Drops of Starlight

נכתב על ידי StrawberryMoonRose

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It's the year 2000 and Crystal Tokyo never came to be. The Starlights visit Earth to find Usagi raising baby... עוד

Chapter 1: Back in the Atmosphere
Chapter 2: Listens Like Spring, Talks Like June
Chapter 3: Heaven is Overrated
Chapter 4: Dance Along the Light of Day
Chapter 5: Jupiter Garden
Chapter 6: Just Friends
Chapter 7: Did You Miss Me?
Chapter 8: Payphone
Chapter 9: Who's the Perv Now?
Chapter 10: Look at the Stars, Look How They Shine for You
Chapter 11: Monsters of the Past
Chapter 12: Not You Again
Chapter 13: Well, This Shall Be Interesting
Chapter 14: Chasing Her Way Through the Constellations
Chapter 15: The Best Soy Latte You've Ever Had
Chapter 16: Afraid That She Might Think of Me as Plain Old Jane
Chapter 17: Did You Fall for a Shooting Star?
Chapter 18: Making Up For Lost Time
Chapter 19: I'll Be the Actress Starring in Your Bad Dreams
Chapter 20: Assumptions
Chapter 21: Turn of Events
Chapter 22: Princess
Chapter 23: Five-Hour Phone Conversation
Chapter 24: Troubles Stacking
Chapter 25: Encounter
Chapter 26: Disguises
Chapter 27: The Cosmic Valley
Chapter 28: Chaos Everywhere
Chapter 29: Coincidences
Chapter 30: Soul Vacation
Chapter 31: Did Venus Blow Your Mind?
Chapter 32: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 33: Did You Make it to the Milky Way?
Chapter 35: Permanent Scar
Chapter 36: Insecurity
Chapter 37: Beautiful Ghost
Chapter 38: Did You Sail Across the Sun?
Chapter 39: Freeze-dried Romance
Chapter 40: Calamity
Chapter 41: Banishment
Chapter 42: Fortune Teller
Chapter 43: Tell Me
Chapter 44: There's a Time to Change
Chapter 45: Did the Wind Sweep You off Your Feet?
Chapter 46: Too Afraid to Fly, so He Never Did Land
Chapter 47: Her Stay on the Moon
Chapter 48: Pursuit
Chapter 49: How Far We've Come
Chapter 50: There's Room to Grow
Chapter 51: Begin Again
Chapter 52: Looking for Yourself Out There
Chapter 53: The Stars Above
Chapter 54: Was it Everything You Wanted to Find?
Epilogue: Drops of Jupiter

Chapter 34: Chocolate Parfait

441 18 5
נכתב על ידי StrawberryMoonRose

💫 Drops of Starlight 💫
By Strawberry Moon Rose

Slightly longer chapter ahead :)

Chapter 34: Chocolate Parfait

"We're sorry, you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel this is in error, please check the number dialed and try again."

The next morning, Usagi replaced the phone receiver in its cradle with a sigh. She figured the number Naru's mom had given her was a bust, but she had to try.

Studying the crumpled scrap of paper with Nephrite's address, she couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. How reckless would it be to stop by before lunch at her family's house? Would Naru even be there? Usagi closed her eyes for a brief, silent prayer. Wherever she is, please let her be safe.

A comforting hand came down on her shoulder, pulling her from her thoughts. It was Seiya, who looked striking in her female-passing outfit for the day - a leather jacket over a white camisole and high-waisted jeans. A touch of makeup and hoop earrings completed her look. They had decided earlier that Seiya wouldn't conceal her gender since Usagi's mother already knew. This way, her dad couldn't give her a hard time for bringing a guy over for lunch too.

"The taxi will be here soon," Seiya said. Her focus slid to the paper in Usagi's grasp. "Don't want to be late."

Usagi dropped her hand. "You're right..."

Minako and Yaten were still asleep, despite the clock nearing eleven. As for Taiki, she had only made an appearance to fetch another cup of coffee. The bags under her eyes told the story of a night as restless as Seiya's.

"Any luck?" Seiya asked her, hoping for some progress. If anyone was going to get to the bottom of why monsters with Kinmokian roots were popping up on Earth, it would be Taiki.

Taiki shook her head. She started back for the study but hesitated at the threshold. "Just so you know," she said, "I contacted Lover and informed the Princess."


"That's all. Nothing out of the ordinary back home." Taiki lowered her voice. "The Princess is worried, Seiya, especially after that nightmare Usagi had. Whatever is happening doesn't seem to be incidental."

"I know," Seiya said with a frown.

"I don't think it's wise for you to be going out today. You should be taking it easy."

"My injuries are healed. We'll be careful."


Seiya tucked her house key into her pocket and turned away. "See you this afternoon," she told her comrade.

Luna had insisted on tagging along for the day's adventure to the Tsukino's. She was hidden in the diaper bag, sandwiched between burp cloths and a package of wipes for the duration of the commute across the city. It was a quiet ride. Usagi couldn't tell where Seiya's thoughts were - dwelling on the events of last night or the uncertainty of the day ahead.

The taxi came to a halt in front of the two-story house with its distinctive orange shingles and cream-colored exterior. Usagi stepped out of the cab and stood before her childhood home. A sense of nostalgia curled over her like a tidal wave.

Usagi's eyes flickered to her old bedroom balcony, and she remembered the late-night conversations she used to share with Seiya. She had never confessed to anyone how it made her feel like Juliet, with Romeo tossing pebbles at her window from below.

An anxious flutter of butterflies danced in her stomach. What would her family think of Seiya? Would they suspect that their relationship went beyond friendship? If it weren't for the bribe of delicious food, Usagi would have canceled this visit altogether. The timing couldn't have been more challenging. I just hope Dad and Shingo don't embarrass me too much...

Seiya carefully balanced Chibi-Usa's car seat in her arms, glancing over at Usagi. The taxi had taken off, leaving an unusual silence in the air. It was as if someone had muted the entire city.

"Ready?" Seiya asked.

Usagi nodded. She started for the front gate when suddenly something down the block caught her eye - a girl with auburn hair. She stopped dead in her tracks. Had she imagined it? Usagi squinted, trying to get a better look.

"What's wrong?" Luna asked, poking her head out of the bag.

"I... thought I saw..." The mix of people on the sidewalk shifted. And there the girl was again. This time Usagi caught a glimpse of a teal bow.

"It's Naru!" she gasped and pointed.

"What?" Seiya followed Usagi's finger, her attention locking onto the figure in the distance.

"You're right," Luna said, crouching down. "And it looks like Nephrite too."

There was also no mistaking the tall man with long hair at Naru's side. The couple walked side by side, heading in the opposite direction from them.

"What do we do?" Usagi asked, frozen in place. What were Naru and Nephrite doing in public? And even more alarming, half a block from her old house!

"We have to follow them," Seiya insisted.

"Are you sure?" Usagi's voice dripped with dread.

"We have no choice."

The bustling lunch rush worked to their advantage. With more people on the streets, their chances of being spotted were reduced. However, it also made it more challenging to keep pace with the couple.

All the while, Usagi's stomach grumbled, and she couldn't help but fantasize about the delicious pork dumplings she was currently missing out on. She hoped her mom wouldn't be too upset she blew off lunch with the family, but secretly, Usagi was relieved she could postpone the daunting prospect of introducing Seiya to her father.

Keeping a safe distance, they followed Naru and Nephrite until they reached a recognizable building.

"That's the CROWN arcade!" Usagi whispered. They took cover behind a sandwich sign and watched as Nephrite held open the glass door for Naru before following her inside.

Seiya frowned. "Does Naru like video games?"

"Yeah, she used to. She and Umino always came with me to the arcade after school and watched me blow all my allowance. But I don't know if she still does..."

Luna's whiskers twitched with suspicion. Artemis had once used the basement of the arcade as a headquarters in their early days. Could Nephrite have somehow figured that out? Was there a secret meeting taking place here?

"Let's go!" Usagi led the way.

The arcade was buzzing with middle schoolers who were likely playing hooky. A jamboree of game noises and the smell of pizza from the café upstairs bombarded their senses and transported Usagi back to simpler times. It had been ages since she had stepped into her old favorite hang-out - since before Chibi-Usa was born. Whenever she mentioned it to her friends, everyone except Minako rolled their eyes, as if were an age cutoff for fun.

"Hey, Usagi! Haven't seen you around here in forever!" Motoki Furuhata came over sporting a friendly grin.

"Motoki! I didn't know you still worked here." Usagi glanced around nervously. Naru and Nephrite were nowhere to be found. Her pulse increased. How could she have lost them so fast?

"I only fill in when they're short-staffed," Motoki explained, running his fingers through his sandy-blonde hair. "My teaching job keeps me pretty busy."

"That's great, that's great. Say, did you happen to see my friend Naru Osaka come in here a minute ago?"

"I did, she went upstairs. Actually, Mak-"

"Perfect! Thank you so much!" Usagi waved, feeling rude for brushing him off. Motoki was a good guy. She had gotten to know him better through Makoto, and despite him being Mamoru's best friend, he was very supportive after their breakup. His big-brother vibe had remained, especially after her initial crush on him had faded.

As Usagi squeezed past, Motoki gave a polite smile to Seiya and cast an endearing glance in Chibi-Usa's direction as she snoozed away.

The upstairs CROWN Fruit Parlor was popping. A harried waitress scurried past, uttering an apology while balancing a platter of milkshakes and fries in one hand.

"There she is!" Usagi ducked behind a tall artificial plant and Seiya followed suit. Usagi pointed toward a booth near the windows, just one over from the corner spot she and her friends used to occupy during their high school days.

Naru sat there alone, her legs crossed demurely at the ankles as she perused the menu. The afternoon sunlight bathed her freckled complexion, making her auburn hair appear even more vibrant. She looked content, perhaps even giddy. Were they on a date?

"Where did he go?" Seiya leaned in, body right up against hers, making Usagi's heart flip-flop despite the circumstances.

"I don't know..." Usagi scanned booth by booth for Nephrite's familiar brown waves, her view obstructed by the ficus leaves. Her heart thundered.  Usagi didn't realize how on edge she was until Luna's tail brushed against her forearm, and she nearly shrieked.

"Keep it down, Usagi!" Luna hissed.

"I'm sorry, you scared me!"

Seiya pointed discreetly. "There he is, talking to someone near the front."

Sure enough, it was Nephrite, standing there in broad daylight wearing a long-sleeve shirt and khakis. With one hand stuffed in his pocket, he turned to the side, giving way to his conversation partner. She was well above average height, with brunette curls pulled into a high ponytail. Her unzipped coat revealed a green and yellow uniform that was tight across her full chest.

"Mako?" Usagi squealed. "What is she doing talking to Nephrite?!"

She noticed Makoto was holding a plastic bag. Is she running deliveries? Usagi was pretty sure Makoto had one of her employees do that while she managed the kitchen. Makoto was smiling and nodding at Nephrite with a polite, small-talk expression.

"Can I help you girls?" A voice from behind made them nearly jump out of their skin. Usagi clasped her hand to her heart when she realized it was only Unazuki, Motoki's little sister.

"Usagi! Hi!" Unazuki piped. She smoothed her waitress uniform. "What are you up to?"

"Unazuki! Uh, we're just..."

"Are you spying on someone?" Unazuki quirked an eyebrow, her youthful appearance unchanged since high school. Her fiery hair was gathered into a casual updo, and her big green eyes twinkled with that familiar girl-next-door charm.

"As a matter of fact, we are," Seiya admitted, feeling embarrassed for how they were creeping around the back corner of the café. It was beginning to draw unwelcome attention. "Could you get us a table close to that one over there? But out of sight."

Unazuki appeared puzzled. "Um, sure. Follow me." She led them down the aisle.

Trying to maintain a low profile, Usagi wiggled into the booth across the way from Naru, cleverly concealed by a line of tall plants. Seiya slid in across from Usagi, easing Chibi-Usa's car seat in snugly beside her.

Unazuki flipped the page on her little notebook. "Can I bring you anything to drink?"

"I'll take a strawberry milkshake with extra whipped cream," Usagi told her absentmindedly. She was preoccupied with watching Naru apply a coat of lip gloss using a compact mirror.

"Make that a large, with two straws, please," Seiya added. When Unazuki flounced away, Luna crept out from under the table.

"I'm going to fetch Mako," Luna declared, "see what's going on."

"Be careful," Usagi warned. "Don't let him see you!"

Seiya couldn't help but steal a look over her shoulder, her nerves on edge. In the brief span of time it had taken to settle into the booth, Nephrite and Makoto had vanished. Panic darted through her as she glanced around, her heart pounding. However, a movement on the other side of the aisle caught her eye. It was Nephrite, returning to Naru's booth. Alone. He sat down gracefully, a charming smile at Naru. Every movement he made was graceful and smooth. Almost feminine.

"Hey guys, what's going on?"

Seiya and Usagi quickly looked over to see Makoto standing before them. Usagi grabbed her friend's wrist and dragged her down.

"Mako!" she whispered. "What are you doing here?!"

"I'm on my lunch break. I have work today, remember? I always walk down to the arcade when Motoki's working. We eat together in the break room downstairs." Makoto held up the plastic bag in her hand. The tantalizing scent of a cheeseburger wafted through the styrofoam. "I called in an order. Are you guys here for lunch too? I didn't think I'd see you until this afternoon."

Seiya tilted her head in the direction of their targets.  "We're here because we followed them."

"Followed who?" Makoto started to stand, but Usagi tugged her back down.

"You've gotta stay out of sight!" Usagi's eyes were wide. "And why were you talking to him?"

Makoto frowned. "Who? The guy with the long hair? He's a new regular at the restaurant, said his name is Masato Sanjouin. He recognized me and was asking if we'd ever add chocolate parfaits to our menu. He also complimented our homemade pecan rolls."

Usagi stared at her friend in disbelief. Why didn't any of this ring alarm bells for Makoto? Was she under some kind of spell like Naru?

"Mako, that guy is Nephrite," Usagi said carefully.

"Wh...what?" Makoto's mouth fell open. "You're joking, right?"

"Usagi." Luna hopped into her lap. "She doesn't recognize him because she's never seen him before, remember?"

"Oh..." Usagi blinked. Her cat was right; Nephrite had met his end just before Makoto had transferred to their school. She was in the midst of trying to console Naru after his death when Sailor Jupiter had been awakened. It was only natural Makoto didn't know what he looked like.

"I can't believe it..." Makoto touched her forehead, ruffling her bangs. "I had no idea. He's been in my restaurant at least twice in the past week..."

"That's unsettling," Seiya said, folding her arms.

"Very," Luna agreed.

Makoto fiddled with one of her rose earrings.  "Here I thought we'd have to go looking for him, but turns out he's found us."

"Do you think he's going to attack someone?" said Usagi.  "Steal more energy?"

"Possibly. It's hard to tell if he's still injured or not." Seiya watched the couple slide their menus aside. Nephrite leaned forward, resting his chin on his hands, elbows on the table. He must have said something amusing because Naru was giggling into her palm.

"Maybe he really is just out on a date with Naru," Luna said. "Either way, we need to keep an eye on them."

When Unazuki returned with their strawberry milkshake, Makoto had her tell Motoki that she'd be having lunch with Usagi and Seiya. She knew her fiancé would understand.

As Makoto ate her burger, Usagi sipped mindlessly from one of the bendy straws. At some point, she realized how little remained in their glass and blamed Seiya for drinking all her milkshake, although the Starlight had hardly touched it.

Five minutes passed after Unazuki cleared away their empty glass, then ten.  Seiya paid and Unazuki returned with the change.  Naru and Nephrite had ordered a banana split and were taking their time savoring it.

They watched Naru scoop up small spoonfuls of ice cream, banana slices, and chocolate sauce, alternating every bite between her and Nephrite. Their conversation was too distant to overhear, but Usagi was positive she heard him mention a chocolate parfait again, expressing disappointment about having to find another café that served them. To everyone else, they were just another attractive couple exchanging coy smiles and flirty conversation.

"If Rei were here, she'd definitely be making fun of them for being too lovey-dovey," Usagi whispered.

Makoto nodded. "He seems like he actually cares about her. I have to admit, it's sweet."

Seiya made a face. "We're still talking about the man who wants to kill us, right?"

"Unfortunately, yes," Usagi said with a sigh. She sat back and nibbled on the inside of her cheek. "I just... don't want Naru to get hurt again. But this has to end."

"Well, I don't want you getting hurt," Seiya stated firmly. "Or Chibi-Usa. So if it comes down to breaking Naru's heart to keep you safe, we can't hesitate to defeat him."

"I know..." Usagi played with her hands in her lap, unable to watch Naru a moment longer. It was too painful. How could this man, the same one who haunted her dreams and attacked them ruthlessly, smile so sweetly at Naru?

"We have to do what we have to do," Makoto agreed.

Usagi tugged on her hair. Seeing this tender side of Nephrite was making her uneasy. Their meeting at the Hikawa Shrine later was to start preparing a ruse to confront him once and for all. Suddenly she realized what she planned to do with her new tier.

"I'd like to try and heal him," Usagi decided. She was met with raised eyebrows from Seiya and a skeptical look from Makoto.

"Are you sure?" Luna asked, raising a valid point. "She has Umino, remember? He's loved her for the past decade. Nephrite being brought back permanently would devastate him."

"I know, but..." Usagi swallowed hard. "It would be up to Naru, of course, but at least she'd have the option."

"Is it our place to give him a second chance?" Makoto questioned.

"Sometimes redemption isn't an option," Seiya said quietly. "Some people are too far gone, even when you offer a second chance..." Her eyes flitted back to Nephrite - if that's even who he truly was. She didn't say it out loud, but she wondered if Usagi had forgotten what she, Maker, and Healer had to do to phages when they lacked Kakyuu's power to cleanse them.

"I have to at least try to save him." Usagi sank back into the booth seat. She couldn't bear to let Naru down when it came to Nephrite. Not again.

When they faced the harsh reality of the situation, it all felt overwhelming. And the fact that it was somehow connected to Kinmoku was a piece of the puzzle that was best left untouched for now. As Usagi gazed at Nephrite from across the café, she felt transported back to a time when she was fourteen, when her problems were much simpler and naturally the solutions were too.

"They're leaving," Luna announced.

Instinctively, the group ducked down and held their breaths. Usagi prayed that Chibi-Usa wouldn't wake up from her nap and blow their cover. That would top this whole thing off.

As they huddled behind the faux security of the plant-filled divider, Usagi wondered what Nephrite would do if he spotted them. Innocent people all around them could be in danger, and all of the café's patrons, obliviously enjoying their meals, would be at risk.

Thirty seconds felt like an eternity as they waited in anxious silence. Then, the front door chimed shut. Nephrite and Naru were gone. They hadn't been seen. Usagi slank forward, exhaling a sigh of relief.

"Now's our chance," Seiya said, wasting no time.

They exited the parlor and kept a cautious half-block distance as they had before.

Makoto craned her neck towards the overcast sky. A gloomy, ominous color tinged the clouds.  "Is it me or did it get darker out?"

"Maybe we're going to get more snow," Usagi said quickly. She was reminded of how the Dead Moon's spiderwebs darkened the city before the battle. She squashed the thought from her mind.

They half-expected Nephrite to hail a cab and leave them at a dead end, but he and Naru pressed on. Usagi had had enough of walking for one day and was about to complain when the couple finally turned into a familiar playground. Empty swings swayed in the icy breeze, and the merry-go-round emitted a haunting creak.

Usagi flinched with recognition.  "Hey, this is where Naru and I used to hang out sometimes after school.  The pool is just across the street."

"Isn't it a little odd to come to a kids' playground in the winter?" Seiya made a mistrustful face.

The playground was enclosed by a five-foot-tall brick wall. Up ahead, the swinging entrance gate stood wide open. Bending to stay hidden, they crept closer and noticed a metal chain and padlock on the ground, half-buried in the snow. The playground was supposed to be closed for the season.

"C'mon, give me a push on the swing! Don't tell me you think I'm too old for this thing." Naru's voice ricocheted from the other side. There was silence. She added, "Nephrite, is something the matter?"

More silence. Too much time had passed.  Something was amiss. Usagi looked at Seiya, then Makoto, and finally Luna.  Chibi-Usa whimpered in her sleep.  What was going on?

"Not at all, Naru," his deep voice boomed. "I was just wondering if our little friends were going to come play with us."

Usagi felt her blood run ice-cold. Seiya sucked in a sharp breath of frosty air. The crunch of footsteps in the snow drew nearer until Nephrite rounded the corner, a mere fifteen feet away.

"So nice of you all to join us." He cocked his head. His lips twisted up into a smirk. "Let's end this once and for all. Right here and now, what do you say?"

Before giving them a chance to reach for their transformation sticks, Nephrite's arm shot up and orbs of crackling electricity sizzled out of his open palm, headed straight for them.

המשך קריאה

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