Dragons: The Nine Realms (Jun...

By TheRavenclawPrince03

31.4K 948 593

Ryu Kullersen is Tom Kullersen's older brother. This how the story would go if he had an older brother. All r... More

Season 1: Bio of Ryu
First Flight: Part 2
A Hole New World
Dragon Club
Learning about the new dragons
Writing down Alex's dragon info
Fault Ripper
Season 2: Bio of Ryu
New things being made
Magma Breather
Poll name for the male OC (Votes closed)
Dragons of the Undead
The Tangled Web
Follow the Lightning Part 1
Follow the lightning Part 2
Season 3: Bio of Ryu
Fire Escape
Ride or Die
Empty Fireworm Nest
Dr. Catastrophe
It Flies in the Family
Magma Comes to the Surface
The Sky Torcher
Season 4: Bio of Ryu
Cold Open
Uncharted Territory
Journey to the Snowcano
The Decoy
The Night Lights Part 1
The Night Lights Part 2
Season 5: Bio of Ryu
Punishment and Torcher
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Dragons
Barrel of Vine Tails
Scent of a Dragon
Sting it On!
Deep Freeze
Season 6: Bio of Ryu
Dragons Everywhere!
Break in Case of Emergency
Webs' Masters
Sledkin Stakeout

First Flight: Part 1

2K 36 10
By TheRavenclawPrince03

*9 years later*

We see a meadow with trees, shrubs and some sheep.

We start to hear the sound of a helicopter as it comes into view scaring the sheep.

Ryu sat in the back watching the view through the window of the helicopter as Tom spoke up

"This thing go any faster mom?" he asks excited while looking through the window.

Their mom chuckled at his excitement

"Any faster, Tom, and the blades will come off." she says jokingly.

Since Ryu knew how excited his little brother was, he let him sit in the front, so he could have the best view

"Okay. Just ahead, over this row of trees." she informs them.

"You 2 ready for this?" she asks while giving Tom a knowing smirk.

"I think you know the answer to that." Tom says as knowing that the answer was obvious.

"Yeah, this is gonna be very interesting." Ryu replies.

He leaned forward in his seat when he saw it

"Whoa! The Kullersen Fissure." Tom marvels while seeing the fissure.

"Say mom, how deep is that thing actually?" Ryu asks, intrigued.

"It's been scanned to be deeper than the Mariana. Over 7 miles down. Of course, at that depth you find, poisonous gas, razor-sharp rocks, rivers of lava." She explains.

Tom turns to look at his mom

"You had me at poisonous gas" he says while smiling.

"And me at rivers of lava." Ryu adds with a smile.

Ryu & Tom resume looking at the fissure when suddenly Ryu saw lightning flash for a split second at what he thinks was the bottom

They looked forward as they saw something in the distance

"Is that...?" Tom starts asking.

"Project ICARIS" Olivia finishes.

"It looks awesome." Ryu says.

"ICARIS 1 on approach." she says through the helicopter comm.

"Come around back, ICARIS 1. We're just finishing a cargo drop and getting the VTOL outta your way." Ryu heard an adult male saying.

Their mom landed the helicopter as Ryu opened the door and he and Tom got outta the helicopter

"All right, let's head to the fissure." he says excitedly, he stops when he notices a large white hat in front of him.

"Aaah. Hat?" he asks, confused.

They looked down and saw Jun's mom, May

"Thomas, Ryu how you've grown. The last time I saw you 2, you 2 jumped into the polar bear habitat at the zoo." she says while pointing at them. "What a ruckus." she laughs to herself. "Hope you learned from that experience." she continues while looking sternly at them.

They didn't dare to reply

Once she saw their mom, she went back to her upbeat self

"Doctor Kullersen." she announces loudly.

"Director Wong." their mom says back.

She looked at her sons

"You 2 remember Mrs. Wong?" she asks them.

"I remember the hat." Tom states.

Ryu nudges him in the ribs trying to make sure Tom was polite

"Yes, I remember. She's Jun's mom and a friend of yours." Ryu explains.

"Welcome to project ICARIS, follow me." Mrs. Wong explains as they start to follow after her.

"How are the preparations coming along?" Ryu's & Tom's mom ask Mrs. Wong.

"Ugh, well as with any new project we had our little bumps. You 3 must be exhausted from the trip." she explains and tells her.

Ryu saw a big metal canister coming for his little brother, so he pulled on the back of Tom's hoodie so he wouldn't get hit by it

"Actually, the earthquakes you mentioned had concerned and I liked to see the data." Olivia admits.

"That's the Olivia I know and love. Rest is for the weak." Mrs. Wong says.

"Somehow I feel as if I've heard that before somewhere." Ryu thinks to himself.

"Ryu. Thomas." Mrs. Wong says loudly, startling Tom and getting their attention.

"I'm stealing your mother. My daughter will show you 2 around." She explains. "You 2 remember my Jun Bug, don't you?" she asks.

"Of course, I remember Jun, I have a crush on her. But nobody knows that except for my little brother." Ryu thinks to himself.

"You 2 were so cute together when she was 6 and you were 7." their mom says teasingly while nudging Ryu ribs softly.

"Okay and maybe my mom might have an idea that I have a crush on her." Ryu adds in his thoughts.

"Yeah, I remember Jun." he answers while smiling.

"Jun, you remember Tom? And you should remember Ryu. When you're done playing with your magical cards, can you help them find orientation?" Mrs. Wong asks to Jun.

"They're Tarot cards mom. They're not magic." she responds, justifying herself and went back looking at her cards.

"That's what I love about Jun. She does things other people wouldn't do and doesn't care what anyone else thought. Cause she likes what she does." Ryu thinks to himself.

"Yes." her mom smiles mockingly. "And they're showing me a future where you don't reach your potential." she continues while walking away.

Ryu saw Jun roll her eyes at her mom which made him chuckle and she resumed focusing on her cards

"This way Olivia." Mrs. Wong calls out to their mom.

She pats Ryu & Tom on the shoulder as she follows Mrs. Wong to the elevator

"Mom, what about checking out the fissure?" Tom asks desperately.

She looks at him and just shrugs her shoulders as the elevator doors close

Tom sighs and looks at Jun

Ryu looks at her as well and she looks as amazing as he remembered

"Hey." Ryu & Tom say while holding up their hands.

"Hey yourselves." she says in her friendly voice. "You 2 look different than I remember." she continues.

"Yeah, a lot can change in 8 years." Tom says in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Yeah, like hormones and puberty." Ryu adds jokingly.

Jun giggles at Ryu's comment

"I see you still got your sense of humor." she speaks up.

"Yep." Ryu replies simply. "And don't let what your mom says get to you. It's cool that you're into all that supernatural and astrology type of thing." he continues.

She smiles and nods her head

"Sooooo, where is this orientation thing supposed to happen?" Tom asks her.

Before Jun was able to answer, an adult male walked up to them

"It'll be in the ICARIS Visitor's Center." he tells them. "We'll be heading there once the other students arrive." he finishes.

Ryu saw a boy come running to the rest of the group

"I'm here pops and I am..." he begins as his watch starts beeping. "...on time" he finishes, clicking on his watch.

"We're still waiting on 1 more teen." the boy's father says.

"Uhhmm pops." the boy says while looking behind his father.

The father turned around as he saw the final student, he got startled and "Woah, where did you come from?" he asks.

Instead of answering him the girl hid behind her tablet and shuffled towards the group

Ryu made a mental note that she was probably really shy and an introvert

"All right, everyone close order on my son here" the dad of the boy says.

Since nobody knew what he meant except for probably his son nobody did anything

Ryu shrugged his shoulders at him showing that they had no idea what to do

The adult male sighed thinking of a different of way of saying what he meant

"That means shoulder to shoulder. Move." he says sternly.

"Okay we have D'Angelo Baker." he says taking his tablet and checking the box next to his picture to know he was here.

"Here." D'Angelo says excitedly raising his hand. "I mean, you already knew that." he continues in a matter-of-fact tone while putting his hand down.

"Jun Wong." Mr. Baker says.

"Present in this dimensional timeline." Jun responds while moving her finger in a line.

Mr. Baker looked at her annoyed while Ryu chuckled how she introduced herself to him

"I'm here too, Phil." she finishes while raising her hand.

"So, his name is Phil Baker and he's the father of D'Angelo Baker. Got it." Ryu thinks to himself.

Mr. Baker checks her box and then looked at Ryu's little brother

"Tom Kullersen?" he asks.

"Yep, I am also here." Tom answers holding up his hand.

Mr. Baker checks his box and then looked at Ryu

"Ryu Kullersen?" he asks.

"I'm here and ready to go." Ryu replies.

Mr. Baker sighs thinking he was gonna be a handful and checked Ryu's box

"Alex Gonzalez?" he asks the shy and introverted girl.

She only raises her hand to show she was present

Since Mr. Baker didn't hear anything "Sorry, what was that?" he asks.

She hid more behind her tablet and says in a whisper "Here.".

He leaned closer and puts his hand behind his ear

"I can't hear you." he says.

"She said 'Here'." Ryu and his little brother say at the same time.

He stood to his full height looking sternly at them and Ryu glared back at him

"I hate it when people try to force introverted people to speak up or try to make them feel uncomfortable." Ryu thinks to himself.

Eventually he stopped and he checked her box on the tablet

He started addressing the group. "Okay for those of you who don't know..." he begins. Ryu looks at Alex and he sees her giving them a small smile in appreciation and she hid behind her tablet again. "... I am Security Chief Philip Baker. Welcome to project ICARIS. International Crevasse And Research Investigation Station. Your safety orientation begins now." he continues as he clicks a stopwatch.

He starts walking as the group follow him

"Your names are Kullersen? Like named after the fissure?" D'Angelo asks Ryu & Tom.

As they started walking, a sort of group formed

With D'Angelo and Tom in the back, Jun and Alex in the front who was still hiding behind her tablet and Ryu in the middle of the group

"Actually, it's named after our mom." Tom tells him.

"Yeah, she figured out the comet would tear it open." Ryu explains.

"Yoo-ooh, that is craazzzyyy." D'Angelo says. "So, you both are famous?" he asks them.

Jun chuckles at that. "More like infamous. They climbed into the polar bear habitat when Ryu was 6 while Tom was 5." she says while smirking. "It made the local news. And Ryu scared me half to death by doing that." she finishes.

"In our defense, especially mine. The bear looked lonely." Ryu tells her.

"Oh, man. Polar bears might look cute, but they can be very aggressive." D'Angelo says.

"Nah, he just needed a friend." Tom says.

"And just because an animal may look big and/or scary, that doesn't mean it can't be friendly." Ryu explains.

"Alright everybody simmer down..." Mr. Baker begins while clicking on the elevator button and then looks at Alex "...except for you, you're fine." he finishes as Alex hid more behind her tablet getting very shy. "I like my elevator rides quiet." he explains.

The elevator doors open up as they all get in. First was Mr. Baker and his son D'Angelo, then in the middle is Alex and Tom and in the back is Ryu and Jun.

Mr. Baker clicks the first button as they start going down, after a few seconds the doors open up "On this, the green floor you'll find our amazing research division. It is state of the art." he explains.

"Niiiceee" Tom says.

"Interesting" Ryu adds.

Mr. Baker held his arm out, so they couldn't get out since they were trying to get a better look

"Children are not allowed." he says in a matter-of-fact tone.

He clicks the button of the next floor

"Still leaping before you look." Jun whispers while smirking at them.

"The blue floor is home to our high-tech control center and security hub. The virtual brain of the station." He explains.

Ryu saw Alex perk up at that. Allowing him to figure out that she's probably into all the high-tech stuff

"It is state of the art." he finishes.

"Can weeee...?" Tom asks in a hoping voice that they were allowed to check it out.

"Children are not allowed." Mr. Baker says in a loud authoritative tone.

"Say, what's on the red floor?" Ryu asks curiously.

"The hangar. It's a highly restricted area. Home to our explorer class drone fleet. It is state of the art." he says.

Tom lifts his hand to ask something, Mr. Baker notices this

"Children are not allowed." he says already knowing what Tom's question was gonna be.

"So where are children allowed?" Tom asks in a whining voice.

Mr. Baker pressed on another button, the doors close, the elevator starts moving again and after a while the doors open up and they could see another room

"The Visitor's Center. You have 3 jobs while you're here. Number 1, go to school. Number 2, stay away from the fissure. And number 3, make sure you stay away from the fissure." He explains, really pressuring the matter that they couldn't check out the fissure. "Look all you want, but touch nothing." he continues.

Everyone started walking outta the elevator, but Ryu & Tom noticed the button to go to the red floor

"When you're done looking, take a seat and we'll begin your first safety film." Mr. Baker explains.

They smirked as Ryu pressed the button to go to the red floor

Jun looked at them shaking her head

They just shrugged their shoulders and giving her an 'oops' smirk as the elevator doors closed

After a few seconds, the doors open up and they arrive at the red floor aka the Hanger

They walk outta the elevator and look around

"Woo, woah." Tom says, marveling at the things he's seeing.

"Yeah, this all looks so cool and amazing." Ryu says.

A drone activates going outside to the fissure, they run after it as they slide down the ramp and continue to run after it. They look over the railing when they see it going deeper into the fissure

"State of the art." Tom mimics what Mr. Baker said earlier.

They keep looking down in the fissure when they suddenly hear a noise

They see something lightning-y and something else fly by

They quickly run to the other side to try and see it again

"What was that?" Ryu wonders out loud.

"2 drones flying right next to each other?" Tom asks in confusion.

"What are you 2 doing out here?" a woman asks them.

"We saw something." Ryu answers to the woman.

They all heard a crunching noise "It was..." he starts to explain, but the crunching became rougher. "What is that?" he asks the woman.

The woman soon realized what it was "Oh no." she begins. "EARTHQUAKE!!" she yells loudly.

The earthquake began, they stumbled and fell down

Ryu saw the woman fall as well as she dropped her tablet

They all heard an explosion happen and saw ripples coming through the platform as Ryu & Tom leaned against the railing

They looked at the woman as the thing she was on broke off and fell down, she started yelling and they gasped in surprise

They went over to check, they saw that the thing was still connected but barely as the woman was holding onto the railing

The woman looks up at them "Get help." she says desperately.

They run back inside. "Okay, Tom you go get Mr. Baker and I'll search for something to help out the worker lady." Ryu tells his little brother.

He nods his head and goes to the elevator to get Mr. Baker while Ryu searches for something to help the worker woman with

*After a few minutes, Ryu found some rope rolled up on a hook, he took it and ran back outside to the lady*

Ryu grabbed the end of the rope and threw the rest down to the worker lady

She saw the rope and then looked up seeing him again

She understood what she had to do

She started swinging herself a bit, let go of the railing and quickly grabbed the rope

When she grabbed onto the rope, she slid a bit down until she got a firm grip on the rope. Ryu had to hold on tightly to the rope, so she wouldn't fall

"Ah, not like this. I'm too young" the woman begins. She looks up at Ryu. "I have a cat." she explains.

Ryu started walking backwards pulling the rope with him with all the strength he got

But another small earthquake happened which made him fall down and started sliding to the edge while he was trying to find his footing

Luckily at the edge Ryu found his footing again and he held onto the rope has tightly as he could

"We're just... I don't know what, we're just... can't ugghh." he grunts while holding tightly onto the rope.

Ryu saw the lightning-y thing fly by again under the woman and he looked at it shocked

Eventually the thing broke off falling deep into the fissure and the woman had no choice, but to keep holding onto the rope now

Ryu kept trying to pull up the rope, but in the end his legs gave out as he started to fall in the fissure. Luckily, he felt someone grab his legs

Ryu tries to look up with the corner of his eyes and he sees Mr. Baker

"Ughh I got you. I got you both. Climb up Linda" he says.

"So, the woman's name is Linda." Ryu thinks to himself.

Mr. Baker pulled them up as Ryu saw Tom standing next to him. Linda went to sit on the other side of the platform against the railing

Mr. Baker had his hand on Ryu's & Tom's shoulder walking them away from the edge

"Did you see that? What was that" Ryu asks in wonder and curiosity.

"What? Our lives flashing before our eyes?" Mr. Baker asks sarcastically.

Their mom ran at him "Ryu, are you okay?" she asks while checking if he was hurt anywhere.

"Mom, mom. I'm fine. I just saw something..." Ryu starts to explain, but she cut him off with a hug.

Then she looks at him sternly

"What happened?" she asks him.

Before Ryu could say anything, Linda spoke up

"Earthquake, falling, screams, death riding towards me on a pale horse." she rambles.

"Your sons thought fast. Ryu threw her a rope saved her life while Tom came to get me." Mr. Baker clarifies.

Mom smiles at them patting their shoulders

Then Miss Wong came. "Thomas, Ryu what are you doing down here? This a restricted area." she says firmly.

"Oh... We... Uhmmm." they begin to say.

Their mom sigh

"Wait a minute, you 2 weren't supposed to be down here?" she asks them.

"Well no, technically not." Ryu tells his mom.

"See, the elevator doors were closing and we couldn't resist." Tom explains.

"Oh Ryu, Tom." she sighs again. Then she looks at Mrs. Wong and Mr. Baker "From now on, they'll only be where they're supposed to be." she tells them.

Ryu & Tom sigh, not saying anything and looking down

"Chief Baker, show the Kullersen's to their dome." Mrs. Wong tells Mr. Baker.

Mr. Baker starts walking to the elevator as Ryu & Tom follow him

The elevator was a very quiet and awkward one

They stepped out as they waited outside while Mr. Baker leaned against a car

Mr. Baker sighs

"What you 2 did back there, pretty stupid." he says to them. "But pretty brave too." he adds

They look at him with a smile. He walks up to them and stands next to them

"You gotta understand, that fissure is dangerous, sons." he says. "No one knows how deep that thing is. If one of you or both of you fell in, you might never hit the bottom." he explains.

Ryu & Tom looked ahead again, not saying anything waiting for their mom

They all heard the slide doors open as they looked at the doors and we saw how angry Ryu's & Tom's mom was

Mr. Baker whistled nervously

"Phew, glad I'm not you 2 right now." he jokes.

"Gee thanks." Ryu responds sarcastically.

They got in the backseat of the car, their mom got in the driver's seat as she drove to their dome

They got outta the car and they walked inside their dome as Ryu closed the front door

"This place is pretty nice." Tom says.

"Feels very domey." Ryu jokes trying to ease the tension.

Their mom ignored them, grabbing their things out of the boxes

"Look I know you're mad, but..." Tom begins.

Their mom glared at them and then resuming what she was doing.

"Sooo, maybe after we unpack, we can wonder around. I think I saw something in the fissure." Ryu suggests

"Yeah, me too." Tom says.

"The fissure you 2 weren't supposed to be near." she says in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Yeah. Yeah, that fissure." Ryu & his little brother point out.

"Tom, Ryu! You 2 totally went everything we talked about before we got here." She begins while looking at them. "I know you 2 are excited. I am too. But, you 2 cannot, under any circumstances sneak around places that could get you 2 killed." She finishes loudly.

"Okay, okay we get it. We just wanted to see the drone fleet." they begin. "And we didn't know an earthquake was coming." they add.

"You both have a drone. Look at that." she counters.

"It's not the same thing." Tom whispers.

They walked back to their part of the boxes

"We've been here barely an hour and we almost had a tragedy. Not the best first impression." their mom tells them.

Ryu & Tom started unloading their boxes

"Okay, we admit it. The drone mission was misguided. We should have stayed with the group." Ryu & Tom say.

As Ryu put aside a few of his animals, Vikings, dragons and Norse mythology books, he saw his Viking helmet. He put it on and Tom did the same

"But come on mom, we come from Vikings. We don't ask permission. We don't care what other people think." Tom says while taking an umbrella and swinging it around like a sword. "We crave adventure." he finishes in a Viking accent.

"There won't be any adventure if you 2 keep breaking the rules." Their mom explains while turning around putting a hand on her hip.

"Rules are for suckers." Tom says jokingly as Ryu chuckle at his response.

"You 2 will complete the safety orientation videos." she says in a wise mysterious person voice and turn back around.

Tom's smile dropped after their mom didn't play along to be a Viking

Suddenly, she grabs a broom, circles it around and says in a Viking voice

"Or die by the sword." holding out the beginning of the broom to him like the point of a sword.

Tom smiles figuring out that she decided to play along

"Now she wants me dead. How quickly we forget" he says. "You'll never defeat me; this umbrella is state of the art" he continues while hitting the broom.

Ryu chuckles at his mom's and his little brother's antics as he goes to sit in a comfy chair while his mom and Tom are play sword fighting

"Ooohh, but I will. Because I am your mother. And have responsibilities." she exclaims loudly while 'sword fighting' around the room with Tom.

"I see your responsibilities and raise you 2 independent teenagers." Tom says as he hit the broom again.

"Parental duty!" "Teen angst!" They say back and forth as their mom puts the broom under Tom's arm, pretending to stab him. He keeps playing along pretending to die. Their mom chuckles as she sits down on the couch.

"We gotta behave ourselves boyos. This expedition is even bigger than I thought." Their mom tells them. "Look at this place, a lot of eyeballs are on us." She finishes looking at them.

"Can we at least use our eyeballs and go look at the fissure. I'm serious. I think I saw something." Tom says while taking of his Viking helmet.

Their mom gets curious wanting to hear them out. "What do you mean? Saw something." she asks.

Before Ryu gets a chance to say something, their mom's phone begins to ring

"Oh, I gotta take this." she says while picking up the phone.

"Hello May, no sorry I didn't forget. I'm just getting Ryu & Tom situated. Be right there." She tells her hanging up the phone.

"I gotta get back, they need me at the station." She says to them.

"What do we do while you're gone?" Tom asks her.

"I don't know. Unpack, play a video game, read 1 of your books. Gotta go, love you 2." she lists off while grabbing her keys and closing the door.

A few seconds later the door opened as they saw their mom come back inside

"Stay away from that fissure. Stay near the dome." She presses as she closes the door again.

Tom pouted putting his Viking helmet back on

Ryu grabbed 1 of his dragon books and started reading

Tom flipped through the channels, but nothing was on as he turned the TV off and laid back on the couch sighing out of boredom

"Bro, do you have an idea of what I could do?" Tom asks his big brother.

"Well think hard bro. Our mom said we couldn't go near the fissure." Ryu says matter of factually.

Tom looked down. "But...." Ryu begins loudly which made Tom perk up. "She didn't say anything about our drones going to the fissure." Ryu says pointing to their drones.

"Smart thinking bro." Tom tells his little brother.

They grabbed their drones, went outside, climbed their dome, sat on the roof of their dome and they started up their drones

Ryu & Tom were controlling their drones with their tablets letting it fly over their heads

"Alright, let's check out the world's deepest hole and see if we can spot those flying things." Ryu says to his little brother.

"How do you 2 like your dome?" they suddenly hear someone ask them.

Ryu looks up from his tablet to check who it was and saw Jun

"Oh. They're all same, right?" Tom says not being sure.

"Pretty much." Jun confirmed. "How did you 2 get up there?" she asks in wonder looking at the wall and looking around trying to figure out how to climb up.

Ryu & Tom weren't answering, because they were focused on controlling their drones

After a few seconds and grunting Ryu hears a "Help me." from Jun.

He saw her holding out her hand, he grabbed her hand and pulled her up

They all sat down with Tom at Ryu's right and Jun at his left. Ryu & Tom continued to control their drones

"I heard what happened on the platform." Jun says leaning backwards.

"Wow, that was quick." Ryu responds.

"Well, when people almost die and a chunk of the station falls into the fissure, word travels fast." Jun explains.

"Huh, fair point." Ryu adds.

"Guess you're still the boys who make the local news." Jun says jokingly.

"I guess so." Tom admits.

"I knew you 2 were coming here, you know. It was fated." she says in a sort of serious tone.

That got Ryu thinking

"Fated?" he asks her confused.

"Yeah, it was in the stars. I read your astrological chart." Jun answers.

She quickly figures out what she said

"I was just curious. It doesn't mean anything." she nervously justifies herself for some reason.

"I guess you're still the girl who's into everything magical." Tom teases.

Jun sighs

"It's not magic. But yeah, I am." she says.

"Well technically, astronomy is taught at Hogwarts in the Harry Potter books, where the teachers and kids are magical. But I know what you mean." Ryu says back.

"Okay, what's the point of these toys. They're making me dizzy." Jun says to the Kullersen brothers.

Ryu chuckles

"These are not toys, Jun. These are drones." Tom says in a matter-of-fact tone.

"They're toys." Jun says determined.

"We saw something in the fissure earlier. Something flying." Ryu says looking at his drone.

"What do you mean like another drone?" Jun asks him.

"No, no , bigger, faster and there were 2. I don't know... different." Tom explains to her.

"Well, your drones have a camera on them, right?" Jun asks. "Let's go check it out." she says excitedly.

"What do you think we're trying to do?" Ryu asks her rhetorically.

Suddenly Jun snatched Ryu's tablet

"No, no, no, Jun! Jun, it-it takes a lotta practice to—" he begins to ramble trying for her to not break his drone.

She clicks on some buttons and Ryu's drone starts flying around wildly

"Oh! Hey! This is kinda fun." she says, intrigued and excited.

"Okay! Easy! These things are expensive." Ryu says in a worried voice.

"I got it, I got it." She says, confidently.

She makes the drone fly straight to them, they duck, and it crashes somewhere

"Oh. Sorry. My bad." she apologizes. "Where did it go?" she wonders.

Suddenly they heard bleating meaning it hit a sheep

*A few hours later*

It had now turned to night, since they had to shave a part of the sheep's wool to free Ryu's drone

"Poor thing, I'm so sorry." Jun says hugging the sheep.

"Never shaved a sheep before." Ryu remarks, trying to pry his drone off the sheep without breaking it.

He gets it loose as the sheep runs off

"You're welcome." he tells the sheep casually.

"I should get going, it's getting late." Jun says. "Are you gonna be, okay?" she asks Ryu.

"Yeah, me and Tom are just going to take 1 more flight to check out the fissure." Ryu says as he sat down.

"Your chart was right. You have an unquenchable thirst for adventure." Jun says in a matter-of-fact tone.

Ryu chuckles

"We told you, we saw something weird yet something familiar in a way. I want to take another look." he says as he pulls the wool outta the drone.

"Just be careful. Like I said, you were fated to be here. We both were and your brother too, and something big happens." Jun tells him in a serious tone.

"Something big?" Ryu asks her in wonder.

She pulled out a Tarot card, she turned it over so he could see. It was an old king on a throne

"Life changing." she finishes.

Ryu took the card as he looked at it and Jun walked away

Ryu & Tom went to the Visitor's Center, they started up their drones and lowered it

They send it lower and lower as they saw themselves on the tablet, because of the camera

They kept flying it lower

"Okay. Where are you?" Tom asks.

They saw a pile of rocks on a platform, that got their interest as they flew their drones closer to it

Suddenly, they saw a purple and orange flash

"There you are." Ryu says intrigued, they fly their drones closer as they open their eyes more, so they won't miss a thing.

Suddenly their drones were hit with some lightning flash

"What the...?" Tom asks, confused trying to look down into the fissure putting his hand on the glass window.

They grabbed their backpacks filled with their small pickaxes, some food and water and Ryu's animal books in his backpack

They grabbed their flashlights and walked into the fissure

They pointed their flashlights down as they saw their drones near the pile of rocks

"Okay, this is the worst idea I've had up till now." Ryu says as they put their flashlights on the straps of their backpack and grab their small pickaxe hammer.

They started climbing down the fissure

After a while they got on the platform where their drones were and where the pile of rocks were

They grabbed their drones and put them in their backpacks

They saw a small opening in the pile of rocks, and they went to check it out

They saw 2 creatures inside

"What are you?" Ryu asks in wonder.

1 started emitting lightning and they backed off

"Okay, time to go." Tom says starting to climb up the pile of rocks and out of the fissure. Ryu stays trying to think of a way to free them.

"Ryu, come on we need to go." Tom says desperately.

"Tom, we can't leave them to die under the pile of rocks." Ryu counters.

Tom sighed, knowing his big brother was right and came back down

They turned on their flashlights to see better

They saw 2 different pair of eyes

1 had blue eyes with a black pupil and the other 1 had orange-y yellow eyes with a black pupil.

They hear a soft noise and check behind the pile of rocks as they saw a big rock on top of their tails "Hey, those are their tails." Tom says to Ryu.

The creatures start to wail in pain. "Okay, okay, okay. Just... Just hold on." Ryu tells them quickly.

Ryu & Tom walked to the rock and started pushing against it, trying to get it off their tails

Eventually their tails were free

"You 2 okay in there?" Tom asks the 2 creatures. "Okay, you can come out now. We won't hurt you." Ryu tells them.

2 loud noises were heard as they could see that the inside began to light up in orange and the exterior of rocks started electrifying

The pile of rocks eventually exploded as they saw the 2 creatures fly up, they backed away until they suddenly fell off the platform by accident

They fell deeper into the fissure, but before they could hit the bottom, they hit their pickaxes on the side of the fissure

They climbed up until they came on a platform, they grabbed their flashlights to look at their surroundings and up to see how deep they were in the fissure

They were about to climb up when they heard something, they looked up and saw the 2 creatures on the side of the fissure walking down to them

"Go away! Go on! Get outta here! Grrr." Tom says trying to scare them.

"I don't think that's gonna work bro." Ryu tells his little brother.

The 2 creatures were right in their faces, when Tom suddenly turned on his flashlight and that scared the 2 creatures

The 2 creatures started to walk around them

Ryu heard a sound and saw that the big 1 had somehow switched on its tail as spikes were standing straight on its tail ready to fire at them and the smaller 1 eventually let out 2 streams of lightning hitting their flashlights

They saw the light in their flashlights starting to fizzle & flicker until it fully shut off as darkness consumed their eyes and they couldn't see anything

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me!" Ryu & Tom say at the same time.

The 2 creatures start to growl loudly

Well, that was the first episode/chapter of season 1.

I hope you all enjoyed it.

I will try to publish the next episode as soon as possible for me.

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