Everlark- Family, Love and Ha...

By hungerjay1

27.2K 886 591

*This is carried on from 'Everlark- The Years After The Epilogue', so if you haven't read that I suggest you... More

I Didn't Hurt You Did I?
Love Between Us
Dont Let Me Go
Remember What I Said
The Fire Burns Within You
I Don't Need Anybody Else
Save The Date
Ready Sweetheart?
I Told You To Let Me Go
Knowing the Truth
Chasing The Waves
It's Latin For Fresh
Letting Go
The People We Love The Most
Our Team
Daisy Chains
Blue Eyed Beauty
Coralline Snow
Start With What You Know Is Real
Happy Birthday Peeta
Telling The Children
I Just Want To Be With You
Peter Pan
Take Another Deep Breath
Just Too Hard
Our Little Girl
Goodbye Haymitch- Part 1
Goodbye Haymitch- Part 2
Katniss' Epilogue
Thankyou~An Author's Note


1.9K 25 9
By hungerjay1

*If you haven't read Part 1 (Everlark- The Years After The Epilogue), I'd advise you to as this is a sequel and otherwise certain things may not make sense and you may be a little confused :)*

Willows POV

The crisp early morning breeze blew through my chestnut hair. It was early and a Sunday, meaning it was time to hunt. Hunting and trespassing into the forest was no longer illegal, in fact the district welcomed it, but most people were still a little weary of the woods- but for me that was great, it meant there was no other competition apart from predators around.

Today however, I wasn't in the mood for hunting, the woods had, like my mother, become my escape- the escape from reality and a place where I could let my feeling flow. Last weekend, everyone had come over for Easter, it was nice to be around family, Uncle Haymitch was there and of course that made me happy. He was one person I could be myself around, let go of everything and just laugh and joke, apart from Finn, but he was no longer here.

When he turned up with his girlfriend, Clara I think was her name, my heart sunk. She was pretty enough, petite and blonde, but the fact she had Finn and I didn't made her ugly to me. The past couple of years I was certain he'd wait for me a few more years, but obviously not long enough. When he turned 17, I was still only 14- everyone trusted him, but my mother and father were unsure of the age difference, my mother understood more, it was the same as her and Gale, he was older, but she said her feelings were 'different' to that of ours and so he had to let me go. I'll wait for you Willow, just a few more years until you're 17, I remember him saying.

''Hah!'' I shouted out loud before quickly covering my mouth with my hand as I'd probably scared off all the game in a 5 miles radius. I spent the next half hour trying to find sight of anything, rabbits, squirrels, even a wild turkey- but they were all gone. In the end I managed to find a flock of geese and sent my arrow straight through its neck. I shot one more and stuffed them both into my bag, before leaving the woods.

I walked through the centre of town and into the seam. Naturally, I would've lived here, if my parents weren't who they were and did what they did. But, walking through I was accepted, the head nods, the occasional hello's, the village was quiet today, no sign of anyone on the streets- it must be too early. Even so, I found myself walking to my friend's house, Thomas.

His family weren't as well off as us, or most of the people in the district even, and so I decided to give them the geese, one they could eat and I'm sure his mother would be able to get a good price for the other. I went around the back and knocked on the door, his mother's face lit up when she saw it was me, she was cradling her fourth child in her arms trying to sooth him. ''Morning Ma'am'', I said with an overly big smile. I liked Susie, a lot- she was caring and kind, there wasn't a bad bone in her body.

''Morning Willow, what're you doing here so early?'' She asked, opening the door wider for me to come in.

''I've brought you something'', I opened my bag and pulled out the two geese, her eyes widened with what, shock?

''Oh sweetheart, I can't take them from you, take them home I bet your mother could make a good old stew with them.'' Her words told me she didn't need them, but her gaunt, pale face and the look in her eyes told me she did.

''No take them, give yourself and the kids a full stomach tonight.''

''Willow, thankyou dear, thankyou so much.'' She gushed, her eyes looked like they were going to burst into tears any minute now.

''If you want I could take one and get you a good price for it?'', I offered, she had her hands full and I didn't think she'd have the time herself to go.

''Oh no it's fine, I'll get one of my lads to do it, thankyou though'', she said giving me a warm smile.

''Well, I better get going''

''Okay love, thankyou again- it means a lot'', I gave her a small wave before leaving and heading back home. When I walked in, I hung my jacket up, dumped everything in the cupboard and walked into the kitchen to get a drink.

''Oh, hi dad'', I said. He was stood at the counter kneeding some dough. ''Rye not helping you?'' I asked.

''Morning darling'', He said wrapping his arms around my shoulders and giving my forehead a kiss. ''Your brother's still asleep I think, I didn't want to wake him after last night''. Dad's eyes had zoned out as if he was remembering last night, Rye had woken up screaming, his yell piercing through every wall in the house.

It was that time of year, where they learnt about the games and put on the play, it was haunting his mind. It terrified him, and I hated to see him like that- not understanding like I did now.

''He won't be happy you know, he'll be devastated he missed a baking session with you'', I said raising my eyebrows, ''especially on a Sunday''. The side of dad's mouth and turned into a smile, and he just stood there and stared at me. ''What? Why are you staring?'', I asked feeling self- conscious.

''You look exactly like your mother when you raised your brows then, the expression, the hair, the hunting- you're exactly alike.'' I mentally rolled my eyes because I knew what was going to come, how he spent his whole life loving her, blah, blah, blah. ''I remember watching her from my bedroom every morning coming out of the woods, hoping and praying the wire wasn't turned on.''

''You watched her from your bedroom? You creep'', I joked.

''You know what? I'm not even going to finish that story anymore, go on- get changed we have company later.'' Dad said, laughing and shaking his head. I ran up the stairs, smiling- my dad was my hero, but I'd never tell him that, seeing him happy, made me happy. As I head down to my room I passed Rye's door, turning back around, cautiously I opened it peeking inside.

''I'm awake you know'', he moaned. I opened the door wider and came in.

''Go on then, budge up'', I said as I slipped onto his bed beside him. ''Are you alright?'' I said as he rested his head on my chest, my arms instinctually wrapped around him.

''Mmm, I am now. We had to watch the some reapings on Friday in school, it was awful- like a horror movie.'' He was 7 years old, why would they show them these? It was hard enough watching them now, never mind when you're 7.

''I know, they're awful, we watched them too. But why did you have a nightmare, what happened? I thought you'd watched a few reapings now?'' I remember the first time he came home from school they'd showed second Quarter Quell, imagine the first time you watch one it's as horrendous as that. Double the tributes and with people we know. He saw Haymitch be reaped, someone called Maisie? I think she was Grandma's friend, because the camera diverted to her, sobbing quietly.

''They showed another Quell'', he said, barely audible, I nearly missed it.

''The first one?'' I asked. We never watched that.

''No.'' He whispered.

''Then which one?'', as soon as the words left my mouth it dawned on me. The 75th Games, the existing pool of victors. Aunt Annie, Uncle Haymitch, Aunt Jo, they were all shown, Annie sobbing hysterically, Johanna staring menacingly into the camera, into the Capitol and Haymitch's name being pulled out, but then Dad, volunteering.

And my mother, who knew she was going back into the arena, not even getting the chance to say bye to Grandma, or Aunt Prim. ''It's okay, Rye. You'll be alright, a few years from now it will make you stronger, I promise''. He sniffled into my t-shirt, when I heard someone scream for mum.

''MUMMY'', the sound of tiny feet stomping in the cot bounced through the house.

''Looks like Oakley's awake'', Rye said, giving a small laugh.

''Come on, let's go see her. And Rye?''

''Hmmm'', he mumbled.

''You'll be alright'', I said, giving him a small smile.

''Mum and Dad would never leave without saying goodbye to us would they?'', He asked, his eyes vulnerable.

''Of course not.''

''So they'll stay with us?''

''They promised they would, always.''

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