Drops of Starlight

By StrawberryMoonRose

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It's the year 2000 and Crystal Tokyo never came to be. The Starlights visit Earth to find Usagi raising baby... More

Chapter 1: Back in the Atmosphere
Chapter 2: Listens Like Spring, Talks Like June
Chapter 3: Heaven is Overrated
Chapter 4: Dance Along the Light of Day
Chapter 5: Jupiter Garden
Chapter 6: Just Friends
Chapter 7: Did You Miss Me?
Chapter 8: Payphone
Chapter 9: Who's the Perv Now?
Chapter 10: Look at the Stars, Look How They Shine for You
Chapter 11: Monsters of the Past
Chapter 12: Not You Again
Chapter 13: Well, This Shall Be Interesting
Chapter 14: Chasing Her Way Through the Constellations
Chapter 15: The Best Soy Latte You've Ever Had
Chapter 16: Afraid That She Might Think of Me as Plain Old Jane
Chapter 17: Did You Fall for a Shooting Star?
Chapter 18: Making Up For Lost Time
Chapter 19: I'll Be the Actress Starring in Your Bad Dreams
Chapter 20: Assumptions
Chapter 21: Turn of Events
Chapter 23: Five-Hour Phone Conversation
Chapter 24: Troubles Stacking
Chapter 25: Encounter
Chapter 26: Disguises
Chapter 27: The Cosmic Valley
Chapter 28: Chaos Everywhere
Chapter 29: Coincidences
Chapter 30: Soul Vacation
Chapter 31: Did Venus Blow Your Mind?
Chapter 32: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 33: Did You Make it to the Milky Way?
Chapter 34: Chocolate Parfait
Chapter 35: Permanent Scar
Chapter 36: Insecurity
Chapter 37: Beautiful Ghost
Chapter 38: Did You Sail Across the Sun?
Chapter 39: Freeze-dried Romance
Chapter 40: Calamity
Chapter 41: Banishment
Chapter 42: Fortune Teller
Chapter 43: Tell Me
Chapter 44: There's a Time to Change
Chapter 45: Did the Wind Sweep You off Your Feet?
Chapter 46: Too Afraid to Fly, so He Never Did Land
Chapter 47: Her Stay on the Moon
Chapter 48: Pursuit
Chapter 49: How Far We've Come
Chapter 50: There's Room to Grow
Chapter 51: Begin Again
Chapter 52: Looking for Yourself Out There
Chapter 53: The Stars Above
Chapter 54: Was it Everything You Wanted to Find?
Epilogue: Drops of Jupiter

Chapter 22: Princess

605 22 3
By StrawberryMoonRose

💫 Drops of Starlight 💫
By Strawberry Moon Rose

I made a drawing of the four Sailor Starlights that Fighter mentioned earlier in this story: Lover, Meteor, Specter, and Ruiner. Feel free to check it out if you want on my Instagram, taylorlynn.art It will be dated March 10th, 2021.

Chapter 22: Princess

Seiya extended her brooch, a mesmerizing device with a golden star at its center that emitted an otherworldly gleam. Delicate wings sprouted from each side, brushing against her hand.

"Fighter Star Power! Make-UP!"

A brilliant burst of light flooded the room, momentarily blinding them. Emerging from the radiance, Sailor Star Fighter stood with an air of commanding presence, clad in her distinctive blue-black uniform and thigh-high boots.

Usagi swallowed. She hadn't seen that uniform in a long time. It brought back a kaleidoscope of memories, all shuffling before her eyes in a matter of seconds.

In an instant, she was back in the past—Sailor Moon, about to shake Fighter's hand to form an alliance, she could hear the finger-snapping entrance of the Starlights about to enter the battlefield, and she could feel Fighter's body heat as she hugged her protectively, taking one of Galaxia's attacks for her.

Seiya's transformation was making this feel all the more real. Seiya must have believed Kakyuu was in serious danger too. Usagi's stomach twisted in concern. Please let her be safe, she prayed, bringing her hands together.

The Sailor Starlight touched the microphone headset on her left ear. The three gems adorning its side emitted a glow.

"Kinmoku," Fighter commanded. "Sailor Star Lover." She waited, her dark eyebrows knitted tight over her focused eyes. Usagi, Rei, and Luna watched in anticipation with jangling nerves.

Usagi absentmindedly toyed with her star and moon charm bracelet that Seiya had given her for Christmas. She hadn't taken it off once, even to shower. It made her feel a little better, but not much. This wait was pure agony.

"Lover!" Fighter let out an audible breath of air. "Yes, it's Fighter. I'm reaching out due to a new threat that's emerged on Earth, posing a potential danger to you. Where are you located?... May I request to speak with her?... Yes, I can wait."

With the wave of a hand, a star-shaped device appeared in Fighter's palm. Usagi recognized it as Fighter's Star Yell but notably altered upon closer inspection. Smaller in size, it exuded an opulent golden hue rather than silver, embellished with the same petite wings extending from the top. The five segments of the star radiated a medley of colors: pink, yellow, green, red, and blue. Nestled at the star's heart was a crescent moon, which suddenly emitted a beam of light, projecting a translucent image twelve inches in the air. It reminded Usagi of the message she once received from her mother in her past life, Queen Serenity.

But she wasn't looking at a flickering image of her mom. In the center of her living room was a face she had not seen in years, but one she could never forget - Princess Kakyuu.

Even more beautiful than Usagi remembered, the fair-skinned woman bestowed a gentle smile upon her guardian. Donning a traditional Kinmokian gown of greens and yellows, her flaming-red hair shimmered in her signature double-looped updo. She didn't look to have aged a day since their farewell on that rooftop, illuminated by the setting sun's glow.

A blanket of serenity fell over the room in Kakyuu's presence, despite the expanse that separated them across the galaxy. Kakyuu's virtual gaze offered a powerful solace.

Fighter knelt and bowed her head. "Princess," she said, voice flooded with a potent blend of affection and relief.

"My dearest Fighter, what brings you to contact me? Is everything alright?"

The Sailor Starlight laid out the situation to the doll-sized projection. The appearance of monsters, her healing injuries, how an old enemy seemed to have risen from the dead, and lastly, Usagi's nightmare, which Fighter feared might foreshadow their safety.

"Oh my," Kakyuu said when her guardian finished. "Thank you for bringing this concern to my attention. However, I am relieved to assure you that I am well and there appears to be nothing out of the ordinary here. Furthermore, my well-being is diligently protected."

"Are you sure, Princess?"

"I am quite certain. In truth, it is the safeguarding of you and the sailor guardians of Earth that gives rise to my worry. Is Sailor Moon there now?"

Fighter looked at Usagi, who smiled shyly. She beckoned her over. Usagi, still holding Chibi-Usa, joined her before the Princess of Kinmoku's image.

Usagi bowed, which wasn't easy with her daughter squirming all over the place in her arms. She was unsure if it was an appropriate gesture, and she was surprised to see Kakyuu doing the same.

"Hello, Sailor Moon. It has been a while, has it not?" Kakyuu's dulcet voice flowed like honey. "And who might this little one be?"

"Hi, Princess Kakyuu," Usagi said nervously. "This is my daughter, Usagi. Chibi-Usa for short."

Chibi-Usa was intrigued by the projection. Her plump fingers reached out, gliding through the shimmering hologram.

"Congratulations. She is a vision of beauty, akin to her mother."

Usagi blushed. "Thank you. I'm so glad you're safe. I, um, hope everything is going smoothly on Kinmoku?"

"Yes, indeed. We have managed to rebuild our world and the people are thriving. These achievements owe themselves to you, Sailor Moon. I am sorry to hear a new threat is targeting your planet. I implore you, should you require any aid, do not hesitate to call upon us. A debt of gratitude binds us eternally to your service."

"Oh, um, well, thank you, Princess Kakyuu! I think we can handle it over here. At least, I hope so."

"That hope resonates with me." Kakyuu's looked toward Fighter. "Are Healer and Maker there as well?"

"Not right at this moment."

"Please send them my warmest regards then." Kakyuu's attention veered briefly off-screen, a glimpse of sandy-blonde hair drawn back into a low ponytail caught their eyes. The tips of the mystery girl's hair were dyed blue. Usagi wondered if it was Sailor Star Lover. Kakyuu nodded before turning back to them.

"My apologies, but a matter requires my attention. Nevertheless, do not hesitate to call if you need anything at all. We are allies in the truest sense."

"Of course," said Usagi.

"Sailor Moon, take care of my dear Starlights..." Kakyuu looked at Fighter lovingly, as if she longed to reach out and touch her.

"Of course!" Usagi said again. She peered at the Starlight and noticed Fighter returning the longing gaze. She looked away, feeling as if she was interrupting something private between them. A small streak of jealousy darted through her, but she refused to acknowledge it.

"We'll be in touch," Fighter said. "Until then, be careful and take care, Princess."

"Likewise for you."

Fighter pressed a button on her Star Yell, causing the hologram to dissolve into the air. Usagi, Rei, and Luna watched in amazement. Chibi-Usa whined, frustrated that the image she had been playing with vanished.

Fighter withdrew her transformation. In her place, Seiya knelt, wearing her outfit from before: a button-down blouse paired with loose, high-waisted pants.

Rei was the first to speak. "What a relief. Princess Kakyuu is unharmed."

"Yes," Seiya said, "for now."

"But so are we." Usagi rose to her feet, extending her hand. Seiya took it, bringing Usagi's hand to her lips and kissing it softly before pulling her and Chibi-Usa into an embrace.

The surprise on Rei and Luna's faces was thinly veiled as they observed the display of affection between the two. Rei exchanged knowing smiles with the cat, but they chose not to ravage the moment with teasing, though it was tempting.

"You got a new Star Yell?" Usagi asked. She glanced at the coffee table where the device had been moments ago, though it had disappeared when Fighter had detransformed. For some reason, the image of the crescent moon embedded in the device lingered in her thoughts. Thought it felt a bit conceited to assume it had anything to do with her.

"Yes," Seiya answered. "Remember how Galaxia stepped on it during the battle? Squashed it to pieces. But I managed to yield a new one with several uses."

Luna interjected, "Undoubtedly, Ami would find this technology fascinating."

The mention of a new weapon triggered a flashback for Usagi – Sailor Neptune grappling to restrain the monster at the coffee shop. Usagi couldn't summon her tier for the same reason - Galaxia had obliterated it. Would her tiara suffice next time? She contemplated whether she would have been able to defeat the monster without Neptune weakening it first.

And when and how did Fighter get a new weapon? Her curiosity peaked.

"What's the matter?" Seiya noticed the lines on her face.

Usagi hesitated, then confessed, "Um... It's just, I forgot to mention something. When Michiru and I got attacked at the café, I didn't have my tier. I used my tiara instead. But I don't know if it'll be enough next time..."

"What happened to your tier, Usagi?" Luna asked. Rei looked at her strangely too.  Usagi realized they hadn't been present during that event. Only the Starlights had witnessed the end of the battle.

Seiya fielded the question, "Galaxia destroyed it." She then turned to Usagi, looking alarmed. "You mean to tell me you don't possess another weapon, Bun Head?"

"Not a strong one anyway," Usagi mumbled to the floor.

"Usagi!" Rei chastised. "How come you never told anyone this?"

"Because!" Usagi said defensively. "We haven't faced a threat until now! I figured I'd be okay until I became Neo Queen Serenity. I remember she had a tier of her own. But in case you forgot, that future didn't play out and I haven't had a reason to transform until a few days ago!"

"Still, you shouldn't be so reckless," Luna said, "this new enemy is strong and unpredictable.  Your ability to fight is crucial."

"Seriously, you could've been hurt like Seiya," Rei admonished.

"They're right," Seiya said, sounding concerned. "I wish you would've told me this sooner."

"Well, sorry for acting in the moment!"

Chibi-Usa's sensitivity to the mounting tension was evident as her cries began to fill the room. Usagi stood and headed for her bedroom.

"I need to feed her," Usagi said over her shoulder. When she reached her room, she shut the door a little harder than necessary.

Once settled into the old rocking chair by the crib, Usagi fumbled with her top before Chibi-Usa hungrily latched on. Her daughter's frustrated whimpers were a gentle reminder she needed to calm down.

Usagi closed her eyes and focused on her breathing. She could see it clearly like it was yesterday - Sailor Galaxia, or rather, Chaos, obliterating her pink and white weapon.  A disconcerting question lingered: Why hadn't a new one materialized when she tried to summoned it?

In a moment of contemplation, Usagi realized most of her weapon upgrades came from someone else - the crescent moon wand, a gift from Luna; the cutie moon rod, bestowed upon her by her past-life mother; the kaleidomoonscope, a token from Pegasus; and her final tier, from Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon. If her weaponry hadn't been gifted, she had drawn upon the power of love to draw forth both the spiral moon rod and her first eternal tier. Would she need to follow a similar process for one now?

What if because I'm no longer the future queen, I don't have the power? How will I keep everyone safe? How do I defeat this enemy, whoever they are? My guardians aren't right by my side and I've got Chibi-Usa to protect...

Is that why everything changed? Because this isn't my destiny anymore?

Usagi tried to imagine what Princess Kakyuu would do in her position, but she couldn't. Kakyuu seemed like the perfect embodiment of a princess; of a leader. If Kakyuu tried to manifest a new tier, it would surely come effortlessly. And she definitely wouldn't be childish enough to slam a door and sit in her bedroom alone feeling sorry for herself.

There was a soft knock on the door.  Usagi knew immediately who it was.

"Come in," she said, sounding tired.

Seiya slipped in. She crossed the room and knelt beside Usagi. The lights weren't on, but the oranges and pinks from the waning sunset filtered in through the sheer curtains, giving Seiya's skin a dewy, glowy look. The way the sun struck her eyes, Usagi noticed a darker indigo ring around her irises and little flecks of color speckled like stardust.

She's so beautiful, Usagi thought. Then she remembered she was still supposed to be upset and turned away.

"Hey," Seiya said gently, placing her hand on Usagi's knee. She said nothing, so Seiya continued. "I'm sorry, all of us overreacted. This isn't your fault. We're just worried about your safety."

Usagi sighed, surrendering her guarded facade. "I know..."

"I don't want there to be any secrets between us. You know how important that's always been for me."

"I was going to tell you... I guess I didn't want to think about it myself, because it is scary, to be defenseless. I didn't want to worry you."

"Worry me all you want, Bun Head. That's my job."

"But...you're not my guardian though."

"I might as well be."

"I'm not your Princess, Seiya," Usagi's voice broke. "I don't even think I'm a Princess anymore."

"What are you saying? Of course, you are. You have eight guardians of your own, plus the three of us. The Princess's offer of assistance was sincere. The other Starlights would do anything for you too."

"Just because I defeated Chaos? They don't even know me."

Seiya paused for a moment before saying, "You really don't realize your own strength, do you?"

Heat crept into her face at the compliment. Usagi looked away, thinking how Seiya was only trying to make her feel better, and how she always had a way with words.

"I didn't get rid of all the evil in the world," Usagi protested. "We're up against an enemy we know nothing about."

"That's the nature of the universe. There will always be threats and there will always be sailor guardians to vanquish them. And I just so happen to know one of the strongest sailor guardians in the galaxy, so as for me, I have faith."

Usagi's blush deepened and she looked down at her daughter in her arms. Chibi-Usa's eyelids fluttered as the baby fell asleep.

"I wonder if Chibi-Usa will become a sailor guardian again in this new future." Usagi stroked her plump face. Her skin was so soft, so delicate. "I just want to keep her safe from all this."

"You will," Seiya said firmly. "We will. I'm not going anywhere, Bun Head."

Usagi met Seiya's eyes directly, truly absorbing the sincerity within them. At that moment, she realized she hadn't been as loved by anyone her whole life as she was by this woman.

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