Doting Mrs. Kim | vsoo

By euphoricninja

577K 27.9K 30.7K

Kim Taehyung, the cold and aloof President of Kim Group, is a multibillionaire at a young age and every girl... More

CH 1: you will not be in the headlines tomorrow
CH2: I don't want to owe anyone
CH3: Make sure whoever wrote this will be blacklisted in Korea
CH 4: I don't like those kinds of jokes
CH5: You chose the wrong girl to mess with
CH 6: Your wife will be lucky
CH 7: I will make her suffer twice
CH 8: I will make sure karma hits them hard
CH9: I will win the Best Actress Award
CH 10: Please send some help for me
CH 11: I have an intense grudge to whoever did this
CH12: I told you that you can call me oppa
CH 13: It's an offer for a lifetime
CH 14: I intended to spend my life with you
CH 15: Do not remove it, let them be.
CH 16: Your Husband
CH 17: He knew I will fall for you
CH 18: I didn't even do that much for you yet you are thanking me
CH 19: It's also my fault for not protecting you
CH 20: You are setting the standard too high for men, Mr. Kim
CH 21: What did I do to deserve you?
CH 22: Don't joke around, Mr. Kim
CH23: To the man I love and admire
CH 24: Be my date
CH 25: This is my wife, Kim Jisoo
CH 26: Should I make you cry with your own blood?
CH 27: You don't have any right to point your finger and shout at my wife
CH 28: You are done with your revenge, and let me do mine now
CH 29: Don't get me wrong, I hate you too
CH 30: He is Kim Taehyung, he will be okay
CH 31: It felt good to touch
CH 32: Touch her and I will put a bullet to your head
CH33: I'm sorry... I am late...
CH 34: You will look beautiful on everything
CH 35: I also need it to improve my stamina [M]
CH36: They insulted the wrong person
CH 37: Some people are good in pretending to be nice
CH 38: To our kids
CH 39: President Kim has two soft spots
CH 40: Those bastards really pulled this stunt
CH 41: I have to give it to the right owner
CH 42: We will be great parents [republished chap]
CH 43: What if destiny didn't want us to be together
CH 44: I don't want to have that choice of who to save, my dear wife or my child
CH 45: We dragged them into this mess [M]
CH 46: I'll make sure she will be dead
CH 47: I'll get back at her even if it costs my life
CH48: Do not choose me to be saved
CH49: You don't deserve to live
CH50: Let her rest
CH51: We have a lot of time in our hands
CH52: No need to remind me of that

CH53: He is still a human with only one life

9.2K 325 456
By euphoricninja

Chapter 53


Happy 303k reads and 900 followers! 💎 LIKE WTH AGSJDLSIEVBSKL HOW? 😭😭 THANK YOU SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️ 🤧

Sorry, I was not active in my message board. I just visit here in wattpad to update 🤧

Oh, Let me ask you to grab some snacks for this will be a quite long chapter.

Also, I didn't proofread like as usual 🤣 so forgive me for typos and wrong grammar. 🥺

Let's start 🍿


Jack can even chuckle after getting beaten up as he heard how Jennie boldly called Mr. Song an idiot, "You are a complete fucking idiot. Heart is supposed to be fucking soft. I'm not like you who seemed to have a hard heart and pea-sized brain."

Mr. Song's men heard it and punched him hard in the stomach making him whimper as he cursed. Before he heard a gunshot, it was Mr. Song's way of stopping his men from punching him.

He then saw Mr. Song giving the command to his men as he stares at him, "Let's see how tough Taehyung's secretary and your boyfriend are."

The next thing that had happened was enough for him to flinch from the pain, closing his eyes tight from the excruciating pain he was feeling that was not sudden.

He felt a small knife suddenly cut into the left side of his arm, just below the tattoo he had. Soon, the sharp sensation of pain rushed through his system, feeling the heat as if it was burning. He knew the knife pierced his arm, he felt it.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he felt huge needles has been pinned into his heart, not because of the injury he had but it was after seeing Jennie's tear-soaked face. How much more when he heard her call his name in her already hoarse broken voice, probably from crying too much.

"Jack!!! Shit! Noooo!"

He looked at Jennie who was tied on the chair, beside her was the evil man with a wicked smile even drinking some vodka.

Jack tried his best to make the bind in his wrist loose a little, If he can just free his one hand, he would make sure to break all these men's necks.

But he cannot focus on loosing the tied rope because of the next thing that had happened...

"FUCK!" Jack cursed as he cannot even look straight and just looked above.

He cannot help but scream in agony and pain when he felt another knife piercing his thigh...slowly as he can fucking feel each centimeter that it went inside his body.

"I said stop!!" Jennie screamed under her shaky breath. Jack heard her again and was heartbroken, but it was not that long when he felt the stickiness of his blood oozing out of his thigh as it runs down to his legs.

One of the men even proudly said to Jennie, "Don't worry, I missed the major arteries in his thigh. He'll just die from bleeding."

Jennie's eyes were red from crying too much especially when she saw the blood that covers almost Jack's half body. She then faced Mr. Song and spit out at him before she cursed, "You will be dead. I'll make sure you will be dead."

Mr. Song wiped down the spit at his cheek, feeling amused that this girl had the guts to do that to him. He suddenly pulled Jennie's hair at the back before slapping her cheeks, not once but multiple times that she can no longer feel her cheeks as they became numb.

"You are brave to say that when you are in my territory." Mr. Song's wicked laugh echoed the room. He then suddenly kicked Jennie in her stomach making the girl scream, but he did not stop there as he threw some punches as well.

Jack's eyes turned murderous as he saw how Jennie was crying and basically in so much pain.

No man has the right to hurt his girl.

Suddenly, a man came towards Mr. Song and whispered something at him. The next thing Jack saw was Mr. Song giving commands to his men to get ready and move. "You three stay here. Make sure they cannot go out," he said pointing at the three large build men.

Mr. Song went out of the room and his men followed him, leaving only 2 men to watch for them. Jack immediately scanned them, One was sitting on the chair as he watches Jennie, and the other one was guarding him. Each one has a gun.

Jack knew this was the only chance for them to get out.


Taehyung and his men rushed down to the source of the gunshot. He was so sure if Jennie has a small cut on any of her body parts even if it was just her nail polished being scratched. He'll make sure someone will die in his hands.

Hyunbin followed as he led his men while following his son. As they quickly ran down the mountain, going to the undercover hideout of Mr. Song, the next thing after they heard a gunshot, he felt the ground shake after a deafening sound of an explosion.

Sand, rocks, debris of branches from trees flew up in different directions as Taehyung, Hyunbin and their men protect themselves from it.

Luckily, no one is directly above the place where the explosion took place, or else dead bodies will be lined up, but some got minor scratches and injuries from the debris. Taehyung felt his neck sting, he knew debris might have scratched his neck.

He was right, he touched the left side of his neck, soon wiping it with his fingers. He looked at his hand to see his blood on it. He didn't flinch at the sight of it instead he smirked as his eyes turned darker.

"That bastard planted a bomb in this area, we have to be careful." Hyunbin then took a handkerchief as he gave it to his son, "Your mom and wife will freak out if they saw how casually you reacted to your injury."

Taehyung looked at his Dad while wiping the blood as he asked him by his eyes which Hyunbin immediately got what his son meant as he gave him a reassuring nod.

"I'm alright, son. Wipe the blood on your neck." Hyunbin asked as he removed some small debris from his clothes.

Taehyung nodded at his father, "Don't worry, Dad. It's just a small scratch." Yes, it was small for him, but he was lucky it didn't pierce his jugular vein or he'll die.


Mr. Song received a piece of news that some people were out in the woods where they were in. He knew it was Kim Taehyung.

He asked his men to get ready for the battle. He planned to kill Taehyung's kids at first but seeing how the Kims were so worked out when their princess got kidnapped. He knew that Jennie Kim was enough to make their life miserable.

As he went outside ready to fight, he received a message that Hyunbin and his son together with their men were in their area already. The corner of his lips lifted with a grin, "Do it."

They soon heard the bomb they planted blow off, he was laughing with satisfaction before his laugh turned into a frown.

"Boss, no one died. They are still alive the bomb blew off late." Mr. Song became furious from what he heard.

He pulled a gun and without thinking twice, he pulled the trigger and killed the man who just informed him that their bomb failed.

"Idiots." He said after killing the man, point-blank range that made the blood splatter at his hand.

"Who made the bomb?" He asked, and one hand went up. "Me, sir."

Another gunshot was heard, soon followed by a loud thud of a body falling down. It was the body of the one who made the bomb. "I don't want idiots around me."


As Taehyung and the group were moving forward, they heard consecutive gunshots that made Taehyung curse as he ran to the source with all his might just to be stopped when he heard the same deafening sound but louder than before.

He was sure it was near them. What made him so sure was one of his Dad's men whimpered as he fell on the ground, clutching his legs. He was shot.

As reflexes, he immediately crouched down and hid behind one of the trees. "That was a sniper," Taehyung said, looking at his men.

His men knew what to do as they immediately contacted their own sniper who was hiding as well in the woods.

Taehyung gave a signal as soon as he heard that the sniper found the other sniper, "Kill him."

Two words came out that sounded from him without any hesitation in his voice. Soon, a man on the top of the roof fell down with a loud thud in front of Mr. Song's men coloring the floor with his own blood. They were surprised but they became more cautious of their surroundings as they pulled out their guns.

Meanwhile, Taehyung and his men started to load their guns and were ready to fight. Namjoon and the others soon arrived as well, but Taehyung instructed Jungkook and Hobi, "Accompany the girls. Make sure they are safe."

Hobi nodded as he went to Jisoo, Chaeyoung, and Lisa, who were all worried as fuck for Jennie and Jack. Luckily, they were not far from the place since they radioed each other.


Mr. Song became angry as they tried to hide so the sniper could not to kill them. "Fire at them!"

Taehyung soon got welcomed again by multiple gunshots from Mr. Song and his men. "HYUNBIN!!" the familiar voice of him echoed, calling his dad.

Taehyung and his Dad, Hyunbin, looked at each other and they knew that Mr. Song has many armed men. "Congratulations, your daughter is dead." He said with a hint of mockery in his voice before maniacal laughter followed.

Hyunbin did not answer but he was in a rage. His eyes were dark and expressionless. "Dad, Jennie's with Jack. Both of them will be safe." Taehyung said as he tries to keep his Dad calm, who's ready to kill.

"He was just pissing us off," Taehyung said as he knew Mr. Song was an idiot who likes attention.

But as soon as he heard the next words from one of Mr. Song's men, the lid of Taehyung's anger burst out open and he forgot that he was just calming his Dad a few seconds ago.

"Yah, Kim Taehyung! Your sister is delicious too." The man said with a menacing laugh that pricked Ttaehyung's ears.

"I'll fucking put a bullet in your head and dick!" After Taehyung threatened the man in his deep and cold voice...

One of his men threw flash grenades that made the enemies surprised from the sudden attack, blinding their eyes sight.

Taehyung took this opportunity to start the war that he and his Dad are ready to start for touching Kim's dearest princess.


"Why are you here, Jungkook? Hobi Oppa?? Did you guys find Jack and Jennie?" Jisoo asked as soon as they saw Hobi and Jin.

Before the two can even answer Jisoo's question, Chaeyoung butted in holding Jungkook's hand tight with both of her hands in front of her chest, "Tell me she is safe with Jack!"

Lisa held Hobi's shoulders, shaking him frantically like a kid, "Is Jennie hurt? Where she is? Tell me she didn't have any injuries! Poor Jennie! Where is she?"

Hobi was feeling nauseous as Lisa asked him questions while she was shaking him, "Can you stop shaking me? Am I a toy? Let us speak first!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes as his Hyung when he acted as if the world is ending from him being dizzy. "Stop acting, Hyung. Only Jin Hyung can be the drama king here."

It soon became an argument that Chaeyoung and Lisa became part of as well. Jisoo sighed before she heard another gunshot from afar. "Stop arguing or Jennie and Jack will suffer there even more."

Hobi and the kids, Jungkook, Chaeyoung, and Lisa, stopped arguing but Jungkook's words made the girls react aggressively once again especially Lisa and Chaeyoung.

"Then, let's go and save them." Lisa said ready to move.

"No, we will stay here." Jungkook added firmly with agreement from Hobi, "It's safer here."

Lisa berated, pointing at Jungkook, "No, bunny teeth! I will save Jennie. No one can fucking stop me!"

Chaeyoung nodded with agreement, "That's right! Jennie needs us. No one can stop us even you." scoffing at Jungkook.

But Jisoo knew and understood what his brother meant. She softly said as she held Lisa and Chaeyoung's hands, "Let's stay here... They are just worried about our safety."

"Once they settled everything, we can see Jennie again, right Kook and Oppa?" Jisoo looked at the two men who gave her nods of assurance.

But what gained the attention of the five were the continuous shots of guns they heard not far from where they were. Jungkook dragged Chaeyoung and Lisa to a nearby tree to use it as a shield if ever some bullets will fly threw them out. At the same time, Hobi dragged Jisoo as they hid like the other three.

Hobi was about to ask Jisoo if she was okay but she looked very scared and worried. "Taehyung is the one fighting in front, Am I right?" a question Hobi didn't know if he needs to lie to make Jisoo feel at ease or say the truth because that is true.

He decided the latter one, "Yes, but don't worry... Taehyung is Kim Taehyung. He's not an idiot to die and leave you with twins."

Lisa scoffed, rolling her eyes at Hobj, "What you said was the least comforting words I have ever heard someone say to someone worried."

Jisoo didn't mind the bickering of the two, she just sighed as she closed her eyes, praying for the safety of everyone, especially Taehyung. She believes in her husband, she believes in him... but she cannot help but worry because according to their grandfather, Mr. Song can kill hundreds of innocent people just for revenge.


Jack knew that Taehyung was already in the area based on how Mr. Song was acting. And he knew that it was time to get out and kill these bastards even he sacrificed himself just to make sure Jennie is safe.

He glanced over at Jennie, who was pale and looking exhausted in the chair, her lips were bleeding from a punch and her cheeks were red. He became angrier just by looking at her. Soon, he heard a loud explosion and followed by gunshots.

It was the right time.

"I will make sure to make your death quick once I free myself out of here," Jack muttered flatly, earning some mocking waves of laughter from the men.

One man then went closer to Jack, whispering something that made him regret it after, "Us die?" he paused cackling, "After you die, I'll taste your girlfriend fir—" the man wasn't able to finish his words as Jack used his head to hit the man hard. He might also bleed from it but he could never care less.

He even threatened in a very deep voice, his eyes could kill, "I'll cut your arm and feed it to sharks if you touch her." Jack glared deadly at the man before he spits out at him.

"Fuck you, bastard!" The man got so pressed that he took his gun out, pointing at Jack.

One wrong move.

Jack slipped in from being hanged, he successfully made the rope loose enough for one of his hands to be free while distracting the idiots who became so pressed and triggered by his word a few moments ago.

He continued pretending that he was still tied as he made sure to piss the shit out one of the men to point a gun at him and take it.

Of course, one idiot did.

As he slipped in, he immediately kicked the man on his groin area and quickly took the gun on the man not even thinking how painful his thigh was as he landed on the ground.

With one swift motion, he quickly pulled the man, whom he took his gun from, to shield him as he pulled the trigger at his neck once.

Then, he pointed the gun at the man, who was ready to pull his gun and fire at Jennie, Jack aimed at the man's crotch, just to make sure the man cannot hurt her if ever he tries to pull his gun out.

Jennie saw how one of the men fell beside her as she heard a gunshot. She then watched Jack on the ground with a gun in his hand, holding the other man, who's probably dead, before she saw him immediately change his aim to the man near her who was crawling to get his gun.

Another gunshot echoed in the room.

But it was not Jack who made it, another goon of Mr. Song came in after hearing the gunshot inside.

"Jack!" Jennie worriedly called as she saw how Jack was shot by the third man.

She was hoping it was not bad and he was okay but no... she soon cried in worry as she saw Jack's body lunged to the ground with a pool of blood.

Her eyes then turned wide as her attention was now at the man, pointing his gun at her.

"Your boyfriend is strong but an idiot." The man said as he walked to her. He chuckled, "He died but you'll die too. Don't worry."

Jennie gave up and lose all hope. She just closed her eyes, tears dropping at her cheeks as she waited for the bullet to kill her.

"I love you, Jack." She softly said as he waited for her life to end.


"Kill them!" Taehyung instructed as he opened fire, firing the first shot.

His men yelled in response and ran down from their position towards the base of Mr. Song and open fired ruthlessly that shock the enemy. They were stunned for a second that Mr. Song's men wavered a little.

Taehyung saw a couple of men take cover behind trees, rocks, and anything that would shield them. But Mr. Song will not die without fighting back, one of his men threw grenades at Taehyung's group, three men of Taehyung were not lucky as the grenade exploded in front of them. They were injured.

The only difference was Taehyung's group was composed, ready to kill, and ready to be killed. Mr. Song's men charged at them but they took them down easily.

Below the bright light of the moon, bullets were flying from left to right as you can only hear the trigger being pulled everywhere.

Taehyung fired continuously and he made sure that he hit someone every time. Yoongi, Jimin, Jin, and Namjoon started helping out as they killed the goons of Mr. Song one by one. Each of their shot was like precisely aimed at one man that soon after they fired a shot, a body will go down.

A few minutes of gun war continued and more bodies piled up. Hyunbin saw the opportunity and saw Mr. Song peeking out on a small space with his gun, He fired his gun immediately without hesitation.

Soon, a loud cry was heard.

Mr. Song was shot on his hand, crying out in pain as his pistol flew out of his hand. Hyunbin was a sharp shooter and it was seen how he took the shot from a small space. Mr. Song's men helped him out, trying to get away from the scene but Hyunbin gave an instruction to his men, to kill everyone and without a sound from any gun, the men helping Mr. Song fell down one by one, lifeless.

Their sniper finished the work other than one, he did not kill Mr. Song as Taehyung instructed to leave him behind for him.

Taehyung took this opportunity and walked towards Mr. Song who was pinned on the ground by Jimin's men. He looked at him and put his foot on Mr. Song's face, "You will not die yet. Don't worry." Taehyung said with a wicked grin on his face before he immediately ran inside the building.

Hyunbin was first to come and his heart clenched as he saw his princess tied with bruises in her body, bleeding lips, but what pained him the most was seeing his daughter cry as she was calling Jack's name.

"Jennie..." Hyunbin softly called her, his demeanor and eyes became softer as he ran towards his daughter, untying her hands immediately.

Taehyung came and witnessed his dad with Jennie. She is safe and he was happy about that.

"Dad!! Save Jack! Please! Save him!" Jennie said between her sobs as she felt the warm hug of his father.

The wailing and crying of Jennie calling out for Jack were enough for Taehyung to concentrate as he looked around before his eyes glued into a familiar Rolex watch that he gifted to Jack before.

He immediately went closer and saw Jack lying still on the ground with blood pooling around him.

"Fuck!" He quickly pulled out the man on top of Jack and pushed the man aside like a trash.

"Call Jin Hyung fast and ready the helicopter." He instructed while checking Jack's pulse. Taehyung cannot really feel Jack's pulse at first, but he remained calm.

"Fuck! Jack, don't you die!" He checked it again and he cursed as he soon felt his pulse. It was slow and barely felt but it was enough to know that Jack is alive. He was breathing on his own so it was another good news.

He checked his injuries to see he has cuts on his leg and arm. He also recognized a gunshot wound on Jack's stomach. Taehyung ripped the scarf given by his dad and tied it on Jack's legs and arms. He focused next on the gunshot wound but before he could even press down the wound. He was pushed out.

Jin arrived and pushed his cousin out of the way before he repeated called Jack. "Jack! Jack!"

Taehyung cannot get angry as Jack's life was on the line. Jin immediately checked where Jack was shot and he covered the wound with a cloth, pressing down hard with both of his hands, "Taehyung, help me and keep pressing his wound. "

Taehyung followed all of Jin's instructions. Their hands were soon got covered with Jack's blood. He looked behind to check Jennie, and he saw her being carried by his dad.

Hyunbin looked at his son, "She fainted, I'll bring her to the helicopter. Follow us immediately after the first aid." Taehyung nodded as his focus was back on Jack.

Hyunbin was carrying his daughter to the helicopter they have prepared earlier, but he was welcomed by his daughter-in-law, Jisoo, who went beside him to check Jennie. Following her were Lisa and Chaeyoung.

"Dad, what happened? Is Jennie okay?" She asked before Hyunbin gave her an assuring nod and smile, "She fainted from exhaustion, but she didn't have any major injuries."

Lisa cried out with Chaeyoung as they saw how Jennie became pale and a mess. "Fuck! Jennie's lip is bleeding." Lisa was in a rage, she stormed out as she cursed, wiping her tears, "Where is that fucking bastard? I'll fucking hit him with a bat on his face."

Jisoo looked at Lisa and Chaeyoung walking away, but her heart cannot feel calm, she knew her husband was safe according to his brother, "Where is Jack, Dad? He's fine, right?"

She was waiting for his Father-in-law to say that he was okay but nope, she saw him look down at Jennie with a gloomy face, "He's badly injured... Jin said he was in critical condition. He cannot be transported unless he was stable enough."

Jisoo's heart sank from what she heard, she immediately ran towards the building. Jack has been a great help to them. He was like their family.

Jimin saw how his sister looked so sad and worried, he went beside her, hugging her which Jisoo finds as comfort, "Soo, Jack is a strong lad."

"I know he is strong, trained for these kinds of things, and smart." Jisoo started as she hugs his brother back, she sounded gloomy as her eyes started to swell, "But even if he was stronger than others, trained, or even skilled than you guys..." she paused for a awhile before continuing.

"...remember that he is still a human with only one life."

Jimin can only sigh from Jisoo's words, his sister's words are true like others. Jack might be on par with some skills from Namjoon or the rest but in the end of the day, Jack is a human that can get injure... or worst die...

He can just coax her sister, assuring her, "I'm sure Taehyung would not let his best secretary and friend die."

"What more his sister might kill him if Jack died." He said trying to lighten up the mood which he knew he succeeded after seeing Jisoo smile.

At the same time, Lisa and Chaeyoung arrived at where Mr. Song was tied with Yoongi and Namjoon, as Hobi and Jungkook followed as they surrounded him around like an offering.

Chaeyoung was so angry that even Jungkook cannot stop her wrath when she suddenly pushed Yoongi and Namjoon aside and threw rocks at Mr. Song. "Evil bastard!"

"You piece of bullshit! Asshole!" Lisa cursed as she threw a kick at Mr. Song's face that made him lose a tooth.

The boys looked around and did not mind stopping the girls. After all, later on, they will play with Mr. Song.

Meanwhile, inside the building, Jin gave Jack some morphine for him to not feel pain, he then instructed their men to carry Jack to the helicopter as he was stable enough.

They were walking out of the building when... Taehyung got surprised when he felt a tight hold on his arm. He looked at it to see Jack's hand on his...

His eyes barely opened, but it was enough for Jack to see Taehyung and Jin.

"Don't move around, Jack. You will be okay." Taehyung firmly said, assuring him.

Jack nodded his head slightly as he licked at his dry lips. "Is Jennie okay?" he asked with his very weak voice.

Taehyung nodded and was about to answer Jack but Jin beat him out, "Don't force yourself to speak. You are still bleeding."

Jack barely heard Jin but he was trying his best to stay awake or alive. He wasn't really sure what exactly was going on but he made sure that Jennie wasn't hurt before he fell unconscious. He clearly remembered, when he was shot, he became weaker from the loss of blood but hearing Jennie's words and seeing her accept her end of life that soon... He used his last ounce of energy and fired a gun at the person who shot him before he could kill Jennie.

"I'm o-okay. Please Take car-e of Jenn-ie." Jack mumbled weakly.

Taehyung eyes turned dark as he heard Jack's words, his brows furrowed as he coldly said, "You cannot die, Jack. You will still marry Jennie."

Jack weakly smiled, nodding slightly as an answer... before he released his grip on his boss's arm. His head felt heavy and he dropped it back down to the stretcher. His eyelids felt the same so he closed his eyes while he concentrated on breathing slowly in and out before he soon felt his body was getting heavier.

Jin saw it as he kept on calling Jack, "Shit! Jack, stay awake!" He looked at his cousin, Taehyung, before both of them shouted at the men carrying Jack to hurry.

Lisa and Chaeyoung heard the commotion and looked back. Lisa and Chaeyoung almost stumbled, their eyes wide as they both saw Jack being carried out with blood all over his body. They almost forgot that he was with Jennie.

"Tell me that my eyes are playing tricks on me. That is not Jack, right?" Lisa nervously chuckled as she looked back at the boys. She was chuckling hoping it was someone else, but seeing how the boys looked was enough for her to hold her mouth from shock, confirming that it was really him.

Chaeyoung felt her legs weak seeing the amount of blood covering Jack, but luckily, Jungkook was there to hold onto her. She softly muttered, "He is still alive, right?" Jungkook wrapped his arms around Chaeyoung, shushing as he caresses her back, "Yes..."

On the other hand, Jisoo broke out from Jimin's hug as soon as she heard the commotion, there she saw Taehyung's men carrying Jack with a stretcher, blood dripping on the board, his clothes tainted with red blood.

She immediately ran to her husband as her tears fell on her cheeks, "Hubby..." she softly called as Taehyung looked back at his wife and hugged her immediately.

He knew she was really worried based on how she looked at his hands covered with blood, "I'm okay, don't worry." He pressed a kiss on Jisoo's forehead, assuring her before he rode to the helicopter. "I'll go with Jack. Stay with your brothers."

Jisoo nodded before she moved back a few steps when the door closed. She went beside his brother, who wrapped his arm to her shoulder, as they watched the helicopter's landing skid gets lifted on the ground until it became smaller and smaller from their vision.

The group definitely had a heavy air around, the atmosphere felt somber. Jimin told Jungkook to bring the girls to the car, "Accompany Lisa, Chaeyoung, and Jisoo. Drive them to the hospital. We will follow after." which the younger followed. He knew what his Hyungs were trying to do, and they didn't want the girls to see it.

"Noona, let's go." He said as he helped his sister ride his car after Lisa and Chaeyoung rode first.

Jisoo soon followed Jungkook, but as soon as she settled herself in the passenger seat... She said something that made Jungkook's lips twitch into a smirk, "I know what they will do, please tell them to let Mr. Song experience the same pain Jennie and Jack experienced."

Jisoo might be kind and understandingly sweet, but if anyone close to her especially her family member got hurt... She can be bad to evil people. After knowing who Mr. Song is, how he and his family killed innocent people and how their family was the reason for Taehyung's grandmother, and her grandmother's death. She cannot see any sympathy for him.

It was not the end, Jungkook's smirk became wider when his girl, Chaeyoung, ruthlessly said, "Pull out his ugly teeth and let him eat green and red chilis."

Lisa butted in and cruelly suggested, "That's not much!!! Cut his dick!" Jungkook cannot help but evilly grin at what these girls suggested.

"Don't worry, hyungs know what to do." He chuckled before starting the engine to drive off to the hospital.


As soon as the boys saw Jungkook's car drove off, Yoongi suddenly turned around to look back at Mr. Song, who was tied on both hands and legs while being pinned down by their men.

Without any word, he walked towards him, looking down at him with a dagger-like stare, "You did not just mess up with the Kims. You fucking messed up with our group for hurting our friend."

What made the group annoyed was how Mr. Song can still smile at them with a proud look. "What's the fuss of bringing him to the hospital? Taehyung's secretary will be dead anyway." He laughed loudly but it didn't take long as Namjoon annoyingly punched Mr. Song's jaw.

"Oh, it's weird you usually break things, but why didn't break his jaw?" Hobi jokingly said to Namjoon, smiling in awe. "Don't worry, you still have 205 bones to break in his body," Hobi added remorselessly.

Cocking his gun swiftly, "Show me his hand." Yoongi commanded coldly as Hobi and Namjoon watches at the side crossed arms, while Jimin's hands were in his side pocket.

The men followed and put out Mr.Song's other hand, "Do the middle finger first, oh wait..." Jimin suggested but stopped as he went near Mr. Song and casually break his middle finger, making the bastard scream from pain. "There you can shoot it now," Jimin added with a smile before moving out Yoongi's way.

Yoongi grinned, his eyes turned into an angry cat as he pointed the muzzle of his gun to Mr. Song's broken middle finger, putting pressure on it to make the pain even better before firing the gun.

Mr. Song cursed in pain, as he cannot do anything but look at his broken finger. "Fuck all of you! I will make sure you die and follow me in hell. I promise!"

The boys just scoffed at his words, "We can't wait." Hobi said taunting and mocking Mr. Song's words. "Make sure to clean the way before we follow you."


Seoul National Hospital was on high alert as they received a call, not from an EMT but the hospital director said that two VVIP will be arriving. Trauma Doctors were already on standby at the hospital's VIP bay, while Emergency doctors were at the helicopter pad awaiting the VVIP patients arrival with two steel gurney ready for the two patients.

One nurse received a call from Doctor Jin minutes before the arrival of the patients, telling them the information needed to get ready for the possible scenarios.

As the helicopter touched down, Jin and Taehyung went down first as they helped the staff place the stretcher of Jack right on top of the gurney. He was first since he was in red tag, meaning he was critical and needed immediate treatment. They did not waste any seconds as they rushed him down to the trauma bay. Following them was the second stretcher where the unconcious Jennie was laid down by her father.

The doctor greeted Hyunbin, who he knew someone he couldn't afford to offend, said, "Sir, we will bring her to the VIP emergency room." Hyunbin nodded and followed the nurse.

Jin talked to the doctors while everyone was busy doing their own work in the trauma bay.

One nurse came to Taehyung, who was at the side, "Sir, family member should wait out--"but she did not finish it as she was stopped by her superior, "It's okay. Don't worry about him." Of course, the head nurse bowed to apologize but Taehyung didn't care as he just watches Jack laying on the hospital bed barely alive.

Soon, orders are yelled out as they worked one by one. One nurse cut Jack's blood-soaked shirt as she hooked him up to an electrocardiogram machine to see his basic vital signs. The beep sounds start to fill the room while his vitals were seen on the screen.

One doctor inserted a tube into Jack's mouth down to his throat after seeing his oxygen level go down. It might be from losing a lot of blood causing his oxygen level to go down. It is dangerous as it can bring him into a shock or put him into a coma.

They were beginning to assess the extent of Jack's injuries and the handkerchief wrapped tight around his leg and arm. His stomach has a hole from the bullet, but no exit wound. Meaning the bullet was still inside him and might have ruptured some of his organs.

"Proceed with transfusion."One doctor said, looking at the nurse pressing the Type B blood on Jack's body, while the rest continued their work. Then, the head surgeon looked at Jin, "We will proceed now." Jin nodded while he watched the doctors push Jack inside the Operating Room.

Jin stopped in front of Taehyung, patting his cousin's shoulder, "Let's go to my office and change our shirt."

Taehyung didn't want to but looking at his shirt, he surely need to change since it was covered with blood. Jennie and Jisoo will get worried if they saw him like that. So, he quietly walked out of the trauma bay following Jin in his office.

As soon as they finished changing their shirts, Jin received a call from the nurse that made him curse and run out of the room. Taehyung immediately knew something was wrong the moment Jin cursed so he followed him just to be stopped at the operating room's door.

"Sorry, sir. Doctor Jin said not to let you in." The nurse bowed to apologize before going inside the operating room. Taehyung cursed out before the possibilities rushed through his mind. Jack might be working as his secretary, but he is one of his friends. He even thought of him as his brother-in-law. Soon, Jennie's crying face flashed through him, it was something that made him be furious.

"If something will happen to Jack, his secretary, friend, and his future brother-in-law, he'll make sure Mr. Song will just wish to be dead." Taehyung thought as his eyes fumed with fury.

The moment Jin enters the Operating Room, he saw a doctor doing CPR on Jack's chest while one prepares the defibrillator. The doctor glanced up to the monitor after one cycle of CPR, no to avail, there was no response.

Jin cannot do anything but just watch how his colleague said, "Two-hundred joules" which the nurse charged in the machine. He watched how the doctor rubbed two paddles with gels, before pressing them onto Jack's chest.

"All clear!"



Just a random thought 😌

Do you guys believe in reincarnation? 🤡

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