Thank You, I Love You ✓

By winter_lover10

10.6K 765 155

"I don't usually say I love you too." How would you like to end your own story? How can you say that your sto... More

[01] Welcome, Senior High!
[02] A Dream
[03] Sitting Arrangement
[04] Math Problems
[05] The Math Wizard
[06] A Rainbow After The Rain
[07] Friends
[08] Two Choices
[09] Loser
[10] Flower
[11] Welcome to the Group
[12] Sunflower
[13] You're Welcome
[14] Comforting Words
[15] Anonymous Letter
[16] Team Building I (Hidden in Plain Sight)
[16] Team Building II (Ella Me Gusta)
[16] Team Building III (Venomous)
[16] Team Building IV (Strings of Melody)
[17] Ella Falló
[18] Definition of Love
[19] Pure Love
[20] A Familiar Tune
[21] Once Upon A Dream
[22] Listen
[23] A Calm Before the Storm
[24] The Party Begins
[25] Dead Flower
[26] Nightmare and Trauma
[27] Change
[28] A Sign
[29] Two Lines
[30] More than a Million
[31] Soiree
[32] Last Waltz
[33] Childhood Best Friend (Forever)
[34] Missing and Disappearance
[35] Forget-Me-Not
SPECIAL: Happy Birthday (A Letter) I
[36] Lost Colors
[37] Moving Forward
[38] The Man Behind
[39] Behind the Mask
[40] The Truth Unfolded
SPECIAL: Correcting Mistakes (The Traitor) II
SPECIAL: His Secret (The Witness) III
SPECIAL: For Her (A Letter) IV
Thank You, I Love You


237 15 17
By winter_lover10

DISCLAIMER: Mention of character's death. Please keep in mind that this story is fictional.

A/N: So, this is it. The epilogue part. Again, I want to say thank you for reading this story. And apologies for mistakes and typo-errors.


Year 2025


My lips subconsciously formed into a smile when I saw a little 8-year old girl passing by, with a huge smile on her face. She hugged my waist.

"Yes, baby?" I said, and leveled my height on hers, as I cupped her cheeks.

"Mommy, I want some ice cream," My little girl said, and held my hand. She pouted cutely. "Pretty, please?"

I stared at her eyes. Maybe I already abandoned nor killed her if I'm a bad person. But, I'm not.

"Yes, sweetie." I looked at my wristwatch to check what time is it. "It's still early, do you want us to grab some ice cream first, before sending you to school?"

She clapped. Joyfully. "Yes, of course! Thank you, mommy!"

Holding my daughter's hand, we both stopped to a familiar place. Ah, so many memories happened here. And, I'm happy to see this place again.

The 'All-flavored ice cream parlor'.

Where Nayeon unnie and I got banned.

I suddenly remember that scary guard. That one who banned Nayeon and I, and he's also the one who's teasing me with Jimin.

I bitterly smiled.

We ordered ice creams, and I was quite surprised when my daughter asked me to buy a vanilla flavored ice cream. If I'm not mistaken, she also hates that flavor. Just like Nayeon unnie.

"Sara, my dear, why did you ask for vanilla?" I asked curiously, as I tucked the strands of her hair on her ear. "Mommy thought that you hate that flavor?" I chuckled.

Yoo Sara, the name of my little angel. Actually, it was Sara who gave that name to her. That time, I couldn't think of a name. So, to the rescue, she gave that lovely name next to hers.

"Because, it's your favorite, mom." She smiled, showing her white-pearled teeth. I felt touched, so I smiled.

"Thanks, sweetie."

"Anything for mommy." She replied, sweetly.

I sighed and let her finish her desert. My gaze unconsciously landed at the exit door. Memories flashed back inside my head.

It was raining.

And I'm with him.

Ah, it's been a long time — 8 years to be exact — but my mind and heart can still clearly remember every little detail in that short-moment that we both shared under the rain.

Oh, how I wish I would be able to bring back everything. How I wish I would be able to bring back the time, and, and...

"Mommy, are you crying?" I felt a soft hand touched against mine. "Mom, please don't cry." My daughter sadly added.

I immediately wiped my tears away. "A-ah, nothing baby. It's just — Mommy's not crying, she's just happy. Happy to be with you."

"I love you, my dear Sara." I added.

"I love you too, mommy."

* * *

I already sent Sara to school. Well, most of the times I'm busy at work, and my time is really limited. So, that's why whenever I have a free time, I'll spend them fully with my daughter.

I stayed inside my car. Looking at my daughter entering the gate, until she was out of my sight. Then, tears began flowing down to my cheeks again. Ah, here we go again.

My head rested at the steering wheel. I cannot let my daughter see my weak side just like what happened in the ice cream parlor, so that's why as much as possible I'm trying to conceal what do I really feel, and wear a mask.

And that mask is slowly falling, when I'm alone.

Without noticing, I slowly closed my eyes. Sometimes, I wonder, what happened? Why do I need to experience this kind of pain? It's been years already, but the pain is still here.

I'm not yet completely healed.

Just seeing and remembering his face, the way he smiles again, pains me more. His face — his presence brings happiness... at the same time sadness.

Fuck, I failed... again.

Releasing a sharp sigh, I decided to leave.

It's my day-off, and it's Saturday. I have nothing to do anyways, so I decided to go home. Maybe, I'll just finish some of my paintings at my room. It's a lot.

Ding dong!

The door swang open, and there it reveal a familiar figure of a woman. I smiled, as I hugged her so tight.


"M-mom..." I whispered as I rested my head on my mom's shoulder. We're currently at the living room. "I think, I want to give up..."

Her touch is somehow relaxing, sooting, and soft. I really missed mom. I miss my fam so much, to the point that. Many years, they weren't by my side. I'm glad, that they're now fullfiling everything.

"Don't give up, sweetie," Mom said softly, and held my hand. Even her smile warms my wounded heart. "Keep on fighting. Just think that you're not doing this for yourself. But, for those who loves you."

"For him."

"For your daughter, Sara."

I remember how my family was bewildered when they found out that I'm pregnant. Sara was already 2 years old when they finally came home to see me. I felt guilty, and luckily my friends was there to explain everything.

At first, they're furious, especially dad. But, still they accepted me, and my child.

I nodded, and remember those words. I also felt someone hugged me from the back.

"S-Seungyeon unnie!" I said, as I also cried at her embrace. I'm thankful that in this time that I was about to fall, finally, they're here to comfort me.

"Shh... stop crying sis, I'm here already." When she said that, it just made me cry harder. Her voice also made my heart melt.

"Okay, let's eat!" It was dad. I also run after him, and hugged him so hard. Call me overreacting, but I was just really emotional this day. "Aww, I also love you Jeongie."

"Okay, group hug!" Seungyeon unnie said, and we did. We even took pictures for memories. I'm hoping that Sara was home, but maybe we'll took another one when I fetch her home.

Healing a broken heart is a very long process. And I'm thankful that my family was here with me.

Many things happened in the past few years of my life. I never expect some twist and turns. It's like fate played a tricks on me. And I don't like it.

I thought that my Senior High School life would be the most memorable and enjoyable stage of being a high school. But, little did they know, it's like a free trial down to hell.

Or, maybe only for me.

A lot of things happened, revelations, betrayals. Just imagine yourself experiencing those. You'll gonna lose your mind.

The only best thing happened is, I was able to find my first love, at the same time the man I've been loving for years, up until now.

Being an adult is a challenge. I'm currently single right now. In my 26 years of existence here on earth, I never experienced entering into a relationship.

But, there's really someone whom I love the most.

I miss him, so much.

Sometimes, I would like to let out all the emotions stuck inside my chest. Damn, it's like every time, it's going to explode. I-I can't and never imagine that my life would be like this.

I grabbed my painting materials, and continued painting the sunflower. It's been years already, and I'm happy that my painting wasn't damaged or what. Well, it still remained colorless, so that's why I'm doing the job right now.

I lost motivation in continuing this one. I lost some time. Maybe, it was really destined that I should finish this artwork of mine in no time.

After finishing it, unconsciously, a tear rolled down in my right cheek.

* * *

I stopped by at the police station. As I went out of my car, my chest tightened. I can feel it. I bit my lower lip, as I pulled back my tears. No one should ever see me in my vulnerable state, especially this is a public place.

"U-uhm, excuse me?"

The police turned to me. "Yes ma'am? Whom are you going to visit to?"

I slightly shook my head, and painted a forced smile. I took out an envelope, and handed it to him.

"Kindly give this to him."

"Who, ma'am?" The policeman asked, and I sighed.

"His name's Jeon Jungkook."

"Ah, okay. I will." And then, he vanished out of my sight. I released a sigh, before going back to my car.

Yes, Jungkook was been arrested. That time, I still don't know how, and where did my investigators gathered those informations, and evidences, aside from Jungkook confessing them itself, and exposing that Dahyun is also a traitor.

I decided to gave him a letter. Actually, I'm not mad at him. I was just hurt. Forgiveness takes time, and I guess I'm not yet ready to see him again? Especially, this past few days, Sara has been asking me where her father is.

I couldn't answer her questions, and here I am, keeps on shutting down the topic.

They also said that there where two ladies who gave them those evidences such us pictures, voice records, etcetera, etcetera.

There was also a hearing in the court, and in my surprise, the witnesses made my eyes wide open that time.

It was Dahyun, and...


I knew it, from the very beginning, Lisa knew something about what really happened to me, and the man behind it.

I can still clearly remembered that she explained how did she knew, and why did she run away, and dropped out. It was still because of me. And, I understand if she wanted to have a peaceful life.

But, she still came back, and became a witness, for me, for us to be able to aim the justice that we deserved.

* * *

I stopped my car at the cemetery. Ever since that incident, I never visited this place. I gathered courage for years, and now I'm going to see them, again.

A bouquet of pink roses is what I'm holding right now. I stared down at the name engraved on it.


May 28, 1998 - June 3, 2018

I gently placed the pink roses and I lightened a candle. I clasped my hands together and offered a short prayer.

"My favorite flower is Pink Rose."

Clearly, I can still remembered that her favorite flower is Pink Rose. I didn't notice that I was already tearing up, while looking at her grave.

What happened to our Dubu? Well, I'm going to tell you the story.

It was too late when we all figured out that she's suffering from blood cancer (Leukemia), stage 4. She confessed everything. Dahyun told us that her illness is the reason why she did that thing. She regret it. And also, her cousins found out about her illness, because of her hidden medical records.

She needs some money, as well as she's hiding her illness to everyone, including her family and cousins. My heart broke into pieces, as I remembered how the Kim cousins broke down, while staring at her inside the coffin.

Thank you for everything, Dahyun.

After talking to Dubu, I went to my childhood best friend. There, I placed a bouquet of forget-me-not flowers. It's been a long time since I visited him.

I also offered a prayer for him. There were only around 10 people here inside the cemetery. I can feel his presence. I put the Mario cap, and the stuff toy.

Wherever you are, I hope that you're happy, Taehyung.

When I left, I visited him. Staring at his name engraved, I couldn't help but to broke down.


Year 2017

January 22

"I'm sorry. Good bye."



I quickly catch Jimin's body as he was been shot directly to his heart. I panicked, as I couldn't think straight. Tears starting to form in my eyes. In my peripheral view, I saw the policemen run as Jungkook run away.


"J-Jeongyeon..." He mumbled my name stuttering, and held my cheek. He wiped them off. He was lying on my lap. "D-don't cry..."

I didn't mind what he said. "HELP! HELP US—"

"N-no need," I gently brush his thumb on my cheek. "W-we have no time left. I-I just want t-to spend the remaining... time of my life. F-for you."

I continued sobbing. His chest is bleeding so bad. This is bad.

I was in great awe when he slowly cupped my cheeks, and lowered them. He pressed his lips against mine. I can feel the warmth of his love, at the same time, his lips were shaking.

My eyes are shut, my tears are falling to his face. And, that's when I realized that this is not the first time he kissed me.

"I-I just want to say that..."

His breathing heavily, and that makes me worried. My shaking hands held his. No, no, please don't take my him away from me.

"T-thank you, I love you... J-Jeongyeon."

With his last words, he slowly loosen his hand from me. All I can see is his peaceful face, and all I could hear is my unending cries.


"It's been a long time," I sighed nowhere, and lightened up a candle. I also place his favorite flower, where only me — that's what I assume — knew what is it.



October 13, 1996 - January 22, 2017

My eyes welled up with tears again. Okay, I've been like this for years, ever since the people I care the most left this world. I'm in deep pain, and like what I'm always saying, healing takes time.

I miss you so much, Jimin.

I placed that sunflower painting. I already finished painting it, and it was really for him. Loving him, is something that I and will never regret, and forget.

I can say that my life is indeed miserable that time. But then, it's getting better now. Nayeon unnie and Jin oppa are officially engaged. Momo and Hoseok oppa are married last year. I didn't expect that they'll end up for each other.

Same as my other friends. They're already happy and contented from what they have right now. Works, love life, family, and friends. I'm so happy for them.

Now, I can say that I'm just taking a little step forward. I'm still in the stage of healing, where I'm slowly letting go, and forgetting about the devastating tragedy that happened to my life.

But, the scars are still here. Still hoping that one day, it will vanished just away like bubbles that I used to play when I was a child.

But, things aren't that simple. My situation isn't simple. Memories of the past are really hard to forget.

Until now I'm still holding on. Still wishing, that one day, just one day. There will be a miracle.

There's nothing wrong to hold on, right?

But, as time passes by, I realized that how can I move on, if my fist are still closed? When will I learn to open up, and spread them widely?

I still need some time. Healing a broken heart still needs time. I'm too fragile, and I couldn't let my daughter witness my weak sides.

As the wind blows, it dances my hair, together with my long dress. I can feel his presence. His love. I know, that he's been with me throughout these years. The pain is slowly fading away.

But, not my memories with him.

Not my feelings.

Loving him is an adventure. I never stopped doing so. Loving him is like a rollercoaster of emotions. And loving him, is something that I'll bring, until my last breathe.

I don't know what did I do to deserve him. To deserve every person who loves me. Damn, that's when I realize that no matter on what angle you look at, no matter what happened to me, I'm still lucky. Because I have them.

I have him. Before.

He's still in my heart. He has a very special place in it. And I promise that it would be him only.

Cause, up until now. It was him. Still him.

Our story may not having the ending just like in fairytales, but I want you to know that in the short period of time, I'm happy. You made me complete.

"Wherever you are, I hope you have found your happiness in the afterlife, Jimin."

I love you. Forever, and always.


(This part will feature third person point of view)

Year 2007

"Fairytales?" Her mother smiled dearly to her daughter as she nodded. "You mean, you would like to write a story?"

She slightly shook her head. "No, mommy."

"Then, what do you mean that you want to have your own story?" Mrs. Yoo asked curiously about her daughter's idea. "Just like in fairytales?"

Jeongyeon sat properly as her lovely mother started combing her long and soft hair. "I want to have a fairytale-real-life story."

"I really hate that story 'The Princess in a Forbidden Forest' it makes me sad and horrified at the same time, mom."

"So that's why, I want to have my own story. If only I could change their destiny, their ending. Even Tae doesn't like it. I don't know why the author made it so cruel. I hope I won't be able to notice that kind of story in real life."

Mrs. Yoo only smiled at her daughter. She may be still innocent, but she's mature enough.

"Honey, not all stories ended up like those in fairytales," her mom stated honestly, which made her turn. "But, what's more important is, we learned something from it."

"Authors are the only one who write and dictate the ending of a fictional story. But in real life, you're the one who's going to rule the story of your life."


Featured Song: 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri.

And that's the end of the story! Thank you so much for those who read and support this from the very beginning, up until the end. I don't know how to express my never-ending gratitude to all of you, but still thank you!

For some clarifications, this story is a JeongMin ff, but if you can notice, it somehow focused on Jeongyeon. The truth is, I cannot reveal what do Jimin really feel for her (even though it is obvious, lol), so that's why I mainly focus on her. Sorry if it is confusing, but this is still a JeongMin ff just like what I've said. And, I'm still in the process of learning, so please bear with me. This simply means the the story doesn't only revolve around them.

For the last time, I just want to know your thoughts or ideas about the whole story? Any criticisms and praises will do, and it might help to improve me writing as well.

I'll be posting some special chapters, to fill in the gaps. I'll publish them next week.


- Summer

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