Thank You, I Love You ✓

By winter_lover10

10.6K 765 155

"I don't usually say I love you too." How would you like to end your own story? How can you say that your sto... More

[01] Welcome, Senior High!
[02] A Dream
[03] Sitting Arrangement
[04] Math Problems
[05] The Math Wizard
[06] A Rainbow After The Rain
[07] Friends
[08] Two Choices
[09] Loser
[10] Flower
[11] Welcome to the Group
[12] Sunflower
[13] You're Welcome
[14] Comforting Words
[15] Anonymous Letter
[16] Team Building I (Hidden in Plain Sight)
[16] Team Building II (Ella Me Gusta)
[16] Team Building III (Venomous)
[16] Team Building IV (Strings of Melody)
[17] Ella Falló
[18] Definition of Love
[19] Pure Love
[20] A Familiar Tune
[21] Once Upon A Dream
[22] Listen
[23] A Calm Before the Storm
[24] The Party Begins
[25] Dead Flower
[26] Nightmare and Trauma
[27] Change
[28] A Sign
[29] Two Lines
[31] Soiree
[32] Last Waltz
[33] Childhood Best Friend (Forever)
[34] Missing and Disappearance
[35] Forget-Me-Not
SPECIAL: Happy Birthday (A Letter) I
[36] Lost Colors
[37] Moving Forward
[38] The Man Behind
[39] Behind the Mask
[40] The Truth Unfolded
SPECIAL: Correcting Mistakes (The Traitor) II
SPECIAL: His Secret (The Witness) III
SPECIAL: For Her (A Letter) IV
Thank You, I Love You

[30] More than a Million

147 12 12
By winter_lover10

[Chapter 30]

When I was younger, my mom said that shooting stars are real. They are granting our wishes. As long as you're wishing with all your heart.

And also, tooth fairies are real. Once you put your tooth under your pillow before you sleep, then expect that the moment you wake up in the morning, you'll receive a coin. A very special one.

Dead bodies, souls, ghosts do exist. We cannot see them, but we can feel their presence. They're also scary, that can lead us to death.

But, I didn't know that there are more scarier than those creature mentioned. And you know what it is?

The truth.

In just a snap of a finger, blink of an eye... Everything will change — in an unexpected way, that even you yourself didn't see it coming.

Jeongyeon was snapped back in reality. Right now, there are so many things that is lingering inside her head, as she reminisced one of those memories that her mom usually told her.

She smiled at that thought. Oh how she missed her family.

It's been 3 days since it was confirmed that she's pregnant. Honestly, she don't know what or how she would react. It's really hard that she's been experiencing this kind of things at the early age.

You'll never understand someone's feelings, unless you we're able to experience the same thing like them.

She didn't even tell Nayeon ---- or anyone about what is currently happening to her. Telling them about the tragedy happened to her is enough.

She also remembered that she visited a doctor for a check up. And of course to confirm if the results we're all accurate.


"You're six weeks pregnant," the doctor said and she fixed her spectacles while writing something. She gave it to her.

It seems like she was frozen on her seat. She couldn't move a single muscle. So the test that she make yesterday was accurate from what this spectacled woman told her.

It feels like everything went down. Her eyes filled with tears, but she quickly wiped with with her bare hands so that no one would notice. She was also wearing a face mask. Enough to cover her nose, down to her chin.

Just to stay away from judgemental people around the hospital.

She was ready to leave after having a check-up. Jeongyeon was about to grip the doorknob, but when she heard the doctor speak.

"Wait, miss."

Jeongyeon turned to see the doctor fake coughed before squinting her eyes. It seems like she's examining her features.

"How old are you?"

Her hands were fidgeting as she heard the question. As much as possible, she's hiding her face, her age so that no one would ever judge her. She thought that it might be needed, so sighed.

"I-I'm 19 years old."

The doctor looked at her. She was shocked when she heard her age. She clicked her tongue, disappointedly and shook her head.

"O-oh, so that's why I haven't seen your husband? Is it because you're still a minor?" The spectacled professional doctor said, and shook her head repeatedly. "Teenage pregnancy nowadays..."

Jeongyeon looked at her with her eyes furrowed. She understands what this doctor is trying to say. It's evident in her reactions.

"Did your boyfriend left you? So that's why you're here alone? And then what? You're going to pass the responsibilities to your parents-"

"You have no idea what happened to me."

Jeongyeon cut her words firmly as she emphasize those words came from her mouth. She clenched her fist, and gritted her teeth. She can see the disgust in the latter's face while looking at her. She continued.

"You have no right to judge me, madam." She looked at her straight in the eye, and sarcastically chuckled.

"You knew nothing. So shut up, and thank you." She turned without leaving a bow, and slammed the door loudly.

While walking, she could help but her tears once again fall. No, she couldn't believe that even a professional doctor would judge her.

And she's afraid of what would be the reaction of her family and friends once they find out about the truth.


"People can easily judge you," Jeongyeon muttered at nowhere and sighed deeply. "Without knowing the whole story."

"In this world... or society full of judgemental human beings, you couldn't escape. They'll still throw some irrelevant comments and backlash about you."

Currently, she's at the dining room alone. Eating her hot pancake, with a hot chocolate milk. She's alone, since Nayeon didn't visit her today.

She understand it though. She also want Nayeon to spend some time for herself. Jeongyeon knows that she shouldn't rely on others — all the times.

Taehyung wasn't there also. He's house to way too far from hers. But her childhood best friend is a stubborn friend, he still insisted to go. But Jeongyeon stopped him.

She even threatened him that she'll end their friendship, or her so-called 'friendship over'. Just hearing those words made him frighten, so he just followed.

Jeongyeon chuckled at the sudden thought. She's a bit happy for now, that slowly, she's coming back from her usual self.

She should be depressed right now, knowing that she's pregnant, but she chose not and control her feelings. Because there's a thing that she's been holding in through.

Life goes on, as they always say.

Since, it's weekend, Jeongyeon decided to finish her on-going tasks. She hates cramming, and rush-hour works. She prefer to do them all as soon as possible, and submit them early.

She opened her laptop, and she remembered the anonymous user that once messaged her before she blocked him. She visited the user.

It's name changed into 'Facebook User'. It seems like the culprit behind this mysteries deactivated his account. She sighed anxiously, and continued doing her work.

Jeongyeon remembered one time how she opened up the idea of her using herself as a bait to lure the culprit out. Taehyung and Nayeon highly disagreed with her idea.

She was so desperate to close the case as soon as possible. But of course, her friends - or even the whole squad won't let her use herself. So, she has no choice but to shut down her idea.

After finishing her tasks, she was in relief now that she was able to submit them earlier before the deadline. It's just simple as that.

Then, she cleaned the whole room - no the whole house. She spend her time doing household chores instead of resting and relaxing like a princess.

She went to her room again after cleaning. She took out the things that she bought from the department store, when her ABM friends accompanied her.

Jeongyeon smiled when she saw the book, and the lovely bookmark. She's planning to give it to someone. She took out her things that she would use in painting.

Instead of dying in boredom, she decided to finish her painting. The sunflower painting that she once showed it to Jimin.

When she was in the middle of coloring the petals, but then she heard her phone. She took it out for a while and look at it.


Park Jimin

Active Now •




Oh hi, Jimin



Are you free today?

I mean, are you busy?


No, not really, why?


Can we hang out?




Wait, just the two of


Yes, just the two of

I just want to see
you :)


O-oh, okay, where
would we meet then?


I'll fetch you there out
your house

But be prepared for
around 11:30 pm. I'll
be there.


Okay, see you then!

Take care!

Park Jimin reacted 💞


"I can't believe this! I still stuttered even on chat!" Jeongyeon scolded herself unbelievably, as she also felt her cheek turning red. "Oh, are we having a date?!"

She screamed at the top of her lungs, as she rolled on her bed. Jeongyeon's face turned to red like a tomato. The good thing is, she didn't spill the water beside her.

Typical Jeongyeon indeed.

"Ah, this is unbelievable!"

You're unbelievable and unexpected, Jimin.

* * *

Do I look good? Or an ugly duckling?

Jeongyeon stared at a whole-body-mirror for almost an hour. She put some light make up to look more presentable — and good at least.

Today, she's wearing a brown jumper (skirt) paired with a yellow plain off-shoulder blouse. She also wear a brown beret and a yellow watch. A pair of white shoes, and a green shoulder bag.

She decided not to tie her hair, so that it would match on the beret that she's wearing. Honestly, it made her look more gorgeous.

"I guess, I won't be able to wear this kind of clothes once my tummy gets big." She shot a one last glance at herself. She smiled sadly.

Ding dong...

She heard the doorbell rings, so she quickly rushed through the door and as she opened. There she saw Jimin standing there, smiling at her.

"Hello, Jeongyeon!"

Jeongyeon's jaw dropped as she saw him. He's wearing a checkered polo (yellow polo and brown design) matched with a brown pants, white shoes. He also has a yellow watch.

"A-are you okay?" Jimin waved his hands on her, that made her snapped back into reality. He noticed the similarities of their outfits, so he chuckled. "O-oh..."

Jeongyeon also chuckled. "Oh, we didn't plan for this. Did we?"

The older shook his head. They're already inside a cab. He's still laughing, or some kind of... Smiling.

"Parecías un girasol." He commented, that made her turn to him, eyes furrowed.

"W-what did you say?" Jeongyeon asked, in bewilderment. "Did you just speak a foreign language?"

Instead of answering the second question, he decided to answer the first one. "I said, you looked like a sunflower."

Jeongyeon's eyes widen in bewilderment. She still hadn't get it. "At what point eh?"

"The colors of your clothes says everything..." Jimin pointed out at her clothes that made her look at herself. He hid a small smile.

Yellow, brown, green...

"O-oh," Jeongyeon commented as soon as the entered the mall. She genuinely didn't noticed nor planned about it. "Y-you also!"

Jimin smirked at her. "Hmm... I planned wearing these colors," he showed him his watch on his right wrist. "And besides, we're also wearing the same color of watch."

Once again, she looked at her watch. Her lips parted a bit, and she stopped herself from blushing.

"Are we a couple or something?" She jested.

She realized what she said, but it was too late. She was about to speak again, but Jimin answered her question.

"Si, mi amor." He replied with all his heart, and a genuine smile as put his hands on his back.

"W-what did you say---"

"Let's go!" Jimin exclaimed and dramatically rubbed her tummy. "I'm hungry, and my tummy is growling now."

They entered a not-so-shabby and of course not-so-fancy restaurant. They ordered some food, and looked for a place to eat.

"I don't like carbonara, Jimin," Jeongyeon covered her nose and pushed the plate away from her. "I don't like the smell."

Jimin looked at the plate full of white pasta, and looked at his friend. "Eh? But Nayeon said that it is one of your favorites."

"N-Nayeon unnie said that?" Jeongyeon's eyes widen in surprise that earn a giggle to the latter. "Such a gossip girl."

"Hey, chill..." Jimin replied while controlling his laughter. "I asked her what's your favorites anyway. So it's not her fault."

"Oh, I didn't know about that," Jeongyeon started eating her chicken as she switched her food with Jimin. "She's right that I like carbonara. Or should I say that 'I liked'?"

After talking, they started eating quietly. Jimin gave her all the shrimps on his food, because he's allergic with those. She gladly and thankfully accepted the seafood because it's one of her favorites.

The two of them walked together while others may mistaken them as a couple. Even the guard has a same mistake that one time they asked him which way was the comfort room.

"Jeongyeon, where are we going next?"

She squinted her eyes at him, thinking of a better place to go - or things to do. She honestly has no idea, but she wants to savor this moment with him.

"What if," she gently rubbed her chin, and her face brighten as she come up with a better idea. "Movie? Horror movie?"

"That's it," Jimin smiled at her, but it turned into a little smirk. "Wait, are you sure? Horror movie? Aren't you scared?"

Jeongyeon smirked at him back, and answered sarcastically. "I'm not, and I'll prove it."

"W-wait, I honestly don't know," she withdrew the thing that she said earlier, and smiled awkwardly at him. "Don't laugh at me, or else-"

"Or else what?"

"Hmm... What if let's have a deal!" Jeongyeon suggested, completely disregarding what she said a while a ago.

"If I scream at the top of my lungs later at the premiere, then I'll treat you some ice cream later," she winked playfully at him, but then, she smirked. "But if not, then it's the other way around."

The competitive Jeongyeon turned to him, and offered her hand. "Deal or no deal."

He didn't hesitate.

"Deal, mi amor."

As soon as they entered inside, a cold temperature came from the air-conditioner welcomed them.

"Ah, this is so scary as fudge..."

He heard her mumbled, but enough for him to be heard. To be honest, Jimin saw another side of her. A happy-go-lucky one.

Aside from being a shy-type one, (sometimes, he also saw her smiled because they're friends), he never saw this side of hers. This past few months, she saw her struggles and pain.

Now, he wants her to be happy... With his company.

He remembered one time that he visited her at her room. It's not true that he didn't visited her. Jimin only told her that, so that she wouldn't suspect. Nayeon let him enter so that he could see her.


As the moon shines so bright in the night sky, there was him. Looking over her, as she was sleeping for a long night.

Jimin sat down at the chair beside the sleeping Jeongyeon. She didn't know that he's there beside her. Only Nayeon knows.

"Am I a fool?"

He asked her even though he knows that she wouldn't respond. Jimin laughed at his own stupidity.

"I don't exactly know what are you feeling right now. But I hope that you're okay."

He looked at her with adoration. Jimin glanced at the bright night sky. No, he couldn't afford to lose her - her usual self.

Jimin knows that it was her. The only person who's giving him thousands of emotions that he couldn't explain.

He sighed deeply, and leaned closer to the sleeping beauty. He pressed his lips on her forehead.

"Jeongyeon, pase lo que pase, solo quiero que seas feliz. Siempre."



Loud screams ---- mostly women ---- can be heard inside the cinema. Jimin squinted his eyes, but he was shocked. His lips formed into little smirk.

"Woah, I'm not scared..." He laughed when he felt that his seatmate was hugging him right now, after she screamed. He emphasize the word 'scared'. "A-ah, I can't breathe!"

Jeongyeon jokingly choked him, as she heard his soft giggles. She also let him go after. "Fine, you won!" She emphasize the word 'won'.

"Ta-daaaa! Here's your strawberry ice creams, sir!" Jeongyeon exclaimed as she handed him the ice cream in cone, that he thankfully accepted since it's her treat.

They are currently at inside the ice cream at the mall. Enjoying a cold and refreshing ice cream.

Jeongyeon was flabbergasted when Jimin fixed her beret. She hid her blushing cheeks by continuously eating ice cream.

"Do you know," Jimin leaned closer to her and smiled brightly as the morning sun. "I learned — or should I say I'm currently learning how to speak Spanish language."

Jeongyeon was astonished at the thing that he said. "R-really?!"

"Yeah..." Jimin stared at his ice cream and a curve plastered on his lips. "It's also good if you know other language aside from English and Hangul. It makes you a multilingual."

"Well me, I only know English and Hangul — I'm just a bilingual," she awkwardly replied and giggled. She has no interest in learning other language aside from those. But then, her brows furrowed. "Wait, are you speaking Spanish at me—"

Jimin brows wiggled, means yes. Jeongyeon just laughed because she thought that he's speaking an alien language.


"What?" Jimin looked at her with confusion, but then a wide grin plastered on his lips as he realized what it is. "Are you going to test me?"

"Uh-huh," Jeongyeon nodded repeatedly like a kid. She saw Jimin's grin grew wider.

"Soy Jimin y soy guapo."

He winked at her, that made her heart flutter a bit, but she remained still. "Translation, please?"

"I am Jimin and I am handsome."

Jeongyeon bursted into laughter that made the older guy frown at her. "Anything else?"

"Jeongyeon, eres tan hermosa." Jimin smirked at her, that made her nervous.


"Jeongyeon, you are ugly..." He giggled that made her frown and took a scoop of an ice cream.

"Just kidding!" Jimin laughed at her reaction and he revealed the true meaning of it. "It means Jeongyeon, you are so beautiful."

"That's real though," Jeongyeon fixed her beret and giggled. "Anything more?"

She saw him sighed, and his facial expressions became serious as he looked at he directly in the eyes. They were already done eating their ice cream.

"Me gustas."


"Secret." Jimin shook his head, and looked away.

* * *

"Thank you Jimin!"

They are currently outside, on their way to go home. Somehow, this moment with him made Jeongyeon realized that she's been falling deeper for this man beside her.

"For some reasons, I had a chance to have a peace of mind... Just for a while - or a day," she smiled, full of sincerity in her voice. The boy beamed a smile on her.

"Estoy feliz de ver esa genuina sonrisa tuya... De nuevo." Jimin responded and looked away as he breathe some fresh air. "Thank you too, Jeongyeon."

"W-wait," Jeongyeon took out something on her green shoulder bag, and hand them on him. "F-for you." She looked away.

Jimin took the thing that she gave him. It was a book and a sunflower bookmark. He smiled for no reason. He was about to comment, but then she speak.

"I'm pretty sure that it's story it's not like those cliché stories that you can witness in dramas or movies," she nodded and glanced at the bookmark. "And of course, it would be better if you have a bookmark with you."

Jimin glanced at her sideward, and nodded. "I don't read books," he replied that made her stop. "But, I'm going to read this, since you gave it for me."

He smiled again that made her heart skip a beat. Well, it's always like that.

They stopped for a moment, as the both of them mesmerized the beauty of the night, sky full of stars and a moon that shines so bright in the night.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

Jeongyeon turned to him, and a wide curve plastered on her lips. Now, she knows that those curves are genuine. She nodded.


Jimin turned to her. He saw her smiling while looking up at the sky. She seems like she noticed that he was looking at her, so she looked back at him.

The very moment that their eyes met, Jeongyeon felt thousands of not just butterflies, but thousands or millions of emotions that she could only feel when she's with him. She's also hoping that he won't be able to hear her heartbeat.

He smiled, and whispered a thing that she didn't understand at all, but it made her world stop for a while.

"Te amo más de un millón."

✿ ✿ ✿

Featured Song: 'I Love You More Than Anyone' by TWICE (Hospital Playlist OST).

I like this chapter so much! It made me fall in love.

Update: Yes! I already put some 'Chapter Photos' in every chapter! You can take a look at them, if you want, hehe.

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