Thank You, I Love You ✓

By winter_lover10

10.6K 765 155

"I don't usually say I love you too." How would you like to end your own story? How can you say that your sto... More

[01] Welcome, Senior High!
[02] A Dream
[03] Sitting Arrangement
[04] Math Problems
[05] The Math Wizard
[06] A Rainbow After The Rain
[07] Friends
[08] Two Choices
[09] Loser
[10] Flower
[11] Welcome to the Group
[12] Sunflower
[13] You're Welcome
[14] Comforting Words
[15] Anonymous Letter
[16] Team Building I (Hidden in Plain Sight)
[16] Team Building II (Ella Me Gusta)
[16] Team Building III (Venomous)
[16] Team Building IV (Strings of Melody)
[17] Ella Falló
[18] Definition of Love
[19] Pure Love
[20] A Familiar Tune
[21] Once Upon A Dream
[22] Listen
[23] A Calm Before the Storm
[24] The Party Begins
[25] Dead Flower
[26] Nightmare and Trauma
[27] Change
[28] A Sign
[29] Two Lines
[30] More than a Million
[31] Soiree
[32] Last Waltz
[34] Missing and Disappearance
[35] Forget-Me-Not
SPECIAL: Happy Birthday (A Letter) I
[36] Lost Colors
[37] Moving Forward
[38] The Man Behind
[39] Behind the Mask
[40] The Truth Unfolded
SPECIAL: Correcting Mistakes (The Traitor) II
SPECIAL: His Secret (The Witness) III
SPECIAL: For Her (A Letter) IV
Thank You, I Love You

[33] Childhood Best Friend (Forever)

121 13 1
By winter_lover10

[Chapter 33]

Year 2011

"Hey, Kim Taehyung-ah!"

Jeongyeon's voice echoed around the room, as she yelled at her best friend. Taehyung only glanced at her then smiled. He went back playing again.


"Hmm?" He hummed in response while eyes are glued and his attention is still on the screen. She was about to reply, when he suddenly exclaimed. "Yah! Victory!"

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes. "Yeah you won," she was about to stand up, but when she felt him stopped her. "What?"

"What do you need, Jeongyeon?" Taehyung asked, but he saw her brows furrowed. "O-oh, are you mad, Jeong?"

They're currently at Taehyung's house. She decided to visit him, and at the same time ask for some help with their assignment.

Jeongyeon showed him that she's angry, but at the end, she giggled. "Just kidding you idiot! Kindly help me with my assignment... pretty please...?"

"I-idiot?" Taehyung's brows furrowed. "Mom! Jeongyeon called me—"

"Oh shi—" Jeongyeon shut him up and glared at him. "Oh my gosh, what's wrong with you, Tae?"

"Hmm... nothing." Taehyung smiled and tapped the chair beside him. "Here, sit."

Jeongyeon took the spot beside him, and she immediately opened the book to show him a problem. "Help me."

She and Taehyung are currently sitting, while waiting for their breakfast to be served. The latter squinted his eyes, as he stared at the problem. "In this problem?"


Then, he stared reviewing his notes, and teach her how to solve it. It's like he's the mentor, and she's his student.

She sometimes wonder if Taehyung is not her best friend, then maybe she might have fallen for him. But of course, she and him knows the boundaries of their relationship.

For her, Taehyung is the real life's best boy.


December 29, 2016

"Oh gosh, what a tiring day indeed."

Jeongyeon just walked up from an exhausting morning. She stretched her arms widely. She dreamt of something — someone special.

Someone who's close to her dear heart.

She walked towards the huge mirror and stared at herself. For a moment, she completely forgot how she really looks like because of being busy.

She's been thinking a lot. She's been through a lot.

Would you be able to smile again? Just like before?

Suddenly, she remembered that she's been taking care of herself and she's been extra sensitive than before. Maybe it's the effects of being a pregnant lady.

Her eyes landed at the calendar hanging at the wall. She squinted her eyes when she saw a specific date encircled.


Absentmindedly, she blinked few times, and widely stared at the calendar. She furrowed her brows and took out her phone.

What date is today?

Her jaw dropped when she saw what date today is. It's 29th of December. She began panicking.

Oh my! it's Taehyung's birthday tomorrow!

Damn, how could I ever forget about that day? How stupid!

Now, what should I give him?

Now, she realized why she dreamt of him. Because his birthday is coming soon, and yet she has still no gift or something to give him!

How cruel...

Jeongyeon fixed everything up, and started listing down things, that might help her to think what she could give for tomorrow's birthday boy.

For her childhood best friend.

* * *

Basketball set
Gun (a real one)
Medicine kit
Mario (stuff toy)
Painting (Mario and Luigi)
Forget-me-nots flower (bouquet)

"Aish, what should I give to my beloved best friend!"

She complained as she stared at the list for almost two hours. She already had everything prepared, but she couldn't go out, not unless she has decided what to buy.

Leaving without any choices, she eliminate all unnecessary items listed on her list. Just like the toys, books, medicine kit, handkerchief, and many more.

The three remaining ones are: Forget-me-nots (flower), Painting (Mario and Luigi), and Mario (stuff toy).

"Forget-me-nots? I don't think I should give him that. I'm not courting him anyway, so erase." She crossed out the flower.

Two items remaining left. "Mario and Luigi painting? It might cost a long time. And Tae's birthday is tomorrow. I don't think I could do that."

She also erased the painting option. With only one choice left: Mario stuff toy.

Wait, should I also give him a letter?

Jeongyeon mentally asked herself as she gripped tightly on the know, getting ready to strode off. But she stopped with the sudden thought.

"Letters and own-made gifts are honestly much better than gifts. I mean, you can give someone a gift that you bought from the mall or anywhere else, but for me, nothing could ever beat hand written letters."

"Anyways, whatever gift that you're going to give it depends on you. The receiver would appreciate that present more if it comes from your heart."

She remembered that remark came from her childhood friend. A smile appeared on her thin lips as she realized that she learned a lot from him. Her eyes landed at their friendship bracelet.

"Okay, I'll give him both... and the Mario stuff toy — with a twist." She smirked when she said the word 'twist' and strode her way out.

* * *

"Oh, what a cute little teddy bear!"

Jeongyeon exclaimed and giggled as she found out something. It was a very cute teddy bear. It's size was just little, and it's color is very pleasing to the eyes (pastel color blue).

She was about to grab it and purchase it for herself, but then she felt someone also grabbed the bear.

"What the hell—"

"S-sorry... Wait, Jeongyeon noona?!"

Jungkook's eyes widen as she saw her at the mall. It was really unexpected though. A smile formed on his lips. "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I was looking for a gift for Tae's birthday tomorrow," She replied and handed him the bear. "Here you go."

"Uh, no noona. It's yours. You can gift it toe Taehyung hyung," Jungkook shook his hand, and didn't accept the item. But the woman still insisted.

"No, I will not give this to Tae. Actually, I really have a plan to purchase this for myself. But, since you got it first, then you can have it." She smiled.

Jungkook sighed in defeat and accepted the cute teddy bear. He look at it, and speak. "Why do I always took something that I don't own..."

He muttered another word, not until he felt a soft touch on his shoulder. "Kookie? Are you okay?"

Jungkook seems like he was back in reality. He blinked few times and smiled. "A-ah, yes. I just remembered something... unforgettable." He looked around. "Noona, are you going elsewhere?"

The older frowned and they decided to walk around. "Unfortunately, I haven't bought anything to give for my Tae. Hmm, I really want to give him something memorable. Something that he'll treasure forever, just like our friendship."

"What are you planning to give him? Maybe I could help you. I'm a man like him after all."

Her face brighten up. "Really? Oh thank you, Kookie!" She sang in glee, which made him giggled. "Actually, I'm planning to give him a stuff toy—"

"Stuff toy?"


"But why?" Jungkook stopped and furrowed. He realized that she's looking at him, glaring a bit, so he scratched his nape and apologized. "U-uh, I'm not judging you, and Taehyung hyung! Well, I'm just... curious...?"

Jeongyeon let out an exasperated sigh. "Kim Taehyung's favorite game is Mario — any game that is related to him and Luigi — but I'm planning to give him a different ones but still related to his beloved Mario."

"Hmm..." Jungkook grinned, and there's like an imaginary light bulb on his head. "I think, I'm getting the idea..."

After seconds of murmuring and whispering about the present that she'll going to give to the birthday boy tomorrow, the younger nodded. "Do you want me to help you, Jeongyeon noona?"

The older thankfully nodded. "If you insist."

"Of course I insist. I'll help you."

After spending almost 2 hours roaming around to find the perfect gift for a perfect celebrant tomorrow, they decided to buy a gift wrapper of course.

"Wait, let's stop here, Kookie."

Jeongyeon also bought a new calligraphy pen, and new sign pen, and a colored paper.  She's planning to write a letter, or something that is much more appreciated than her gift.

After buying all the things they wish for — Jungkook also purchased the little teddy bear — they bid each other a farewell. But before completely saying goodbye, Jeongyeon noticed something different with him.

"Are you alright, Jungkook-ah?'

The younger smiled and nodded. And wuth that, they finally bid each other a goodbye. Jeongyeon yelled at him, and waved.

"Thank you for helping me, Kookie! Good bye and take care!"

* * *

She was humming her favorite Disney song, while wrapping her present for her beloved best friend. Not until she heard her phone notifications.


Park Jimin

Active now •


Hello, Jeongyeon,
are you still awake?


Yes! Why?


Is it true? Taehyung's
birthday tomorrow?


Ah, yes!

Actually, I'm currently
wrapping my gift for him.


I didn't know. But Jungkook
told me so.

Maybe, I'll also buy him some

Jeongyeon reacted 💕


Btw, I'm done reading the
book you gave me


Oh really?

How is it?


Tragic ending.





The two leading characters
didn't end up for each other.

I suddenly felt bad for them


Oh... =(


The reason why "Red as Roses"
is the title, because Rosaline
and Fernando met at the garden
full of red roses.

But, the villains are the two
siblings: Coraline and
Alessandro ruined everything.

To make it short, Fernando died
because Alessandro killed him,
which made Coraline angry since
she's madly in love with Fernando.
So, she decided to kill herself.

Meanwhile, Alessandro was able
to marry Rosaline (through
blackmail), but they didn't end up
because Rosaline died early

And Alessandro killed himself

What a tragic story.


Oh, that's complicated!

And tragic. I didn't expect that
I was deceived by its cover, title,
and synopsis. I thought it would
be a happy ending.


Oh wait Jeong, am I
disturbing you? Sorry

Just keep on wrapping you
present for Tae. We can talk

Good night, Jeongyeon


Good night too, Jimin!

Seen at 10:25 pm ✓


I didn't expect that the story was a tragic one. They all literally died.

I may not know Coraline and Fernando, but I swear that two leading characters deseves a happy ending.

How cruel.

Jeongyeon felt bad between the two characters, based on what Jimin said, so she decided to continue doing her work.

"Just like Cynthia and Joaquin?"

She chuckled as she tasted bitterness in her lips. Up until now, she hasn't moved on with that story entitled: Love till Centuries.

Those endless nights that she cried for the fictional characters, her heart was in great pain. She will never forget those days.

But they say, that life goes on. Somehow, from the stories that she read, she's trying to be a little relatable. And she's thankful that she's learning something from it.

Jeongyeon took out her calligraphy pen, the pen that she bought, and her colored papers. She looked at it for a while, and smiled genuinely.

I'll write this letter for you, Taehyung!

* * *

December 30, 2016

"Happy birthday, Kim Taehyung!"

Greetings around the corners of the school were heard. Undoubtedly, Taehyung is a bit popular in the campus. No wonder if many knows that today, he owns this day.

A small smile flashed on Taehyung's face while replying to their greetings. He may not show it, but he really appreciated them for remembering his birthday.

"So, how are you~"

He turned to his best friend who's currently occupying his seatmate's vacant seat. He smiled to her. "Of course, I'm happy. You idiot. Almost everyone here at the campus greeted me."


"Just kidding, old lady!" Taehyung raised his hands in surrender. He frowned a bit. "But..."

Jeongyeon furrowed her brows. "What?"

He was about to say that she hadn't greet him, but Taehyung decided to shook his head. "Nothing."


"Yeah, yeah." He looked away. Now, he's been thinking if she literally forgot about his day today. "By the way, let's go at the mall today. We'll eat at the restaurant. I'll treat you guys."

Jeongyeon happily nodded and smiled at him. "Of course, my boy! Looking forward to your treat later!"

"By the way, do you have something for me?"

"No, I haven't." She replied, and act clueless. But deep inside, she's hiding a small smirk on her face.

"No gift, no treat—"

"No worries, I'll just shower you with kisses—"

"What the f! People might get the wrong idea! You evil dumbo!"

It's true, others might think that they're couple. But, on the bright side, others also admired their friendship. "Okay, okay!"

"So, is it final?" Taehyung whispered. "You really have nothing for me?"

"Why?" Jeongyeon sounded a bit angry, but she's just acting. "Are you expecting something from me?!"

Taehyung smiled, and ruffled her hair.

"No, I'm just thinking if you still remember that it's your childhood best friend's special day today."

* * *

Taehyung treated all of them in a not-so-fancy restaurant. As much as possible, the whole squad doesn't want him to spend too much.

After doing so, all of them gave their gifts for the birthday boy. They also wished him a healthy life, and a good day. Except for one person.

His childhood friend.

They all headed home, and as soon as they did, Jeongyeon immediately went home together with a confused Nayeon.

"Hey, Jeongyeon. Why you didn't greet Taehyung? And why you don't have any gift for—"

"Chill, I have a plan," Jeongyeon withdrew her phone and messaged Taehyung to meet her. It's been almost 2 hours since they went home. "I'll surprise him."

"Oh... I didn't know about that," Nayeon smiled mischievously, as she's planning to tease her, but she chose not. "Okay then, lemme support you, girlie!"

Jeongyeon quickly grabbed her hat, and her present for him. "Goodbye, unnie! Kindly take care my house! Don't litter there!"

"Take care, Jeongyeon! Give Taehyung his birthday kiss..."

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes, and didn't bother to reply because she was in the hurry. She asked her best friend to meet her at the playground at this hour. Because she knows that there's no one in there.

As soon as she stepped in she saw a figure of a familiar man, wearing a red shirt, while his hands are on his back. It seems like he's waiting for someone. She smiled, and walked towards him. Her hands were at the back, hiding something.


The celebrant turned to her with a surprised look, but it was quickly changed with a wide grin. "Oh, here you go. What's up, kiddo? Why did you ask me for a date?"

Jeongyeon chuckled, still hiding something behind her back. "Date? No, no." She wiggled her brows and showed him what she got. "Like what you're seeing, old man?"

"Wow I thought you already forgot?!" His eyes brightened and sparkled as he handed the thing that she gave. She likes his expression though. "What's inside?"

"Why don't you open, so that you'll know."

Taehyung excitedly opened to see what's inside. "Mario's cap?!" He asked and the woman nodded. He continued looking for something, but his smile faded as he saw a... "And a... monster? Seriously?"

Jeongyeon tried to hide her small giggle. "Well, that's Bowser stuff toy. Why, don't you like it?"

"Seriously? Asking me if I like a villain in a video game," Taehyung replied sarcastically, but instead of being offended, the girl's smirked got wider.

"Let me ask you, do you like those antagonists in the stories that you're reading?" Taehyung added, which made her smirk fell.

"Little old one, I just want to surprise you!" She defended herself. And smiled genuinely. "I gave you that monster, because I want to gift you something new."

"Something that is memorable."

From the present that she gave, his eyes landed to her, who's looking at him with a smile. His eyes was welling up with tears. Jeongyeon was about to open her mouth to speak, but he embraced her with a tight hug.

"T-thank you..."

He bursted into tears and all she could hear is the wind, and his sobs. She also felt her tears falling down. "T-Taehyung... please don't cry."

He broke the hug between them, and gently tool her wrist. For a long time, he stared at the bracelet he gave. "You're still wearing this?"

"I never took this away from me, so yes."

Taehyung nodded, and looked at the same bracelet on his wrist. "Glad to know. Thanks for handling it with care. Just like how you handle our friendship."

Jeongyeon stopped, and looked at him. She also beamed a smile, and took something out on her shoulder bag. "Here, for you."

It was a small pastel green envelope, with a lots of design, the paper inside was folded into three, with a flower petal inside. A forget-me-nots flower.

He felt flustered by her simple efforts. Taehyung truly appreciated it with all his heart. A smile flushed on his face.

"It looks childish," he commented and teased her, but she saw her glaring at him, so he apologized and took something out. "Here, it's all yours."

Her eyes sparkled, as she saw a box — a cute one, with a 12-pieces of brownies inside. "Woah, where the hell did you get this lovely and delicious thing?" She again traveled her eyes throughout. But her smile faded.

"It came from Jennie?" She curiously asked, as she saw a small note inside. Saying a simple greeting, with a signature. "It's for you... why are you giving this to me?"

Taehyung just looked away, and didn't answered. She tried to call him again, but he didn't bother to answer her.

"Hey, please answer me—"

"I love you..."

He finally turned to see her. From there, he saw her face confused, and at the same time worried. Taehyung couldn't exactly explain what her reaction is.

Meanwhile, Jeongyeon froze at what he revealed. She couldn't explain what her reaction is. She saw his eyes once again filled with tears, and his lips were shaking.

"W-what did you say?" Her eyes blinked, trying hard not to let her tears fall. "Did I heard it right?" But instead of answering her question, he just confirmed it.

"...more than a friend, for a very long time." He added, and his tears flooded like a broken dam.

"W-why... didn't you realize it?"

✿ ✿ ✿

Featured Song: 'Set You Free' by MYMP.


"S-sweetie, are you still with him? He hasn't come back yet. We're so worried..."

'Kindly message me if you read this message, ASAP.'


'God, please make sure that he's fine. He's safe...'

"U-unnie, let's find him! I'm having a gut feeling that he's in danger! He needs us! Please!"


"Hello? Are you Jeongyeon?"

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