Short, Gay, Stories 2.0

By AnnaValeriee

44.6K 2.3K 507

Welcome! To the book of SHORT GAY STORIES. This is the second book, if you want more stories go to the first... More

Bite size .1
Bite size .2
Bite size .3
Bite Size .4
Bite Size .5
Bite Size .6
My girlfriends BFF .1
My Girlfriends BFF .2
My Girlfriends BFF .3
What he wants .1
What he wants .2
What he got .1
What he got .2
What he got .3
Shiver 2
Shiver 3
Teddy 1/2
Teddy 2/2
Festival Junkies 1
Festival Junkies 2
Festival Junkies 3
Festival Junkies 4
Festival Junkies 5 (Final)
Enemy of mine .1
Enemy of mine .2
Enemy of mine .3
Enemy of mine .4
Loké .1
Loké .2
Loké .3
Loké .4
Loké .5
Loké .6
Loké 7
Loké .8
Loké .9
Loké .10 Final
Cloud Mine
The f word
Closet doors 1
Closet doors 2
Closet doors 3
Closet doors 4
Closet Doors 5
Loké 2: Jakes Redemption .1
Loké 2: Jakes Redemption .2
Loké 2: Jakes redemption .3
Loké 2: Jakes Redemption .4
Loké 2: Jakes Redemption .5
Loké 2: Jakes Redemption .6
Loké 2: Jakes Redemption .7
Loké 2: Jakes Redemption .8
Flavour .1

LegondStray .1

1.3K 53 4
By AnnaValeriee

Awkward situations were something I always encountered, it's a given and has become a normality in my life style.  So when it comes to situations where I'm pointed out, I tend to freeze up, like so.

"James?" I blink when someone pokes my forehead. Three boys were sitting on the couch and one standing infront of me. I knew none of them.

So maybe these awkward situations were something I put myself in.

"I, yeah." I pull a smile onto my face and clear my throat. When I started this job I thought it would be hard, but it seems to be only affecting my mental state rather anything else.

"We almost ready?" My eyes dart to a light brown haired boy. Of course he was cute too. The one beside him nudges his arm.

Did I mention I was supposed to be an amazing filmer? I may have talked myself up on my profile. Out of all the situations, tho, this was my first time trying to earn money this way. I was new, but I wanted happy customers.

No way am I going back to that donut shop. I slid the coffee cup over the counter to be cool and it slid right off pouring onto the man who had ordered it. He was not a happy camper. I couldn't show my face there again.

"Yeah!" I smile and pull out my camera. The dark hair dudes guys eyes meet with mine. He was the third one sitting on the couch. His eyes pearling blue and the tips of his black hair had dark purple hardly showing. He was majorly hot.

"Right, so then lets start?" The guy infront of me smiles. "I'm Jake, that's Tyler, Leo, and Cole." He points to the guys in order. The middle was Leo and the hot one was Cole.

"I'm James."

"We know." Tyler smirks over at me and I nod my head. What the hell, obviously they knew. It was on my profile and they already said my name earlier. Why do I do this to myself? I swear I'm not dumb.

Leo gets up and grabs a bag, I wanted to act natural, try and seem like I'm definitely into this. But for some reason, them paying me to be here felt wrong. I didn't feel like I was having fun, I felt awkward, but they wanted me to seem natural in the video.

"Want a drink? Always helps me calm down." I look up to the dark hair guy with purple mixed in. He smiles down at me and I swear my heart literally fell to my feet. His smile was the most gorgeous thing I had ever seen. I nod my head slowly and he pours some dark alcohol in a cup and adds Coke to it.

"You're Cole, right?" I sip it slowly and he nods, grabbing his own drink. I notice a few rings on his fingers and my heart twitches from the lowest it can. I got butterflies and I was scared my heart would never resurface. I can not let a guy do this to me, especially if I'm working for them. This can't be happening.

"Right so we're going to start!" Leo smiles and I put my drink down, holding the camera up. "Hey guys! It's Leo and this is LegondStray! today we're going to be answering some of your questions, live!"

"That's right!" Cole jumps in and the way he acts infront of the camera is so natural. He smiles and holds his hands together as he talks. Lord help me. "You all have been asking questions for a while now and we finally are going to answer them." He looks over at Jake who holds up a beer.

"While we're drinking."

"This could go very well, or very crazy." Cole smirks at the camera and I bite my cheek to hold it steady. "We brought along our little friend James to help record. He's new, but I think he will be a great addition to the group." Cole looks at me then behind him to Tyler.

"Let's roll!" He takes a big swig of a bottle and I giggle a little at the excitement. I may be in awkward situations all the time, but this one felt like it could be nice. They guys were fun and I just needed to get used to new people.

A few drinks in for Leo and Tyler, the other boys taking it slower. I notice Leo's head land on Cole's shoulder as they are talking.

"The rumours of me and Cole," he sighs dreamily. "The luscious plum headed weirdo and I totally shag every night, yep!" He grins and I bite my cheek again. Hold steady, keep the job.

"Oh yeah, he loves it in the ass."

"Shut up." Leo rolls his eyes and sits up. "No, guys. What the hell, I'm straight. I have a girlfriend." He chuckles at the camera and pushes his hair back.

"Okay but you would totally shag me tho right?" Cole reaches his arm around Leo's back and I smile. They were actually kind of funny.

"Maybe for five bucks and an Oreo."

"Okay, moving on." Tyler cuts them off and claps his hands. They continue with answering the questions and by the end of it we're atleast somewhat drunk.

"Thanks for listening to us! Jake says loudly, his body movements showing that he was a bit wasted.

"And we'll see you next live guys!" Cole walks toward me and the camera. "Meet our new camera man too," he turns it toward me and smiles. My cheeks get hot as his perfect smile makes me melt once again.


"Isn't he adorable." Cole puts the camera back on him and everyone waves bye. "You did amazing!" Cole turns the camera off and holds his hand up. I high five him and he hands me my drink. So far everything was turning out quite well.

Oh geez, listen, I know it's been a while okay? I've tried so so hard to upload like three different times I've had the beginning of a story and didn't know where it was going. I guess today my brain started to work again.

Love you guys :)

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