The Seven Families (Klaroline)

By greybandit313

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The Seven Families of the supernatural world. The elite. The oldest. The originals. All settled down in New O... More

Author's Note
Main Characters
Chapter 1: Car Crash
Chapter 2: The Morning After
Chapter 3: Meeting The Big Bad Wolf
Chapter 4: The Player Enters The Field
Chapter 5: Shopping Time
Chapter 6: Finally Awake
Chapter 7: Making Magic And The Dungeons
Chapter 8: Another Deal
Chapter 9: A Day In New Orleans
Chapter 10: A Date With The Psychotic Maniac
Chapter 11: A Day In The Past
Chapter 12: The Full Moon Rises
Chapter 13: The Student And The Teacher
Chapter 14: Secrets Made, Secrets Revealed
Chapter 15: Good Ol' Home
Chapter 16: A Dinner Date
Chapter 17: Learning The Family History
Chapter 18: Lammas
Chapter 19: The Capture Part 1
Chapter 20: The Capture Part 2
Chapter 21: The Transformation
Chapter 22: Boy Crushes
Chapter 23: Where I Come From
Chapter 25: First Full Moon As A Wolf Part 2
Chapter 26: Hormones
Chapter 27: If The Deals Over,.....
Chapter 28: Clubbing Night
Chapter 29: A Night To Remember
Chapter 30: Love To Hate
Chapter 31: Changes
Chapter 32: A New Job
Chapter 33: Good...Or Bad News?
Chapter 34: Where To Go From Here
Chapter 35: What The Baby Means
Author's Note
Author's Note Pt. 2
Chapter 36: Morning Sickness
Chapter 37: The Ball Part One
Chapter 38: The Ball Part Two
Chapter 39: The Ball Part Three
Chapter 40: The Ball Part Four
Chapter 41: Tis The Season...
Chapter 42: ...To Be Jolly
Chapter 43: We Don't Live In The 18th Century Anymore
Chapter 44: Leaving New Orleans?
Chapter 45: History LikesTo Repeat Itself
Chapter 46: A New Hybrid
Chapter 47: The Trip Up North
Chapter 48: The White Mountain Forest Pack
Chapter 49: Welcoming A New Wolf
Final Author's Note:

Chapter 24: First Full Moon As A Wolf Part 1

239 11 5
By greybandit313

Hey Everyone....Here's Chapter 24..enjoy!..

Caroline's POV

I stretch my arms up and turn to the right to see a beautiful sunset and sky. I smiled before jumping up and walking over to my closet, grabbing the clothes I won't mind getting dirty. I changed quickly, not wanting to be late when Klaus picked me up.

I mean, we didn't specify a meeting place or time, so does that mean he'll pick me up here?

I turn to the door as I hear footsteps approach and a soft knock. I walk over towards the door and open it slowly, smiling as I come face to face with Klaus. He leans against the door frame in dark sneakers, rugged dark blue jeans and a black henley.

"You're going to wear a dress?" He asks and I look down at my own flowered yellow dress that went down to my knees. I look back up at him and nod.

"Yeah. I figured a dress would be the easiest to put on and off and it's yellow so it'll be easier to spot in the dark. And, it's like three years old and still fits," I reason and Klaus looks at me like he's trying to hold back laughing.

"What?" I ask him. He breaks out into a smile, looks down at the ground shaking his head before looking back up at me in a goofy grin.

"I mean, the reasoning makes sense. But it's hard not to laugh imagining you wearing a bright yellow dress in the middle of the night," Klaus chuckles and I lightly shove him before walking past. Klaus turns around and I hear him walk towards me.

"So, where's the usual spot?" I ask and Klaus looks towards me, confused and I sigh.

"Where do you usually go to "wolf out"?" I ask again. Klaus just shrugs before grinning and I feel myself getting nervous.

"You have a spot right? To keep our clothes safe?" I ask again and he continues grinning.

"What if it rains?" I ask.

"It won't," Klaus immediately responds and I roll my eyes.

"You should have a safety spot. Just to keep your clothes somewhere dry, in case it rains," I tell him and he stops walking before turning to me.

"How about this, love? You pick the place and next time we'll go there," Klaus says before continuing to walk down the hall, turning when he reached the stairs.

Next time?

My heart sped up at his words before I immediately caught up with him, realizing I was a few feet behind. We walked in a comfortable silence until Klaus sidetracked and walked into another room which I realized was the library as soon as I stepped foot in it. Hayley and Elijah were talking about some new werewolf problem the Labonair pack was now having.

"Why not Elijah? We should not be condemned to the bayou. New Orleans is supposed to be split between the three creatures, not just a witch and vampire city," Hayley argued and Elijah sighed before placing a map city around his desk.

"Where do you suppose I give the werewolves room?" Elijah asks. Hayley points down on the paper and Elijah gives her a look.

"Across the river is neutral territory. I can't give you that," Elijah argues and Hayley smirks before pointing down at another place.

"The East Area is witch's territory," Elijah argues again.

"Make it Labonair's territory and shift everyone over to the left a little bit. I mean, come on Elijah, look at this map. You guys have from Lakeview to Uptown to Mid-City. Witches have everything east of that. Now, add the werewolves here, witches get Desire to Mid City, adding Lower Garden to them, and Vampire keep where they are, just losing Lower Garden," Hayley reasoned back and I smiled at the sight of them.

"Fine," I turned my head to the right to see Klaus step into the conversation, forgetting we were watching this for a few seconds.

"But you have to go talk to the witches about it. And the French Quarter stays neutral as well as Algiers," Klaus demands and Hayley smiles before nodding.

"See, that wasn't so hard now, was it?" Hayley smirked over to Elijah before turning to me and smirking. I looked over to Elijah for a second to see Elijah still staring at Hayley, like no one else was in the room.

"You are going out?" She asked me, with obvious humor laced in her voice.

"Yes and don't you have a pack to look after in a few hours, wolf," Klaus replied and I rolled my eyes.

"The full moon isn't for another few hours and this was important business," Hayley glares at Klaus.

Oh for the love of god-

"Well now that the business is down, goodbye," Klaus interrupted my thoughts and I immediately shot him a glare. He saw it before huffing and slightly rolling his eyes.

"Hayley, you should probably head back to your pack soon though. Just so they don't get worried," Elijah reasoned and Hayley sighed before turning to me.

"Care, walk me out?" Hayley asked, but it seemed more like a statement than a question.

"Goodnight Elijah," Hayley smiled over to Elijah who smiled back and nodded. I muttered "ohlala" to Hayley and she lightly shoved me.

"Be safe out tonight, Care," Hayley said, worried. I smiled back at her.

"I'm more nervous than worried about safety tonight."

"You'll do fine. I feel better knowing you'll be changing for the first time tonight too," Hayley replied, smiling back at me.

"I know. But I'm scared to handle the pain," I honestly stated and Hayley nodded.

"And you think I'm not? I have to look at a whole pack tonight as I transform. All of us screaming in pain. But, I heard from my new pack advisor that even if you didn't have to change, you should anyway. It's good for you. It's when your true self comes out," Hayley sighed. "I also hope it goes well."

"New pack advisor?" I ask.

"This boy named Leo. He is apparently from a family who was in the Labonair clan, but born after everything. He's, I think, 19. Super young but knows everything about this werewolf thing. He's adorable," Hayley giggled, before looking behind me.

Klaus' POV

"Niklaus, are you sure about this?" Elijah asks me. I walk up towards the desk looking down at the map.

"Yes. The Labonair Family used to be our allies. Let's make it that way again," I nod looking down on the divided map.

"The Witches are split between two families. Each of our species is only one. They won't like this Niklaus," Elijah argued and I huffed. I always hated that he used my full name. It didn't have the same effect as Bek's or Kol's Nik, or even Freya's Klaus, but I knew he would never change from it. He would always look down at me forever as a little brother.

"They can take it up with you if they have problems, then. They'll be so ecstatic to have their ally back again as well," I smirked before walking towards the door. "Add it to the list of things you do with the wolf, including walking around like a lost puppy behind her."

"I could say the same thing to you, brother."

I rolled my eyes, my smirk instantly disappearing as I left the room. I followed down the hall towards the front door where I saw Caroline and Hayley talking.

Caroline's POV

I turned around to see what Hayley was looking at, my eyes meeting Klaus' as he walked down the short steps towards us.

"Are you ready, love?" Klaus asked and I nodded. We walked out the front door and down the stone path leading onto the main road while Hayley walked towards her new rental car.

"Have fun," Hayley mouths while smirking and I rolled my eyes as I heard Hayley laughing.

"So if there is no spot you usually go to, then how do you pick where we are going tonight?"

"I usually run out towards the edges of town and towards Maurepas," Klaus answers and I gape at him.

"That far?!" I ask.

"It's not bad. Come on," Klaus motioned for me to follow after him as he vamp sped away, almost out of my sight. I followed up to him and enjoyed the cool night breeze against my skin as we ran towards the edge of the city into the trees. A few minutes later Klaus stopped suddenly in a small break between the trees and I stopped behind him. He looked around and I gave him a look.

"Here?" I ask and he nods. An uncomfortable silence washed us before I decided to break it.

"Okay. I'm just going to go with what I'm thinking because my mother always told me to speak up if I want a say. I'm, um, kind of nervous. I mean don't get me wrong, I want to change tonight but does that mean we'll have to be naked in front of each other? Because Hayley said that's what the wolves usually do. And how much will it hurt? And-" My rant was interrupted by Klaus letting out a low laugh and walking closer to me.

"Love," Klaus looked straight into my eyes and I felt my heart speed up, "breathe." I breathed deeply before looking at Klaus chuckling who was finding all of this amusing. I shot him a glare and he held his hands up in protest, trying to hold back his smile which made me glare at him even harder.

"Now, number one. I will be changing here and transforming here. I do not mind if you wish to join me, love, or hide behind one of these trees while shifting. Number two, unlike Hayley's pack who will suffer the pain for an hour to two, we as hybrids have the ability to take up to only a few minutes. It will hurt but you will never regret it," Klaus said, looking down at me.

I nodded and he backed away, before turning towards a tree and taking off his shirt quickly. I turned around and blushed before taking off my dress and sandals slowly. I decided to take off my bra but not my underwear and I thanked myself as I remembered to wear something that wasn't lac.  y. I cleared my throat and crossed my arms over my chest hiding my upper chest while moving some hair in front of my chest as well. I turned around to see Klaus removing his last part of his clothing which was his pants while keeping his boxers still on. I bit my lip unconsciously as I looked at his back muscles and his tattoo along with the scars that ran all over his back. He turned around, his eyes widening for a second, taking in my form before coughing and walking towards me.

"Are you ready?" Klaus asked seriously and I blushed at his care. I nodded and Klaus took towards the ground, him motioning for me to do the same.

"Now, remember. Feel your wolf in you. Your instincts, your sense of smell, everything that makes you, you. It's not trying to fight you. It wants to help you and change peacefully. If you fight it, it will hurt more," Klaus stated and I nodded my head as I faced towards the ground.

"Now, carefully get on your hands and knees," Klaus awkwardly said and I locked eyes as I did it, blushing even more on my cheeks and I saw some color added on his.

"Feel your wolf. Feel the need to change and transform, and follow that instinct," Klaus says again and I look at him as he changes too. His eyes lock onto mine and I see them glow bright yellow. His smile brings me out of my stare.

"Your eyes," Klaus states. "You're close to starting."

My eyes? Oh, they must be yellow by now. I wonder what I'll look like once fully transformed.

I breathe deeply again and focus on the target at hand. I close my eyes and feel my bones wanting to shift and break and reform in a new way. Suddenly, an immense pain hits my back and I cry out. Another pain towards my arms and I feel my bones break this time causing me to cry out even longer. Pain engulfs my body and I grab the closest thing not realizing it was Klaus' hand until too late. I pull away and mutter an apology, wishing to die from embarrassment, but as soon as I finish my apology, pain engulfs my body again and I turn to lay on my back as my knees give out.

This time, Klaus' hand grabs a hold of mine and squeezes it. I blushed at the thought because I knew I didn't need my eyes open to see that Klaus was holding my hand to comfort me. I felt my jaw enlarge and my teeth and gums become numb, the only feeling from my mouth was when my canine teeth scraped against my lip.

I turned back around laying on the ground and breathing heavily as I tried my best to let my wolf take over without me interfering. The pain lowered but still burst throughout my body. This time, instead of crying out in pain, I was able to hold it in and I looked up to see my transition almost done. I let the pain continue for what felt like forever (even though it was probably only a few minutes) and soon enough opened my eyes to see paws and a shining grey fur coat. 

Hey Everyone! How was your week?

So.....Caroline transformed for the first time!! This chapter was a little bit longer to make up for the short chapter before it. As you can see (from the title) there is a part 2!! Which is also quite long and just as good! For next chapter...

How will Care do as a wolf? Will Klaus help her and stick with her throughout the night?

Read more to find out!

SPOILERS: Gets reallllllly cute next chapter!

Don't forget to vote and comment! 

Have a good night everyone.


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