Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNati...

By randomreader000000

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After surviving three years into the apocalypse Bailey Hawthorne strongly believes she has the new world figu... More

S1E03: Part 1
S1E03: Part 2
S1E04: Part 1
S1E04: Part 2
S1E05: Part 1
S1E05: Part 2
S1E10: Part 1
S1E10: Part 2
S1E11: Part 1
S1E11: Part 2
S1E12: Part 1
S1E12: Part 2
S1E13: Part 1
S1E13: Part 2
S2E01: Part 1
S2E01: Part 2
S2E05: Part 1
S2E05: Part 2
S2E06: Part 1
S2E06: Part 2
S2E07: Part 1
S2E07: Part 2
S2E09: Part 1
S2E09: Part 2
S2E14: Part 1
S2E14: Part 2
S2E15: Part 1
S2E15: Part 2
S3E03: Part 1
S3E03: Part 2
S3E05: Part 1
S3E05: Part 2
S3E05: Part 3
S3E06: Part 1
S3E06: Part 2
S3E12: Part 1
S3E12: Part 2
S4E01 & S4E02
S5E01 & S5E02: Part 1
S5E02: Part 2
S5E02: Part 3
S5E02: Part 4
S5E02: Part 5
S5E02: Part 6
S5E02: Part 7
S5E02: Part 8
S5E02: Part 9
S5E02: Part 10
S5E03: Part 1
S5E03: Part 2
S5E04: Part 1
S5E04: Part 2
S6E10: Part 1
S6E10: Part 2
Oneshots pt 1 of 4
Oneshots pt 2 of 4
Oneshots pt 3 of 4
Oneshots pt 4 of 4
Oneshots pt 1 of 4
Oneshots pt 2 of 4
Oneshots pt 3 of 4
Not an Update - A Memorial
Oneshots pt 4 of 4
S8E01: Part 1
S8E01: Part 2
S8E06: Part 2
Deleted Scenes
Update - Big News!


438 15 1
By randomreader000000



He was with Eric in the armory while Addy had gone with Rita to make contact with Citizen Z. After going through the ammo shortage in Altura and having to rely on his sling for so long it felt good to have a long range rifle in his hand again and a full pocket of bullets. He could feel Eric's eyes on him as he loaded the rifle one handed, cradling the barrel with his antler.

"So what kind of name is 10K anyway?" he asked breaking the silence.

Tommy couldn't help but chuckle, he hadn't had to explain it in a while, "It's how many zombies I'm going to kill."

"You actually keep count?" Eric asked folding his arms and leaning on the nearest rack of guns.

"I try to." He said throwing the rifle over his shoulder and standing.

"So how far are you on that?" Eric asked grabbing an extra clip of ammo for his own gun as they turned to leave.


Eric whistled, "Damn. What happens when you reach your last kill?"

He hesitated as he thought, his old plan had been to be called Jeff, since when he'd changed his name it had been in an attempt to honor his father's death, to make up for the fact that he hadn't been able to save him. But now he had TJ, he'd named his son after his father which made having people call him Jeff seem. . . out of place.

"I'm not sure." He admitted, "Maybe I'll just keep counting. See how far I get."

"Well if enough Z's migrate I'm sure you'll get there."

"Running out of food in the south." He quoted sadly, "That means we're the only survivors left on the continent."

"Maybe not." Eric said hopefully, "Maybe there are just smaller more spread out groups of survivors down there and the bigger group of humans here is drawing them this way."

"Hopefully. The idea that if our communities fail means the end of humanity on this hemisphere is. . . extreme." He replied knowing it added even more pressure to continue their way of life, the Newmerican way, the way George had poured her heart into.

"Hastings has a theory that the Z's have developed stronger hunting instincts, they can determine that more food is up here so that's why they're coming. They don't want the tiny groups in the south."

"How did they develop? Other than hunger there's nothing else there. They don't have brain function." 10K asked shocked.

"Hastings thinks that black gunk that rained down across the country has something to do with it. That it not only mutated people when they die, but it affected already long dead zombies."

He thought about that for a second, it made sense. If the Black Rain made Talkers possible then who knew the affects it had on zombies? It had originally been meant to exterminate them, along with all the other humans. But Warren had changed the cylinders in the drone, whatever mix she'd put together had changed the game. Then he thought of something else but didn't ask, – why were there no Talkers in West Park?

Warren POV

Cooper had found a vehicle she could hotwire and with it they had made it across another state listening to the handheld radio and trying to see where the signal became the clearest on that numbers station so they knew which direction to go.

"Two, two, six, eight, one, seven, three, eight, eight, seven, six – This is Rita Hearne reaching out to anyone else on this frequency. Repeat this is Rita Hearne, looking for any survivor registered as a Newmerican citizen. Does anyone copy? Repeat any Newmerican citizen –"

"This is Lieutenant Roberta Warren. I copy you Rita Hearne, over."

"Lieutenant Warren, my sources have informed me that you are traveling with a small group heading for our camp in Sheridan." Came Rita's reply.

Warren glanced at George and Cooper, she wasn't sure what sources Rita had or how she knew that they were heading south. George looked just as suspicious as Warren slowly brought the radio to her lips to reply.

"Your sources are right. We're looking for a few of our people who have gone missing in the area." She replied before taking her finger off the transmission button and bracing herself for Rita to demand a ransom for Addy and 10K, or threaten their lives in exchange for something. Any community out there would kill for what Newmerica had and maybe Rita knew they'd be willing to pay almost anything for the safe return of their people.

She heard the static cut off and heard a small chuckle before Rita began to speak, "We have a building outside our compound we've been trying to establish a secure connection with. Certain. . . difficulties have cut us off from the people holding it and if you wish you and your team may head there as a rendezvous point."

Warren looked back at George and Cooper, Cooper's eyes were stern under the brim of his hat as he shook his head no. When she turned to George she saw the same look in her eyes, it was cautious, untrusting. Rita hadn't said it directly but her tone and the offer to meet alone confirmed that she had the people Warren had told her were missing.

"It could be our only way of getting them back." George said sounding reluctant to negotiate with Rita, "She has leverage. We don't."

"She still hasn't admitted she even has them. It sounds like it but she also could be playing us for her own gain." Warren pointed out before she hit the button on the side of her radio again, "Something tells me part of my team might already be there. Or with you in Sheridan."

There was a long silence before Rita came back on, "And who do you think I meant by 'my sources'?"

Her reply made the three of them look to each other again before Warren responded, "I want to talk to them. I want proof of life."

She didn't know what condition Addy and 10K could be in. They could be on good terms with Rita or she could have tortured information out of them. One way or another she'd known Newmericans were coming south.

"Warren?" came Addy's voice, "Warren it's okay. We're okay."

She breathed a sigh of relief at hearing Addy's voice. It wasn't laced with anger or fear so she knew she was alright. "10K too?"

"Yeah, he's gearing up at the armory. We've run into a bit of trouble, would you be able to have CZ put us through to George –"

"Right here Addy." George interrupted taking the radio from Warren. "What's up?"

"We need you guys to head to their diesel equipment building, it's called Bighorn. The people there will fill you in. Tell them Rita sent you and you'll be fine."

"Can you give us any more information than that?" George asked.

"Just. . . we might have a very resourceful addition to Newmerica here, if we can get them out of a jam." Addy said slowly and George looked up at Warren. Warren knew how important Newmerica – and expanding Newmerica – was to George. If Addy had been able to talk this woman, Rita, into possibly joining their trade route then that would be huge for their community and the new country.

Bailey POV

"Don't build that too high. We don't want you getting hurt if it falls over." Kaya reprimanded JZ and TJ as they played with the colorful legos in the living room. Kaya had been kind enough to babysit for Bailey since she had a check up appointment with Red and the kids had no school since it was the weekend. Thank God for CZ's record keeping which meant they not only had the days of the week again, but they had the correct day of the week.

Bailey finished cutting the fruit she had so the boys could have a snack after they played. Then she kissed TJ goodbye and thanked Kaya again before she left for the infirmary.

When she got there she wasn't the only one waiting to see their doctor. In a small waiting room there was an older woman sitting on a rocking chair knitting patiently and another woman who was maybe a year or two younger then Bailey who sat on a loveseat reading a magazine with her feet kicked up on the other side of the two seater. The room was small and could maybe fit five people comfortably, if some didn't mind standing and thankfully it was never fuller then that. After the medicine shortage three years ago people were very aware of how to take care of themselves so they didn't risk catching colds. The majority of Red's appointments now were yearly physicals and the occasional injury.

Bailey walked into the room and leaned against the wall as she rubbed her stomach and tried to think of calming things, like if she was carrying a boy or a girl, what the baby would look like and things of that nature. Then the older woman noticed her and started grabbing her things.

"Oh here dear, I can move." She offered kindly, moving her knitting into her bag and grabbing her cane.

Bailey smiled at her, "Thank you, but you don't have to do that." She gratefully declined but still heard a small scoff coming from the loveseat and she looked at the girl who sat there.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" the old woman asked hearing the scoff too and the girl rolled her eyes and looked up from the magazine she was reading.

"Pregnancy is not a disability." She replied, "No one should have to give up their seat for you."

Bailey's mouth very nearly fell open at the rude remark. Even traveling with Murphy for years she'd never heard anything like that, which was saying a lot. And before she could say anything the girl went on.

"If you're so tired you're going to take a chair from an old woman then your man should have come with you so you could lean on him."

Now sometimes Bailey did wonder when she saw the elderly how they managed to survive the apocalypse this long but when the older woman responded Bailey's question was answered.

Quick as a whip the older woman got up and started hitting the girl with her cane and shouting, "I wish I still had my walker so I could hit you four times in one swing you disrespectful Z banging little hussy! How dare you treat another person with such attitude!"

The girl fell from the loveseat and ran for the door as the older woman grabbed her purse and followed at a slower pace still yelling down the hall after her, "And don't think you can run from me either! Just because I'm old and slow doesn't mean I won't find you! You better watch that mouth of yours because I'll have an eye on you so you better watch out!"

Meanwhile Bailey was left in the waiting room both flabbergasted and shocked by the hilarity of what had just happened.


"Have you been resting like I told you?" Red asked her as she sat on the plush chair in her infirmary. She was nearing her six month mark now and with each day it seemed harder just from not knowing what had happened to Tommy. That comment that girl had made about 'her man' being there only made the sting a little worse. She'd love nothing more then for Tommy to be there, to see the ultrasounds, to hear the baby's heartbeat, for all the little moments they both loved to share.

"I've been trying to." She admitted honestly.

"Bailey." Red said in a scolding tone like she was a child who'd been eating cookies before dinner.

"I can't rest all the time Red, I have a toddler at home. I have to take him to school, I still work – part time – and even when I do lie down it's hard to fall asleep between my back pain and worrying about Tommy."

Red rested a hand on her shoulder, "I know it's been hard on you but you have to try not to think about 10K." Bailey opened her mouth to protest but Red cut her off. "I know it's impossible not to worry about your husband and the father of your children but for the sake of the baby you have to try to put all that out of your mind. Stress is bad for babies."

She brought her hand to her swollen stomach and rubbed hoping to feel the baby kick. "I know. And I honestly am trying, it's just. . . I can't stop thinking about how I'd raise two kids by myself if he never comes home. I don't know if I'm capable of that."

"You'd be alright." Red reassured her rubbing her back in comfort. "You're a strong independent woman –"

"I don't want to be independent." Bailey said before taking a deep breath to hold back her tears, "Is that a bad thing?"

"Well how do you mean?"

"It's just. . . independent seems so. . . lonely. I like being codependent on Tommy, we're a team. Everything's fair, we see each other as equals. And when I'm lacking something he's there, he supports me, let's me lean on him when I need to when it all becomes too much. Not that I would ever call my children a burden but, it's nice to know when I need a break Tommy can take over, hold some of the weight for me."

"That makes sense." Red said continuing to rub her back. "You can be independent you just don't want to. It's not a bad thing. No one wants to be all alone in the world. We're only human and we all need someone at one point or another."

Bailey sniffled, "TJ asked me last week when his Papa would be home. It took everything I had not to let my own worrying and fear swallow me up and break down crying in front of him."

Red was quiet and Bailey could tell by the look on her face that she was trying to think of what she could say that would make her friend feel better. "You know, being a strong woman doesn't always mean you go out and kick ass. What you did for your son, all you're doing for your baby, staying here to take care of them; to make sure TJ stays happy and safe, that's being strong too. And being strong for your kids is a greater strength then going out and killing a hundred zombies."

Bailey sniffled again as she let Red's words sink in, then she turned to her and gave a small smile. Red returned it and let Bailey rest her head on her shoulder until she calmed down and felt better.

"How about I stop by tomorrow morning before work and take TJ to school for you?" she offered, "That might give you some time to get some extra sleep and relax for a little."

Bailey lifted her head and nodded, "Thanks Red, that would help me out a lot."

"Hey, I'm here for you. We all are. You're not alone."

The reminder was comforting to her, knowing Red and Kaya and Laura and Ted were all there to help her with TJ. But at the same time it only made her long for Tommy even more. She hoped he was okay.

Warren POV

They followed the instructions Rita had given them until they came to the very northern tip of Sheridan and found the building Addy had been talking about. It was surrounded by eighteen wheeler trucks acting as very large fence posts and welded to each end was large sheets of metal or a panel of chain link fence. There were no people in sight, they assumed they were all inside but then a gunshot rang out and they all flinched and took several steps back.

"Wait!" Warren called throwing her hands in the air above her head as Cooper and George did the same. From where they were she could just barely make out the head of a girl peeking over the side of one of the trucks, she had dark hair pulled back into a ponytail and had her sniper rifle aimed right at them.

"Rita sent us!" George shouted as they took some tentative steps forward, testing the waters. The girl didn't shoot again and one of the pieces of chain link fence between two trucks opened like a door and a couple men came out holding more automatic rifles aimed at them. Their trio stopped walking as the men approached them. Then one man stopped and looked up from the scope of his gun.

"Warren?" he asked with recognition in his eyes, "Roberta Warren?"

She tilted her head not sure how this man knew her, "Sorry, have we met?"

He smiled and lowered his weapon making the other men pause, "Sorry, it has been a while. You saved my daughter's life."

"Your daughter?" she asked raking her mind for the memory, then she smiled, "Sarah?"

He nodded then turned to the other men and told them to put their weapons down, "I can vouch for them, if they say Rita sent them, I believe it."

One of the men turned and signaled their sniper who put her gun away and vanished on the other side of the truck. Sarah's father led them inside the perimeter as the other armed men closed and secured the chain link door shut again. Now inside Warren could see that along each truck at the fence was a ladder and that's where the sniper girl was crouched waiting to pop up and fire at incoming threats. Inside the perimeter they saw several yellow construction trucks and machines, nothing was paved, they just rested on the compact dirt beneath their feet. Some were used as part of the fence but others looked like parts had been taken from them. To be used for what, Warren wasn't sure. There was also a very large pile of scrap metal that she saw a few workers covered in grease around as they took pieces from the pile and brought them into one of the garages. Both the large loading doors were open and she could see a bit of what was inside, there were large machines running but she had no idea what they were doing in there.

"Is Sarah and the rest of your family here too?" Warren asked as they walked.

"No." he said turning to her with a smile, "They're back in West Park. I wasn't even meant to be here this long."

"Then why are you still here?" Cooper asked looking for answers to fill in all the blanks they were still wondering about.

Sarah's father took a deep breath, "We've been cut off from the community."

"How?" George asked.

"Well, at first we thought they were just a group passing through. Ex bounty hunters. But then they stayed put when they saw our community. Rita isn't keen on letting in strangers and once they started targeting our supply trucks Rita rebelled. Eventually they started attacking the community directly and Rita called everyone back and used our strong walls to return fire. Myself and the other workers who were here were told not to try and return for our own safety. The bounty hunters have been attacking both places sporadically ever since. We're well equipped to deal with things like this and no one was too worried about it. The only tricky part was we wouldn't be able to get out of here without giving the place up to our enemies. Which isn't an option."

"And why is this place so important?" Warren asked. Sarah's father smirked proudly and pointed back at the garage they'd passed.

"This is where we make our ammo." He said and his smile grew at the shock on their faces. Warren turned to George while Cooper looked back at the garage impressed. They knew the one thing Newmerica had been lacking recently was ammunition. Addy had been right, this place could be valuable if they could bring them into the trade route.

"Which makes sense why they cut you off from your community." Cooper said putting it together.

"If their plan is to wait us out it won't work." Sarah's father said, "We have enough ammo to withstand an attack for years. But Rita was curious why they were so hell bent on taking our place. So she started using all our resources to find out why." His expression became more grim, "The Z's are coming north."

That shocked all of them and George was the first to compose herself enough to ask, "Why?"

"No more food south." Sarah's father replied, "Every human came north looking for a place too cold for the zombies. But now they're starving and the smell of so many human communities is carrying on the wind, drawing them back up here."

"So the ex bounty hunters are looking to take over your community so they have a place to bunker down when the Zumani hits." Cooper stated and Sarah's father nodded.

"Once the next winter comes and goes the Z's that came up here will either travel south again to escape the cold or freeze, but that's still too many months away. You said Rita reached out to you?"

George nodded, "She came across some of our people, we think they made a deal that we could help. But I'd still like to talk to Rita myself, that is if we can make it down to West Park."

"The ex Bounties will cut you off. We've been able to hold this place but between here and there those guys are swarming. You won't make it through."

"Maybe we don't have to." Warren said pulling out her radio. "Maybe we can coordinate an attack with Rita, we go south, she comes north, and we squish the Bounties in between until we've taken them all out."

"You have a working radio?" Sarah's father asked looking at the device like it was gold.

"You don't?" George asked partially in disbelief, how could a community with so much not have a radio? Sarah's father didn't respond instead he only waved them forward into another building that had a few usable dump trucks inside but along the back wall was a long counter with some radio equipment and some computers. There was one woman there talking into a microphone, "Seven, three, four, six, three, six, seven, two, three, six, three, six, eight, seven. . ."

So that's where the numbers were coming from, she thought before she turned to Sarah's father as he explained.

"During our last attack we left the fences to try and take out some of the Bounties but we lost some men. We gave them mercy before we had to retreat back here but the Bounties were able to take a radio off one of our guys. We've only been sending coded messages since." He chuckled, "It hasn't been this bad since right after the nukes. That was the last time they needed the code, was part of how me and my family found this place when the nuclear fallout started blowing toward our cabin and we had to leave."

"You gave them mercy?" George asked that part catching her attention, "Didn't they turn Talker?"

"Of course they did. But we don't keep any brains around for them, and the idea of it isn't too appealing to the newly dead so mercy's the only other option."

"Maybe not." George said smirking before reaching into the leather pouch strapped to her belt and pulling out a bizkit.

"What the hell is that?" Sarah's father asked.

Warren and George shared a smirk knowing that once Sheridan was free of the Bounties they could trade bizkits for ammo.


"Addy." He nodded at her as he walked into Rita's office where she was sitting at her desk and Addy was standing behind her. She nodded at him as he walked in with Eric and Rita fiddled with her own radio transmitter as a new code came in.

"Nine, two, seven, seven, three, six, one."

Rita quickly jotted down the numbers on a piece of paper and Addy looked over her shoulder as she decoded the message.

"What's the key?" the red head asked.

"Phone keypad." Rita replied still looking down at the paper as she scratched off certain letters trying to piece together a sentence. Addy looked up at him and though her face was neutral he could see the light in her eyes telling him she was doing little somersaults of joy on the inside now that it was confirmed that they had been on the right track to cracking the code themselves.

"So what are they saying?" Addy asked looking closer at the paper Rita had.

"W,X,Y,Z. . . A,B,C. . . P,Q,R,S. . . . P,Q,R,S. . . D,E,F. . . M,N,O, and the one is a period." Rita explained as Addy nodded along trying to piece together the word.

Then her eyebrow shot up, "It's Warren! W-A-R-R-E-N."

"She must have gotten to Bighorn." 10K said as he walked over to the desk and Rita returned to her transmitter.

"That radio she has is the only safe frequency we've got so if I can tap into that again we can talk to her and figure out a plan of action."

There was some static as Rita fiddled with the knobs and buttons, then she pulled the receiver closer to her and started talking, "Lieutenant Warren. Roberta Warren, come in over. This is Rita Hearne come in Lieutenant."

They waited and waited for a reply but there was still just that light static.

"Hope the Bounties didn't get them." Eric muttered from the door and Rita held up her hand shushing him.

"Lieutenant Warren, do you copy? This is –"

"Rita Hearne good to hear from you again." Warren's voice came over the radio and he and Addy breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lieutenant." Rita acknowledged with a smirk, "I see you've made it to Bighorn."

"It's an impressive setup you have here. Mark has filled us in on your situation with these ex Bounties and I think we have an idea on how to get them out of your backyard -"

Then there was a scream but not on Warren's end. They all rushed to the window in Rita's office and saw people running toward the gate.

"Emily!" Rita shouted and the girl from earlier walked in. 10K kept his eyes on his weapons pretending to check things as Rita gave her instructions, "Stay here and send a mayday. Use this new frequency not our old one. When you get Roberta Warren on tell her we're going to need help and we need it now."

She nodded as she sat down and started sending the message as the other four ran out of the room and outside.

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