Away in Dreamland (Kirby fanf...

By GalacticWarriorZero

13.1K 588 1.5K

This is based off of another fanfic I read. What if the Anime had a season two? Well, I'll try my best to not... More

Oc introduction.
The start of a new start
School doesn't rule
Fall of an Ally, Raise of a foe PT.1
Fall of an Ally, Raise of a foe PT.2
Fall of an Ally, Raise of a foe PT.3
A new toy
Music and Cappy Town
A very Rocky Road
Dedede's little Circus Freaks
A Circus performance.
Galacta Knight in Castle Dedede
Two Knights
An undying grudge between two warriors
Dead grudges
Dedede's plan
Working on the Halberd together
(Y/n) in Dreamland??
(Y/n)'s first day in Dreamland
An old rival
The return of a frenemy
The rabbit hole
The problem in Wonderland
Haltmann's defeat..
A new threat
Dark Meta Knight
Dark Meta Knight and Galacta Knight
Easter special 馃帀
Easter Special 2 馃帀
Easter Special 3馃帀
A conclusion..(Easter special 4馃帀)
The return of a lethal foe
A day in the life of everyone
Dark Meta Knight X Meta Knight??
Some artwork for you 馃挅
The crystal shards
"That's the end of that chapter..!"
Righting wrongs
A chapter of two lovers
Stella's flashback
S t e l l a.
The Jamba Heart shards
A fight that broke hearts
On the way..!
A small confession
Let's continue the journey
An encounter with Flamberge
A run in with Zannie
"I wonder, what's beyond the horizon?"
Void Termina's uprising
A break from heroic deeds
The carnival
Rogue Kirby
Saving an innocent soul
The Ultimate Power awakens
The true potential
It's about time they got explaining!
Dedede's little crush
A bit of a problem..
It's all his fault
Undoing his mistake
Educating Triple D
The morning after 馃
His arrival
Second thoughts
His confession
Another sleepless night
Pushing him too far
Magolor's true colours
Rehab for Magolor
Sick day
Something unexplained
Fresher air
A battle with Masked Dedede
Befriending a foe
The night before
Readying for the battle
Vs Queen Sectonia
Him or her?
Baking 馃嵃
Mirror World Kirby
The end
Venture Forth! Pt 2 - Twin woods
Venture Forth! Pt 3 - Fatty Whale
Venture Forth! pt 4 - Skyhigh
Venture forth! pt5- Hotbeat
Venture Forth! pt 6 - Chameleo Arm
Venture Forth! Pt 7 - Cavius
Venture Forth! Pt 8- Wham Bam rock
Venture Forth! pt 9 - Mekkai
Venture Forth! Pt 10- Demon
Venture Forth! Pt 11- Heavy Lobster
Venture Forth! pt 12- Halfmoon
Venture Forth! p13 - An argument
Venture Forth! Pt14 - Reminiscing memories
Venture Forth! Pt 15 - Computer Virus
Venture Forth! part 16 - Independency
Venture Forth! pt 17 - Shady
Venture Forth! pt 18 - Galactic Nova
Venture Forth! pt 19 - The end of that adventure
Back at the castle
The Monument
A kick-off
A forced marriage

Venture forth! 1 - Floralia

47 3 4
By GalacticWarriorZero

All of the crew were finally going on another adventure again. To (Y/n), it was like a dream come true.

Now, where would they have to go to find star power?

The jester told them that they would have to gather star power to be able to summon Galactic Nova. Then, they would be granted a single wish, the very thing that would stop the sun and moon from fighting.

"So, star power.. what does it look like? Where can we get it?" Astro asked, turning to Kirby for answers.
Kirby shrugged,"Star Power? I'm not sure, Poyo.."

Morpho Knight listened to the conversation and decided to tell them what they were meant to be doing,"I think we have to gather power from the stars by visiting planets such as Floralia, Skyhigh, aquarius, hotbeat and so on. By doing so, we'll be gathering power from the stars."

Everyone went silent after he had spoken and he lowered his head embarrassedly.

"That makes sense. I think Morpho is right, we have to gather it by going to neighboring planets and defeating certain bosses." Galacta chimed in.
"Morpho, you're so smart." Dark Meta Knight complimented, making Morpho a bit shy.

"Alright, well I guess we have places to be then." (Y/n) said,"So, we'll head to Floralia first since its close by and Taranza can help up get around."

"Did somebody say my name?"

Taranza approached them carefully after hearing his own name mentioned. "Do you need me to help you with anything?" He asked.
"Uh, yes actually. We need help getting around Floralia. We're going on a journey around the solar system to gather power from the stars so we can summon Galactic Nova - a clockwork comet able to grant wishes to the summoner." Kirby explained.
Taranza gave an interested nod and agreed to take them to his home planet.

The planet looked lovely, it consisted of mostly green scenery and many cheery inhabitants. Fruits grew on close by trees and bushes, making it easy to access a reliable food source. The sky was flawless with not a single cloud in sight. Merrily, Floralians picked cherries off of trees and munched at them, staining their happy faces with sweet cherry juice.

"Welcome to Floralia!" Taranza beamed, raising all six of his hands in a optimistic greeting.

The place was truly breath taking.

"It's.. it's so beautiful.." Astro whispered, entranced by the natural beauty of the planet.

"Astro, don't forget we need to be sorting out our own planet too." Dedede reminded her, making her sigh in disappointment.
"Yes, I know Your Majesty." She frowned.
"Wait, I don't mean to be rude by asking but, are you a female or a male? It's hard to tell.." Taranza shyly asked.
"I'm a she." She told him, as she took off her mask,"I have a voice changer in my mask that makes me sound like a guy. That's a story for another day, though."

"So, where is the boss we have to fight then?" Kirby inquired, turning to Taranza for an answer.

He pointed towards the woods with his gloved hand,"In there. They'll give you the Star power once you defeat them."

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