The Rescue

Від Nerdyyyyy1

55.2K 2.2K 208

With conviction, Kara slams her now empty glass to the table and decides to take action. She wanders over to... Більше

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 21

1.3K 59 7
Від Nerdyyyyy1

When Alex returns, she finds them digging into Noonan's and enjoying Lena's fancy coffee. She catches up with Kelly, but she keeps a close eye on Kara and Lena. She also doesn't miss the fact that they are constantly touching. As Kelly and Alex clean up the mess in the living room, Lena helps Kara move out to the balcony to bask in the sunlight and enjoy the nice weather.

"So, what do you think of them?" Alex whispers.

Kelly leans to watch the two on the balcony. Kara is resting her head on Lena's shoulder with Lena's head resting against Kara's. "I can't divulge much with HIPAA, but I can say that as a friend from this morning, they have a high potential to be great together. Although, I need to talk to you about Kara. I think she is repressing everything that has been happening lately."

Alex's face turns serious quickly. "I'm really worried what will happen if Mike gets out of jail. You remember the last time he came around... she was so paranoid. She thought he would come after us. It took months for her to get back to her normal."

Kelly looks at Alex with compassion and understanding. "I know. I'm hoping Lena's lawyers can stop that from happening. She deserves so much better."
Meanwhile on the balcony, Kara lets out a sigh as she sinks further into her girlfriend. She gets lost in thought. She guesses that Lena never actually used the term girlfriend. Asking for the jacket was agreed to just be a signal that Lena is ready; not that it was Lena asking her out. What if Lena was just trying to say that they should date, not be girlfriends? What if she misread what Lena's gesture was? What if after hearing her explode in the morning, Lena wants nothing to do with her? She's snapped out of her spiral.

"What's going on in that beautiful head of yours, darling?"

Kara hides her face in Lena's neck. She subconsciously toys with the new necklace around her neck. How can she ask if this means that they are dating? She can feel Lena's throat vibrate when she speaks again.

"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want, Kar. But you can say anything with me. You can talk about anything. You know that, right?"

Kara whispers, "I know. Can we talk about it when it's just us?"

"Of course." Lena kisses the top of Kara's head before resting her cheek back on that golden hair.

Alex and Kelly poke their heads out on the balcony. Only Lena turns to look.

"We are going to go out to meet up with Nia, Winn, and James to give them an update. They are wanting to see Kara too. Would it be alright if game night is hosted here?"

Kara shoots up and glares at her sister before the CEO has a chance to respond. "Lena does not have to host game night, Alex. She's already doing more than enough by simply letting us stay here."

"It's alright, Kara. I promise. Yes, Alex, we can have game night here. Just let me know what night works for everyone, and I'll make sure to stock up."

"Lee, you don't need to do that," Kara says softly.

Kelly chimes in, "No need to stock up. We will handle that since you are providing the space. We will be back later. Kara, reach out if you need anything. Alright?"

"Yeah, I will. Thank you for this morning, Kelly."

"Anytime, Kar. If you decide you want to talk to someone more formally, I can reach out to some of my colleagues."

"I- I'm not sure." Kara buries herself into Lena's neck again. She grips and digs her fingers into Lena's back.

Kelly is quick to reassure her. "That's okay. You can reach out at any time. We will see you guys later."

After they head out, Lena is quick to try to comfort and support the woman in her arms. "What do you need right now?"

Kara just shakes her head and squeezes a bit harder. "I- I just want to feel you."

"Whatever you need, darling. Why don't we go inside? We can watch TV, and I can get you some pain meds. And if you want to talk about anything, you just speak your mind. I'll be here to listen."

Kara nods into Lena's neck. She grumbles when the CEO shifts to have them both get up. Kara keeps her hands on Lena's waist under her shirt as she moves about to grab the pill bottle and a couple glasses of water for them both. As they move back into the living room, Lena pauses. She tries to figure out how to give Kara what she needs without injuring her further.

"Lee," Kara whispers, tears in her eyes. She knows that her voice broke with that single syllable.

Lena quickly spins and cups Kara's face. "Kara, what is it?"

"I- I-," Kara gulps and closes her eyes. "Wh-what are we?"

It takes Lena a moment to realize what Kara is asking. "Oh, darling." Her eyebrows are worried. "I'm so sorry for not being more clear. I- I was asking you to be my girlfriend. I- If you don't want to, nothing has to change. I'll still be h-"

Kara cuts her off by leaning forward and pulling her into a salty kiss. Lena feels Kara's soft lips hugging her bottom one. She gets lost in it. She can feel Kara's hands move further up her shirt.

When they have to pull back to breathe, Kara whispers, "I want you to be my girlfriend."

Lena smiles at the blonde. Her eyes flicker to the necklace. Suddenly, she feels her shirt being pulled up over her chest. Kara is moving to take it off of her. Lena snaps out of it and mumbles, "Kara."

"Is- is this okay?"

"I- I would love to go further, Kara. But I don't think we are in a good frame of mind. Plus, I don't want to hurt you." Lena holds her breath, afraid of Kara's response.

She just nods her head in agreement. She connects her forehead with Lena's and keeps whispering, "Can- can we just lay together.... with... with our shirts off? I just need to feel you, Lee."

The CEO releases the breath she was holding. She leans back a fraction of an inch and lifts her arms to help the blonde pull it off. "Okay, darling."

Lena has to help Kara out of her zip-up. Kara's torso is still wrapped in gauze, but braless. Kara's tanned hands are a sharp contrast to the pale, soft skin of Lena's. Her sports bra is a low cut one, and Kara's eyeline is clearly aimed at the flesh moving up and down with each of Lena's breaths. Lena pulls Kara towards the couch. She lays down and parts her legs for Kara to lay between them. However, instead of Kara laying on her back, like she should to protect her wounds, she winces as she bends forward to lay stomach down. Lena tries to protest, but Kara interrupts.

"Just, please, let me stay like this? I'm already here, and the painkillers will kick in soon." She lets her hands wander across all that exposed flesh. She rubs her cheek into Lena's stomach. Lena lets out a sigh in defeat. Kara shuts her eyes and takes great comfort in the contact. She starts to just talk to her, "Sometimes, I get lost in my head. Sometimes, I have such doubts- that I misread a situation, misheard someone, mistook intentions. He brought that out in me. He made me doubt everything, all the time. He told me I was wrong constantly."

Lena plays with the blonde hair. When there is a lull in Kara's story, Lena decides to broach the topic. "Kara, darling. Have you ever talked to someone fully? After him?"

She feels Kara shake her head in her stomach. "I- I was too ashamed to talk about it. I mean how weak was I to let him do that? To let him hit me and convince me that I'm nothing?"

"Darling, I need you to listen to me. You are not weak. And you were not weak when you were with him. He is a vile monster, and you are a survivor. Talking to someone may help you work through this."

"I'll think about it," Kara mumbles.

"That's all I can ask for, babe. If you get stuck in your head, just let me know, yeah? Ask questions if you have any doubts." Lena kisses the top of her head.

The women fall back into a comfortable silence. Lena turns on the TV for background noise. Instead of expecting Kara to be the only one sharing, Lena opts to reveal things too. "When you were there for me, I got lost in my head too. I couldn't believe that you came out of nowhere and managed to help me more than most people. When I ran, I thought I would only hurt you. I thought I couldn't be good for you."

"Lee..." Kara props her head up on her chin.

"I know better now, obviously. But I still get concerned about it. I still get lost in it. When you were hurt, I- I was so scared." Lena swallows back some tears. "I- I immediately regretted keeping you at a distance. I'm used to being alone. Sammy was really the only one that was a good friend to me."

Kara keeps scratching at the woman's stomach gently. "Lee, can we make a promise to each other?"

"What kind of promise?"

"That if either of us gets uncertain or scared, we talk about it?"

Lena smiles kindly at the blonde. "Agreed, darling. And if neither of us is ready to talk about it, we just say so."

"Deal," Kara smiles in return. She scooches forward to kiss Lena's soft lips. A few innocent pecks quickly turns into something heated and more urgent. Lena's hands are wrapped around Kara's neck, pulling her further up. Kara's hands move more urgently, toying with the bottom of Lena's bra. The blonde moves and her thigh falls firmly on the CEO's center. Lena moans into the kiss and her hips start moving on her own accord.

Lena breaks the kiss first. Kara moves to kissing and licking her neck. Lena's panting. "Kara. Kara, darling. If we don't stop now, I- I don't think I'm going to be able to."

"Don't wanna stop," Kara mumbles into her flesh. She nibbles just below her ear. Lena's hips stutter against Kara's firm thigh. "Just wanna make you feel good." Kara bites a bit more firmly before licking. "Please, Lee. I've wanted you since that first night you called me over." Kara moves to the other side of Lena's neck. "Don't make me stop. Please."

Lena is battling herself internally. They literally decided to start dating this morning. She shouldn't be sleeping with Kara so quickly, especially with everything that has been going on. The CEO wants nothing more than to enjoy this with her new girlfriend. She still has hesitations. "Darling, I- I don't know."

"The pain meds are working. I'll stop if it hurts. I want this. With you." Kara keeps her hands moving all over Lena. Her teeth and lips keep moving against pale skin, leaving red marks in their wake. "Lee, I love you."

Lena breath stutters; her face drops. "Wh-what?"

Kara realizes what she just said out loud, but she doesn't regret it. She puts her chin on Lena's sternum to look in her eyes. She could get lost in those green eyes, but they are looking wet. "I love you, Lena. I'm sorry for pushing. You said you wanted to stop. I'll- I'll stop."

Lena cups her face and crashes their lips together. She runs her tongue along Kara's lips. When she parts, she whispers, "I think I love you, too. Can- can we wait until you are healed up more? I- I just want..."

Kara interrupts her, "Of course. I- I was just feeling needy and touchy."

They stare at each other in a comfortable silence, smiling giddily at each other. They are both so happy with each other. Kara snuggles into Lena's covered breasts as they turn to watch TV. Due to the high emotions during the entire morning and night before, they both fall asleep on the couch. It isn't until they hear Alex cursing loudly at seeing both women topless that they wake up. Lena is quick to pull a blanket over them as they blink themselves awake. Alex grumbles as she tosses Kara's leather jacket on the chair, "Get a damn room."

"We did. We are in Lena's living room," Kara mumbles just loud enough. Alex stops mid stride. Lena has to suppress a laugh.

Alex lets out a sigh and refuses to look in their direction. "Game night is this Friday evening, by the way. They'd appreciate if you would text them back when you aren't too busy laying naked on top of your 'friend.'"

Kara and Lena eye each other. Lena nods her head in the silent conversation. Kara turns to her sister. "Uh, yeahhhh... about that."

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