Thank You, I Love You ✓

By winter_lover10

10.6K 765 155

"I don't usually say I love you too." How would you like to end your own story? How can you say that your sto... More

[01] Welcome, Senior High!
[02] A Dream
[03] Sitting Arrangement
[04] Math Problems
[05] The Math Wizard
[06] A Rainbow After The Rain
[07] Friends
[08] Two Choices
[09] Loser
[10] Flower
[11] Welcome to the Group
[12] Sunflower
[13] You're Welcome
[14] Comforting Words
[15] Anonymous Letter
[16] Team Building I (Hidden in Plain Sight)
[16] Team Building II (Ella Me Gusta)
[16] Team Building III (Venomous)
[16] Team Building IV (Strings of Melody)
[17] Ella Falló
[18] Definition of Love
[19] Pure Love
[20] A Familiar Tune
[21] Once Upon A Dream
[22] Listen
[23] A Calm Before the Storm
[24] The Party Begins
[25] Dead Flower
[26] Nightmare and Trauma
[27] Change
[28] A Sign
[29] Two Lines
[30] More than a Million
[31] Soiree
[33] Childhood Best Friend (Forever)
[34] Missing and Disappearance
[35] Forget-Me-Not
SPECIAL: Happy Birthday (A Letter) I
[36] Lost Colors
[37] Moving Forward
[38] The Man Behind
[39] Behind the Mask
[40] The Truth Unfolded
SPECIAL: Correcting Mistakes (The Traitor) II
SPECIAL: His Secret (The Witness) III
SPECIAL: For Her (A Letter) IV
Thank You, I Love You

[32] Last Waltz

125 11 0
By winter_lover10

[Chapter 32]

"C-can I have this dance, Jeongyeon...?"

Aside from role playing, she also wished that she would be able to dance with him ever since she felt that thing for him. She was about to reply, but then the emcee announced something.

"We will play another song in a minute. Hang on, Seniors!"

She was now about to reply, but then she saw two familiar figures walking towards them. The guy with a pink tuxedo and a woman with a sky blue semi gown.

Jeongyeon saw them again together, that made her smirk, but then her eyes squinted as they saw their faces and cheeks... Blushing?

"Hey, Jeongyeon — ooh, hi Tae! Perfect timing indeed!" Nayeon greeted her friend with a smile, and she turned to Jin. "Jin oppa, Taehyung is already here. I bet you're looking for him, eh?"

"Ah yes," Jin sighed in relief as he patted the guy who's looking at him with a confused look. "I thought that you won't be able to come today. Gladly, you still did it!"

Jeongyeon turned to her childhood friend with a confused look. Taehyung sighed. "Well, thanks for your concern hyung. I just don't feel that I want to have some party."

"But I don't wanna regret something, so I pursue it." He replied and shoot a glance on his best friend.

"Woah, my older brother is blushing earlier~" Once again, Namjoon appeared from nowhere and teases his older brother, who shot a death glare on him, and Nayeon looked away. "His face looks red, his whole body is trembling—"

"Yah! You stop that Namjoon!" Jin rolled his eyes, that made everyone laughed except Nayeon. His brother is wearing a blue tuxedo. "But you know, our cousin Dahyunnie was really good in choosing outfits to wear."

"I mean the color," Jin turned to them and smiled. It is very evident how proud he is to his cousin. "She was the one who chose the color for us. So we owe her a lot. Such a good girl."

Jin crossed his arms on his chest. "Unlike this so-called brother of mine, who only loves to tease me with—"

"Nayeon unnie?" Jeongyeon cut his words short that made Nayeon shot a death glare on her.

The oldest of them all was about to protest, not until they hear the emcee again.

"30 minutes before we closed the gate, and of course before the real party begins. For now, everyone in here, let's have some fun, and dance through the dancefloor!"

"Oh my G! It's your turn!" Nayeon gasped and pointed at her two friends.

"O-oh, we need to go now, right bro and my future sister-in-law?" Namjoon smirked that made the two gasped in air. He dragged the two away. "We'll see you guys later!"

"AND DON'T YOU DARE SINK MY ULTIMATE AND FAVORITE SHIP, YOO JEONGYEON! I'LL KILL YOU!" she heard Nayeon yelled and threatened her, which she already understand.

What the actual fuck is that?! Sister-in-law?! Seriously, Namjoon oppa?

And that ship again? Oh come on Nayeon—

"H-hey, Jeongyeon,"

Jeongyeon turned to him and beamed a smile. "Yes, Taehyung?"

Taehyung once again stretched his hand towards her, that made her eyes look at him. "Can I have this dance?"

Never nor once in her life asked her to dance with parties like this. Why? Because first of all, she never attended some parties like this.

She smiled at him as she gently placed her hands on him. "Of course, Tae!"

He held her hand gently as the both of them made their way to the dancefloor. There, they saw a lot of couples in the middle. Nevertheless, the music hasn't started yet, so they decided to stay along.

Taehyung break the ice. "I saw Jin hyung and Nayeon danced together earlier the moment I come," he paused for a while, then laughed.

"I didn't know that those dimwits can dance together... romantically." He jested that made his best friend agreed.

"But you know what, it was Jin oppa who offered and asked Nayeon unnie to dance with him." Jeongyeon added while wiggling her brows. Taehyung looked at her, eyes wide open.

"Oh, really?!"

"Yes! Me neither, I was so surprised and everyone else."

The two giggled, and there they saw Nayeon giving the both of them a finger heart. Taehyung suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, what does that old woman meant when she told you about the ship? What ship?" Taehyung asked his partner, he was referring the 'old woman' to Nayeon.

Jeongyeon's eyes widen, but she still replied as she cleared he throat. "A-ah, well... the ship that she's talking about is the... two of us..."

"I threatened her a while ago that I'll sink our ship," she chuckled while the dancing with him. "You know that woman? She literally keeps on shipping us for ages."

Taehyung laughed while hearing her explanation, as he removed his hand on her waist and ruffled her hair.

"You two, how cute. And Nayeon is been shipping us for years. So I'm already aware of that. Typical old woman indeed."

He placed his hand back to her and started to dance with the music. She closed her eyes shut and feel the melody.

"...Let's start the last dance of the day
That will be unforgettable
Or will be set down beautifully
If you say that you had a good dream
That's enough of it..."

"The song... How lovely." He muttered without her hearing about it. "And painful."

"...Hand by hand, ttan-dan-ttan-dan-ttan
Can we stay in this moment?
'Till the day dawns..."

"Taehyung," Jeongyeon called him as she slowly opened her eyes, colorful lights met hers. She stared at his directly. "What's your wish?"

"...Let's dance
Mm-mm, my la-a-ast
Mm-mm, my la-a-ast
It will be over soon our love was true, ooh-ooh
Mm-mm, my la-a-ast
Mm-mm, my la-a-ast
Don't stop just let it flow, ooh-ooh..."

"What do you mean by that?" Taehyung asked as he twirled her around. He took out a bracelet. A friendship one.

They stopped for a while as he put the bracelet on her wrist. He also did the same to himself. The woman looked at her.

"Our friendship bracelet..." Taehyung smiled wholeheartedly. "It defines how strong our bond of friendship is. Please always wear it."

"...I'm about to say goodbye
When there's warmth in your breath, ayy
Kiss me goodbye
Yet so sweet..."

Jeongyeon couldn't form any words to say, so she hugged him so tight like there's no tomorrow. "T-thank you, Tae. For being a good friend to me. Over this years."

After that, they continued dancing. Jeongyeon looked around to see him, but she didn't. So she just shrugged her shoulders and savor this moment with her friend.

"You're always asking me if how am I," Jeongyeon beamed a smile on him and breathe. "I just wanna do the same. What's your wish if ever you're given a chance to?"

Taehyung looked at her intently. Somehow, he appreciates her by just simply asking some questions. He smiled.

"...Let's laugh a lot
Smile more brightly
Even the sadness
Without knowing that today will be the last
I'll be far away anyway
Let's go all the way to the end
We'll never come back..."

"My wish is..."

"...I'm spinning circularly in the middle of the world
Even the moonlight shines on us
It will be the happiest and most beautiful
Of all the sad endings
Could it be more perfect than this~"

As soon as the music ends, Taehyung finally answered her.

"...that this things would have no end."

* * *

"Ah, Jimin! We thought that you won't be able to come, since it's kinda late. You know?"

Hoseok exclaimed as he saw Jimin walking towards them. It was a relief that all of them was here (and of course, except the junior ones who already had their own party just a week ago). He wrapped his arms on him and yelled at the squad.

"Guys, we're already complete! The last but not the least, Jimin is already here!"

Jeongyeon was laughing at them while eating, not until she turned to see him approaching them. For a good reason, her world stops and it seems like everyone stopped from moving.

All she could see is him. His approaching smile while walking towards them.

Her heart almost skipped a beat and she felt nervous. Especially when he smiled at her, while waving his hands freely in the air.


She snapped back into her thoughts as she saw Jimin standing in front of him. He smiled again.

"You look stunning in that yellow-green dress of yours," he complemented that made her looked away. It is evident that she couldn't handle any compliments — when it comes to him. "And gorgeous."

"Y-you looked good also!" Jeongyeon complimented back as she tried to lift up the mood of what she's feeling. "Why are you late?" She asked, completely changing the topic.

"Estaba demasiado aturdida para hablar."

"What did you say?" Jeongyeon asked, slightly furrowed her brows in confusion.

Oh come on Jimin, ever since you told me that you're studying Spanish language, you kept on talking to me using that foreign language—

Jimin chuckled. "Nevermind that."

Everyone started eating. Of course as a president of the class, it's her duty to look over her classmates. Rosé was the one together with the other officers.

They were the ones who's maintaining peace and order in their section. Especially, they are from section A.

"J-Jeongyeon, can we talk?"

Seeing her alone, Rosé asked her and called her attention. They're both not fully in good terms, but without hesitations... she nodded without muttering any word.

As soon as they're alone, the younger started speaking without facing her. "Lisa wasn't with us tonight,"

Jeongyeon was bewildered because of what she heard. She almost forget about her and the case, because of the party.

Somehow, she felt sad because she felt like it was a burden for a young girl of carry an evidence — to be an alibi or a witness for a serious matter.

"And you know what?" Rosé turned to her with a faint expression. "S-she told us that she wants to have a peaceful life... she dropped out and transferred to their province."

Jeongyeon felt guilty.

Am I the reason why did she dropped?

"...and you are the reason," the class president turned to her. Sadness is very evident in her eyes as she looked at her directly. "N-no, not you but the case. Lili hadn't told us directly. I don't have any idea what case is she talking about."

And that's the thing. Jeongyeon and everyone in her squad never ever revealed to anyone what exactly happened to her. Well, no one will care in the first place.

"A-among the four of us, L-Lisa and I are the closest ones, we share things to each other, even the little and the simplest ones," her voice was stuttering, but she went on. "This is the first time that she didn't make things clear. "

"And I have a hunch that it is too personal — for you, so that's why she wanted to escape from it."

Rosé gave a faint and sad smile, and surprisingly held her hand. "S-she the told that she won't be able to help you. Lili apologized and told me that I should tell you this things." She said, full of sincerity.

Jeongyeon couldn't help but she smiled. Despite of what happened to them in the past, she still appreciated Lisa's effort, and she couldn't blame her. Rosé went on.

"And this is the first time that I'll be telling you this," she paused and sighed before looking directly in her eye, as her aura turned into serious one.

"W-what ever happens, please be careful."

And with that, she turned away to leave. She was about to took a step, but then, she heard Jeongyeon's voice cracked.

"T-this is also the first time that I'll be telling you this..."

Rosé stopped but she didn't look back. She went on.

"...t-thank you."

* * *

"Jeongyeon-ah, the dancefloor is on fire! Dance with Jimin, or you'll regret not doing so!"

Nayeon hissed at her best friend, asking her to dance with their friend. Jeongyeon rolled her eyes.

"Hey hey, just because you and your crush Jin oppa won 'prom king and queen', it's doesn't mean that you'll brag there, and ask me to do things that I don't and I won't do ever!"

Jin and Nayeon won 'prom king and queen', that made the two earned a teasing coming from the whole squad as they both stepped up in the stage, holding hands. Well, it's part of it.

Nayeon clapped while flipping her hair proudly. A wide smirk curve into her lips. "As we should, don't you know? Jin oppa and I are the best match—"

"What the hell, Nayeon?"

They turned to see a familiar voice looking at them. It was Suga's voice together with Namjoon, Jungkook, Sana, Jihyo, and Momo. Nayeon gulped as she saw them looking at her with a smirk, except Namjoon.

Namjoon glanced at Nayeon's sash and to Jin who's talking to Taehyung and Jimin. "I knew it, you like my brother!"

The woman's eyes widen as she stared at each one of them. She shook her head.

"Y-you're getting the wrong idea—"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it is very evident that you like him. The fact that you defended yourself, your face was red as a tomato, and your stuttering voice says it all. Every small details — which can be also a big details — matters to prove a thing."

They all turned to Momo who sounded like a detective. All of them blinked as they stared at her. They heard Jungkook.

"Wow, Momo noona! You sounded like a detective!" Jungkook clapped, and Momo just smiled in reply to his compliment.

"So unnie, do you like him?" Jihyo asked kinda desperate as everyone's attention was to the one and only lady that they're asking.

Nayeon shot a one last glare to her best friend, before raising her both hands, and resigned.

"Y-yes... happy?"

Everyone teased her and Nayeon has no other choice to accept it all. Well, it wasn't that bad, because that's the truth. What's the point of lying, if you can simply tell the truth, as long as you're not hurting anyone?

But of course, it is not easy. Easy to be said, hard to be done.

After a few minutes, there were students who sing, dance, and some even acted. Jeongyeon couldn't help but to be amazed. She didn't and never expect that the party would be this unique for her.

Then, the music was changed. It's time for the last dance, before the end.

Jeongyeon was sitting there. Looking ay nowhere. She slowly closed her eyes and savor the moment. It's been months since she suffered.

Maybe it's time for her to be happy again.


Jeongyeon slowly turned her head to see who approached her. Her lips slightly parted as he saw the man in his orange tuxedo suit extended his hand to her.

"Me concedes éste baile?"

Her jaw almost drop when she saw him standing in front of her, with his hand offering her to dance with him. She didn't exactly understood what he said, but it seems that she did, because she gently placed her hand on his.

As they went on the dancefloor, a romantic music was played. Jimin put his hand on her waist, while the woman put her hand on his shoulder. They danced through the music.

"...I was trying to fly but I couldn't find wings
But you came along and you changed everything..."

"Follow my lead," he heard him whispered, which she nodded.

"...You lift my feet off the ground
You spin me around
You make me crazier, crazier
Feels like I'm falling and I am lost in your eyes
You make me crazier, crazier, crazier..."

She stared at him, with her eyes brimming with tears. A feeling that she only felt for him.

"Podemos quedarnos en este momento?"


Jimin chuckled and looked away. "I-I said follow my lead..." He replied even though it is not the translation.

"...You showed me something that I couldn't see
You opened my eyes and you made me believe..."

On the other hand, there was he. Staring at them, with rage. No, she must be dancing with him. Not with Jimin.

His fist was clenched with his other hand was wiping his tears. No one would ever notice his reactions because everyone is busy in their own ways.

He couldn't look at them anymore.

And with that, he exited without uttering any word.

"...Baby, you showed me what living is for
I don't wanna hide anymore..."

"I'm so happy," Jimin broked the silence between them. He saw her eyes was grimming with tears, and it shines through the lights. "Thank you..."

"F-for what?" Jeongyeon asked, trying not to stutter. But unfortunately, she failed. "I did nothing for you to thank me."

Jimin closed his eyes. And then, the moment he opened, he stared directly in her eyes. He smiled.

"For being here with me... dancing."

Jeongyeon suddenly remembered the little boy that she were able to dance with. Fortunately, it wasn't a mere coincidence that the little boy was the same man that he's dancing with right now.

And the same man that she truly loves with all her heart.

Everytime she looks at him, she can see that future. It feels good, but at the same time...

She wasn't even sure if he also felt the same.

Jeongyeon chuckled without him noticing, as she tasted something bitter on her lips. No, she knows that they're just friends. No matter how many times she would confess.

Jimin twirled her around, exactly the music was about to end.

"...You lift my feet off the ground
You spin me around
You make me crazier, crazier
Feels like I'm fallin' and I am lost in your eyes
You make me crazier, crazier, crazier
Crazier, crazier~"


The woman looked at him. Waiting for his answer at they both remained standing in the middle. He mustered all the courage to tell her that...

"Espero que este momento no tenga fin..."

He hugged her so tight that made her froze in her place.

"Por favor quédate."

✿ ✿ ✿

Featured Songs: 'Last Waltz' by TWICE.


'Crazier' by Taylor Swift (from "Hannah Montana: The Movie" soundtrack).

I used Last Waltz English lyrics in this chapter. So don't be confused, hehe.

By the way, this is what the three are wearing.

For Nayeon:

For Taehyung:

And for Jimin:

Hope you like this chapter!

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