What I Am (Loki Show) [Marvel...

By catalan_andrea

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A spinoff of the When Worlds Collide Series. After Loki escapes from New York in 2012 with the Tesseract, he... More

Chapter 1: The TVA
Chapter 2: Memories
Chapter 3: That's Enough
Chapter 4: The Escape Attempt
Chapter 5: Working With The TVA
Chapter 6: He's Lying
Chapter 7: The Theory
Chapter 8: Nothing Matters
Chapter 9: Mission To Roxxcart
Chapter 10: Meeting The Variants
Chapter 11: To Shuroo
Chapter 12: Quarrels On The Train
Chapter 13: Cover Blown
Chapter 14: So This Is It
Chapter 15: Back To The Start
Chapter 16: You Never Cared?
Chapter 17: Facing The Time-Keepers
Chapter 18: The Void
Chapter 19: The Loki Variants
Chapter 20: The Plan
Chapter 21: Words Of Advice
Chapter 22: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 23: The Departure
Chapter 24: Facing Alioth
Chapter 25: The Offer
Chapter 26: The Duel At The End Of Time
Chapter 27: Torn Apart
Chapter 28: Sarka
Chapter 29: The Tamer Of Beasts
Chapter 30: The Clone Deserter
Chapter 31: The Surprise Attack
Chapter 32: The Rebels
Chapter 33: The Heist
Chapter 34: The Iska Pirates
Chapter 35: Going Undercover
Chapter 37: Talla
Chapter 38: The Village
Chapter 39: The Watcher
Chapter 40: The Guardians Of The Multiverse
Chapter 41: Defeating Ultron
Chapter 42: The Many Rebel Cells
Chapter 43: A Jedi's Fury

Chapter 36: Leave Me

41 0 0
By catalan_andrea

I grimaced. The only solution was to steal from the kitchens of the palace, but that was risky, not to mention wrong. But as a Jedi, I was taught to put the needs of the community above the needs of the individuals. I can't let all that we've worked for go to waste. I thought of Yarek, Xi'an, Qin, Garik, and others, who would be out on the streets, snatched up by Lady Proxima or worse...I can't let anything happen to them. I had to keep this going, whatever it takes. I took a breath. Come on, Storm. You've done more dangerous things. Knowing that Jax was waiting for an answer. 

"Everything will be fine, Jax. If anything goes wrong, I'll contact you via holobooth." I mentioned.

Jax raised an eyebrow. "What are you gonna do, Storm?"

"What needs to be done." I replied.

Jax gave me a worried look. "Be careful."

I scoffed. "When aren't I?"

Jax gave me a look as he crossed his four arms. I raised my hands. "All right, all right, I'll be careful."

Jax smiled, relieved. He then pulled me into a bone crushing hug. I was taken back at first, but I wrapped my arms around his waist. Once we tore apart from each other, Jax and I exchanged one last smile before we parted ways. I hastily walked through the hallways until I reached one of the secret passages, which led to one of the Selonian tunnels and into a hidden passageway within the palace that I created. The tunnels were spacious enough, containing lanterns that hung on the walls along with pipes that ran all throughout the tunnels.

As I made my way back, I put my mask back on. The ground was covered in piles of junk, water, mud, and dirt. I then quickly, yet cautiously, climbed out from the tunnel and into the chambers that once belonged to Koltav. I hadn't been here in years. Ever since Koltav's death, I heard this place was boarded up, sealed from the rest of the palace. No one has stepped foot in this room, well up until now. I hope Koltav will forgive me. I glanced around at room. There was a fireplace covered in dust and above hung a huge painting of Koltav, Korste, and his parents, which was now covered in cobwebs. The room also consisted of a bookshelf filled with dusty books, door leading to the refresher, and a couch next to a window.

I walked over towards the night table next to his huge bed to find a holopic of Koltav and me, smiling as we gazed into each other's eyes. I couldn't help but smile. I won't ever forget Koltav nor Echo, but I now love Loki. And I'll do everything I can to get back to him and Frigga. I know Koltav would be happy for me. Remembering what I was here for, I slowly crept out of the room, making my way out into the hallway and down towards the kitchens. Fortunately, there was no one in the kitchens. I glanced around before walking into the pantry, which was filled with crates of food.

I extended out my hands, using the Force to lift the crates. But that's when I noticed a couple of hover-stretchers in the corner. My eyes lit up at once. I could use those to haul the crates all at once, so I would not have to make multiple trips. I worked quickly, placing the crates onto the hover-stretchers, I looked around to see if there was anyone in the kitchens. When the coast was clear, I rapidly rushed down the hallways with the hover-stretchers trailing behind me. I opened up Koltav's room before heading into the hidden passageway in the wall. Once I was back in one of the Selonian tunnels, I heard a familiar voice echo out. "What are you doing?!"

I spun around to see Korste standing behind all the crates and hover-stretchers. My heart dropped as my eyes widened. Oh Force no. Korste scanned the tunnel before looking back at me with a furious look.

"Well?" He asked.

I could lie, tell him that I was doing this for the Empire, for the good of this planet. That it was none of his business, so he should go back if he knew what was best for him. But Korste was smarter than that, he would see through my bluff. Worse case scenario, he threatens to get stormtroopers here. He would compromise me, blowing my cover. Korste would ruin everything. As much as I wanted to lie and keep Korste in the dark for his own safety, but now I had to tell him everything to protect myself. Letting out a sigh, I took off my mask.

"Korste, it's me..." I announced.

Upon seeing my actual face, Korste's eyes widened. "Storm?"

He stood there, frozen. I hoped he was happy to see me, and he didn't think those lies that Palpatine said of how the Jedi tried to assassinate him. I kept my hands raised as I slowly approached Korste.

"I can explain everything, Korste. If you give me the chance, that is." I mentioned.

After a few moments, Korste finally spoke up. "Yes, I would like that. I...we all thought you were killed."

I grimaced. I can't imagine what my family was feeling if they thought the same thing as Korste. Remembering the supplies around us, I motioned towards the end of the tunnel. "I'm sorry, I never meant to worry you. But I had my reasons for not telling anyone. I had to remain hidden from the Empire. I'll show you what I've been to."

With that, I lead Korste into the base. Jax was nearby the entrance. He spun around to see me. His eyes lit up. "Storm!"

Jax then noticed the food crates behind us. He stared, completely baffled. "How did you get all this? Where did you get all this?"

"It's a long story. But this will be enough for our people." I commented.

A grin broke out on Jax's face. "Are you kidding? This enough for several years. You've saved everyone here."

I waved it off. "Oh, it was nothing, Jax. I just wanted to prevent this base from shutting down."

Jax let out a chuckle, extending out one of his four arms, wrapping it my shoulders. "Oh Storm, always so humble. Who's your friend?"

He just noticed Korste, who gave him a polite smile and nod. "I am Korste Catroe."

Jax's face paled as he realized who he was talking to. "The brother of the former Diktat? The last of Corellian nobility? Oh forgive me, your excellency, uh, there's nothing going on here. Nothing at all--"

"Jax, it's all right." Korste assured Jax, cutting him off. "I'm not going to tell the Empire about this."

Both Jax and I stared at Korste, baffled. He wasn't going to tell the Empire about this? But why? I raised an eyebrow. "Why not?"

Immediately Jax glared at me with a look that said, why are you questioning it. Korste answered though, with a grim look on his face. "I know you doubt me as I have sided with the Empire, but it was the only way to ensure the safety and protection of our people."

"Well, I hate to break it to ya, but our people are far from protected under the Empire." Jax argued. "There's violence out on the streets, gangs and crime syndicates are controlling this planet now."

Korste grimaced, but remained silent. I could sense he was blaming himself. But he could only take so much of the accountability. Had he not gone along with the Empire, allowing them to change everything, they would've gotten rid of Korste. And that either meant firing him or worse...death. Korste didn't deserve to die like Koltav. I then realized that I still owe Korste an explanation for everything.

"Jax, why don't you help put the food crates into our storage room?" I suggested.

Jax nodded. "Of course. It's an honor to meet you, your excellency."

"The honor's all mine." Korste replied with a small bow.

Jax then walked off with the hover-stretchers trailing behind him. I turned to face Korste. "I'll tell you everything, just not here."

Korste gave me a nod and followed me as we walked through the hallways. We didn't stop until we reached a door with an Aurabesh sign that had my name on the top.

They wanted to put General Ca'ana's office on the door, but I insisted on Storm's office. Guun's words came back to haunt me. Did I truly miss the war? The feeling of adrenaline it gave me? No, that was absurd. Jedi crave peace and serenity, not chaos and violence. To prove that point, I had them label my room as Storm's office instead. We then entered inside, closing the door behind us. My office had a table covered in papers, several holograms, a datapad, and a small statue of Saara. There was a viewscreen on one of the walls. I also had several computers with security cameras of the base and around the base for our own protection. I had a small bed lying in one of the corners along with several chairs that were around the room. A couple of holoposters were hung throughout the office. Korste looked around, observing the place.  

"Quite an office, you've got here." Korste commented.

I sat down in a chair behind my desk. I swiped off the hologram, which contained plans for this place and for what we'd do in the future. They were ambition plans, but I kept it to myself for now.

"Thanks, it sometimes reminds me of my room...when I was a kid." I confessed. "Why don't you sit down."

Once Korste sat down in a chair across from me, I began to tell him what had happened to me. "I disappeared from this galaxy..."

Korste's eyes widened in disbelief. I let out a dry chuckle. "I know it sounds crazy, but hear me out..."

And so I began to tell Korste everything that happened after Loki took me from Ilum, the TVA, a variant of myself who called herself Seda, a Loki variant who went by Sylvie, the multiverse, He Who Remains, how we faced a variant of Sidious, defeating him, and how Loki and I found three kids that a different universe of Storm and Loki had, but now they were both dead, leaving Loki and me responsible for them. I wonder how much Frigga opened up to Loki. Did he know that their parents were dead? Once I finished, Korste stared at me as if I had grown two heads.

"Well, I...you've certainly been busy." Korste said, trying to find the right words.

"Very much." I confirmed. "But now, I am here."

"And your kids, uh, well the children from the other universe?" Korste inquired, still trying to wrap his head around everything I told him by the look on his face.

"My kids are fine. They're in a safe place." I assured him.

"You realize what you are doing is dangerous, right?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I know." I replied. "But this must be done."

Korste furrowed his brows. "At the cost of your life?" 

"It won't come to that, Korste. I can handle myself." I retorted.

"I don't doubt that, Storm. But you shouldn't underestimate the Empire. If they realize you're still alive, then they won't stop until they've killed you." Korste warned.

"Believe me, I know. But I will be all right. Now enough of me, how have you been since...well since the Empire rose?" I questioned, changing the subject.

Korste hesitated. "Well, it's been very difficult, especially with Koltav gone. But I have Eilani with me now. She's been helping me out, however there's only so much we can do. I cannot live up to my brother's legacy. He's done so much to help our planet, and what have I done? You heard what Jax said? This planet is in shambles, our people are suffering."

"Hey, Korste, listen to me, okay? You can't be so hard on yourself." I pointed out. "You've done everything you can. You are only human, there's only so much you can do. Koltav wouldn't want to see you like this. You can't compare yourself to Koltav. The times have changed, things have gotten...well more complicated."

Korste forced a smile. "Thanks, Storm...I appreciate it. What will help our planet is that you're back home, to aid us."

"Oh, well, I'll do all that I can." I assured him.

"Trust me, you'll do wonderfully. Looks like you're doing a fine job with this little Resistance." Korste pointed out.

I waved it off. "Oh this? Oh no, it's nothing much."

Korste chuckled. "You're too modest, Storm, much like my brother. Take credit where it's due."

I couldn't help but smile. "All right, all right, so I did...but this wasn't possible without Jax and the help of many others."

"Yes, yes, you've made your point clear." Korste mentioned before standing up.

"I haven't annoyed you, have I?" I questioned.

"No, but I have to go. I have some matters I need to intend to." Korste explained. "When you get the chance, I need you to return to the palace."

I nodded. "Of course, I understand."

Korste gave me one last smile before leaving my office. Once he left, opened the holograms back up. The entire table was engulfed in the blue light, but I couldn't focus. I just stared at the blue hue as my mind wandered back to my family. I glanced down at locket that was safely tucked away under my tunic. I took the locket out, opening it up at once, seeing the picture of my family still there. Tears filled my silver eyes as I clutched the locket in my hand. Don't worry, I'll do everything in my power to make sure our family's reunited. We'll be together once again.

~Third Person's P.O.V.~

"I dare you to go into the Holocron Vaults and combine a Jedi Holocron and the Sith Holocron known as the Dark Holocron hidden away in a secret compartment." Jevu N'vaz urged.

The Devaronian boy wore a wicked smile on his face as he stared at the girls. Upon hearing his words, Storm's eyes widened, while Maya's jaw dropped, and Jinx just stood there, shocked. Jevu then added. "Unless you're all scared. Then perhaps it's best to join the AgriCorps. They could always use washouts like you three."

Tarom and Gida, who stood beside the sisters were taken back. How could he suggest something as risky and not to mention dangerous. There was a reason they didn't let anyone in the Holocron Vaults, only the Jedi Masters were allowed in there. But Jinx didn't care, she never backed down from a challenge, and this was no exception. Jinx puffed out her chest. Scared? Her? Never, she thought, I am a Jedi, and we don't get frightened. On the other hand, Storm and Maya were frightened.

They knew that Holocrons were something that shouldn't be tampered with. And to mess with a Sith Holocron, well, that was dangerous. Not to mention, how did Jevu know about that secret compartment? Things didn't add up, Maya thought to herself. She knew that Storm was pondering the same thing as Maya. But before either one of them could say a word, Jinx blurted out. "We'll do it." 

Everyone looked at Jinx, baffled. Tarom was the first to speak up. "What?"

"We'll do it." Jinx repeated before continuing. "Besides if we combine a Sith Holocron with a Jedi Holocron, we will be given a vision of destiny."

Jevu nodded vigorously. "Oh yes or you can see any secret or wisdom you desire. All you must do is wish for it with all your heart."

Jinx snapped out of her thoughts as she opened her yellow eyes, returning to her room. She never forgot about that day. Ever since then, she had changed. Jinx was different, she argued that she was enlightened. Jevu was right to a certain degree, but with knowledge comes a terrible price. Now all those who hurt her will pay...just they wait. They didn't think Jinx would get this far, but she does. And now she's going to wreak havoc on all.

"Deeply hurt you are." A familiar voice rang out.

Jinx quickly took out her lightsaber as she stood up from the ground. She raised an eyebrow. "Who's there?"

"Know who it is, you do." The voice echoed in her head.

This is a trick, her mind is playing a cruel joke. That can't be her former Master. Master Yaddle was gone, dead. She had to be, there was no way Master Yaddle was able to contact her through the Force.

"Ah, much to learn you still have." Master Yaddle stated.

Jinx was getting annoyed as she clenched her fists. "Stop this at once."

"Answer me this first." Master Yaddle responded. "Satisfied, are you? Forgotten you have, what I taught you?"

Jinx scoffed, but lowered her lightsaber to her side. "What you and the Jedi have taught me is to hold back. Like Storm said, the Jedi were holding me back."

"Storm? Your sister? Taught to hate her, the dark side has. Yet you still listen to her." She pointed out.

Jinx feel her Master crawling under her skin, making her uncomfortable. Even in death, she still knew what buttons to press with Jinx. And that infuriated Jinx. She snapped. "Don't you start with that bantha fodder! You don't know what she has done. She killed Norcuna...and he was my everything. When he died, there was a huge piece of me that followed him into the Netherworld of the Force. And then she took Echo from me. I've had to live in her shadow. She's ruined everything. And she's still wanted...by the Emperor himself. I hate her!"  

"More to life than pain and suffering, there is. So much, you could be. But let your emotions and the dark side consume you, you have." She reminded her. "Storm wants you back. Loves you, she still does. Hate her, you do not. Love her back, you still do. Care for Storm, you do. Kill her, you cannot."

Jinx narrowed her eyes, looking around her room, but she was all alone. "Love is a weakness. When the time comes if the Emperor allows it, I shall kill her myself. Only then shall I be free from her, from my past. And isn't that what the Order taught us? That we cannot love."

"No, mistaken you are. Compassion and love, a Jedi always has. Possession and attachment, forbidden they are. Dangerous, it is." Master Yaddle corrected. "Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose. Peace, you must have."

"No, it's not dangerous at all. It's passion, which I gain strength and power from. Through that, I become the best, unleashing my true abilities without any chains, without regulations or foolish rules. Oh, and peace? Yeah, that's a lie, Yaddle." Jinx protested.

"Wrong, you are, Jinx. Only anguish, this will bring you." Master Yaddle urged.

Master Yaddle tried her best to make Jinx snap out of this, to bring back her back into the light. It tore her to see her former student, who she had come to see as a daughter. But she couldn't appear as a Force Ghost, Master Yaddle was only a voice. She could only do so much. Jinx raised her head up with her fists clenched. Jinx was filled with rage and so much pain, and almost on an instinct, she gave into her emotions. Jinx was tired of being second best, she had enough of constantly being hurt and tossed around. No one will mess with her ever again. 

"And now it's time for you to leave." Jinx announced, lifting her hands up.

"Jinx..." Master Yaddle called out in an attempt to stop her.

But it was too late. Jinx then raised her hands up as she let out a war cry. With all her hatred, rage, suffering, pain, and anger, Jinx tapped into a power that she didn't even know she had. Red lightning emerged from her fingertips and hit everything in the room. Jinx's yellow eyes widened. She quickly lowered her hands, and the lightning ceased. Jinx waited, but Master Yaddle was gone...and just like that, Jinx was alone once again.   

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