"No." Megumi refused and walked ahead, choosing to act like she didn't encounter the two at all.

They followed her, the Luffy kid whining. "Come on. Join my crew. It'll be fun."


"Join my crew! Join my crew! Come on. Just join me. You'll be my first mate. The first mate of the future pirate king. Do you not want that? OI!"

His repetitive chanting irked her, sending her to her limits. With an empty stomach and exhausted body, she's at the end of the line and anytime now can punch this annoying guy to oblivion.

She teleported out of there and unto the port. Thank goodness she has a lot of chakra. Strapping her bag tightly to her person, she headed to the closest restaurant there is. She no longer cares about eating Konohan cuisines. As long as the food is filling and palatable, she'll eat it.

"Eh?!" Luffy stared at the space where the girl stood a second ago. "Where'd she go?"

He looks around frantically.



"Thank you for the food." Megumi thanks the lady and pays for her meals, even leaving tips for the good food.

She stood up from her seat but suddenly remembers something. "Miss, can I order a few barrels of alcohol from here?" She asks.

"Of course, you can, Megan-sama." The owner smiles and ushers a man to come close. "How many barrels will you order?"

"Give me five. Do you have sake?"

"Yes, we do."

"Then give me all that you have." With a wave of her hand, bundles of beris appeared on the table.

The workers went to their job and she patiently waits for her order.

"Oh! It's you!" A familiar voice yells.

Oh Kami, no! She inwardly yells as she slowly turns to face the person. Her eyes widens in horror as the same Straw Hat kid she met awhile ago is smiling widely while staring at her.

I don't know him. I don't know him. She chants in her head as she turned away, watching as the miss who served her count her money and return her change.

"Thank you for your patronage, Megan-sama."

She keeps her change, sensing the straw hat boy and Glasses sit on the vacant chair on her left whilst their other companion, which she recognized as Roronoa Zoro, a fellow bounty hunter, sat on the table closest to the counter.

"You suddenly disappeared earlier." Straw Hat complained. He looked over his shoulder. "Zoro, this is the person I was talking about earlier-" He calls his green-haired companion.

"I am not joining." Megumi cuts him off, showing no interest in his offer.

Zoro has turned to look at the person his captain is recruiting, his eyes widening at the familiar long black hair and black kimono. "O-oi, Luffy! Are you serious?"

Luffy didn't hear him and is focused on Megumi instead. He pouts when she rejected him again.

"Why?" He whines. "It's more fun being a pirate rather than chasing around criminals for money." He continues to convince her.

'It's better rather than being one who's being chased.'

Megumi sighs, downing a glass of water. "I still have a lot to do. I can't join a crew when I still have a lot of unfinished businesses now, do I?" She smiles wryly, thinking of the long list of the things waiting for her to finish.

But the straw hat has no intention of letting her go. He didn't listen to her explanation at all. "I don't care. Join my crew." He demands.

"Oi! Luffy, don't be insensitive. She told you already, didn't she? She has a lot of things to do." Zoro stops him. 'Geez! How did this guy even have the courage to talk to the Black Maiden? Even the Marine Admirals weren't able to convince her to join them. How could he, a rookie pirate, do so?'

"But I want her in my crew, Zoro. She can do these amazing things like store food in a piece of paper and disappear. It was cool! You can't do that." That hit a nerve, annoying the swordsman. "She could. She's strong and good at blades too, according to Coby." He turns to the girl beside him and proceeded to bother her.

Megumi eventually got tired of rejecting him, she chose to stay silent and ignored him the whole time. Since she ordered a large amount of alcohol, it'll take some time for it to be delivered. She questioned herself if she's still capable of waiting, especially with a kid with a straw hat, who introduced himself as Monkey D. Luffy, is yapping nonstop, continuously coercing her to join his pirate crew.

"Megan-sama, your order is ready." The lady informed her and the male staff soon came in carrying barrels of alcohol.

She can't comprehend how relieved she is. She swiftly stood up, and took out the largest sealing scroll in her bag and laid it on the floor. She instructed them to set down the barrels on the scroll. Under the eyes of a large number of onlookers, her hands moved quickly, performing a series of handsigns. The barrels disappeared with a poof, sealed within the paper.

Eyes wide and mouth open, everyone who saw her display of ability were beyond impressed.

"That's convenient." Zoro comments, eyeing the series of kanji read, 'alcohol' on the scroll. He didn't know she has that ability apart from her proficiency with the blades.

Megumi ignores the attention she garnered, packing her scroll and thanking the owner of the restaurant. She is now set to leave the town.

"Monkey D. Luffy."

She faces the man and gives him a proper look. She once sensed it when she first encountered him, but he is strong. Although not strong as the Yonko or Shichibukai, but he is bursting with potential. Unlike others, he's compassionate. The type who'll never abandon his comrades and someone willing to die to accomplish his ambition.

"You'll be a great leader and captain." She smiles. He really do remind her of someone. "Your name will be known in the whole world. That I am sure of." She straps her bag on her back.

"Let's make a deal." She saw him raise broth eyebrows. She got his full attention.

"I'll be honest with you. I have no intention of joining any crew or the Navy. I wish to live freely. No rules and orders to follow. Like the wind that can blow in any direction it wishes. Whether it brings a cold or hot breeze, a strong or weak gust, or causes a storm; it's fully up to it. I want to be like that." She pauses when she notices his grin. "So, I shall leave my decision to fate. If I were meant to be a part of your crew, if fate wills it, our paths shall cross again."

Luffy's grin widens, so does her smile.

"If we are to coincidentally meet again, I shall join your crew. No complaints. How's that?" She offers her hand.

Luffy stares at it for a moment before grabbing it. "Deal."

Megumi takes her hand back. "Roronoa Zoro, you are our witness." She nods at the swordsman, him nodding back.

"Goodbye for now, Monkey D. Luffy." She says as she heads toward the door.

"Until our paths cross again."









You know it!

Behind the scenes baby!


Megumi: I know you've been following me around. Show yourselves.

Director: CUT! Luffy and Coby, that's your cue.

Megumi: *aggrieved* I don't think they heard me. Is my voice that low? Should I shout or something?

Luffy and Coby appears. One eating and the other sheepishly scratching his nape. You can tell who's who.

Coby: Sorry, sir. The market's noisy and we didn't hear her.

Megumi: Hey! That's not fair! *points to Luffy* How come he can eat on set?

Director *deadpans*: Because he has a stomach with an endless pit.

Megumi: *drops her hand* Makes sense. *shrugs* Luffy, buy me one too!

Luffy: What? Buy your own.

Megumi: *pouts* Stingy glutton.

Luffy rolls his eyes but still buys her food.

Director: hey! we're still filming-- Goodness! Let's take a fifteen minutes break!

Megumi's Manager: Meg-san, you're still on diet! You need to watch what you eat to maintain your figure!

Luffy: *handing Meg three barbecue sticks* Ignore them. That's utter bull. If you're hungry, eat!

Megumi: *chuckling* Those are wise words, Sage Luffy. Maybe you should add that in your lines. It'll be pretty cool and funny.

Luffy: *touches his chin as he ponders* Maybe I should. *Face lights up* I already have an idea!

Megumi: *shrugs as she takes a bite of the meat* Glad to be of service.

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