By NamrataVerma7

125K 7.1K 1.9K

it is said that : You can Blackmail someone, only when you have dirt on someone, or at least you think you do... More

Blockbuster Prologue
The Two Leads : The Man
The Two Leads : The Woman
Characters & Casting
Sudden Wedding Bells?
Sinless & Sinful
A Visit To The Nurse
The Wedding Season Is On
Its Official
The Hide & Seek
The Twisted Triangle
The Ugli & Haunting Past
Stay Away From Me
A friend In Need?
Caught In The Web of Lies
She Has Dirt On Her
Married to Her NIGHTMARES
Confrontation 1
Confrontation 2
The Reception Gone WRONG?
Begins The Torture
Behind The BARS?
The Night Of Crossing Limits
You Are Blind
Separate Ways???
The Long Forgotten Encounter
The Fragile SUBMISSIVE continued
A Glimpse In Their Lives
A Sensuous Care
Secrets Kept
Lets Be Each Other's
I Give You My Body
How Is This Possible?
Dont Want To Stop
Mr. & Mrs. Trehan
She Deserves Respect
A Rather Hard Time Ahead
Get Your Hands Off Me
Sympathy For Devil?
He Left Me? AGAIN?
A Deadly Trap
Behind The Closed Door
A Dream To Live
The Pregnancy Effect
Announcement About The Story

Can Not Go On Like This

1.7K 104 68
By NamrataVerma7

Hello Readers and Friends!

Thank you so much for so many PMs, I know I have not been able to update these past few weeks, but today here I am ready with a new Chapter!

I hope ypu all will enjoy this and please guys, VOTE for your favourite chapters!

Now, let's begin!

4th July 2021

Bela's pov

Coming out of the humungous Trehan Empire Building, many thoughts clouded my mind.

I pondered how much my life has changed ever since Nakul forced our marriage upon me!
How I feared him in the initial times, and how we are sharing our bodies together now!

How, I have grown up from a helpless abused child to a full fledged respectful woman. Now a days, people see me with a completely different identity.

Suddenly, I have become subjected to receive respect from everyone.

It's Ironic that, How over a mare command of Nakul had changed the perspective of people about my identity.

People saw me with deep respect and probably a fear as well.

But is this my true identity?
Am I only the wife of a mighty Trehan?
Why can not people see me for who I am?
I may not be very popular or successful but sure I am much more than just Mrs. Trehan!

And I absolutely fear if is this going to be my only identity?
What about the fighter Bela?
What about my individuality?

The real Bela is getting masked by this influential Bela, who is only the wife of the Nakul Mahendra Trehan.

I don't like this shift of focus on my personality....but I think, to keep peace around me, I am beginning to accept this new version of Bela.

I don't know if this is right or wrong but I guess, it's not pathetic either to be called as Mrs. Trehan, as long as I get to live my life in ways I want to!

It's not like my marriage is perfect or anything, in fact truth be told, it is far away from Perfection, it's just that we both have started to make adjustments for each other.

Well not the big ones....but every drop counts!

And as long as Nakul has his trust on this marriage, I am going to be by his side.

But I would really like, if he opened up to me!
I want him to tell the reasons why he married me!
I want him to tell me why he is still so distant and mysterious to me!
Why he never talks about anything more personal and involving?

You want him to open up to him, but have you?
Don't forget, even you have kept so many shades of your personality, hidden from him! - voiced my inner self

I know, Nakul has rights to know about my past if I want this marriage to go anywhere like normal marriages but I do not know why I can not feel comfortable around him to open up.

But may be, if I started to open up to him, probably he will too!

Arguing with my inner self I was driving towards the Trehan mansion when my cell phone ringed and a smile broke on my lips but if only I knew!

Parking the car on a sideways, I answered the call with a smile -

Hey Hey Ruchi!

How are you dear?
Why have you been avoiding everything and everyone?
Haven't seen you in a while!

Wanna meet up at our favourite Cafe?? - I spoke in one breath

But soon my lips turned downwards, when I heard a male voice from the other side -

Madam, I am calling you from the Mont Blanc club!

This madam here, is wasted beyond our control and creating a hell lot of scene and then she asked us to call you!

Can you come here please!?! - spoke a person, probably one of the staffs

There has to be something really wrong with Suruchi!
She is never reckless!
I was worried now, so composing myself I spoke - you please just take care of her...and give her some lemonade....i am reaching there in no time, ok!?!

Do you know the way madam? - the staff asked

I am on my Way! - I replied hurriedly and turned the car towards the club

What have you been doing to yourself Ruchi?
Just wait till I reach you! - I muttered frustrated

As I walked in the club, I roamed my eyes, only to spot suruchi fumbling with her cell phone and blabbering something on her own. My friend looked so lost and the usual cheerfulness in her whole persona was missing.

I walked upto her and nodded at the staff and assured with my eyes that I was going to take from there.
I held suruchi and gave her my best smiles and greeted her with a comforting hug to which she inhaled deeply.

She smelt of alcohol and I squeezed my eyes shut because of the bile of vomit that threatened to come out....but for now, I gulped hard and shook her and asked -

What is wrong with you girl?
Why are you drowning yourself in alcohol?
Do you even realise how reckless this is?

Don't you dare touch me Girl!
Or, I will do something bad to you! - yelled Suruchi pushing me away from her

I was shocked looking at the anger in her eyes for me....but why? - I wondered

Hey Hey......ruchi...Relax, ok?
Let's get you out of here first! - I spoke softly to keep her at ease as she was not in her senses

I do not need your fake sympathy!
Go Away!
I don't need you! - she instead spat harshly

You are not in your senses, please! - I again tried to speak to her nicely

What is wrong with me????
I am well aware of my surroundings and can very well take care of myself!
I don't need anyone! - she jerked my hand away

Really Girl???
You are Drunk.....and clearly not in your right mind...Let's get you Home! - I was getting worried for her now

And out of everyone...why do you think that I want help from you!?!
Bela.. Tell me something... Did I ever treated you differently???
Did I try to snatch your happiness from you????
Then why are you doing this to me? - she asked with eyes filled with tears

I was speechless at the choice of her words.
What did I do to you Ruchi? - I asked frowning and worried for my friend

And I had a feeling, I was not going to like her answer but none the less, I needed to know what was going on her mind!

Well, after successfully ruining my life, You are enjoying your married life with the famous Zillionaire and here I am.... Struggling to survive in a soon to be arranged and loveless marriage!
That boy won't even listen to me.....apparently...he is in Love with you....And you out of all, have the audacity to ask me what you did to me???? - she spat

You snatched whatever chances I had at Love!
And congratulations, You ruined my life very well!
My Fiance won't even look at me because of you!
Tell me....Tell me.....are you enjoying the attention???
Tell me is your husband not enough for you???
That you have wrapped my fiance too???
Do you want to warm his bed as well???? - she added with venom in her voice

I could not tell her how her accusing words were stabbing me from insides!
Listening to such harsh words from someone you truly love hurts the most!
And this is Suruchi here!

I wanted to slap her for being this senseless and I wanted to put some sanity in her system...but first, I had to get her out of this shitty place.

I did understand her frustration....loving can hurt....and if I knew suruchi well....she had fallen in love with Ishaan Malhotra. Therefore, I had to be the sober one here... So I decided to keep quitte!
I decided to let suruchi went it all out!

I know she is not angry with me... But she is just frustrated with her situation!
And she was hurt by the way Ishaan was rejecting her without giving her a fair chance!

I decided to talk to him but first I had to handle suruchi, so I held her gently and spoke -

You need to get out of here girl!
Let me help you!

Let you help me??
So that take advantage of my situation and cause further damage???? - she cried

Save it for yourself Bela!
I don't need your Charity!

I can and I will handle myself and my relationships!

You have done enough!

Now, you are the last person i want to spend my time with!

So if you will excuse me! - with that she stormed out of the cafe wobbling and I sat there numb

She hates me for something... I did not even do!

Ishaan... What have you done!?!

I needed to clean the mess!
This can not go on like this!

Ishaan had no right to treat Suruchi like that for something so hypothetical!
He knows, I can never be with him
.... Heck i dont even want him...he must move on!
Suruchi and her parents had been with me in all my thick and Thin and I think, these days, she needs my assistance.

I need to make things right for her. And as for Ishaan Malhotra, That guy need to know what is Best for everyone!

And I will tell him today, why he can not have me!
He has to hate me....the perfect image of mine in his eyes has to break!

I know it's not something I had planned to do... But this is the only way to pay back to all the good things Suruchi and her parents did for me!

I can not be a hinderance in her happiness!

And if Ishaan is what she wants... She will have him!

Returning back to the current situation at hand, I ran out of the club, and soon found Suruchi, looking here and there, lost in her own thoughts.

I tapped on her back and spoke softly -

Ruchi, I know you are Hurting!
And I so sorry, if you feel that I am the reason behind your misery but I promise you, I will make this alright!

You deserve all the happiness Girl!

Now, please let me take you Home, will you?

Suruchi nodded at me like a five year old and took her to her apartment.
The whole ride she kept blabbering things and I was right, my friend was in Love with Ishaan Malhotra, who was behaving like a total jerk to her.

Reaching her apartment, I settled ruchi on her bed, and gave her a few tablets to get over her hangover and as I was about to step out, she held my arm and spoke in a broken tone -

It really Hurts really does!

I Love him Bela!

Why can he not Love me Back?

Am I not good enough???

Tears rolled out of my eyes looking at my best friend, and I shook my head in negative and spoke -

You are worth every happiness Ruchi!
And I promise you, I will make things alright!

You promise? - she pouted

And I just smiled at her and patted her head till she slept.

Now, I knew what I had to do!

Soon from there, I drove to the place that had all my secrets, a place no one was supposed to know!

A place where I had decided to take to my grave but now, if reopening that closed door is the only option I have to make everything right, I will do so!

The old doors in front of me, sent a shiver down my spine and many memories flashed ahead of me.
But none of them were pleasant....i touched the lock and I felt as if a creepy spider had crawled down my body but inhaling the fears, I unlocked the door and entered the hell hole....that once was my Home.

Yes, this was our old home.
The place where I lost everything!
No one knew this place still existed but I did....In fact I was the owner of this place....not willingly but by being the first daughter of my mother, she had put my name on the Legal registration papers.

Walking to the only room that it had, I opened the old wooden almirah and took out an old file.
My hand shivered due to the step that I was going to take but now I did not care, if this piece of paper can save Suruchi's life and if this information can help in breaking the castle of bubbles that Ishaan had built on me, I was ready to unveil this!

I kept the letter in my purse and took a look at the one room slum, I walked out of its vicinity and then drove to meet the reality.

Sometimes, we need to make tough decisions in order to protect our loved ones and i am going to do this for Ruchi!

I dialled the number of one person who had been a cause of Distress to many people I know. And my call was answered in the first ring itself.

I know this feeling but I had to mask it and then I spoke -

Meet me at The Great Cafe!

I knew going soft on Ishaan was not going to help, so I had decided to be a tough girl today....and make things clear for the both of us.
I just wanted to show him my Bad side, my cold heart!

Just as I reached the cafe, Ishaan was impatiently waiting for me at the entrance itself.

Despite the dark circles and his dishevelled self, He looked so happy to see me, he spoke -

I can not believe this Bela, that you wanted to meet me!
Thank you so much... You have no idea what this means to me!

God, I missed you much Angel! - and with that he hugged me real tight and I stiffened

Panick rose inside me and I dragged him to the corner, meanwhile Ishaan continued with his blabbering.

He kept on going about how much i meant for him...and how much he loved me...and that frustrated me, I had plans to deal with him in a more rational way but now I had lost all my temper and I yelled at him -

Stop this drama Ishaan!

Just stop with your blabbering!

I am not here to gush over how much you missed me....and how much you care about me...or ponder over how much I mean to you!

I am here, only because of Suruchi!

If you cared for me one bit Ishaan, just stop this madness and move on!

Accept Suruchi and this new happiness that awaits you two!
That woman... She loves you!

For the first time in her life, she accused me of something dirty!

And all because of your irrational behaviour!

Whatever you have on your mind about me, just erase it and listen to me very carefully, I am Never going to be with you Ishaan!

Never Ever!

B... Bela... Atleast give me a chance please???
I Love You! - he said softly

I could understand his pain but it was now or never, so I barked - Ishaan Malhotra, Why won't you accept that I am married to Nakul now and I will never go out of my line!

I know, I don't share a perfect relationship with Nakul either but that is my mess, and I will clean it myself!

It's not like I am going to run away from him for you!
So, for the last time, I am telling you Ishaan that straighten your mind about my marriage with Nakul and before you think of anything worse, I intend to keep my marriage!

So, there was never a chance for you!

Stop chasing something that you can not have, rather appreciate what life has to offer to you!

Hate me all you want for breaking your heart Ishaan, But I have never wanted you! - I added and Ishaan just kept looking at me with tears in his eyes

I knew he was hurting, and deserved a closure, so I held his hand and said -

Please, Stop this madness!
Move on Ishaan!
Forget about me!!!

And if this is not enough....then i have something for you!
Something of my identity, that is hidden from the world!

Read this, when you want to hate me some more!

I am sure, after will never think of me the way you do now!

I... I... Can never Hate you Bela! - whispered ishaan in a soaked voice

I wanted to console him but i chose to shut him out, I whispered looking into his eyes -

Good Bye Ishaan!

And I truly hope, you see the future that awaits you and I hope you accept the Love Suruchi has for you!

Handling the letter in his palm, I looked up at Ishaan who had tears in his eyes, but I was helpless there too....i could not bring myself to console him.... This was his own battle and he must learn to fight for his own happiness and I must be strong for Suruchi and him.
Both of them deserved happiness!
And ishaan needed to understand that running away from each other was not going to help them.

Wiping my tears, without giving any further chance to Ishaan, I ran out of there and drove the car in a way, so that I could run away from all my past!

By the time I reached home, i was exhausted!

Mentally and Physically Both!

I just wanted to crash down on the bed and surrender myself to the world of nowhere!

But if only I knew this night was never going to end!

Ta Da!

How was it guys?

What do you think is going to happen next?

What secrets are going to be revealed by Bela?

Is Bela going to be successful to teach Ishaan Malhotra, how to respect her wishes and accept Suruchi and their relationship?

Or, is there any storm on her way?

Leave your thoughts in the comment section and before you ask me...i will be back soon, in the next week!

Do not Forget to Vote!

Love you All!

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