Smart Ass

By pamegranate

124K 6.9K 10.7K

(One Piece x femReader) It all started in the last year of High School. All of these overwhelming boys grew f... More

How it all started...
The Pain of All of This
Of All People, Why Did It Had To Be You?
How Did This Happen?
A Coincidence That I Wish It Wasn't
What the Hell is Wrong with People!?
What the Actual Fuck!?
The Fuck You Mean!?
Are You Serious!?
Fuck, I snapped...
Maybe They Aren't So Bad
I'm In A Good Mood
I Actually Had Fun
The Sins...!?
A Pretend Boyfriend!?
Im regretting this already...
What is This Feeling?!
Why do I....?
Your Lack of Intellegence is Pretty Sad
An Odd Day
Did he really...?
A new beginning?
You like this?!
Why Are You Acting Weird!?
What If There's More Than a Feeling?
A Time of My Life?
What Really is Satisfaction?
The Official Leader of the Sins
And This is Where My Mistake Started
If Only I Stopped Here
Why Didn't I stop?
Nobody Helped Me...
The Sins Info
We Meet Again...
Th DayDream Of Boa Hancock
Is It So Much To Ask For?
Reason Number 1: Kill Yourself
"Am I Bothering You...?"
A New Sight To See
And It All Goes Downhill From Here
Two Bloodlines In One?!
Meet A Genius
If It Was Destiny Then So Be It
Sometimes Not Everyone Will Be There
I Didnt Think Too Much of It
The one they call Rayleigh
A Promise Is a Promise
A New Leader
And So It Begins
Rank difference?
My Family?
Its Been 4 Years Since
Damn that Eustass Kidd
Welcome, to Fisherman Island!
I Didn't Work My Ass Off To Be Nice
The Madam is Down
Who's The Strongest?
Damn That Dressrosa
Battle Royal
Corazรณn vs N/n! Mint Is Out!!!!??!
Lucy vs Mr.S vs N/n vs....?!?! AND Doflamingo vs The Sins
The Donquixote Brothers
Whitebeared and Y/n
The Leader of Vinsmoke
Vinsmoke Judge and His Mind
Come On...You're A Creep
It Was Suspicious...To Me At that Time
What The Hell
77 sad
Was That All For Nothing?!
The one named Y/n L/n
Wano...was just meant for me to go
Y/n will Meet Kaido
The End is Newly Coming
The In Denial Is Real.
He Finally Makes His Arrival
This is War.
Right Direction
She's so badass!!!
Let's Just End This Already.

A Friend, Huh?

1.7K 108 276
By pamegranate

Question: Name your favorite song!

A/n: Still Loving You by Scorpions!!!

Also, YALL THE NEW EPISODE OF ONE PIECE SHSJDNXIXM I CRIED!!! I loved it so fucking much, and the scenes they put, I fucking cried. Y'all have no idea how much I love One Piece, I grew up with it since I was little because of my grandpa and sister ;) and I'm so happy it's getting more recognition!! Anyways, enjoy today's chapter!! I made more drama


You sat on your desk, feeling awkward at the tense atmosphere of Sabo and Ace not talking to each other. You really didn't pay much attention, but it bothered you to the core. "So does anyone have an answer? Besides, Y/n and Killer." Everyone looked at the board next to Marco, and they all groan, 'How stupid can you all be?'

Law was about to raise his hand, but Sabo beat him to it, "The mother has moved to the United States from China and wants to leave Chinese traditions behind, but the daughter clings to her roots in China."  Marco cringed, "Wrong!" "What?" Ace scuffed making Sabo glare at him, "If you're so confident, why don't you try, asshole." Ace glared at him, "I should! And maybe you could tell Y/n about it!" Sabo widened his eyes, you raised an eyebrow at the males words. Ace raised his hand, "The mother and daughter have moved from China to the United States, and both feel drawn to Chinese cultural values, customs, and style of clothing."  Marco slapped his forehead, "Wrong! Are you two even reading the book?! Actually, are any of you!?" Law groan, "You guys are stupid..." "What did you just say!?"

"Yeah, Mr. I want to become a sergeant to make money!" Ace flipped Law off as Sabo did the same, making Law glare at the two. Kid groan, "God, shut the hell up and solve your problems somewhere else!" The red hair shouted, Marco sighed, "Do you have an answer Kid?" "The shit is easy it's, The mother has moved to the United States from China and wants to preserve the Chinese family structure, but the daughter wants independence like a U.S. teenager!" Everyone widened their eyes as Marco yelled out, "Correct!" You were impressed that Kid wasn't stupid at all. It shock you that Sabo doesn't even know, he's one of the top students. Sabo and Ace glared at Kid, who smirked in victory.

He then sat down, "Thanks Killer..." he whispered, making the blond male nod, "No problem..."

Sabo and Ace now glared deadly at each other making Marco piss, "If you two are going to keep fighting over a damn girl, get out, NOW!!!" Everyone gawked at the teachers shout, making everyone look at you. "What? Want me to burry you all alive?"

School was about to end, but Shanks finally walked in and handed everyone a paper, or more like threw the stack towards everyone, and shouted, "Thursday night, we're leaving for the field trip! Now leave and pack up! You only have tomorrow and Thursday morning! Remember, at 10 P.M. BYE!" And there he ran off, before the bell rang.

"Y/n, let's go shopping together!" Both Sabo and Ace spoke at the exact same time. You rolled your eyes, "Yeah!" "Really?" Your frown, "No. I already have plans today. I'm going out with, uhh..." "Me and Cracker." Katakuri stood in front of the door, of course crouching a little, with Cracker behind him.

A/n; Okay, don't hate me. I love tall people! But I decided to make Katakuri 6'8 and cracker 6'4. Don't worry, they're both going to be much more taller after they become "adults". I'm just changing the height because they're high schoolers. Anyways, back to the story.

"What!?" The whole classroom snapped their head towards the two then back at you, multiple times. You raised an eyebrow, but took the chance to escape and nodded. "He's right. Anyways, bye people that annoy me everyday." Law quickly sat up, "Woah, you can't go with him!" "Why not?" "Because...they..!" Law couldn't finish his words, and look as you shook your head and made your way towards the two, not caring about Ace and Sabo shouting for you. Once the three of you were outside of school campus, you looked at Katakuri, "Thanks." Cracker smiled wide towards your way, "Don't worry about it! We were just lucky enough to pass by your class and saw how uncomfortable you looked!" You groan, "Yeah, well thank goodness you know how to read expressions..." Katakuri silently walked between you and Cracker, while the two of you talked about whatever Cracker decided to. They were mostly questions about you.

"So are you really dating Sabo?" Your cringed, "Nope! Me and Sabo were a "thing" in order to get his crush jealous." Cracker sighed in relief, "That's good to hear!" "Why?" Cracker turned red, "No reason!" Katakuri raised an eyebrow, along with you, but the two of you ignored it once someone shouted your name.

Guess who it was.


"What do you want, Ace?" Ace smiled nervously at the sight of Cracker and Katakuri next to you, "I was going to ask if I can join the three of you...haha..." You frown, "Ace, I'm not really-" "Sorry, but we're going to visit Mama's shop, and I'm sure she won't be happy to see you." Ace glared at the two, "Why does she care who I am? I don't know that old hag." Katakuri glared at Ace, as Cracker did the same, but more annoyed than the taller male. You sighed from annoyance and looked at the two beside you, "It's okay, you guys can go. Besides, I need to talk to Ace." "Are you sure?" You nodded, at first Cracker didn't want to leave, but Katakuri took the hint and pulled Cracker away.

Ace sighed and now stood in front of you. "You need to cut it out with Sabo, now!" "Huh? What happen?" Ace bit his button lip, "Just do it! I don't want him to keep hurting you!" You were so confuse, it actually worried you, did he know that you like Sabo? Or that Sabo hasn't told you about the things he's been doing behind your back? It was driving you crazy at the amount of questions that kept popping out. "Ace, what are you talking about?" Ace placed both his hands on your shoulders, looking at you very seriously. "I love my brother, but I can't let him keep going if you're the one who's going to end up hurt at the end. Y/n, why don't you care about what people think of you?" "Ace, you're confusing me more." Ace groan, "You know when this fake relationship ends, you're the one who's going to be hated! You have to stop this!" You were left shocked, even the students passing by were whispering at Ace's shout. Sabo finally came running and gasped for air, "Damnit Ace, you run fast!" Sabo huffed, but then froze when he saw Ace holding you. He got mad, and he doesn't know why. He doesn't like you anymore, but seeing his brother close to you made him pissed. "Hey, don't touch her without my consent!" Sabo pushed Ace away, earning the people around to stop and watch. "You guys need to stop-" "Why are YOU mad for? Your relationship with Y/n isn't even real! You don't even like her, and she doesn't back!" Ace pushed Sabo back as now the two were glaring at each other, "You asshole!!"

"You hear that, Sabo and Y/n aren't dating for real?"

"Then why are they doing it? For attention?"

"Maybe, but I saw Sabo kiss Koala near the back of the school!"

"No way!"

"Yeah, he even ditched Y/n to be with Koala too!"

"What!? So all of this was for Koala?"

Koala widened her eyes from embarrassment as she stood near the front of the crowd. You weren't having their shit, you were honestly going to walk away and ignore them, but for some reason you wanted to stop the two. It was honestly stupid for them to be fighting over a damn GIRL, in fact, YOU! You looked around and saw Shanks walk by, "Shanks!" The red hair turn to you, who shouted his name, and smiled at your way. "Yo! What's up!" You pointed at Ace and Sabo who are now cursing each other. Shanks raised an eyebrow, but then smiled wide, he ran towards the group and got a bunch of money out, "I BET ON ACE! 50 DOLLARS!!"


"What did you say!?" Shanks glared at the student next to him as you groan, 'Are you serious!?' Ace and Sabo finally threw each other a punch, making you slap your forehead. You walked up to the two and kicked their legs, making them trip. They were shock by your action and looked at your angry form. "STOP IT, BOTH OF YOU! Honestly, what are you? Dumb bitches?!" Everyone gawked at your words. Shanks even paled at the sight of your angry state, 'She looks more like her dad when she's angry....' "There's literally no reason for the two of you to fight! Ace, me and Sabo are already broken up!"

"You are/we are?" Sabo and Ace looked at each other then back at you. They both stood up with different reactions. One confused and the other happy. "Yes! I cheated on Sabo with someone else, and he got upset and started to hang out with Koala more! He was just being a nice guy...and told nobody about it." Ace widened his eyes, "Y/n...stop lying!" You shook your head, "I'm not. I cheated on Sabo with-"


Everyone turn to look at where the person shouted, and it was Penguin. He had his hand raised with Law and Shachi staring at him in shock. Ace widened his eyes, but then got even madder and punched Sabo. Luffy came running and kicked the two on the face, making their bodies to separate at least a little. "You guys need to stop, let's go." Luffy looked at you and smiled wide, "Here you go." Luffy placed his hat on your head and leaned forward. You looked at him and saw that he was frowning, "Let's meet at the usual spot in a hour." He pulled away with that smile of his and laughed at his brothers. You ignored everyone leaving and only looked at Penguin, who awkwardly stood between his friends. You took a deep sigh and looked at Luffy, who stood between his brother, so they won't go at each other. Ace looked at you while rubbing his newly bruised on his face, "Y/n...why?" You shrugged, "I'll tell you one day. Not now, I'm not ready." Ace slowly nodded and playfully punched your chin with a warm smile. "I'll wait for you then..." Luffy now dragged Ace, leaving Sabo behind.

"H-How long have you....known?" "Not long, only when you stopped telling me about her. Don't worry, the plan ended how it was suppose to. Now go run to Koala, she's waiting for you!" Sabo frown, "Y/n, I need to tell you something." "Yeah?" "I like...LIE to you because I enjoyed us hanging out. You're a really good friend." You widened your eyes, but Sabo walked pass by you and met up with Koala, who now asked him multiple questions.

'A friend...huh?'

Speaking of friends, you ran to Penguin and tackled him to the ground, playfully punching him on his chest. "H-Hey! That hurts!" You groan, "You asshole, thanks..." Penguin smiled cheekily at you, "No problem!" Law raised an eyebrow and helped you stand up. "I never thought a fake relationship will end like that." Shachi helped Penguin up and nodded, "Tell me about it. Penguin, now you won't get any girls because you got involved, idiot!" Penguin laughed nervously, "It's cool...haha." Penguin then smiled at your way, making you shake your head from how disbelief you were feeling. Law took notice of Penguins emotions and tighten his first inside his pockets. 'Penguin...don't tell me...' Law continue walking with him dragging you along. "Woah, calm down buddy. I don't want to be near you-" Law leaned towards you and smirked, "Is it because of last encounter? Want me to repeat myself?" You made threatening position with your fist, "Do it, and I'll make sure you visit the people you inspire to become." Law deeply chuckled and wrapped his arm around you neck, pulling you towards him while walking.

Shachi smirked wide, "I think we're going to win this bet, ha!" He said while taking a picture of Law and you, who was trying to get away from his grip. Shachi raised his hand for a High five, but he never got one back from Penguin. He turn to look at him and tilted his head at the sight of the male frowning, "Everything cool?" Penguin flinched, "Huh? Oh yeah, haha!" He finally returned the high five to Shachi and grinned wide, "Imagine what we can buy with that money!" Shachi now returned the same expression, "We can buy a good crib!"

Penguin smiled the whole time while Shachi continued to talk about what he can spend with the money, but in all honesty, he wasn't hearing anything. He was so cut up with you talking to Law the whole time.

Damn...has he really fallen for you that hard? It was making him jealous from all those guys you've been talking to.

The fact his feelings grew when he was trying to hook Law up.

Sucks, huh?

'What am I going to do?'

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