Thank You, I Love You ✓

By winter_lover10

10.6K 765 155

"I don't usually say I love you too." How would you like to end your own story? How can you say that your sto... More

[01] Welcome, Senior High!
[02] A Dream
[03] Sitting Arrangement
[04] Math Problems
[05] The Math Wizard
[06] A Rainbow After The Rain
[07] Friends
[08] Two Choices
[09] Loser
[10] Flower
[11] Welcome to the Group
[13] You're Welcome
[14] Comforting Words
[15] Anonymous Letter
[16] Team Building I (Hidden in Plain Sight)
[16] Team Building II (Ella Me Gusta)
[16] Team Building III (Venomous)
[16] Team Building IV (Strings of Melody)
[17] Ella Falló
[18] Definition of Love
[19] Pure Love
[20] A Familiar Tune
[21] Once Upon A Dream
[22] Listen
[23] A Calm Before the Storm
[24] The Party Begins
[25] Dead Flower
[26] Nightmare and Trauma
[27] Change
[28] A Sign
[29] Two Lines
[30] More than a Million
[31] Soiree
[32] Last Waltz
[33] Childhood Best Friend (Forever)
[34] Missing and Disappearance
[35] Forget-Me-Not
SPECIAL: Happy Birthday (A Letter) I
[36] Lost Colors
[37] Moving Forward
[38] The Man Behind
[39] Behind the Mask
[40] The Truth Unfolded
SPECIAL: Correcting Mistakes (The Traitor) II
SPECIAL: His Secret (The Witness) III
SPECIAL: For Her (A Letter) IV
Thank You, I Love You

[12] Sunflower

194 17 0
By winter_lover10

[Chapter 12]






Taehyung slightly and softly shaked her shoulder, which made her a little startle. "Your ice cream is melting."

"O-oh?" She asked as she looked at her hand, she felt a sticky liquid passing through. Taehyung immediately grabbed a tissue and wiped her hand.

"You're spacing out," he said and shot a glance at her while wiping her hand. "Is there any problem?"

Jeongyeon thanked him first, before speaking, "M-me?" She asked as she point at herself. "I... I'm fine."

Taehyung looked at her, unconvinced at her answer. "Are you sure? Don't lie Jeong."

The latter sighed. "Okay, because the examination is about to start later."


"I didn't review my notes."

Taehyung's eyes widen, as he stared at his childhood best friend. "What? You didn't review? Any subject?"

The latter shook her head. "That thing got rid out of my memory," Jeongyeon replied while they are walking. "I just watched a drama whole day, so yeah I forgot about that."

"Oh my goodness, Jeong," Taehyung said, worriedly. "Our first subject is Precalculus and then followed by General Mathematics. You should atleast skim those pages."

"Yah, I know." She said as she looked down, feeling guilty. "I'm so irresponsible, as if I'm a genius student, tsk."

Jeongyeon finished her ice cream that Taehyung bought her a while ago. Nayeon isn't with them, because she come to school earlier, so that she could review.

That's the reason why Taehyung is with Jeongyeon. Nayeon called him so that he could accompany her best friend.

She felt a soft tap at her shoulder. "Don't worry, I'll help you later," he said and glanced at his wristwatch. "We still have one hour and thirty minutes, so let's go to the library, and I'll teach you."

Jeongyeon's eyes sparkled at she looked at her best friend, she almost jump and sang in glee. "Really, Tae Tae?"

Taehyung smiled at her, and pats her head, "Of course, we're friends, right?" He asked and made their way to his bike. "That's what friends are for."

The latter nodded happily, and smiled at him, genuinely. "Oh, my dear Taehyung is so sweet~" She replied. "So, what do you want, Tae? I'll treat you later."

"I'm not asking for anything in return," The boy said, and smiled a bit. He looked at her directly in the eye. "I just want you to pass, and promise me that you will pass the examination, okay?"

"No, we will pass together. The examination." She corrected and smiled at him. She was touched at her childhood best friend who's always there to cheer her up.

"But you know what, Taehyung," Jeongyeon started as she rubbed her chin. "I always wonder why you don't have a girlfriend."

The latter seems to be startled, based on his expression, he flinched a little. He turned to his friend, and asked with a curious look. "Why did you think of that?"

"Uhm, because it's pretty obvious. You're still single and ready to mingle. You have the brain, the looks, and everything that a woman can ask for. You also have fan girls, but it seems like you're not interested in dating one of them-AHHHHH!"

Taehyung immediately cut her words by pinching her cheeks. The latter glared at him which made him giggle. "You're too noisy. I don't need a girlfriend or what."

"And besides, I already like someone else," He replied, and Jeongyeon looked at him, with a questioning look. "Uh, there's no way that I'm gonna tell you."

Jeongyeon only frowned, but she didn't forced and insist for him to tell her. Even if they're really close, she still respect his privacy.

"But, you're too numb and dumb so that's why." He whispered under his breath - to himself.

"Did you say something?" The latter asked, clueless of what he said.

"U-uh, nothing, I said I'm so handsome," he said and winked at her which made her laughed. "But seriously Jeongyeon, just focus on our test, and think positive, okay?" He said, completely changing the topic.

They already saw the bike, where it was parked. Taehyung took out the two helmets and handed one to her. "Of course, I will."

"Then let's go!" Taehyung yelled and Jeongyeon sit at the back of the bicycle. "For our dreams!"

"For our dreams."

"Oh, hang on tight okay?" The older guy said and they made their way to the school.

The ride became silent. Jeongyeon's smile quickly vanished when a thought came into her mind. She touched her chest, confusedly.

What happened to me? The old me?

Is it already gone? How?

* * *

"You only have two hours to finish the examination. "Ms. Lee said as she roamed around the room. "No extensions because that's too much, understood?"

What the hell?!

The students of STEM 11 Section A gathered at the classroom. At their respective places. Actually, nothing has changed - except that the gap between the two seats are far from each other - and the arrangement of the seats was still in alphabetical order.

Ms. Lee distributed the bubble sheets and the questionnaire. Jeongyeon mentally cursed herself the moment she saw the questions. It is fun of equations, which seems she didn't understand, even a single problem.

What kind of equations or whatsoever is this? It looks like an alien.

Who the hell invented this stupid subject? Precalculus? Huh!

I'm not making any sense! Geez!

"Your time starts now."

"No cheating, and no copying of answers," the genius Math teacher said, as she walk around the room, observing each one of her students. "If ever someone will be caught violating those, I'll mark your papers zero."

"Understood?" She added, at made everyone answered yes. The students started answering the bubble sheets.

Nayeon, is busy answering her bubble sheets. She has a scientific calculator with her, so that she could answer them right. Taehyung is also doing the same. He is confident about his answer.

Jennie - just like most of the students - is having a hard time to answer the question. Same as Jungkook and Rosé. They repeatedly squinting their eyes, and tapping their scientific calculators.

Meanwhile Jeongyeon, felt anxious about the test today. She didn't expect that the questions would be this hard, to the point that she couldn't shade anything on her bubble sheet except her name.

She squinted her eyes, while looking down at the questionnaire, remembering what Taehyung lectured earlier at the library.

"The center of the circle C is denoted by the coordinates (h, k)..."

"The radius of the circle is denoted by r."

She smiled widely as she remembered those lines that Taehyung discussed a while ago. Atleast, she remembered something that is really relevant for the test.

She shot a sideward glance at her seatmate Jimin, who's seems too focus on finding and solving the problems written on his paper. He's taking it seriously and not minding the things around him.

He is really as good as Tae when it comes to this kind of alien subjects.

Then, thanks to the lecture of her childhood best friend, she managed to answer the Precalculus test, and she is able to pass on time. Now, it's time for another Mathematics monster - borrowing Jeongyeon's own words.

The General Mathematics.

She let out a long sigh after seeing the questions. It was 2x harder (for her) than the previous ones. She roamed around, and like her, everyone looks stressed and haggard.

What the hell! I would really like to call this a Mathematics monster.

Okay, so I'm gonna deal with another mind torture.

"Just focus," she heard her seatmate said. It was no other than Jimin. "You won't be able to get the right answer, if you will continue to torture this subject on your mind."

Thinking out loud again? What the hell?!

Of course, you can say that right into my face because you're really good at this subject! Don't tell me that thing, Jimin!

"How could I?" She hissed, she wouldn't like to get the attention of the strict teacher. "It is difficult, a piece of shit-"

"Don't say that, Jeongyeon!" The latter also replied with a whisper, but later on, he smiled. "You can do it, just trust your knowledge and everything would be fine."

Huh? Knowledge my ass.

Just like the previous subject, she also tried to recall what Taehyung lectured her about General Mathematics.

"Always remember that the domain is the set of all values that is allowed to be the input in the function. And the range is the set of all values that will the output of the function."

"And another thing is, there are different ways to represent a function. First is: alphabetically, through formula. Second is: numerically through table values. And third is: an image, through the graph of a function."

Jeongyeon's eyes open wide as she remembered those explanations that Taehyung said earlier. Now she has already an idea how to solve it, but still she's not quite sure.

"But seriously Jeongyeon, just focus on our test, and think positive, okay?"

"For our dreams!"

Jeongyeon smiled as she remembered those. Her best friend trying to cheer her up really became helpful. She stared intently at her paper. She also remembered what Jimin said, to boost her confidence.

"Just trust yourself and the process. I know that you can do it. Believe me, Jeongyeon."

She turned to her seatmate, and smiled.

I know I can do it, thanks to you. Jimin.

"You only have thirty minutes left," Ms. Lee reminded the students which made everyone groan. Confusion and at the same time frustration s written all over their faces. "Take your time."

What should I do? The fifteen remaining questions - which is the problem solving - are damn difficult!

Tell me, what should I really do?

She aggressively made some tapping gestures at her scientific calculator. The sound of the keys can be heard by her seatmates. The clock is moving, that made her tense.

"Just chill, noona," Jungkook hissed at her, avoiding that the teacher might caught them and think that they're cheating. "Take your time, fighting!"

He clenched his fist and showed it to her when he muttered the word "fighting!" He's trying to cheer her up, that made the older one smiled at him , genuinely.

"Thanks, Kookie." She replied, and smiled at him. "You can also do it - no - we can do it!"

The younger one smiled at her, and went back to his business. Now, this is the reality, that she need to face. Her test paper.

I'm really bad at numbers. Why do this subject always tortures my little stupid brain?

This is crap.

Fifteen minutes has passed, and the problem solving part remained blank. She kept solving it, but still getting the wrong answer.

She silently looked back, to see Nayeon, who's also having a hard time to answer the test. But she knows that she can do it.

Compare to her, Nayeon is much better when it comes to General Mathematics and Precalculus subject. She's not that smart, and not also dull.

She also looked for Taehyung. Unlike Nayeon, her childhood best friend looks more calmer that her. She knows that he is undeniably smart and intelligent, especially when it comes to this subject.

Okay, I guess I'm the only one who's dull here. It seems like everyone has having a hard time, but not as problematic as me!

Oh wait, the time is running, better answer it, or regret later.

She began answering the test, and silently glancing at Jimin - no she is not copying his answers - for inspiration purposes.

Her heartbeat raced again like crazy, so she stopped looking at him, because she lost her concentration. She shut her eyes, and continued solving the problems. Correctly or not.

Lord, guide me. Please.

"Kookie was right," her seatmate suddenly speak out of blue. He throw a quick glance at her before continuing. "Just chill and relax. Don't second guess your score."

"Okay," Jeongyeon whispered at him as a reply, and leaned closer to him, afraid that they might get caught. "This test is really challenging, I can't take it anymore."

"How will you know, if you will not try?" Jimin replied that made her realize what he is talking about. "When you have something to achieve - a dream - you will not be able to achieve it by just wishing upon a star."

"You have to work hard for it, you have to try and take risks." He added. "Always remember that in this life, you need to trust yourself. That's the key."

Jeongyeon is surprised that Jimin is able to talk to her like that, and say things that is related to life. She nodded at him.

"I agree," she said and looked back at her paper. "You're right though, if I want something, then I should work hard for it."

The latter gave her an assuring smile, before going back to his business. Now, it's time to face this challenge.

The time has come, and everyone submitted their answers.

With the remaining ten minutes, everyone submitted their answers. Nayeon stood up, and passed her paper. Same as Taehyung and Jimin.

"We'll wait for you and Kookie outside, okay?" Nayeon said to her best friend, and looked at Jungkook. "Good luck you two, okay? Fighting!"

"Thanks unnie," Jeongyeon replied and looked at the two. "For understanding."

"Aish, stop saying that," Taehyung is the one who replied to her. "That's what friends are for, right?"

Jeongyeon nodded, and her eyes landed at Jimin who's looking at her. She stepped forward and smiled.

"Just like what we have told you, you can do it." He said that made the latter fluttered, a bit. "Continue answering that. We will just wait for the two of you outside."

She looked at the three once again and smiled. Jungkook also speak.

"Thank you, Jimin hyung, Taehyung hyung, and Nayeon noona," the younger kid flashed a genuine smile at them. Then he turned to Jeongyeon. "We can do it, noona!"

Jeongyeon looked at him, and smiled in reply. The three went out and waited for them outside. Now, she can feel the beads of sweats at her forehead. The time is running, and she still has three remaining problems to answer.

After five minutes, Jungkook finally stood up and passed his paper. Only three students remaining. His eyes landed at Jeongyeon who looks problematic, and taking the exam seriously.

Well, just like Nayeon, he is not that smart, and not dull at the same time. But of course, he always wished that he is a smart as Taehyung or Jimin.

He shook his head and thoughts away, and walked towards his problematic classmate.

"Noona," Jungkook looked at her, pity can be seen through his eyes. "Do you want me to help you?"

Jeongyeon looked at him, and shook her head. "No need Kookie. I can do it. You can just wait for me outside."

"No, I'll just stay here," Jungkook said and sit beside her. At Jimin's seat. "I will it disturb you, I promise."

"Aww, you're so cute," She complimented him, and looked back at her paper and frowned. "But this? I really want to tear this into two."

She heard Jungkook giggled and laughed silently, so she just shrugged her shoulders and continued answering her test and shading her bubble sheets.

Times up, and luckily, she was able to submit her bubble sheet on time. She looked at Jungkook who's busy fixing his things, and grabbed his bag.

"Let's go, noona?" The younger asked, and the latter just nod, and also grabbed her bag.

The moment they reach the door, an arm suddenly wrapped around her shoulder. And a voice yelled at her ears.

"YAH! JEONGYEON-AH! I KNEW THAT YOU CAN DO IT~" Nayeon's voice echoed around the hallway while peering on her shoulder. The good thing is, there were only few students around, aside from them.

"Yah, your voice unnie," Jeongyeon whispered to her. "You're not in a concert, so please stop yelling as if you owned this school."

"So, how is it, Jeongie?" Taehyung asked her while his hands on his pockets. "Is it fun, boring-"

"Difficult," she replied without thinking. "As expected."

The latter just nod. And they continued walking. Then suddenly her eyes accidentally landed at Jimin who's staring at her for a moment.

He smiled and nod at her. Muttering that he believes in her, that he trusts her, and he knows that she can passed the test. It seems that Jeongyeon already got what he was trying to say, to she smiled back.

But then, something else is going on between that smile. She's still doubting herself.

I hope I really made it.

* * *

Did I really passed the exam?

Jeongyeon is currently at the greenhouse. The place where she wanted to go when she's in deep thought.

No one bothered her, seems they understand that she needs privacy. And they respect that.

She's staring at the flower. A beautiful flower, when suddenly she felt someone's presence.

"You're spacing out."

It was Jimin, who sit beside her. Then, his eyes landed at the flower that she's staring at. "Sunflower."

Jeongyeon curiously looked at him. She didn't know why she didn't pushed him away, wherein fact that she wanted to be alone. Jimin continued.

"Jeongyeon, do you remember what happened two months ago?" The older one asked her, referring to the time where he and Jungkook became part of their squad.

It's been two since that the two members became their friends. Many things happened, so she has no idea what exactly he is talking about. "About exactly what?"

"About us, when we discussed about our favorite flowers," he said and looked at back at the flower. "I haven't shared mine, remember?"

Jeongyeon just nodded at him. So he continued. "I think this is the right time for me to open up." He paused and continued. "I really have a favorite flower, sorry white lies."

She nodded again. She's willing to listen to whatever he's going to say. "Go, you can share it now."

Jimin smiled and touched the flower. "My favorite flower is Sunflower."

"Sunflower meanings include happiness, optimism, honesty, longevity, peace, admiration, and devotion... With a round face and bright yellow petals that resemble rays of sunshine, the sunflower has important cultural and spiritual significance to people around the world."

"So that's why I like sunflowers," he said. And gazed at the yellow flower. Jeongyeon also did the same.

They remained quiet and stared at the plant. Then, she glanced at Jimin who's smiling at the flower. Seeing him adoring a beautiful plant makes her heart fluttered. She didn't notice it but,

She smiled.

🌻 🌻 🌻

Featured Song: 'Hello' by SoHyang (18 Again OST Part 2)

Again, I do not own the symbolism meaning for sunflower, so credits to Google.

Wait what? I'm also not good at Math, lmao.

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