Drops of Starlight

By StrawberryMoonRose

34.2K 1.1K 698

It's the year 2000 and Crystal Tokyo never came to be. The Starlights visit Earth to find Usagi raising baby... More

Chapter 1: Back in the Atmosphere
Chapter 2: Listens Like Spring, Talks Like June
Chapter 3: Heaven is Overrated
Chapter 4: Dance Along the Light of Day
Chapter 5: Jupiter Garden
Chapter 6: Just Friends
Chapter 7: Did You Miss Me?
Chapter 8: Payphone
Chapter 9: Who's the Perv Now?
Chapter 10: Look at the Stars, Look How They Shine for You
Chapter 11: Monsters of the Past
Chapter 12: Not You Again
Chapter 13: Well, This Shall Be Interesting
Chapter 14: Chasing Her Way Through the Constellations
Chapter 15: The Best Soy Latte You've Ever Had
Chapter 16: Afraid That She Might Think of Me as Plain Old Jane
Chapter 17: Did You Fall for a Shooting Star?
Chapter 18: Making Up For Lost Time
Chapter 19: I'll Be the Actress Starring in Your Bad Dreams
Chapter 20: Assumptions
Chapter 21: Turn of Events
Chapter 22: Princess
Chapter 23: Five-Hour Phone Conversation
Chapter 24: Troubles Stacking
Chapter 25: Encounter
Chapter 27: The Cosmic Valley
Chapter 28: Chaos Everywhere
Chapter 29: Coincidences
Chapter 30: Soul Vacation
Chapter 31: Did Venus Blow Your Mind?
Chapter 32: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 33: Did You Make it to the Milky Way?
Chapter 34: Chocolate Parfait
Chapter 35: Permanent Scar
Chapter 36: Insecurity
Chapter 37: Beautiful Ghost
Chapter 38: Did You Sail Across the Sun?
Chapter 39: Freeze-dried Romance
Chapter 40: Calamity
Chapter 41: Banishment
Chapter 42: Fortune Teller
Chapter 43: Tell Me
Chapter 44: There's a Time to Change
Chapter 45: Did the Wind Sweep You off Your Feet?
Chapter 46: Too Afraid to Fly, so He Never Did Land
Chapter 47: Her Stay on the Moon
Chapter 48: Pursuit
Chapter 49: How Far We've Come
Chapter 50: There's Room to Grow
Chapter 51: Begin Again
Chapter 52: Looking for Yourself Out There
Chapter 53: The Stars Above
Chapter 54: Was it Everything You Wanted to Find?
Epilogue: Drops of Jupiter

Chapter 26: Disguises

446 21 7
By StrawberryMoonRose

💫 Drops of Starlight 💫
By Strawberry Moon Rose

There are lots of attractive characters in the Sailor Moon universe, but by far the sexiest man in the whole series is Nephrite. I said what I said lol. Beautiful hair, tan skin, muscular build, broad shoulders, deep voice...all wrapped into a bad boy persona. Sorry not sorry for my biased opinion describing his looks in this fic :3

Chapter 26: Disguises

Sailor Moon and Sailor Star Fighter helped the woman of Nephrite's attack to her feet. She appeared shaken and drained from having her energy sapped, but after a few minutes of sitting on the curb, she insisted she was fine. She looked shocked and a little starstruck to see the recognizable sailor guardians, and she thanked Sailor Moon profusely before they left.

Sailor Mercury and Sailor Star Maker didn't linger around, and it wasn't difficult to see why.

As the adrenaline subsided, Sailor Moon became aware of the bone-chilling cold, and she couldn't help but think of Fighter, who must be freezing in her Starlight uniform. This felt worse than the time they were searching for the entrance to the Dark Kingdom's lair in the North Pole. As Sailor Moon shivered uncontrollably, she noticed the goosebumps on Fighter's bare arms and thighs.

"C'mon," Fighter said, taking her hand. "Let's get home before you catch a cold."

"I'm-m-m- more w-worried ab-bout you!" Sailor Moon chattered.

The two women took off in the night, slipping into the nearest darkened alley to de-transform once they were sure the coast was clear. It wasn't uncommon for the police or press to show up shortly after the sailor guardians were spotted in public. Usagi was still anticipating an article in the newspaper about the café attack and the mysterious monsters popping up all over town.

Seiya rubbed her mittens together to restore blood flow to her fingertips. Usagi clung to her side, and even in this less-than-ideal situation, it put a grin on her face. Seiya slipped her arm around the shorter girl and hugged her close while she hailed a taxi. Although Usagi's apartment was only a fifteen-minute walk away, the battle had left them exhausted, and the night felt frigid when they weren't sprinting to the scene of a crime.

"Apartments on Hoshino Ave, please," Usagi told the driver.

Seiya asked the taxi man to crank up the heat, and ever so slowly, they felt their frozen limbs begin to thaw.

Usagi stared out the window at the buildings flashing by in a blur. The cloud cover had suddenly obscured the moon and stars. She watched purple lightning flash in the distance.

"He knew about you," Usagi murmured. "He knew there were three Starlights."

Seiya settled her lips in a line. Her eyes flicked up to the rearview mirror, where she met the driver's gaze in the reflection.

"Could you turn up the radio, sir?" she requested. Usagi noticed that Seiya lowered her voice an octave while in public.

"Of course," the driver replied.

Once Minako's new single blared loud enough to drown out their words, Seiya said, "Did Nephrite possess any psychic abilities to your knowledge?"

"I don't think he did."

"This is strange. I don't know why we would be of any interest to him. He even knew you're not our Princess too."

The words stung, though she knew they shouldn't. Usagi swallowed down the jealousy, telling herself there was no point in comparing herself to Princess Kakyuu. "I figured he would assume you were my guardians, but he knew better," she agreed.

"It bothers me," Seiya said over the music. "How does he know about us? And Chaos? Why does it matter to him?"

"Who knows where he's been the past decade? He could've been watching us this whole time for all we know." The thought gave Usagi shivers, despite the warmth in the cab.

Coming to terms with the fact that Nephrite was behind the monster attacks was a difficult pill to swallow. Usagi had figured as much since her encounter with him at the ice rink auditorium, but it wasn't until now that they knew for certain. It pained her - he had not been the person he appeared to be in his final moments. Her heart ached for Naru, who appeared to have chosen a wolf in sheep's clothing after all.

His words reverberated in her mind. The look on his face haunted her. Fury. Regret. Revenge. Bitter that she hadn't attempted to save him.

What else could I have done? Of course, I would have tried to save him if I thought it was possible, but I was only fourteen years old! I hadn't been a guardian very long. And I didn't have the legendary silver crystal yet...

Being criticized as klutzy, and messy, Usagi Tsukino was one thing, but as the pretty guardian, Sailor Moon? Ouch.

Seiya seemed equally lost in her thoughts, so much so that the taxi driver had to inform them twice that they had reached their destination before they registered his words. After paying, Seiya ushered Usagi inside the building. They entered the elevator and pressed the button for the eighth floor. Jazzy music flowed from the speakers above, filling the small space.

"Maybe we should visit Umino," Usagi suggested. "He's Naru's boyfriend. Or at least, he used to be. He might know something."

"That's a good idea, Bun Head. Do you have his number?"

"I'll look it up in the phone book."

Ding! The elevator doors slid open as they reached their floor. Seiya and Usagi stepped out, oblivious to the ambush awaiting them just down the hallway.

"There he is!" a girl exclaimed.

"Oh my gosh, Chieko, you were right! It's Seiya Kou!"

"I told you!"

Usagi froze like a deer caught in headlights. Three teenage girls brandishing cameras were sprinting right for them. 

It was enough to jolt Seiya into action. She snatched Usagi's hand, and together they made a mad dash back toward the elevator. At the last moment, Seiya's arm thrust forward to prevent the doors from closing, and they practically tumbled inside. Seiya jammed every button she could, praying that the doors would shut before the fangirls caught up.

Luck was on their side. They made it just in time. But as the elevator began descending, they heard, "He's headed for the first floor, girls! C'mon, let's take the stairs!"

Usagi looked at Seiya with growing alarm. Seiya pressed more buttons, but it was too late. The stubborn elevator was set for the first floor, whether they liked it or not. Depending on how quickly the girls ran down the stairs, there was a good chance they would be waiting when the elevator doors opened.

In an instant, Usagi feared the worst - pictures being sold to a magazine, her and Seiya's faces splashed on the front page. Just in! The Three Lights' lead singer, Seiya Kou is living on the west side of town with a married woman! How scandalous!

"What do we do?" Usagi panicked.

"Ignore them and keep your head down."

Before Usagi could reply, the elevator slowed to a stop and the doors slid apart. Usagi cautiously poked her head out to inspect the hall. The coast was clear. She reached for the button marked number "8", but as soon as she pressed it, Seiya pulled her out of the elevator. The doors snapped shut, leaving them stranded in the hallway.

"What're you doing!?"

"They'll be expecting that, Bun Head! C'mon, we need to throw 'em off!" Seiya led her around a corner, and they found themselves face-to-face with a vending machine and a dead end. Seiya pressed herself flat against the limited wall space they had for coverage. Usagi followed suit, looking at her with large, wild eyes. Seiya smirked and raised a finger to her lips, clearly enjoying this.

Not a moment later, footsteps thundered down the hall and the girls skidded to a halt right in front of the elevator.

"Girls, he went back to his floor!"

"We've gotta catch him! I brought my autograph book!"

"Let's go!"

They waited, their hearts chugging fast. The narrow space between the wall and the vending machine left Usagi smooshed right up against Seiya's side. Before, she would have accused Seiya of being a pervert and denied how the proximity was short-circuiting her system. But now, she felt free enough to admit that Seiya's closeness still sent her nerves into a frenzy. And she liked it.

After a full minute, Seiya dared to peek around the corner. "They're gone," she announced.

Usagi released a dramatic sigh of relief. "That was close!"

"I forgot how crazy our fans are. What a mess..."

"How did she get her friends over here so fast anyway?"

"We were gone for over an hour, Bun Head."

Usagi glanced at her wrist and saw that it was half past eight. "You're right! I hope Rei got Chibi-Usa to bed okay. I forgot to tell her to read her favorite bedtime story first! And warm her bottle up because she won't drink it cold, and-"

"I'm sure she's got it under control. But you're right, we have to get back. I just don't know how, considering those girls are probably waiting outside your door. If only we had some sort of disguise."

Usagi tapped her chin thoughtfully, and a lightbulb moment followed. She concentrated, bringing forth a device she hadn't used in years. While a new tier might be out of the question, this old thing appeared in her hand with little effort.

Seiya studied the pink and gold item. "What's that?"

"It's my old disguise pen! We can transform into whatever we want, and nobody will recognize us! I've never used it on two people at once, but Minako's borrowed it before, so I think it'll work."

"Sounds good to me." Seiya scanned the area for security cameras and made sure they were in the clear before giving Usagi a nod.

"Moon Power!" she called out. "Turn us into fashionable high school students!"

A warm tingle kissed their bodies. When the blinding light faded, Usagi blinked down at her plaid miniskirt and knee-high socks. She jumped up and down. "It still works!" she exclaimed.

Puzzlement crossed Seiya's face. She touched her hair, which was now pulled into a high ponytail. She blinked, noting unfamiliar mascara on her lashes. A stack of bracelets slid down her wrist as she tried to tug her short skirt down.

"Bun Head!" Seiya said with a self-conscious laugh.

Usagi's hand flew to her mouth. To conceal a giggle, she was sure. "You look so cute, Seiya!"

"More like ridiculous, I'm sure." Seiya's cheeks pinkened. "Well, more importantly, they won't recognize me."

"How about me?" Usagi gave a little spin to showcase her matching school uniform of blue and green, with a backpack over her shoulders. A variety of barrettes clipped back her chin-length, strawberry-red hair.

"It suits you at least," Seiya told her.  "Now that I think of it, you look like a grown-up Chibi Chibi."

"Oh, do I?"

They boarded the elevator and rode it up to their floor. Act natural, Usagi told herself when they exited.

The neighbor and her friends were gathered outside her front door like some kind of stakeout mission. They paid no attention to them until they drew near.

Usagi felt three pairs of judgemental eyes on them as she knocked softly on the door, hoping it wouldn't wake Chibi-Usa. Then again, maybe if Chibi-Usa started crying, Mrs. Saito would reappear and shoo her daughter and friends away.

A tense half a minute passed, and Usagi began to worry that Rei wouldn't answer, assuming they were more fans. She eyed the peephole nervously, silently willing her friend to recognize her through the disguise.

One of the girls finally asked, "Do you know the people who live here?"

"Yes," Usagi replied vaguely.

"Rumor has it Seiya Kou is living here," another piped. "You know, from the Three Lights."

"I doubt that." Seiya pretended to scoff. She held her head high, hoop earrings swinging wildly against her neck.

"I saw him just a minute ago!" Chieko insisted. "He was with my neighbor!"

"Who is she anyway? Do you think they're dating?"

"Ugh, they better not be."

"I think her name's Usagi. My mom said she was married and had a daughter, but I saw her husband once and it definitely wasn't Seiya."

"Oh, do you think she's cheating on him then?"

"Could be!"

"That's why they're being so secretive!  It's a love affair!"

"You guys, we have to get a picture! This is too rich!"

An annoyed mark popped up on the back of Usagi's head. The nerve of them! She opened her mouth to defend herself when the door cracked open, revealing a fraction of Rei's skeptical face.

"Hey," Seiya said a little too loudly. "Sorry, we're late."

Rei's eyes shot open. She failed to cover up a snort as she allowed them in.

"You wouldn't believe what the neighbor and her friends were saying!" Usagi joined in. "They said they saw Seiya from the Three Lights here of all places!"

"What? At this apartment? That's absurd!" Rei played along. She proceeded to slam the door in the teenagers' faces. The second Rei was certain she was out of earshot, she doubled over in laughter.

Luna padded over to join the trio and did a double take. "Oh my, um..."

Seiya frowned while adjusting her sailor uniform. "Bun Head, how do we change? This is embarrassing."

"I kind of like it," Usagi giggled.   Seiya just shot her a pleading look. Usagi pulled out her disguise pen. With a flash of pink light, she transformed them back to normal. As the light faded, they stood dressed in the clothes they had left in earlier.

"I didn't know how else to get past them," Usagi said while tugging off her scarf and gloves. She tossed her winter coat over the back of a kitchen chair.

"They've been out there for the past forty-five minutes," Rei said with an eye roll. "I couldn't believe it. They're persistent, I'll give them that. Just like Minako in her idol-chasing days."

"You'll have to be more careful from now on," Luna advised. "But quick thinking with the moon pen, Usagi."

She beamed. "Thanks! How's Chibi-Usa?"

"Fast asleep," Rei assured her. "Safe and sound."

Luna was all business. "I was able to get in contact with Ami and Taiki. Did they show up?"

"They did." Seiya tugged on her low ponytail.

"And...?" Rei insisted, radiating impatience. "What happened?"

Usagi and Seiya exchanged glances. There was so much to share and absorb. The high from the past fifteen minutes fell away. Where did they start?

"Well," Usagi began, scratching the back of her neck, "we saved the woman and defeated two more of those hideous monsters."

"That's great!" Luna said. "And Nephrite?"

Usagi's shoulders sagged. "He got away..."

"Figures." Rei crossed her arms. "He was always running off last minute. Coward."

"Don't worry, next time we'll get him for sure," Seiya declared, patting one of Usagi's hair buns.  "Because he won't see it coming."

"See what coming?" Usagi asked.

"Your new tier. Tonight I'm going to help you wield your new weapon, Bun Head."

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