The Seven Families (Klaroline)

By greybandit313

14K 577 128

The Seven Families of the supernatural world. The elite. The oldest. The originals. All settled down in New O... More

Author's Note
Main Characters
Chapter 1: Car Crash
Chapter 2: The Morning After
Chapter 3: Meeting The Big Bad Wolf
Chapter 4: The Player Enters The Field
Chapter 5: Shopping Time
Chapter 6: Finally Awake
Chapter 7: Making Magic And The Dungeons
Chapter 8: Another Deal
Chapter 9: A Day In New Orleans
Chapter 10: A Date With The Psychotic Maniac
Chapter 11: A Day In The Past
Chapter 12: The Full Moon Rises
Chapter 13: The Student And The Teacher
Chapter 14: Secrets Made, Secrets Revealed
Chapter 15: Good Ol' Home
Chapter 16: A Dinner Date
Chapter 17: Learning The Family History
Chapter 18: Lammas
Chapter 19: The Capture Part 1
Chapter 20: The Capture Part 2
Chapter 21: The Transformation
Chapter 22: Boy Crushes
Chapter 23: Where I Come From
Chapter 24: First Full Moon As A Wolf Part 1
Chapter 25: First Full Moon As A Wolf Part 2
Chapter 26: Hormones
Chapter 27: If The Deals Over,.....
Chapter 28: Clubbing Night
Chapter 29: A Night To Remember
Chapter 30: Love To Hate
Chapter 31: Changes
Chapter 32: A New Job
Chapter 33: Good...Or Bad News?
Chapter 34: Where To Go From Here
Author's Note
Author's Note Pt. 2
Chapter 36: Morning Sickness
Chapter 37: The Ball Part One
Chapter 38: The Ball Part Two
Chapter 39: The Ball Part Three
Chapter 40: The Ball Part Four
Chapter 41: Tis The Season...
Chapter 42: ...To Be Jolly
Chapter 43: We Don't Live In The 18th Century Anymore
Chapter 44: Leaving New Orleans?
Chapter 45: History LikesTo Repeat Itself
Chapter 46: A New Hybrid
Chapter 47: The Trip Up North
Chapter 48: The White Mountain Forest Pack
Chapter 49: Welcoming A New Wolf
Final Author's Note:

Chapter 35: What The Baby Means

216 9 2
By greybandit313

Hey's chapter 35....

(The Next Day)

Caroline's POV

"What do you mean you moved back into the mansion?"

"I mean, I moved back. 'Vina, I need protection for the pup. It'll be bad to stay too far away from them for too long."

"Is that you or Klaus talking?"

I sigh before turning towards my bag and making piles for my clothing.

"It's me talking. Klaus has been driving me crazy though. I still haven't forgotten what he said to me. I'm still upset," I reply sternly.

"You could always come up here. I'm sure with the right amount of magic, we could hide well enough."

I giggle at the thought. "Oh please, like Klaus would let me leave now. I know he has plans once the pup is born. He'll probably try to convince me to stay here longer since the pup will only be a baby."

I hear Davina murmur something that sounded a lot like "oh he definitely has plans, plans to knock you up again".

"Davina Claire! NO, that is not happening! I am still very much angry with him....But I do know he deserves a chance at least to be in the baby's life."

"Speaking of boys, how's Kol? I know he's visiting for the weekend."

"Be bloody well better if Davina turned off her damn phone"

I giggle at Kol's annoyed voice and hear Davina giggling too.

"Oh shush you. You still have me for the rest of the day."

"How is New York today?"

"Oh the usual. It's still blazing hot here but at least less than New Orleans. Still busy and I have to go to the administration office later to sort out my class schedule this semester."

I heard Kol groan through the phone at the news and I rolled my eyes while trying to hold back my laughter.

"Look, I'll let you get back to your thing. Text me later though"

"Okay, I'll see you later. Bonnie says hi and that she misses-"

I take my phone out of my ear, examining it and wondering why it stopped the call.

Davina's POV

"THAT was rude! I was still talking," I glared at Kol who still holds my phone in his hands before setting it on the bed side table beside him. He immediately pushes me back and lays on top of me, giving me small kisses up my body from my stomach to my neck.

"Hey, we're not done talking," I argue back, my voice in the end silenced by kisses. Kol's mouth tackles my neck, shoulders, chin and lips as his hands roam down throughout my body.

"Kol," I tried to say seriously, but ended up coming out as a light moan. Just as the moan left my mouth, Kol's body ramned into mine causing more moans to elicit from my mouth. I kissed him back harder this time and traveled my hands down to his naked chest, tracing over his muscles before moving down to the zipper of his pants.

My hands went up immediately above me thanks to Kol's hand now holding it down, no way for me to move them. Kol continued his relentless kissing and I squealed as his free hand moved to my hips and down to my ass.

"Kol," I giggle as I arch my hips upwards and move my legs around his waist. He sent me a dark smirk before tackling my body again with his kisses and touches.......

Caroline's POV

I hummed to myself as I put my clothes away in the drawer, my shoes below it, and my toiletries in the bathroom. As soon as I walked back out of the bathroom, I found Rebekah lying on the bed. As soon as she saw me, she rushed over, hugging me tightly, and letting me go quickly when an "oof" sound left my mouth.

"I'm sorry. Did I hurt the baby?" She asked worriedly as she looked down towards my stomach.

"No, you're fine. I think my ribs are broken though," I joked as I walked back towards my bags and stashed them under my bed. Rebekah was still standing and looked ready to burst with joy.

"I'm going to be an Aunt!" She exclaimed and I gave a small laugh. I hadn't thought of what the baby would mean to everyone beside Klaus and I. As I looked at Rebekah, I saw a mixture of emotions lining her face. She looked so delightfully happy but I also saw a hint of sadness in her eyes as she looked at my stomach, which wasn't showing yet, with a longing.

"I'll make sure you'll be the first to hold them," I say and her smile widens at my words.

"Really?" She asks, practically squealing and I laugh before nodding.

"Yeah of course. Aunt Bekah can also watch over the pup when Mommy's tired," I chuckle to myself as I look down and rub my stomach. Rebekah nods at the idea and I giggle at her. My giggles stop as I turn to look at her more carefully.

She's so young...... She's barely in her 20's..... She must've wanted children as a human.

I remember the dreams as a child of marrying a nice guy, settling down somewhere, and having a few kids. I always wanted a few kids, knowing the loneliness that follows as a child with no siblings.

"You'll be a great aunt, Rebekah," I remind her and she gives me a small smile before plopping herself next to me on my bed.

"Obviously," She jokes and I laugh. Even with the craziness of the family I was not entangled with, I knew my child would be loved and cared for.


"That's a nice necklace you have there, Caroline," Freya told me as I rushed towards the fridge and brought out two full bags of blood. I looked down and noticed it was still the same one that Glandis had given me from that witch's shop.

"May I see it?" She asked as her hand reached out towards me from across the kitchen table. Her hair seemed brighter today, no doubt from the sun shining on it through the paned windows. Her eyes were bold, no hint of makeup elsewhere on her face but she didn't need makeup. Her face was beautiful without the touch of blush or lipstick staining it.

I shook my head out of my gaze and nodded, taking off the small golden chain and handing it to Freya.

"Where'd you get this?" She asked while looking at the necklace.

"This witch that Klaus took me too."

Freya closed her eyes before giving a small chant in latin and then re-examining the piece of jewelry.

"Why? Is something wrong with it?" I ask, worried. Freya shakes her head.

"Quite the opposite. Whoever gave this to you, knows their stuff," Freya responded before handing the flower necklace back to me. I look at it once more carefully before putting it back around my neck.

"It has cloaking magic in it. My best guess is it hides your vampire self from others. So a witch like myself could only sense werewolf blood in your veins," Freya mumbles back but it sounded more to herself, especially when she smirked before mumbling "interesting".

I looked down at my necklace before grabbing a mug and flooding it with blood before putting it into the microwave.

"So it's safe?" I ask, just to be sure. Freya nods.

"Only way to tell if you were a vampire would be to see you drink blood," Freya jokes, trying to reassure me. We sat in silence for a minute or so, the only sound made by Freya's fork on her food and the microwave heating mine, before a thought occurred to me.

"That's why Tracy thought I was only a werewolf!" I exclaimed to myself, a little louder than I thought because it piqued Freya's interests.

"Tracy?" She inquired just as the microwave dinged. I grabbed my cup from the microwave and moved it towards the table.

"Yeah, I sort of got a job teaching at the elementary school in Lakeview."

"You're a teacher?" Freya asked, her eyes widening in surprise. "Is it not hard to-"

"To attack one of my students?," I finished the question off for her. "It's not. I pride myself on having very good control and as long as I get the right amount of blood in, this little guy will be okay, right?," I chuckle as I rub my stomach, looking down at it. Freya gives a small smile and I notice her look at my stomach for longer than usual.

"Childbirth is an amazing thing. You'll be a good mother, Caroline," Freya mumbled, her eyes still lingering on my stomach with a look I didn't recognize.

"I notice I haven't seen you yesterday or today. Did you go out somewhere?" I ask, trying to change the somber mood.

"Oh, no. Well, my wife and I, we like our own place so we have an apartment in the city. I come over here often though," Freya's eyes move back up to mine and she smiles at the mention of her wife.

"Oh, I didn't know you were married. Do you have photos?" I squeal with delight. Freya nods before getting out her phone and I chug down the blood in my cup as my hunger rises. I roll my eyes and sigh before looking down at my stomach then back up to Freya.

"Wow, you guys are so cute together."

"Thank you. Yeah, I love her," Freya smiles, looking down at her phone before putting it away.

"So, how long have you been together?" I curiously asked as I poured blood into my mug again and reheated it.

"Two years dated, two years married, almost three," Freya blushed and I awed.

"I know, we're new to the married couple business," Freya chuckled.

"Yeah, but you're lucky you made it there. I can't wait for something like that," I muttered to myself.

"You have other priorities right now, one that will bring you so much happiness and joy, as well as my brother's." Freya's eyes shifted ever so slightly back to stomach with the same look again and questions bombarded my brain but I could tell the answers might lead somewhere darker.

I hummed softly before hearing the beeper to the microwave and going over to satiate the baby's hunger once more.

After lunch with Freya in the kitchen, I walked slowly back to my room. The long, quiet hallways stretched out forever giving me a headache.

"Caroline, hey," I turn to the right to see Kai walking over towards me, a few other vampires behind him. I smiled at him and waved before guilt washed over me.

"Oh my god Kai, I am so sorry about the night at the club. I should've told you that I left," I apologized to him and he shook his head.

"No worries, Rebekah told me what happened. Hey, some friends of mine and I were going out for a tasty snack, want to join?" Kai grinned mischievously and I could see him licking his lips as he said "tasty snack".

"No, I'm good. I just ate but thank you."

"Your loss," Kai laughed. He waved goodbye before moving past me towards downstairs with his friends following. I watched as they walked downstairs before turning around back to my room.

"Hello, love."

My eyes met his stormy bluish green ones and I sighed before moving around him.

"You know, ignoring someone is rude, love. I thought we had come to an understanding," Klaus stated and I stopped walking before turning back around to face him.

"One, don't call me love. You don't deserve that right. Two, I agreed to live here until our child is born. That didn't mean I had to enjoy your presence while I'm doing that."

Klaus' demeanor changed and his mood darkened along with someone else I couldn't pinpoint.

"My apologies, Caroline. I just came over after hearing you talk to Kai. I wanted to ask how you and the pup are feeling but it turns out that I shouldn't bother," Klaus replied, irritated and walked past me. I turned to watch him angrily walk back down the hallway and I sighed.

He doesn't deserve to be mad. I deserve to be mad. Why is he still so hot and cold?

With another sigh, I head towards my room.   

Hey Everyone!

Okay SO...... Davina and Bonnie have moved back to NYC to finish their last year of college. Kol's joined Davina for the weekend or however long he wants. Caroline found out her necklace from Glandis actually hides her vampire side away. She notices Rebekah and Freya are a little somber when it comes to Care's pregnancy. Also Keelin comes into conversation (omg I actually love her and Freya so much)

What will happen next? Read more to find out!

Don't forget to vote and comment! 

Have a good week everybody!


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