Danganronpa Midnight: Lantern...

By sleepyysanctuary

21.2K 690 1.8K

Chiyo Yagami was looking forward to the first day of her final year at Hope's Peak Academy. That is until she... More

Prologue - Farewell To A New Beginning - The First Day
Prologue - Farewell To A New Beginning - Unfamiliar Classmates
Prologue - Farewell To A New Beginning - Welcome To Camp
Nozomu Academy Interlude
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - FTE: Satoshi, Finn
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - Motive
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - FTE: Kokoro
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - FTE: Ryoko, Shunsuke
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - The Party
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - BDA and Investigation
Chapter 1 - A Sad Party of One - Class Trial Opening
Chapter 1 - Class Trial 1
Chapter 1 - Scrum Debate + Class Trial 2
Chapter 1 - Class Trial 3 + Closing Argument
Chapter 1 - Post Trial and Execution
Purgatory 1
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - FTE: Akihiro, Kairi
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - FTE: Tatsuo, Akihiro and Shouko
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - Motive
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - FTE: Shouko, Yuna
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - Camping
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - BDA and Investigation
Chapter 2 - A Grasp of Fading Spotlight - Class Trial Opening
Chapter 2 - Class Trial 1
Chapter 2 - Class Trial 2
Chapter 2 - Class Trial 3 + Scrum Debate + Closing Argument
Chapter 2 - Post Trial and Execution
Purgatory 2
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - FTE: Kenjiro, Ryoko
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - FTE: Akihiro, Satoshi and Hidemi
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - Motive
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - FTE: Kokoro, Shouko
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - Movie Night
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - BDA and Investigation
Chapter 3 - A Feeling of Closing Entrapment - Class Trial Opening
Chapter 3 - Class Trial 1
Chapter 3 - Class Trial 2 + Scrum Debate
Chapter 3 - Class Trial 3 + Closing Argument
Chapter 3 - Post Trial and Execution
Purgatory 3
Nozomu Academy Interlude 2
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - Beach Day
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - FTE: Shimura, Kokoro
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - Motive, FTE: Kenjiro
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - FTE: Yuna, Shouko
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - Boating Trip
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - BDA and Investigation
Chapter 4 - A State of Uneasy Equilibrium - Class Trial Opening
Chapter 4 - Class Trial 1
Chapter 4 - Class Trial 2 + Scrum Debate
Chapter 4 - Class Trial 3 + Closing Argument
Chapter 4 - Post Trial and Execution
Purgatory 4
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection
Happy Anniversary!
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - FTE: Shimura, Satoshi
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - FTE: Ryoko
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - Motive
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - FTE: Kenjiro, Shouko
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - Last Supper
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - BDA and Investigation
Chapter 5 - A Facade of Fatal Affection - Class Trial Opening
Chapter 5 - Class Trial 1
Chapter 5 - Class Trial 2 + Scrum Debate
Chapter 5 - Class Trial 3
Chapter 5 - Post Trial and Execution
Purgatory 5
Chapter 6 - An Encounter of Destined Despair
Epilogue - Greetings To An Old Conclusion
Final Game Stats
thank you!! (again)

Prologue - Farewell To A New Beginning - Unfamiliar Surroundings

1.3K 19 149
By sleepyysanctuary

My eyes slowly fluttered open to see...


I slowly lifted my head, which was painful seeing as my cheek had been stuck to the leather chair I slept on. I even saw some drool left on it...Gross.

Taking a look at my surroundings, I realised that I was on some sort of bus.

Well, it wasn't a normal bus. The windows were shattered, the chairs were creaky, the leather was decaying, the metal floor was covered in dirt and there was a massive tree branch that had smashed through a window.

This definitely isn't right. Why the hell am I here? What am I doing on some weird-ass abandoned bus?!?

Shit, this is bad. Ok Chiyo, think. What do you last remember...

Those two Nozomu students! They...kidnapped me?!?

And now I'm on some weird bus?!?

Who the heck kidnaps someone and puts them on a bus?

This is seriously weird. At least I'm alive. Thinking about what could have happened to me is terrifying.

Well, I shouldn't just stand around here. The smart thing to do would be to get out of this bus and investigate my surroundings. I need to get out of here, but finding those kidnappers and teaching them a lesson doesn't sound so bad.

I cautiously made my way to the front of the bus, ducking under the large branch blocking the way. The bus was a mess, the front of it crashed into some sort of tall wall made of tree logs. I avoided the broken glass on the floor and exited the bus, walking down the small steps to a dirt road.

The bus was in the middle of some forest. The trees would go on for miles, so I couldn't see any signs of a nearby town or city. The trees were even blocking the rest of the dirt road, meaning I couldn't go back. I couldn't even hear any animals or birds chirping, which was strange considering I was in the middle of nowhere.

Behind me, however, was that tall wooden wall. It was also an entrance to what seemed to be some summer camp styled location. The doors were as high as the wall and were wide open, beckoning me to step inside. I refused for now though, considering my situation so far.

So...a forest. In the middle of nowhere. Just great.

A massive campsite might have a phone or some method of calling for help. I guess I should step inside.

Wait! What about my own phone?

I noticed I still had my bag and dove my hand inside. Unfortunately, my phone was not there.

"Shit...I'm screwed."

I did feel some other things like my notepad which could still be useful thankfully due to the pencil behind my ear. Along with that, I felt a slip of paper. Pulling it out, I realised it was the photo of me and my mum that my dad gave me.

"Thank god you're still here." I sighed in relief. "Maybe you can help me figure out what the hell is going on at this dump..."

I put the photo back before my hand brushed against some unfamiliar object. I pulled it out and it appeared to be a tablet of some kind. It was sleek and modern, almost weightless in my hand.

I booted it up as the screen turned blue. Some white text was on the screen, reading my name and talent. It then showed a logo, similar to that of Hopes Peak, that said 'Hopes Peak Talent Development Camp.'

My head lifted back up to the grand doors. On top of them was an arch with a sign that had the exact same logo.

"Does this mean someone put this thing into my bag and left me at the camp because they think I'm some student here? I am a student at Hopes Peak, that's true. But I've never heard of this place..."

I was just even more confused.

The screens homepage had four separate apps: Map, Rules, Messenger and Truth Bullets. The last three were locked, meaning that the only option I had was the map. As it suggested, it was a map of the area although some parts were missing as there were big chunks of blank space around the base camp. Maybe that'll be fixed over time?

But what the hell are truth bullets...?

Since there was nothing else to do on that tablet thing and the dirt road was blocked, I figured my only option now was to enter the camp. I put the tablet back in my bag and was about to take the first step inside, but was stopped.

"Well, would you look at that? You're finally up!" Some boy said, appearing from the bushes on the other side of the bus and strolling over to me. I instantly backed away.

"Who the hell are you?" I glared. "Let me guess. With the kidnappers?"

"Woah woah woah. Chill out. I ain't with those kidnappers. I'm stuck here too." He reassured me. "Besides, why would I try and hurt a stunning girl like you?"

"What...?" I blankly said as he smiled. "And what creep just walks out of the bushes like that?!?"

I don't like him already.

But wait a second. I recognise him.

He's one of my classmates from Hopes Peak! His name is...

Hold on, why can't I remember his name? Or anything about him?

Actually...why can't I remember any of my classmates?

What the fuck is going on right now...?

"Don't stress your cute little face. We're all confused. But you can calm down. I'll save you and get us out of here." The boy continued.

"I seriously doubt that. You've made a pretty terrible first impression already." I was brutally honest.

"Quiet! Just appreciate I stuck around for you. Everyone else is already inside." He pointed to the inside of the camp doors.

"Everyone else...?" I repeated. "You mean our other classmates, right?"

"Mhm. You can't remember them too, huh?"

"Looks like it."

Just perfect. Now I have to reintroduce myself like we're strangers. But how did we forget in the first place?

"Geez, since we all forgot, I guess we're all just dumb." The boy continued to say nonsense.

"What was that?" I crossed my arms.

"I mean, obviously excluding you. You look like...totally smart."

This guy is seriously grossing me out.

"But a pretty shitty situation we're in.  Let's re-introduce ourselves to see if we remember something. I definitely want to remember you!" He held out his hand.

"Too bad that's not reciprocated." I firmly said, pushing his hand away and rejecting him.

"Rude. I'm here flirting and you're just being annoying." He groaned. "Just like all the others... None of you notice my awesome social skills...Maybe you're dense."

"What type of entitled jackass are you?" I argued.

"This 'entitled jackass' has a name and you better remember it. It's Akemi Furuya, the Ultimate Conspiracy Theorist! Now that's a talent that gets attention from the girls."

"Oh really? Where are they then?" I titled my head.

"S-Shut up!" Akemi yelled. "You're gonna be one of them too! I know it."

"Keep dreaming, asshole." I rolled my eyes. "I've known you twelve seconds and you already gross me out."

"Just be quiet. A girl like you just wouldn't get it. You're probably into rich emos or got basketball players, but soon you'll be all over me. Everyone wants a taste of Akemi Furuya." He flexed his non-existent muscles.

"Right. And maybe pigs like you can fly." I replied.

"But uh...What's your name? So I know what to call this hot chick in front of me."

"Already flirty again? The heck?"

"I'm not giving up on you. I'm very persistent, you know," he did an over the top wink.

I almost gagged, but sighed and introduced myself. "I'm Chiyo Yagami. My talent is the Ultimate Newspaper Club Member. I tend to go by as the unofficial Ultimate Journalist though."

"Ah, a journalist..." Akemi gushed. "Now that's a sexy talent. Way better than my cruddy one."

"Yeah, your talent is pretty lame." I agreed with him.

"O-Oi! You weren't supposed to say that! You're supposed to sympathise and make me feel better...Not be rude..."

"Already struggling to find good insults? God, you're gross."

"Am not!" He yelled.

"But enough of that. Let's get down to business." I analysed the door and then faced Akemi. "What happened before you got here? And why the hell were you in those bushes behind the bus?"

"Well, I was about to go to class. But I heard some strange ass noise. The minute I checked it out I got knocked out." He briefly explained. Looks like I put up much more of a fight than him.

"And what about the bus and the bushes?"

"All sixteen of us were on it. You were the only one still asleep though." He continued. "I, of course, sat next to you. Then the bus just crashed at the campsite and told us to get off. None of us even saw a driver. It was crazy. The others went inside but I stuck around for you. Checked the surroundings in the meantime and found a whole lot of nothing."

"Right...Was anyone hurt?" I wondered.

"Nah. Everyone's fine."

"That's good."

"But enough of them." Akemi got right up in my face. "I wanna talk about you."

"No chance." I pushed him away.


"No! If you really want to get outta here, then cut that out," I exclaimed. "And what the heck is with the weird get up?"

"Excuse you! This weird get-up is limited edition Akemi Furuya merch. All of my loyal subscribers and readers who tune in to my theories buy it. We got hoodies, beanies, t-shirts and so much more, like tin foil hats! We even got winter gloves, leather gloves, wool gloves-"

"Shut up about your gloves already, I get it!" I yelled and then turned around back to the campsite's doors.

"Hey, you planning on going in?" He asked.

"Do we have a choice...?"

"Nah, not really."

"Then there is your answer."

I exhaled a deep breath, grabbed my bag, and took the brave steps towards the campsite, Akemi scurrying quickly behind to follow me.

"Akemi, what are you doing?" I turned around and asked him, causing him to come to an abrupt stop, almost tripping and falling on me.

"I gotta go and meet the others too you know!"

"Didn't you meet them earlier when I was still asleep?" I said.

"Well, course not. I stuck around here for you. Didn't get the chance to say anything to them." He replied. "So now since you're going to introduce yourself, I might as well accompany you! Wouldn't want a cutie like you getting lost in the woods. Besides, I'm not going alone. No chance."

"But why did you have to go with me?" I mumbled under my breath but just continued walking inside.

Once Akemi and I had stepped foot inside the camping grounds, we stood still and took a moment to examine our surroundings.

"Oh hey. It doesn't look dangerous." Akemi observed. "It's kinda romantic, don'tcha think?"

"Not in a million years." I groaned. "I hate camping. All of the bugs and smells and dirt...It's gross."

"Yeah, you're so right. This place absolutely stinks." He immediately agreed.

I just rolled my eyes and ignored him again. We took a few more steps forward before hearing the loud bellowing shut of the tall wooden gates behind us. I turned and made my way back to them.

"Shit. Now they're locked." I told Akemi.

"Seriously?" He came over and checked as well. "Ha! Don't worry girlie. I got this."

"I already told you not to call me that..."

Akemi took a few steps back. He then yelled and ran into the doors full force as a way to try and open them. Unsurprisingly, it didn't work and he fell back onto the floor, getting dirt all over his clothes.

"C-Crap...That really hurt."

"Of course, it did, moron! What made you think running into these thick doors would do anything?" I scolded him.

"Hey, I'd like to see you try." He got back up, stretching his arms.

"No way. I have common sense."

"Ok...that's kind of fair."

"But," I turned myself to look at the gate. "How the hell did this close and lock on its own?"

"Maybe it's one of those high tech ones? Like those automatic doors in stores." Akemi suggested.

"That's possible. But I don't see any metal or mechanisms." I explained. "Just door hinges."

"Then I've got no clue." He shrugged. "But let's not worry about it."

"Not worry?" I repeated. "This is an unknown location! We should be worrying!"

"Eh, calm down." He dismissed me. "I say we just walk around, introduce ourselves, and then stress about where we are. Got it? It would be easier to know everyone's names after all."

I sighed. "Fine. Let's just do that. But we better start getting  answers when we're done."

"Right, right."

The first location we ended up in was a fountain a few meters away from the front gate. It was decorated with flowers around the bottom and moss covering some of the stone. The water glistened in the sun while the two benches around the fountain were freshly painted. It was surrounded by these hanging lanterns, sixteen to be exact.

"This is normal..." I said.

"Yeah! See, nothing to worry about." Akemi smiled.

As if he jinxed it, a large cloud of smoke began to emerge, engulfing the whole fountain and blinding us.

"You were saying?!?" I exclaimed, trying to see through the smoke.

"How the hell was I supposed to know this was coming?" He yelled before coughing as the smoke got thicker.

"Taa daa!" A voice said from the smoke.


"Do not be alarmed!" The voice continued as the smoke died down. As it did, it revealed a girl standing there proudly. "And welcome!"

Akemi immediately screamed at the sight of her while still coughing. I, however, just stared at her face.

Fuck...she has a massive forehead.

"Fucking hell man! It's a ghost!" Akemi cried.

"Rude! I am not a ghost!"

"Then who the hell are you?!? And why are you just randomly appearing out of nowhere?" I asked.

"The name of the person before you is Yukari Miyako, though I'm much more well known as the Ultimate Illusionist! But once again, do not be alarmed! My magic tricks and optical illusions are completely safe...most of the time." She giggled. "That's the introduction I usually do for performances. What do you think? Pretty stellar, right?"

"It's...something. But that smoke appearing thing...was just some magic trick?" I stared at her.

"Mhm." She nodded as the smoke finally disappeared. "My tricks and illusions twist all human understanding! Invisibility, shapeshifting, escape tricks, magic tricks. Not to brag but I do them all."

"Oh god, that was so scary...I almost pissed myself." Akemi panted from all the screaming and coughing.

"Thank god you didn't..." I said. "But then your tricks are all fake!" I redirected my attention to Yukari.

"Well...yeah, that's right. Obviously." She admitted. "But it's not about that! It's about joy and fun! And...mostly the money. And fans!"

"How honest of you," I commented.

"So, what did you think of that trick?" She excitedly asked. "That's not even my best one, but it's a good way to start any show out."

"Show?" Akemi repeated.

"Yeah. I do my tricks for shows and stuff. I really have to capture the audience to make sure they stick around so I usually go all out. Sawing in half, escaping from small boxes, bending my body into impossible angles. All of it! My fans and strangers love it all."

"But in the end, they're all fake." I pointed out.

"Obviously!" She repeated. "There's no way I can actually do those things! But do not fret, as the life of Yukari Miyako is always on the stage! Heh, that's a quote of mine my fans always say."

Yukari dramatically posed, pushing her cape behind her so it moved in the wind.


This girl is kind of weird.

Well, I should've expected the Ultimate Illusionist to be a bit strange. She's definitely lived up to those expectations.

"You sure like your fans..." Akemi said.

"Of course! My fans are everything." Yukari responded. "Without them, who even would I be? A nobody, that's what. And nobody wants to be a nobody!"

"I guess you're right..." I agreed.

"Mhm! I plan to make my fan base grow larger every day! Then I'll have way more support! And then...well...I'll have way more money."

Ok, this girl is really obsessed with money and her fans.

"I had no idea you'd make that much smoke, Yukari." Another girl said, walking around from behind the fountain. "It's way too much, especially considering your small audience."

"Hey, my audience is not usually  small, ok?" She argued. "I gather audiences of more than thousands of people mind you, Yuna! And besides, I don't typically have assistants! I always perform solo..."

"I'm just saying." The other girl raised her gloved hands in the air in a sign of surrender. "Didn't mean it in that way."

"Who are you now?" I asked.

"Oh, nice to see you're up. I was kinda worried when you wouldn't wake up like the rest of us." She smiled.

At least she seems to be nice and considerate. Akemi said the other Ultimates ditched me, but I should've guessed that was a lie. No one is that heartless. Besides, Akemi probably drove them away.

"As for me...Well, my introduction isn't as big and grand as Yukari's, but that's all right. I'm Yuna Nakano. I'm the Ultimate Theatre Technician. If you ever need anything done or have some work to do, then come to me. I'm your gal."

"Theatre technician? What do they do?" Akemi asked.

"I get asked that a lot." She rubbed the back of her neck. "People usually go to the theatre just to see the actors perform. The actors are...great, but there's a whole different scene backstage. I'm kinda in charge of that."

"I've heard that Yuna is superb at her handling of backstage crew and items! I wish she was the technician at my shows..." Yukari sulked. "But not an assistant!" She reiterated her point

"Haha, nah. I'm not that good." Yuna laughed. "I just kind of do a bit of everything. Rigging props, sound operating, lighting, set building, stage management, special effects...I didn't know I was so well known that people talked about me though."

"Are you kidding?!? Everyone in the performing arts has heard of you. You're like a legend in the theatre." Yukari explained.

"A-A legend? Woah, I don't think I'd call myself that..." She suddenly got shy. "I think that's enough compliments for now..."

"Hey, even I've heard of you." I pointed out. "I don't write articles on stuff like the theatre, but I've definitely seen some of your work on papers. You're pretty damn good."

"Ha...T-Thanks!" Yuna smiled, hiding her face that was turning red from the praise. "Wait...articles?"

"Oh, right." I forgot to introduce myself. "I'm Chiyo Yagami, the Ultimate Newspaper Club Member. I'm basically a journalist."

"Oh, that makes way more sense now!" Yukari nodded. "Um...Have I ever been in the paper?"


"L-Like Yuna! I just wanted to know."

"Hm..." I thought about it. "I don't think so. That's probably because I focus more on crime than-"

"Seriously?!?" She cried. "Ugh! It's fine, no one reads the paper anyway..."

"Excuse you! I know tons of people who-" I got cut off again.

"What about you?" Yukari pointed to Akemi. "What's your talent?"

"The names Akemi Furuya, and I'm the Ultimate Conspiracy Theorist! I make theories online and-"

"And are any of those on me?" She asked.

"N-No, but-"

"Argh! Then forget it!" Yukari cried.

She has a big habit of cutting people off. I thought she was alright but now I'm not so sure.

"Yukari, it's not all about your fans." Yuna chimed in. "I mean, even if people knew about me or not, I'd be fine with it. I would still put a hundred and ten per cent into my work...Of course, I'd rather they'd not know about me. I prefer it that way."

"But it's not about that, Yuna..." Yukari eventually sighed and gave it up.

Those two are completely different, even if their talents are kind of in the same performance category.

"But my offer still stands you two." Yuna addressed Akemi and me. "If you ever need any help, whether it be moving things or any manual labour, come to me. I tend to help people out with things like that, I'd it'd be no problem helping you guys."

"Good to know..." I nodded.

We eventually left Yuna and Yukari alone and made our way to the next location that wasn't too far away. It was like a welcome centre behind the fountain. It was a cabin with stairs leading up to its front door.  Akemi and I entered to see a desk cluttered with documents and paperwork and a few chairs around a fireplace. There were potted plants in the corners of the room and windows with long curtains that touched the floor. It looked like a normal office that you'd have in a regular summer camp.

However, a small stage had been set at the back of the room with sixteen foldable chairs in front of it to serve as an audience for a welcome ceremony. There were banners and a podium on the stage, but it seemed like the ceremony hadn't started yet.

There were three people in there: a girl with pink hair and a dress looking at the stage, a tall boy with messy white hair and boots examining the paperwork on the desk and another girl with freckles and goggles sitting in one of the rocking chairs facing the fireplace.

"Ooo! Guys, look! She's awake." The pink-haired girl pointed at us, announcing our arrival and alerting the other two.

"Huh...?" The freckled girl rubbed her eyes and yawned. "Oh...She's awake."

"Yes, Shouko. That's what just I said!" The girl on the stage said.

"Oh my, I'm glad to see you have awakened from your slumber. I was worried you had already been taken by the bitter angel of death...Too soon." the boy added.

"What...?" That was all I could say after that.

"Don't mind him! I'm so, so glad you're alright!" The girl jumped off the stage and rushed towards me, grabbing and shaking my hand. "I'm Kokoro Aina, the Ultimate Matchmaker! Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, I suppose," I said, but she just continued to smile and shake my hand. "You can let go now, you know."

"Right, right! Of course." She nodded and let go. "So...what's your name?"

"It's Chiyo, Chiyo Yagami. I'm the Ultimate Newspaper Club Member." I introduced myself again.

I feel like I'm going to have to say my name and talent a lot today...What a pain.

"Chiyo! Now that's an adorable name, don't you think Shun?" She cupped my face and turned to the white-haired boy.


"Kokoro...you said my name was adorable too." The girl in the chair said.

"Because it is Shouko! All of your names are just the cutest! I love them!"

"H-Hey!" I pulled her hands off.

"Oh, did you not like that...?" She lowered her hands.

"No, not really...Why'd you think I pulled you off?" I replied.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. It's a bad habit. I usually get too touchy with people..." she apologised.

I was about to complain but noticed how dejected she looked now compared to how she was a second ago, so I brushed it off. "It's fine..."

"Wait, really?" Her eyes lit up. "You already forgive me?"

"I mean, yeah?"

"Oh, thank you! A thousand thank yous!" Her face beamed with a large smile before facing Akemi. "And you, what's your name?"

"I'm Akemi Furuya, the Ultimate Conspiracy Theorist." He replied.

"Yes, I see..."

Kokoro took two steps back and focused on me, then Akemi, then me again. She kept switching before smiling again and clapping her hands.

"I sense something!"

"Wait...what?" I said.

"S-Seriously?!?" Akemi perked up.

"Yes, yes. I've got a good nose for these sorts of things. Now let's see..." she thought and stared for a few moments. She then nodded. "I see a strong attraction on one side!"

"Yes!" Akemi cheered.

"Disgusting..." I groaned. That 'attraction' is definitely just Akemi.

"But little to absolutely nothing on the other side." Kokoro finished with a grin.

"W-What?!?" Akemi was devastated.

"Thank god." I sighed.

"Trust me, I'm the Ultimate Matchmaker. I know what I'm talking about! When I see nothing between the people I'm reviewing, then that's just the truth."

You know what? Kokoro might be way too energic and nice for me, but I like her already if she can get Akemi off my back.

"Whatever!" He continued. "I don't need your dumb little matchmaking senses. I-It's probably fake!"

"No, it's not! As I said, I'm just telling the truth!" Kokoro cried. "In fact, I don't really see anyone in your future..."

"S-Shut up! You just wouldn't get how a guy like me feels, alright? Plus, I never asked for your stupid attraction detecting magic!"

"Alright...Sorry for invading any privacy then." Kokoro lowered her head.

"You should be!" Akemi added.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes at him for the millionth time today. "Don't listen to that guy. He's a jerk."

"Chiyo, don't say that! I'm no jerk!"

"Yes, you are!" I repeated.

"Be quiet! The more you say stuff like that, the more that other chick is gonna say you don't like me."

"She said that because it's true!"

In between me and Akemi's bickering, I slowly heard Kokoro start to laugh again. At least I cheered her up after Akemi was a total jackass.

"I believe I should introduce myself now. We all should be well acquainted before exploring this no good ruin any further." The white-haired boy cleared his throat and stepped forward, running a hand through his hair and grinning before elegantly posing, laughing his ass off. "Mwahaha! The name that I was bestowed with on the day of my birth is Shunsuke Ketsuyuki! I am known as the Ultimate Mortician as that is why life has chosen for me!"

"But Shun is fine!" Kokoro added.

"...Y-Yes. Shun is allowed." He lowered his hand, his cheeks turning pink.

Ok, I thought Yukari was weird, but this guy is on a whole different level of eccentric. The way he speaks and his gothic outfit...Just what is up with him?

"Aw! Isn't he so cool? The way he dresses and speaks is super awesome!" Kokoro gushed.

"A-Awesome...? My, I wouldn't call myself that." He hid his face, probably from embarrassment.

"But you totally are! Awww!"

"Talking about it, what is up with the way you talk and dress? Are you stuck in the Victorian era or something?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Hm? Whatever do you mean?" He turned his head.

"Your manner of speaking...And your gothic clothes...They're just bizarre." I said, examining his whole outfit.

"Oh? How dare you! My manner of dressing and speaking is completely normal." He looked down at his clothes, sounding offended.

"It's anything but normal..." I sighed.

I forgot that my classmates were this strange.

"So...A mortician huh?" Akemi tried to make conversation. "That's one hell of a job. Just...why that?"

"I enjoy the job. That's not a crime." Shunsuke answered.

"Nah, dude. But it sure as hell isn't something I would do. Funerals...are not my thing." He replied.

"I see. The concept of a funeral is just entrancing...Celebrating the death of a loved one. How intriguing is that?" Shun began with a creepy smile.

"It's kinda weird when you put it like that," I said.

"Oh really? And have you ever been to a funeral, Chiyo?"

"Only one."

"I see. A relative or loved one perhaps?" He began guessing. "May I even say...a mother?"

"That's an invasion of privacy." I crossed my arms and glared at him. "And insensitive. You should back off considering we technically just met again."

"Very well. I shall apologise." He bowed and stepped away. "But fear not, for I've seen many wonders in funeral homes...The brink of death for some and the bitter demise for others. I've prepared many funerals, whether it be strangers or loved ones."

"Ouch, that must hurt," Akemi commented.

"Don't be a fool. I would never be disheartened by something like that."

"Wait, seriously?" I was surprised.

"After you've experienced and seen death and tragedy occur so many times, I've become desensitised to it. There is no need to sorrow for what you no longer care for! It will occur to us all eventually." He responded, before laughing again. "Mwuaha...I take pride in my talent. Letting emotions come before it would just be irrational."

"That's crazy!" Akemi exclaimed. "Like dude, that's still a dead body..."

"And what of it? As I've said and will repeat: death is natural and will eventually happen to us all."

"...When you keep saying stuff like that, it gives me chills." Akemi nervously laughed.

"I've even been fortunate enough to see some autopsies myself. The delicate touch of the steady hand as it sliced in the passed body...Or feel the sheer coldness of a morgue as you slide in another corpse to prepare. It's all so fascinating."

"Fortunate? Fascinating...?" I repeated.

"I've also learnt a lot through my studies. I can do wonders with medicine and first aid...I know who to clean and disinfect wounds, even cauterise them too...in dire situations like this one."

"That's way too much information." I sighed. "Good to see someone else is suspicious of this place though."

"How can one not be? An unknown location filled with some of the country's brightest and most talented students? It's certainly unusual." He responded. "And most intriguing..."

Brightest is definitely a stretch considering some of the people I've just introduced myself to.

"That's what I was thinking!" I pointed out. "This place is-"

"I've already told ya to calm down Chiyo." Akemi butted in. "We'll focus on that later. No need to stress your cute face."

Why does Akemi always get on my nerves even though I've only technically known him for about twenty minutes?

"This place is kinda weird..." Kokoro joined in. "But like I said, isn't Shun so cool? He's so good at his job he even knows when a person's time of death is about to come!"

"That's...terrifying, not cool," I said.

"Please, that is only a rumour." He shook his head. "But the fragility of a person's life is extremely interesting. I can sense when it is near, of course...yet the concept of death can both mortify and indulge me at once. One day I shall experience death, and that day will forever captivate my attention. I wonder just how a person like me will depart this life."

"Well...what about this place? What do you sense here?" I asked.

"I sense a terrible impending wave of death closely approaching. The cold standing tendrils of its hands wrapping around all of our necks...But I can't be sure. It's just a rumour after all."

"Again...Way too much detail."

Why is everyone here so weird...?

"Talking about death..." Kokoro spoke up again. "Shouko! It's your turn to introduce yourself!"

The girl in the chair perked up, but just made a noise and sunk back down again.

"Aw, come on! Please..."


"I know!"

Kokoro skipped to where this 'Shouko' sat and pushed the rocking chair around so the girl faced us. She had freckles, a tired expression and was super tall...

"There she is!" Kokoro stepped aside and smiled. "See? Now introduce yourself."

"Fine..." the girl rubbed her eyes and sighed. "I'm...Shouko Katsuki. I'm the Ultimate Ghost Hunter..." she paused and reconsidered her thoughts before nodding. "Yeah, that's right."

"Yeah, that's right?" I repeated. "Did you forget your talent or something?"

"Maybe. I don't know..." Shouko yawned.

"You don't know you're own talent?" Akemi wondered.

"No, no. I just...forgot it for a second."

"So you did forget!" I said.

"I guess."

"As you can see, Shouko is super tired!" Kokoro announced. "Maybe you should take a nap. Or some rest! That bus was very uncomfortable. I don't even know how Chiyo managed to stay asleep for so long."

"I can't just go to sleep. That would be a waste of time...The ghosts don't want that." Shouko said.

"Did you just say...ghosts?" I tilted my head.

"Yeah. Ghosts." Shouko nodded.

"But ghosts aren't-"

"Woah! Chiyo, don't you dare finish that sentence!" Akemi yelled.

"...Ghosts aren't real though."

"No! I don't want a hottie like you getting possessed or cursed by some pissed off spirit!" He cried. "But now that you said that, we're all done for! I've already got to watch out for zombies after my theories..."

"Zombies? Those are even less real than ghosts."

"N-No!" He cried.

"Y-You've made a big mistake..." Shouko stammered.

"You're kidding right?" I glanced at the two of them. "Seriously? You believe in that supernatural stuff?"

"Of course Chiyo! And now they're all pissed!" Akemi pointed at me. "No, they're pissed at you! But don't worry, with my muscles, I can protect you! I've planned for situations like these."

"Yeah right. And muscles? Where are they?" I glared.

"I-I have some...!"

"Now that you have said that...Yeah, they're not happy." Shouko shook her head.

"That ghosts aren't real...?" I repeated once more.

"Stop saying it!" She exclaimed. "Ghosts are super duper real, okay?!?"

Wow, she sure is enthusiastic.

"It'll take days for them to calm down now that they're this lively..." Shouko groaned. "Look at what you've done."

"Wow! Can you talk and sense ghosts?" Kokoro asked.

"I can sense them. When it comes to talking, I try to all the time." She rubbed her eyes again. "But I really want to properly see one."

"Have you ever witnessed an encounter with the supernatural?" Shun joined in.


"But you have never actually seen a ghost?" I said.


"I knew it-"

"But I will someday! That's...the whole point of my talent. One day I'll hunt a real ghost and everyone will see. It's...also a good way to kill time." Shouko interjected.

"Right." I sarcastically nodded. "Why even hunt them in the first place?"

"They're...p-pretty attractive...." she gave a weird smile before standing straight. "T-To some people! Definitely not to me. Yeah. Yup."

Ok. Never mind about Yukari and Shunsuke being weird. Everyone is just completely crazy.

"It's basically my duty to catch one at this point. Ever since my first encounter with them...I've been determined to prove their existence!" She continued.

"Ooo! I bet you can do it, Shouko!" Kokoro cheered.

"Yeah! Then all of my supernatural ghost theory videos I've made will be true." Akemi added. "I won't look like some idiot!"

"The supernatural is always an interesting topic...Turning into a spirit after death and wandering around the land of the living...To be quite honest, it wouldn't ignore the idea. How amusing would that be?" Shunsuke crossed his arms and nodded, another creepy smile on his face.

That's it. Everyone around me is definitely crazy and an idiot.

"They're..." I was about to say they weren't real for the tenth time, but just gave up and sighed.

There's no point talking to these lot.

"Well, what's the point of this room then?" I asked.

"It seems like a front office. But these documents contain absolutely nothing." Shunsuke said.

"But it looks like there going to be a welcome ceremony soon!" Kokoro replied.

"I hope the ceremony isn't long...That would be boring." Shouko added.

"I wonder when it will start..." I mumbled but eventually said my goodbyes and left the welcome centre through the door at the back that lead outside with a pathway to various locations, Akemi scrambling behind me.

We next stopped by a cabin that had a red cross above the door.

"This must be an infirmary," I commented, gesturing to the red flashing cross sign.

"I hope those heart rate monitors don't start going off cause of you and me." Akemi winked.

"Just...shut up. Don't open your mouth." I told him and entered the cabin.

"Wait, I'm sorry! N-No need to be so mean!"

I felt the cooler air hit my face as soon as I stepped inside. The room was mostly white, with curtains and beds for sick patients with chairs accompanying them. There were shelves lined with various bottles of liquid and cupboards full of medical supplies.

The windows exposed and brought more light into the room against the wooden walls. The front desk was clear and only had a few potted plants on it, giving the room a livelier sense.

I noticed two figures in the room: One a tall girl with her hair tied back into a ponytail who was overseeing a taller boy with a lab coat who was kneeling in front of the cupboard full of medicine, examining and checking every single bottle.

Upon our arrival, the girl turned to us after hearing the door close while the boy ignored our arrival. She looked between Akemi and me with a serious yet deadpan face. We just looked back at her until she widened her eyes. Her serious facade faded and was replaced with a nervous chuckle.

"Oops. Sorry. I didn't realise I was doing that face." She apologised, her lips curving into a friendly smile. "When you've got to have a serious face in court all the time, it kind of just rubs off on you and becomes your natural face. I promise I'm not as cold or intimidating as I looked just then. At least I hope I'm not..."

"W-Wow..." Akemi's mouth hung agape at the sight of her. "Another hot babe..."

Is he being serious right now?

I mean...he isn't exactly wrong. She is pretty cute. But still!

"Excuse me...?" She titled her head.

"Just ignore the idiot," I said. "And what do you mean by 'court'?"

"Oh, right. I'm Hidemi Saito, the Ultimate Defence Attorney! Every client I've ever defended has received a not guilty verdict so you're in good hands. Call me if you have any legal trouble that needs dealing with." Hidemi paused and looked around the room. "Um, at this point of the conversation, I'd give you my business card, but I don't seem to have any on me. so for now, I'll just write my number on your hand...Close enough."

She grabbed a pen from the front desk and held my hand.

"Y-You don't have to do that!" I hesitatingly pulled away, releasing an awkward laugh. "I got my notepad right here. You can just write your number on there. I doubt I'll need it, but you never know..." I dove my hand into my bag and brought out my notepad, turning it to a blank page.

"Oh, perfect!" Hidemi nodded and scribbled her number down onto the page.

"A defence attorney! She's smart and sexy!" Akemi continued, now crushing on Hidemi.

"Are you alright?" She asked, not realising all the gross things he was probably thinking about.

"Ohoho, I'm much better now...And I have your number too. Sick!"

"You're disgusting. And correction, I'm the one who has her number. Not you." I smirked, waving the notebook in the air proudly to piss him off. "Ha! You're probably feeling so jealous."

"No, I'm not! And I'm gonna need that number in case I end up in court!" He argued.

"If any of you do, I'll be glad to defend you. It'll be no challenge for me." Hidemi offered.

"Now that you say that...I might commit a crime just to see you defend me." He added.

"Don't do that. That's illegal and a bad motive. Not to mention a danger to your future." Hidemi scolded him.

"You're...thinking about my future?" I saw a sparkle in Akemi's eyes as he convinced himself Hidemi was complimenting him.

"Of course. Everyone has a future, no matter what." She nodded.

"I hope I spend mine with you..." he said.

"I hope I don't." Hidemi politely rejected him with a smile.


"You more you ignore him, the more his mouth stays shut," I told her.

"Right..." she nodded, smiling at me.

Finally, another nice, cute, and normal person who is also put off by Akemi.

"So you're a defence attorney?" I said trying to start more conversation. "That's pretty cool."

"Correct! I do specialise in criminal defence though. I make sure to protect wrongly accused people. Almost every single person I've represented has been innocent and proven so." She explained

"Hey, I also focus on crime!" I grinned, raising my hand.

"Ah, I'm so glad!" She gladly high fived me.

"But...what if the person you're representing is guilty? Has that ever happened before?" I wondered, lowering my hand again.

"Yes, actually. In my first ever case, my client spoke to me in private and told me he was guilty. Even with that information...I still tried my best to represent him. It's my job after all. I'll represent every client the same, no matter what. Everyone deserves fair treatment under the law too. And that means with hundred per cent!"

"But did this guilty guy get away with it?" Akemi interjected.

"When I said everyone I've represented has received a not guilty verdict, that includes him." She replied.

"Woah. Isn't that wrong?" He said.

"I see where you're coming from...But it's my job. I don't necessarily have a say in that matter..." she nervously laughed again. "But all my clients are normally innocent and proven so!"

"So he did get away..." I mumbled. "Finally something interesting. Maybe I could write about this..."

"But enough about me!" She spoke again. "I didn't get your names."

"Right. I'm Chiyo Yagami, the Ultimate Newspaper Club Member, but I prefer to be referred to as a journalist. It's more professional." I introduced myself. "With a talent like yours, you must get it."

"Absolutely! Professionalism is one of the most important things in court. Oh, but where are my manners? It's a pleasure to meet you! I look forward to getting to know you." Hidemi greeted me and shook my hand with a smile.

"R-right. Same here!" I felt my hand go numb by how long we shook hands but didn't do anything about it until she let go herself. I didn't mind after all.

She then turned to Akemi. "What about your name?"


I was about to introduce Akemi, but he jumped in and cut me off.

"I can introduce myself to the lovely lady!" He cleared his throat. "I am Akemi Furuya, Ultimate Conspiracy Theorist. Pretty cool, huh?"

"It's...definitely a unique talent." She tried to sound polite.

"Unique? What the hell is that supposed to mean? And why don't I get a handshake?!?"

While Akemi talked, I glanced at the boy who was still examining the cupboard. He still hadn't said a word. Part of me was wondering if he hadn't noticed us, but after how long and loudly we've been talking, he's clearly just ignoring us.

"Hey," I called out to him, but he didn't move at all. "Hello?"

He still hadn't acknowledged us, so I lightly kicked his back with my foot to get his attention. "Hello?!?"

"What?" He finally said, his eyes not leaving the cupboard.

"Can't you see we're talking? You can at least join in." I walked over to him.

He harshly turned around, glaring at me through his glasses.

"What's so important about joining a stupid discussion like that...It's a waste of time."

"We're just introducing ourselves. You should do the same."!Hidemi said.

To that, he just sighed.

"Is this guy always like this, Hidemi?" I asked.

"I don't know. This is the first time I've heard him speak too." She responded. "I just followed him in here."

"Well then, I'd like to see you try and introduce yourself if you think we're being annoying." I looked back at him.

"I never said that." He stood up slowly and brushed the dirt off his coat before lifting his head and looking at the three of us directly.

This gave me a chance to realise how much of a mess he was. Tags still on his clothes, laces not tied, junk stuffed in his pockets, pale dying hair...How can he just walk around like that?!?

He was also super tall...

"A-Ah! A quiet type like him...that tall?!?" Akemi exclaimed. "N-No way! It's people like him that are the reason no girls go for me..."

"I thought you got all the girls," I called him out.

"It was a lie!" He cried. "And 5'5" isn't that bad of a height for a guy like me. Got it?!?"

Talk about a height inferiority complex.

He looked at each one of us once Akemi shut up before speaking. "Shimura Kurayami. Ultimate Toxicologist. Pharmaceutical to be specific."

We didn't say anything to that as he just stood still.

"Is there seriously anything I need to add to that?" He asked

"No...?" Akemi, clearly confused, answered.

"Good." He turned away.

"Hey, wait," Hidemi called out. "Conversation is the basis of any relationship or interaction. We're going to have to talk more eventually. No need to be so distant."

"You've already got my name and talent. If there's nothing else to discuss, then we're done here." Shimura knelt back down and picked up a bottle of transparent liquid.

"You just really hate talking." I sighed.

"That's...not it. I just don't like to associate with mindless morons." He explained.

"Excuse me?!?" I exclaimed. "We just met!"

Shimura thought about what I said for a second. "No, I can just tell by looking at you. You're just like the idiots I grew up with."

"Dude, that's kinda rude." Akemi rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'm not being mean. I'm being honest." He shrugged like it was nothing. "I don't have to talk to you and you don't have to talk to me. Frankly, I'd prefer it that way."

"But we just met. We haven't even gotten to know each other." Hidemi pointed out.

"Look. I have nothing against you people. I just want to distance myself from a conversation with a massive group of fools. Is that what you'd prefer to hear?"

"Or maybe you do those things because you don't like talking. Or maybe you're bad at it, Shimura. It would make sense considering how you're acting. It's like you want to avoid conversation." Hidemi said. "Ha, I guess analysing people in court is helpful."

"T-That's not...it." He glanced back at us.

"I seriously doubt that," I added.

"Maybe you avoid conversations because sometimes you feel left out or can't engage in them?" The defence attorney questioned him further. "Or maybe it's about the people..."

"Stop analysing me and making wrong theories." He replied. "You're acting more like a nosy therapist than the actual psychologist we're stuck with."

"A psychologist..."

Geez, there are tons of more people to meet, isn't there? This is gonna take ages.

"H-Hey!" Akemi stood in front of Hidemi, protectively.

"Wow. You seriously thought you did something there, didn't you?" Shimura rolled his eyes at him.

Maybe Shimura isn't that bad. His snarky replies can be alright...depending on the situation.

"I just tend to avoid conversation, ok? I'm much more comfortable in the world of chemicals and toxins."


"I prefer being in a lab. Understand, idiot?" Shimura rephrased his wording for Akemi to get it.

"But dude, that's so dead!" Akemi cried.

"That's the point. I prefer things that way. Do you have an issue with that?"

"...I guess not." He gave in. "You do you, bro."

"Good. Then we'll have no problems." Shimura turned away once more back to the cupboard.

"Is that it...?" I wondered.

"Yes...For now, I guess." He said without turning or glancing in my direction.

"What a weirdo..." I mumbled. "I'm going to get going. I've got a bunch of other classmates to meet."

"Right! I hope you have a nice time, Chiyo." Hidemi smiled.

"Thanks." I looked over at Akemi. "Hey. Are you coming or what?"

Akemi looked at me and then Hidemi. He then grinned at her and waved, winking at the end. She just waved back, slightly confused.

"I'll be seeing you later, Hidemi." He said with a goofy smile.

"Once again, I hope not." She replied.

Akemi and I started to exit the infirmary before Hidemi stopped us.

"Wait!" She realised something.

"What is it?" I turned back.

"Can you guys look for my stepbrother too?" She requested.

"You have a stepbrother?" Akemi asked.

"Yes. The last time I saw him he was getting off the bus. I looked away for a second and he was gone. He's the only one of us I really remember." She summarised. "He tends to separate himself from others and be alone, but in this situation, I can't help but worry about him."

"Ok, I guess I can help. He just sounds like another grumpy loner though." I said. "What's his name and talent?"

"His name is Satoshi Homura. He's the Ultimate Forensic Scientist. Although...he doesn't like to use or acknowledge his talent anymore."

"Why's that?" Akemi tilted his head.

"It's...a personal reason. That's all I know" Hidemi sighed and shook her head. "Anyway, Satoshi has black and blue hair, piercings and a leather jacket. It's quite hard to miss him. He can also be a bit defensive or cranky, so be careful of that." She slowly looked at the boy who was still going through various chemicals. "He's...actually a bit like you Shimura."

"Just perfect." He replied sarcastically without looking away from the cupboard.

"He still sounds like a jerk and a loner...but I'll keep an eye out for him," I reassured her.

"I think you mean I will!" Akemi jumped in. "I'll get him Hidemi. Then you'll see how cool I am."

"I don't mind who finds him. I'm just happy you guys are helping. If you have any updates, feel free to tell me." She continued. "I'll let you guys go now. I don't want to be bothering you any longer."

"Don't worry girlie. You're never a bother to me." Akemi grinned.

Hidemi just avoided his gaze and looked out the window, trying to ignore him. It looks like she's as disgusted by his comments as I am.

"Hidemi is so cool and hot!" Akemi gushed as we walked down the infirmary stairs.

"Yeah, she is pretty cute." I agreed.

"Hey! Finally! A topic we both agree on!"

"Don't push it. I'm not weirdly obsessed with her like how you are."

"S-Seriously?!?" He cried.

We quickly found ourselves outside the infirmary. I checked the strange tablet thing in my bag and looked over the map, groaning at how many more locations I had to check.

If I remember correctly, my class, including myself, had sixteen students. I'm only barely halfway, so this is going to take a while. I haven't even seen most of the camp yet. I just hope the rest of them aren't as strange.

Now that I've said that, they most definitely are going to be strange. I should expect that from Ultimate students...


9/16 met

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