The Strength Within (Sebastia...

By AlwaysSeb

66.5K 1.6K 477

Continuing from the events of The Fire Inside....Emily is back! She knows what she wants and she's going to f... More

1. Haunted
Formula 1 Calendar 2022
Formula 1 Lineup 2022
2. A Sign of Things to Come
3. Aussie Rules
Race Result - Australia 🇦🇺
4. A New Direction
Race Result - Bahrain 🇧🇭
5. Life Goes On
Race Result - Emilia Romagna 🇮🇹
6. Two Can Play That Game
7. The Barbecue
8. In the Shadows
Race Result - Spain 🇪🇸
9. The Things We Fear to Lose
10. Recovery
Race Result - Monaco 🇲🇨
11. Going Back to the Start
Race Result - Azerbaijan 🇦🇿
12. First Date: The Remix
Random Photo Bonus
13. Surprise!
Race Result - Canada 🇨🇦
14. Setback
North American Grand Prix Result
15. The Unexpected Dinner Date
Austrian Grand Prix Result
German Grand Prix Result
British Grand Prix Result
17. Taking Control
18. Untamed Love
19. Together
Hungarian Grand Prix Result
20. Part of His World
21. Cornwall Part 1
22. Cornwall Part 2
23. Going Public
24. Seeing Red
Belgian Grand Prix Result
Netherlands Grand Prix Result
25. Confidence Crisis
Italian Grand Prix Result
26. Lance V. Seb
Singapore Grand Prix Result
Japanese Grand Prix Result
27. A Very Important Date
28. Romantic Getaway
29. Love is Forever
30. Claiming His Bride
31. Letting the Cat Out of the Bag
United States Grand Prix Result
32. Breaking News
33. Is Love Enough?
Mexican Grand Prix Result
Brazilian Grand Prix Result
34. Slipping Through His Fingers
35. Race Against Time
36. Aftermath
Saudi Arabian Grand Prix Result
37. All But Over
38. If It's Meant To Be, It Will Be
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Result
39. Mrs Vettel, Your Champion is Waiting
40. A New Beginning
Bonus - Back to Imola
Bonus - Happy Anniversary
Bonus: The Summer House

16. The Past Rears Its Ugly Head

905 25 2
By AlwaysSeb

Chris Armitage watched Emily as she stood talking and laughing with some of the other Aston Martin girls in the Hockenheim paddock.

He'd slept with one of their press officers back in Austria, a woman called Francesca, who was definitely no fan of Emily. He'd learnt some very interesting information. Emily had met Seb's parents and ex-wife. Things seemed to be getting back on track.

He decided that the sooner he made his move, the better. Emily started to walk away from the group, heading up the paddock, back towards Aston Martin. He quickly fell into step besides her.

"Hey sexy, how are you doing?"

"What do you want Chris?"

"Have dinner with me tonight. "

"Not happening. Not tonight. Not ever."

"You know you want to." She stopped in her tracks. She looked furious. Damn, she was hot when she was angry.

"Let's get something straight Chris. I am not interested. You had your chance years ago. You blew it. Stay away from me. I mean that."

With that, she stomped off. Well if that's the way she wanted it. If she wouldn't agree then he had no choice. Obviously her feelings for Vettel were standing in his way so Vettel had to be removed from the situation. Perhaps it was time to use the information he had. Yes. Time to stir the shit.

Chris watched as Seb celebrated with his team as he helped them pack up. Another win. Chris grinned as he thought of how he would soon be wiping the smug smile off of Seb's face.

He watched until he saw Seb leave the garage and walk alone down the paddock. He stepped out of the shadows and called his name.

"Sebastian!" Seb turned around and Chris fell into step besides him.

"What do you want Armitage?" he demanded.

"There's something you need to know. McDevitt and Emily. They're keeping something from you."

"Nice try. I know they kissed. I saw them. I wasn't with Emily then. And I kissed someone else too."

"Ah but Emily and McDevitt did more than that."

"She told me she didn't sleep with him. I believe her over you anyway Armitage. You want her still. You'd say anything."

"I overheard them talking. They got naked together, and he touched her intimately."

Seb froze. Chris knew he had his attention.

"They were discussing about whether she should have told you. I can see she didn't. McDeviit told her not to tell you and you wouldn't hear it from him. I guess she figured you didn't need to know."

"Tell me why I should believe you. After what you did to her in the're lying. I trust Emily. So crawl back into your hole Armitage. She'll never be yours again. So nice try, but you failed."

Chris grinned smugly as he walked away. Despite Seb's words Chris had seen the hurt on Seb's face. He had sown the seeds of doubt. Now he just had to wait and watch what happened.

Seb sat on his hotel bed brooding. Surely Chris was lying. Emily would have told him when he'd confessed about nearly having sex with Talia...wouldn't she?

He stood up and headed downstairs to the bar where he'd arranged to meet some of the team for a drink. There were no big celebrations tonight, most had already departed for the UK. He ordered a beer and took a swig.

Glancing around the room he spotted Scott McDevitt sat alone on the far side of the room. Picking up his beer, he headed over.

He sat down opposite him, glaring at him, not saying a word.

"OK Sebastian, I'll bite. What's your problem?"

"McDevitt, Emily. What happened between you two? Besides the kiss. I don't give a shit about the kiss." Scott began to look uncomfortable.

"I think you need to ask Emily that. "

"I'm asking you," Seb snarled. "Did you fuck her?"

"No!" Scott quickly denied.

"But you did more than kiss, didn't you?"

"Man, I said you need to ask her. What's brought this on? It's been months."

"Never mind." He stood up and began to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Scott called after him.

"To ask Emily," Seb called over his shoulder.


Emily had just finished packing her case ready to leave early the next morning when there was a knock on the door.

She crossed the room and opened it, surprised to see Seb standing there.

"Hey," she said brightly, pleased to see him. "Come on in. I was just packing, but it's all done now. I was going to text you. Guess I don't need to now."

He entered the room and quietly shut the door behind him.

"Everything ok?" she asked, noticing Seb's sullen expression.

"I don't know Emily, you tell me."

"Seb, what's that supposed to mean?"


"What about him?"

"I want to know what happened."

"I told you, nothing. He wasn't you."

"Not what I've heard."

"Excuse me? What have you heard?"she said, panic rising inside her. Scott had promised he wouldn't say anything.

"I've been told that things went a bit further than what you're letting on. I asked McDevitt but he said I'd have to ask you. But guilt was written all over his face Emily, just like it's written all over yours right now."

Emily sank onto the bed.

"Seb, I'm sorry. I didn't know how to tell you."

"TELL ME NOW THEN!" he shouted, his face turning red with anger. Emily bit her lip.

"I nearly had sex with him. I backed out at the last minute, because I wanted you, not him."

"How last minute? Did he get you naked Emily? Did he touch you?"

Emily started crying. She nodded.

Seb swore in German.

"It meant nothing. I saw you leave with that woman and I reacted. I came to my senses."

"Oh so you weren't the one who started it all by kissing him in front of me?"

"I've apologised for that!"

"I told you I was intending on fucking her. Why didn't you tell me? You let me think it was only a kiss."

"Seb, please." She jumped up and grabbed his arm. He wrenched it away from her.

"Don't touch me Emily. I'm so fucking angry with you right now."

"I'm sorry Seb. I should have told you. I was just ashamed."

"That's no excuse. You go on about learning to trust me, but maybe it's me who shouldn't trust you."

"Seb, I love you."

"You say that but you won't be with me properly. You know what. Forget it. Maybe this was all a bad idea." He turned and headed for the door.

"Seb, don't go. Please."

"Why not? If you're horny try calling McDeviit." He opened the door and then he was gone.

Emily sat down again and cried. She had messed up. She didn't know what she could do to make this right. Her phone buzzed alerting her of an email.

She picked it up and read it through her tears. It was a reply to the job application she had sent off to Team Penske in Indy car months ago. She scanned through it. They wanted to interview her on Zoom on the day of the British Grand Prix, after the race. She'd totally forgotten about applying. Things had been back on track with Seb and she'd been happy again. What now? When it looked like it was all over? She tapped out a reply.

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