Locatlie: The End. (Book 7)

By Locatlie

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This is the last instalment in Julia's story. 15 months have passed since Julia was taken by a foreign count... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 10

250 16 7
By Locatlie

I walked into the room and I sat against the table for a bit to observe Jason. He had a blindfold on and he had ductape around his mouth. He was on a cross at the moment, his arms and legs tied up. I saw his file laying on the table and I grabbed it to see what they had done to him already. Above it, it stated 'Code K' which meant that only Kings were allowed to hurt him. I read all of the crimes he was committed here for and under it, it stated 'He has to suffer the most; cause of the War of Hearts.' I smiled as I turned the page. 

I saw that they had cut off his ring finger, just like they had done to me. There had been some slashes and his toes on one toe was cut off. Good. This was good. I put it down and I walked up towards Jason and I passed him, grabbed a stool and I took off the blindfold on his face, so he could face his biggest fear. I took a step back and I saw he was moving his head, wondering whom I was. I walked up towards the table again, my back facing him, and I grabbed the chart and I then went to the oven and I turned it on. I pressed the button to connect me towards the people that supplied stuff. "I want an H-1a, L-5a and a S-4." I said calmly as I opened up the cabinet with all of the torture stuff and I held up some stuff for a bit. The door opened and someone walked in. "Can you apply them for me please? I'm a tad rusty." I said without looking at the person.

"Yes, my queen." The person stammered and I put a knife by the oven and I grabbed the salt that was here and I put it in a bucket and I put it on the trolley. I also used Trevor's code for the safe here and I opened the fridge that was here and there were apples. I smiled very widely as I grabbed a knife that was here. I placed 5 apples and a cold knife on the trolley. I then went towards the oven and I grabbed out the four knives that I had warmed up and I put them on the trolley as well. I then walked backwards towards the table and I sat on it, crossing my legs and I grabbed one apple and I sliced it as I looked up at Jason whom was staring at me with pure fear.

It was funny how hopeless he looked right now, the moment that our eyes met, I saw that pee went down his leg and I turned my head sideways at that and I couldn't help but giggle a tad and I shook my head. "Do you know what I think is so funny?" I said with the biggest smile ever as I took a bite of my apple. "People see me as a victim or the cause of the war." I said as I took another bite and I chewed and I nodded. "I want to confess now." I said with a sadistic smile. His eyes widened in shock but most of all fear.

"Yes, I was taken by them when I was ten years old." I admitted his eyes widening and I nodded while chewing. "Yes, they kept me captive for years, giving me some light torture and using brainwashing skills to make sure I forgot about my past." I said and I took another bite. "Yes, they Stockholm-syndromed me into marrying them. They persuaded me to lie at court in the name for love. That is all very true. But I was never the victim." I said shaking my head and I put the apple down. "I love them." I said and I took a sip of water and I opened up the sleeves of the buttoned-up shirt I was wearing. "I'm not a victim Jason, I'm a survivor." I said as I looked up into his blue eyes, them showing pure and utter fear. I loved this, I forgot how amazing this felt.

"The biggest mistake you ever made though." I said as I stood up, throwing the apple directly into the bin. "Is thinking that King Trevor, the King of Knives, is the one to be feared the most." I said as I grabbed a knife that was hot and I dipped it in salt. "I mean it does make sense that people underestimate me. Who could imagine that the loving Goddess of Seglusa, the Queen of Locatlie, Willow Jefferson of all people," I said shocked as I then looked at the knife and I blew it. "Would hurt someone, I mean she can barely hurt a fly." I said and I looked at Jason whom stared at me shocked. "But in here." I said holding out my arm. "I am known as the Queen of Spikes. Every prisoner in this building fears the Queen of Spikes. They hope and pray that the King of Knives comes and visits them instead of the Queen of Spikes." I said amused and I then threw the knife towards him, directly in his chest and he screamed out in pain and I smiled very widely. "I own this country with my husbands. I control them and they control me. Our relationship is about control Jason. They started a war to get me back, they killed millions of people to ensure I would return and you actually thought." I said amused. 

"That you could put a sprinkle of doubt into my body regarding their love for me. You actually thought that I would believe anything you said about them towards me? I've spent more time in this prison doing what you did to me for weeks, than you can think of. I've killed people with a baseball bat after losing control. I get bored when it takes too long before the pain to control your whole body. That is something that they couldn't do in Russia." I said amused. "They got me to a 50 max, but the moment that your heart is at an 80, the only thing you can think about is pain. If it takes too long for someone to reach the 80, I get so extremely bored." I said throwing another knife right on top of the other. "And my husbands want to entertain me as I'm easily bored and you bored me Jason." I said calmly. "You and your speeches and your mediocre dick bored me." I said and he was sobbing now.

"This place is my favourite spot in the world. Do you know why?" I asked as I threw another knife and I cheered as it reached just above the other one. "I can do whatever I want in here, with no precautions, nobody stopping me. Who could stop me? My husbands? My husbands love me and want above all for me to be happy? The law? This is a lawless place." I said. "Seglusa? Seglusa praises me for hurting people whom have committed crimes." I said as I walked up to him and I grabbed a handful of salt and with my other hand I took out the knives and I put salt in his wounds. "I am unstoppable in here." I said and he was crying and giving me this look of 'have mercy' which only made me laugh.

"You can beg all you want Jason." I said putting a knife to his chest. "But not only did you start a war killing millions of people, you took me away from my husbands, humiliated them." I said as I lowered the knife, pressing softly in his skin, stopping just above his excuse of a dick. "You took my family and made sure they all died. You repeatedly raped and tortured me." I said calmly "You did exactly what you accused my husbands of. But guess what? They never touched me against my will. They listen to me. I'm the queen of Locatlie. I'm the Goddess of Seglusa, the Holy Queen and the Queen of Spikes." I said calmly. "And you have been sentenced to a very long life, with me tormenting you." I said and I pressed the knife into his skin just above his dick and blood was gushing out of it and he was full on sobbing and I stared into his eyes as I did that. I looked at the heart monitor and I sighed as it was only a ten.

"You're only at a ten. I can go to 95, and you're only at a ten. This will be so much fun." I said excited as I hopped up and down like a child clapping as I went to the safe and I grabbed out a lollypop. I then saw I had a message and I pressed on it 'Princess Natalie is here, my queen. Can she come in?'.

"Of course!" I said excited towards the window. The door then opened as I was lowering Jason so he was laying, and I looked up. Natalie was staring at me with her eyes wide and tears in them. "Natalie. I need you to help me." I said excited as I grabbed a tool to remove teeth. "You're so good at placing that mouth guard thing, can you do that for me?" I said and she looked at me and then at Jason.

"Yeah." She stammered looking at me and I smiled very widely as I handed it to her and I grabbed a knife and I decided to write 'Queen Julia's bitch' on his stomach. I heard him screaming it out in pain as Natalie put the mouth thing in. "How are you?" She asked me and I looked up.

"I'm good. I promised him I'd see him when roles were reversed. So now I'm here." I said as I looked into her eyes and she had the same eyes as Trevor, Trevor whom had put his dick in another woman. I lost control for a second and I put the knife I had in my hand and stabbed Jason in his arm, him screaming it out.

"What do you want now? A tongue removal isn't allowed."

"I want some of his teeth to get out." I said casually as I handed her the things. "The back ones. Painfully as possible please." She nodded looking at me. "How are you? How is Rosemary?"

"Rosemary is good. Jasmine is too." She said with a small smile. "They've missed their aunt though."

"I am very missable." I confirmed as I then grabbed a shaving thing and I started shaving Jasons hair, but going over some spots over and over again, it hurting. "Heart?"


"Only 50? Urg." I sighed. "Strong heart this one." I said as I sucked on my lollypop.

"Are you excited to see my brothers?" She asked with a small smile. "I know they're very excited to have you back."

"I thought I would be happy to see them." I said casually as I then started to slice Jasons arms for the fun of it as she was removing his teeth.

"And why can't you be happy now?" She asked and I sighed dramatically as the adrenaline in my body was taking over.

"I woke up all alone first of all and then I find out that they all put their dicks in other women. I'm a jealous type Natalie, they know that." I said calmly as I then gasped as I grabbed a knife and I raised Jasons leg and I started to slice the bottom of his foot.

"They had their reasons for that. I'm sure they can explain that." Natalie said.

"That's the thing, I'm not sure if I want to hear their explanation today. Today is a fun day, a party day. I'm back. I'm throwing a party in the ballroom."

"Are you now?" Natalie said amused and I nodded.

"You are invited and I want you to invite Heather and Charlotte." I said calmly and she raised her eyebrows looking at me. "Just the four of us, ladies night. Get drunk, talk about my three idiot husbands." I said and I then carved his feet a bit more.

"What do you know about Charlotte?"

"What should I know about Charlotte?" I said and she looked at me panicked a bit. "Tell me." I demanded.

"She had a short fling with William." She said. Strike 4. That angered me so I stabbed Jason in his leg and moved the knife a bit. "You didn't know then?"

"I didn't." I said carefully looking at him. "But it makes sense. Why look for your wife whom has been taken hostage when you can fuck other women?"

"It wasn't like that." Natalie said carefully.

"I don't care. I want the two of them and you in the ballroom." I said calmly looking at her. "Heart?"


"Urg. Let's hurry this up. Let him swallow his teeth." I said "I put a S-thingy on him."

"I see that." Natalie said. "Let's do it." She said excited and we did it. "We could also do needle in the dick?"

"O MY YES" I screamed excited clapping up and down as I grabbed needles and she put a contraption on his dick. "I would say I'd do it, because even though I made a promise to my husbands to not touch other people's dicks, that he already forced himself upon me." I said calmly. "But you're so good at it." I sighed as we then played needle in a dick. "95." Natalie said and I cheered at that as I took a huge gulp of the whiskey here. "How long have you been here?"

"I don't know." I said casually. "Let's go back to the castle and get drunk."

"That sounds like a great idea, although I have this feeling that you're doing that thing where you ignore your problems." Natalie said amused.

"Of course, I am. Why face my problems when I can drink and party with my cheating husband's sister, and two side bitches?" I said and Natalie burst out into laughter and I giggled looking at her as I then leapt forward to hug her and she carefully put her arms around me. "I've missed you Nat." I said holding onto her tightly.

"I've missed you too" she sighed swaying from one side to the other. "Let's get the party started."

I was going to meet Charlotte and Heather, officially.

Let the party begin.


So, Julia confessed to Jason. Is that going to bite her in her bum? She also reunited with Natalie AND she's going to meet Heather and Charlotte. Who is ready for the next chapter!??

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