The Seven Families (Klaroline)

بواسطة greybandit313

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The Seven Families of the supernatural world. The elite. The oldest. The originals. All settled down in New O... المزيد

Author's Note
Main Characters
Chapter 1: Car Crash
Chapter 2: The Morning After
Chapter 3: Meeting The Big Bad Wolf
Chapter 4: The Player Enters The Field
Chapter 5: Shopping Time
Chapter 6: Finally Awake
Chapter 7: Making Magic And The Dungeons
Chapter 8: Another Deal
Chapter 9: A Day In New Orleans
Chapter 10: A Date With The Psychotic Maniac
Chapter 11: A Day In The Past
Chapter 12: The Full Moon Rises
Chapter 13: The Student And The Teacher
Chapter 14: Secrets Made, Secrets Revealed
Chapter 15: Good Ol' Home
Chapter 16: A Dinner Date
Chapter 17: Learning The Family History
Chapter 18: Lammas
Chapter 19: The Capture Part 1
Chapter 20: The Capture Part 2
Chapter 22: Boy Crushes
Chapter 23: Where I Come From
Chapter 24: First Full Moon As A Wolf Part 1
Chapter 25: First Full Moon As A Wolf Part 2
Chapter 26: Hormones
Chapter 27: If The Deals Over,.....
Chapter 28: Clubbing Night
Chapter 29: A Night To Remember
Chapter 30: Love To Hate
Chapter 31: Changes
Chapter 32: A New Job
Chapter 33: Good...Or Bad News?
Chapter 34: Where To Go From Here
Chapter 35: What The Baby Means
Author's Note
Author's Note Pt. 2
Chapter 36: Morning Sickness
Chapter 37: The Ball Part One
Chapter 38: The Ball Part Two
Chapter 39: The Ball Part Three
Chapter 40: The Ball Part Four
Chapter 41: Tis The Season...
Chapter 42: ...To Be Jolly
Chapter 43: We Don't Live In The 18th Century Anymore
Chapter 44: Leaving New Orleans?
Chapter 45: History LikesTo Repeat Itself
Chapter 46: A New Hybrid
Chapter 47: The Trip Up North
Chapter 48: The White Mountain Forest Pack
Chapter 49: Welcoming A New Wolf
Final Author's Note:

Chapter 21: The Transformation

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بواسطة greybandit313

Here's Chapter 21, enjoy!......

Caroline's POV

I groan as the blinding lights feel heavy against my eyes. I try to move around a little but end up failing. I try my fingers this time and feel them move ever so slightly, the feeling coming back again. I try my arms and soon find the ability to open my eyes, just a little bit, and come face to face with Elijah and Hayley.

"Oh my god, Care," Hayley worriedly says, squeezing my hand gently. "We were so worried."

"Ugh, why do I feel like my body weighs five tons?" I ask groggily, my throat as dry as any desert.

"You were out for two and a half weeks," Hayley responds frantically.

"I was, what? Does someone mind me getting a blood bag? I'm starving. I feel like I could eat a hundred people," I groan, trying to lift my body ever so slowly. I feed a thud on my bed and turn to Elijah who just placed eight bags of blood on the bed sheets. I can't help myself as my fangs elongate and I feel my veins rise as I grab a blood bag, ripping it open and downing it in a matter of seconds. I do the process again until there is no blood left in the blood bags and my hunger is satiated.

"What happened?" I ask, wiping the blood from around my mouth and licking it.

"What do you remember?" Elijah inquires.

"Um, not much. I got captured, woke up with a horrible pain in my body, and Tyler was there along with Klaus and Davina. And...oh my am I not dead?" I turn to Elijah. Elijah looks down before looking back up to me like he was wondering how he was going to tell me the news.

"It's been a long few weeks Caroline," Hayley interrupts, my eyes turning towards hers. "Just know, everyone is ... safe. I'll explain everything."

"And I'll leave you two to it," Elijah adds, getting up from the chair, buttoning his suit, and walking out the door. As soon as he left I turned towards Hayley.

"So, Davina, after taking some blood from Kol, healed back up enough in time to save you. She was totally kick ass," Hayley laughs before continuing. "She and Kol realized that using Elena's blood, which was tricky to get, she had to go to Klaus' supply. Anyway, used Elena's dopplegänger blood and killed you which would be the process for a werewolf transitioning into a vampire. They argued that since you had werewolf genes first, the process could be done again correctly this time. But after Davina killed you, we got really worried because you were just in this motionless coma for the past two and a half weeks. Davina says you were all good, that your body was healing slowly after all the trauma, but I was still worried." I pulled Hayley into a hug for a few seconds before letting go.

"I'm okay now, I think," I say, unsure.

"So what am I now?" I ask, already knowing the answer. I wait for the response to leave Hayley's lips.

"A hybrid," She finally responds and I wait for all the bad commentary.

"How cool is that?" I snap my head towards Hayley, looking at her confused. "I mean, an actual hybrid. Half kick ass vampire and half kick ass werewolf in a kick ass girl," Hayley adds, laughing.

"You don't think it's bad?" I ask her.

"What are you talking about? Care, you are now one of the most powerful creatures in the world. Act like it," Hayley remarks, softly hitting my arm. I smile before turning towards the window.

She's right. I am a kick-ass hybrid now.

I giggle at my thoughts and turn back towards Hayley when a realization dawns on me.

"Wait, why was it hard to get Elena's blood?" I ask. Hayley stops smiling and the mood turns somber.

"Care, when Elijah searched upstairs, he didn't find anything and decided to check the basement. And, he found," Hayley gulped before shakily answering again, "He found Elena's dead body. Luckily, Elena drank vampire blood and so she woke up the day after I killed Tyler. She's good, but she isn't doing too well on the vampire side. Klaus doesn't really want to keep her but I argued for her staying."

I rolled my eyes at that. We stayed in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before Hayley began talking again.

"I also have some pretty big news," Hayley squealed, and I giggled at her reaction as she looked like she just remembered something important.

"Well? Don't leave me in suspense," I say. Hayley takes a deep breath before facing me again.

"I'm a werewolf now," Hayley clapped, smiling from ear to ear. I gasped and smiled back.

"Congratulations Hayley. But what about a pack? Aren't werewolves supposed to travel in a pack or something?" I ask stupidly.

"That's the amazing part. With Tyler gone, I take his pack, considering I did shoot him three times in the back," Hayley giggles. I smile for her as she looks happier than ever.

She finally found a place where she feels like she belongs.

"Um, where is -" I start to ask before being interrupted.

"Caroline Forbes," Rebekah shouted, slamming the door open, shocking Hayley and I.

"Don't you ever lie to me again or so help me," Rebekah continued shouting before rushing over and giving me a quick hug. "You gave me such a fright."

"I feel way better now. No worries," I respond, wincing still from Rebekah's strong hug. Rebekah nods before I turn back towards Hayley.

"Um, as I was asking, where is, um,"

"Oh for dear god, my brother is probably sitting depressingly in his art room," Rebekah rolls her eyes, eyeing me before smirking.

"That's not what I was going to ask," I argued, making Rebekah snort with a "sure", not believing me for a second.

"I was going to ask where Davina was," I lied, although I did want to talk to Davina. I had so many questions. Then check in with Elena and then Bonnie.

"She was spending the day with Bonnie but I think Bonnie went back to her apartment when night came and Davina went back to her house in the middle of the bloody forest," Hayley informed me and I sighed.

"I guess I'll wait until tomorrow to visit her. I'm going to go stretch my legs," I reply, moving my legs slowly over to the side of the bed. I look down to see I'm in an oversized t-shirt and long pajama pants. I get up slowly and walk towards the door, my legs feeling better and better the more I walk. I stretch my arms out, walking past the darkly lit walls as I continue moving down the hallway.

"Stretching her legs. Please, she's going to my brother," I hear Rebekah say, Hayley laughing and agreeing with the statement.

"I can still hear you," I say calmly, knowing Rebekah's vampire hearing will pick up on that.

"It's all true," Rebekah replies and I roll my eyes as I turn the corner and walk down the other long hallway to get to Klaus' bedroom.

"Klaus," I call out, opening the door slightly to see the same dark, empty, clean room. The bed sheets look like they haven't been touched in days as well as everything else in the room. I turn to my left and see his art room still dimly lit, the door open slightly. I hear his sighing in the room so I walk over and open it slowly.

"Klaus," I repeat again as I open the door more and walk into the room. I turn to the opposite side of the room, where Klaus holds a paintbrush and looks to be thinking of what to do next. His eyes meet mine and his frown turns into a quick smirk.

"Love, how are you feeling?" He asks. I smile back at him before responding with a "good". I look down towards the table he's near and see an alcohol glass filled with blood. I feel my teeth elongate and I try to push my urges back down. Klaus must've noticed my reaction because he grabs the glass and walks over, handing it to me. I nod a thanks before chugging the rest of the liquid down my throat, making me moan slightly at how good it tasted. I set the glass down and look towards Klaus who has amusement written all over his face.

"Sorry. I usually have better self control," I mutter looking anywhere else but his dark blue eyes. Klaus chuckles before walking back towards his work. I flop myself down on the couch looking around the room.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. You're a hybrid now. Your appetite is bigger, your senses are heightened again, and your emotions will be more rampant," Klaus says, walking over to his scotch table, pouring us both some heavily needed drinks. Klaus walks back over, handing me one of the drinks before sitting on the couch opposite.

"I feel scared," I admit, taking a chug of the alcohol, the taste burning down my throat resulting in me coughing a little.

"You have nothing to fear. You're going to be okay. People will look down on you, think you of a freak of nature, an abomination that the world wants to rid itself of, but pay no mind to them. You are perfect," Klaus smirks before swallowing the drink as well.

"I don't even know what to do now," I say honestly. I look up to meet Klaus' gaze and our eyes lock for what seems like eternity before Klaus sighs.

"I can help you. I can teach you," Klaus smirks.

"I don't know whether to thank you or be more scared," I say, giggling as Klaus chuckles.

"Do I have such little faith from you?" Klaus asks, pretending to be hurt by my words. I smile and giggle before drinking more of the alcohol.

"What did Tyler mean, when he said that you never got to meet your biological father," I ask. Klaus' mood instantly changes and I regret asking the question but I couldn't help but be curious.

"When Mikael, my non-biological father, realized I was a bastard, he hunted down my true father and slain their entire pack," Klaus says coldly, and I feel a pinch in my heart hearing that.

"You're not a bastard," I reply instantly and Klaus looks at me, comforted in his eyes. "You're just a normal one thousand year old hybrid werewolf vampire," I giggle out, lightening the mood.

"Well when you put it like that, I am definitely not normal," Klaus smiles again, swallowing more of his drink. I giggled at his statement, the alcohol already reaching to my head.

Jesus, what's in this alcohol?

"Run with me tomorrow," Klaus bluntly says and I choke on my drink.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"Tomorrow is a full moon. You'll want to run as a wolf. Join me," Klaus tells me, saying it in less of a question way and more of an order.

"Okay," I reply, feeling the pink rising in my cheeks.

Must be the alcohol still running in my body.

I stand up and walk over to the fireplace. There's a wide painting above it showing what looks like the city of New Orleans, but instead of a dark night sky or sunny day, the sky is blood red.

There's something dark about it.

"Do you really look at New Orleans this way?" I ask, turning around to Klaus looking in my direction. He sighs before standing up and walking over.

"I have a long and complicated history with this place. It was one of the first places I came to when I turned into a hybrid and had defeated my parents. Although it was nothing more than a small village at that point, Native American tribes roamed around and the lush dark green forest and the many rivers encircled it. But when I came back hundreds of years later, European villages and towns were being built and for some reason, I felt an instant connection when the town became bigger and bigger, turning into the lush growing city of New Orleans today," Klaus says, looking straight into the painting, my eyes staring straight at him.

"I know what that feels like. After...dying and coming back to life, try explaining that to your cop mother by the way, I got accepted into NYU. And when I arrived in New York City, I don't know, maybe it's the fact you can be whatever or whoever you want, but I felt at home. Blended into the other millions of people " I smile, our gazes locking onto each other.

"You know I spent a millennia trying to find peace. And I don't think I've ever completely achieved it," Klaus responds, looking straight at me. My breath hitches in my throat as I stare back into his dark blue orbs.

"Jealous?" I smirk back.

"Very," He responds, smiling back. I giggle involuntarily and walk over to the painting he was just working on but Klaus gets there first and stands like a fortress.

"I can't see it?" I ask, pretending to be hurt. I give him my best puppy eye face and he smirks and rolls his eyes before standing aside, letting me pass.

"Why thank you," I giggle out, walking in front of the painting. My breath gets caught in my throat as I look towards the beautifully painted masterpiece.

"That'," I state out, my heart beating faster and faster as I look down at the beautifully hand drawn painting of me.

"It's supposed to be a present. For when you woke up," Klaus replies, and I see a touch of pink hit his cheeks.

"It's .... beautiful," I reply in awe, my eyes not able to meet his gaze as I continue looking up. Klaus starts shooing me away, claiming I'll ruin the art and I move back to the couch. We continued talking for the rest of the night about New Orleans, being a hybrid, and even more ridiculous stories of him and his siblings when he was younger.

Hey Everyone!

So..... Caroline survives thanks to some crazy work created by Kolvina! And wakes up a few weeks later to find herself as hybrid, oooooooh. Anyway, Hayley tells her what's been going on and apparently Elena's a vampire and Hayley has her own life now as a werewolf! To end, Klaus and Caroline end up spending the night talking and flirting. 

How will Elena adjust to the new life? Will she want to talk to Caroline or see her? Will Caroline survive in the world now as a hybrid or will people look at her with fear? Will Hayley regain her pack now as she is a werewolf?

Read more to find out! Don't forget to vote and comment! 


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