Our Days at Twenty-five: BOOK...

By ParkBaekkie

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|ONGOING| Book 4: This story focuses on Chanyeol and Baekhyun's married life starting around the age of 25. *... More

Update Schedule
[ 1 ] Bedroom Chaos
[ 2 ] No Sex Policy
[ 3 ] Sweet Day
[ 4 ] A Weekend
[ 5 ] Special Gift
[ 6 ] Lovers' Spat
[ 7 ] A Dinner
[ 8 ] Have Fun
[ 9 ] Family
[ 10 ] Together
[ 11 ] LDR
[ 12 ] His Tattoos
[ 13 ] Pillow Talk
[ 14 ] Aquarium Date
[ 15 ] Household of Three
[ 16 ] Christmas Special 1/4
[ 17 ] Christmas Special 2/4
[ 18 ] Christmas Special 3/4
[ 19 ] Christmas Special 4/4
[ 20 ] New Year Special
[ 21 ] Of Truths and Lies
[ 22 ] 3000th
[ 23 ] Jealous Husband
[ 24 ] Lost Ring
[ 25 ] Babysitters
[ 26 ] Finding Vivi
[ 27 ] Rest Day
[ 28 ] A Deal
[ 29 ] Birthday Presents
[ 30 ] Jealous Husband 2.0
[ 31 ] The Wild Q&A
[ 32 ] Stay Up
[ 33 ] Common Ground
[ 34 ] Closure and Closer
[ 35 ] Monday
[ 36 ] Show and Tell
[ 37 ] Better Half
[ 38 ] Afternoon Fun
[ 39 ] Job
[ 40 ] Kyungsoo's Holiday

[ 0 ] CHANBAEK Day Special

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By ParkBaekkie


Test How Well You Know Your Partner With This Couples Quiz

"How well do you know your partner, and how well do they know you? The longer you're together, the more you'll learn about each other-but let's be honest. How often do we really pause and ask our partners those deep, important questions?"

[source: https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/couples-quiz]


(Imagine Chanyeol and Baekhyun are in different rooms for this quiz. The questions are for their partner, not for themselves, and they both have pens and papers to write their answers. They can't hear nor see each other but their reactions will be shown simultaneously.)

Warm-up questions:

1. What's his favorite movie?

Chanyeol: (gets his phone from his pocket) Excuse me, just a second.

Baekhyun: (writes and smiles) Okay. I'm done. Chanyeol loves all Marvel movies but I picked Ironman and Deadpool~

Chanyeol: Can't I call him? It's just that they're a lot so I'm not sure which one to write.

N: You can write all of them.

Chanyeol: Baekhyun loves action movies, though. (lists them in order)
1. The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard
2. John Wick
3. The Man from Nowhere
4. A Moment to Remember
5. The Equalizer
6. Lord of the Rings


2. What snack would he never get sick of eating?

Baekhyun: (stares and wiggles eyebrows) Me.

Chanyeol: Baekhyun buys these snacks in the convenience store all the time: Banana Kick. It's a banana-flavored corn snack. Homerun Ball. It's a biscuit with chocolate filling inside. He also loves those fish-shaped cakes stuffed with sweet red-bean chocolate cream (chuckles). Seriously, his palate is like that of a child.

Baekhyun: Aside from me, my husband's favorite snack is vegetable steamed bun which is really popular during winter... But recently, he's been snacking White Heim. It's a crunchy wafer cookie filled with hazelnut cream. It's so yummy!


3. What color does he never wear?

Chanyeol: Right, I remember I bought him this hoodie when we went abroad for a vacation, right? It was the same as mine but Baekhyun kept wearing mine and never even touched the one I bought for him. I wonder why? So one time when I was doing the laundry, I kind of...

Baekhyun: Chanyeol isn't a fan of bright colors in general. When going out, he just wears either dark or white clothes. Black, navy blue, gray, brown. That's what he usually wears. Oh, now that I think about it, I never saw him wear purple before. Do you think he'll look good in purple?

N: Maybe?

Baekhyun: Should I buy him a purple shirt?

Chanyeol: ...turns out he just likes my scent mixed in with Downy? He's so adorable sometimes. Heh. Baekhyun can't hear me, right?

N: So what's the color?

Chanyeol: What color?

N: The question...

Chanyeol: Almost forgot about that! He wears every color and he looks amazing in all of them.


4. What's his go-to drink?

Baekhyun: Coffee in the morning. Coffee in the afternoon. Coffee in the evening... He drinks coffee all the time. Does caffeine have a frequent urinating side effect? Chanyeol goes to the bathroom like, ten times a day. When we're in the car, he asks where the nearest toilet is. And when we just got home, he'd run straight to the bathroom to pee.

N: TMI...

Chanyeol: Water. Baekhyun carries this, you know, big insulated water bottle everywhere he goes? He stays hydrated, as he should! Have you seen his skin? Damn. It's super beautiful, supple, and flawless. That's the secret to a healthy skin so drink your water, folks.


5. Would he rather go out on Friday night or stay in?

Chanyeol: Stay in. Baekhyun loves his bed. But of course, with me in it. He'll play games on his phone and watch Youtube. He'll fall asleep a few minutes later and wake up when his phone drops on his face! (laughs hard while clapping). Haha. I feel bad for laughing but it's cute.

Baekhyun: Hey, why am I hearing weird noises next door?

N: It's probably just nothing.

Chanyeol: So, yeah. He'd rather stay home on Friday nights unless I invite him out.

Baekhyun: Hmm, if I wasn't coming with my husband then he wouldn't leave the house. We must go out together all the time! Oh, we do go clubbing once a month, and you know what happens next~ (chuckles)

N: Well, that's a reference to Chapter 32.


6. What's his favorite book?

Chanyeol: Facebook's not counted, right?

N: Nope.

Chanyeol: I'll say it anyway. Unlike me, Baekhyun doesn't read books that much but he loves social media. He has a private Facebook account for family and friends. He made one for me too, but I don't use it that often.

N: Then, can you tell us a book he might've read?

Chanyeol: Yeah. The title of the book is, "Hello, Precious Person." My favorite line was, "You are precious. Don't hate yourself too much. Live thinking that you are the best."

N: That's very inspiring.

Chanyeol: I know, right? He read that book to me in exchange for recommending him my favorite book.

Baekhyun: His favorite book is called, "You Can Wind Down From Time to Time." It's a book that will bring us back down the memory lane and help us revisit the small things that we miss out on as an adult. I personally liked it! Chanyeol said that reading a book heals the mind and nurtures the soul. No wonder he has a deep understanding when it comes to things. I Iove that side of him.


Questions about the future:

1. What's the number 1 thing on his bucket list?

Chanyeol: Baekhyun said he wanted to go skydiving with me someday so he could conquer his fear of heights. Hey, I actually wanna do it right now!

Baekhyun: Uhm. I'm pretty sure his bucket list just consists of him doing naughty stuff with me...

N: Then just say what you think isn't considered naughty.

Baekhyun: Skydiving and kissing me all at the same time. Is that even possible?

N: That's really dangerous...


2. Where does he want to live in the future?

Baekhyun: Oh, I've never asked him that yet! But as of now and in the next few years, we'll still live together in our own house in Seoul with our friends like family.

Chanyeol: Baekhyun mentioned to me that when he gets older, he wants to go back to his hometown which is in Bucheon.

N: What's your opinion about it?

Chanyeol: Of course, I'll stay with him until the end. It's fine even if we live under the bridge as long as we're together. (laughs nervously) Not really. Living in a small house is much better.


3. What's his next career move?

Chanyeol: Anticipate it in the future chapters~

4. Does he want kids?

Baekhyun: Oh! That's... You'll find out in the later part of this book!


5. Would he ever be open to a long-distance relationship?

Chanyeol: Haha. Baekhyun? In an LDR with me? No way, he can't even survive without seeing me for a minute. He'll cry a lot. So nope. I think he'll never want to be in a long-distance relationship with me.

N: You think? But what if...

Chanyeol: Shut up. Don't make me overthink. We've parted long enough in the past.

Baekhyun: My husband's love language is quality time and physical touch so LDR is a no-go. Heh. He can't even sleep at night without me so how much more if I was away? Honestly, he's such a baby. So no. I think he won't be open to that.

N: But can you handle a long-distance relationship?

Baekhyun: Never, I'll definitely cry a lot.


6. What's his biggest fear for the future?

Chanyeol: Losing his physical attractiveness over time. Yes, Baekhyun is pretty inside out, but sometimes he worries about his appearance and gets insecure when he gains weight, which I think is totally normal. So I always assure him that I'll still love him no matter what. I married him because I love him as a person, not because of his looks.

Baekhyun: Chanyeol's biggest fear... Becoming poor, perhaps?

PD: Why did you say so?

Baekhyun: My husband was raised in a well-off family so he's able to afford anything he wants since then. He's good at handling money, no doubt. But it makes him anxious whenever we get tight with finances, so he works hard to assure we pay the bills and I won't get hungry. I remember one time (laughs), he had a serious mental breakdown after I bought very expensive stuff with his card. He never spoke to me in a week!

Chanyeol: I feel anxious for a certain reason... I didn't leave my wallet, did I? (touches the back pocket of his pants)


Questions about values:

1. What quality does he value most in others?

Chanyeol: Baekhyun values being responsible the most. He admires people with a strong sense of responsibility. If you make a promise, you have to keep it. If you make a mistake, accept and learn from it. He likes to be around individuals who are dependable, trustworthy, and loyal. One who can also hold accountable for their own actions is a quality he has high respect to.

N: Are you perhaps describing yourself?

Chanyeol: Oh, am I? (chuckles)

Baekhyun: Honesty! You. Just. Can't. Lie. To him! He sees through you, I swear. If you can speak all truth to him, Chanyeol will see you as a good person. He hates people who are dishonest, deceitful, and liars. It's admirable to him if you're able to say your feelings and opinions sincerely and straightforwardly.

N: Is that you, maybe?

Baekhyun: (cries a little) I'm trying my best!

2. How is he working on self-growth and self-improvement?

Chanyeol: Ahh... (smiles and shakes his head) Hahahaha. I just remembered something funny.

N: What is it?

Chanyeol: When I told Baekhyun he's looking a bit liiiittle on the heavier side...

N: Fat?

Chanyeol: Shh. He hates being called that! Anyway, yeah. When I told him he's a bit plump these days, because you know, lately he's been having trouble fitting his old pants, he actually started exercising and going to the gym with me! He's dieting, too. Eating fruits and veggies. Watching his calorie intake. Jogging and doing pilates. Getting enough sleep. And I think it's a good thing? As long as he doesn't overdo it then I'm okay with his fitness journey.

Baekhyun: My husband can now control his sex drive and that means he doesn't fuck me as often as before which I think is a good thing?

N: Can we maintain this as PG as possible, please?

Baekhyun: Hear me out! We used to have sex daily but now, we just do it for like, thrice a week. Before, we'd also do it anywhere whenever he felt the urge to have sex.

N: You can always just say no.

Baekhyun: That's the problem, I liked doing it too! Anyway, he's been changing for the better now so I can get my ass a little break~ Ever since he started reading self-motivating and inspirational books, his horniness plummeted a whole lot. I guess he learned to convert his sexual energy into climbing the mountains, meditating, and playing outdoor sports.

N: You sure it's not something to get worried about?

Baekhyun: Pfft. If I seduce him, he'll be back to his old self real quick~

3. What influences his decisions the most?

Chanyeol: If I make a decision and he's not in favor of it, it's automatically a no. But if Baekhyun makes a decision, no one, even me, can change his mind. How unfair is that?!

N: So basically, nobody can influence his decisions?

Chanyeol: Well, if it's a light decision, yes. He decides on his own. Say for example. Like buying stuff for everyone. He does that with MY money. He'll even buy a phone for the dog if he can. Oh, and also dying his hair. He'll do it on a whim and he'll only tell me once it's done. I remember him coming home with bright blue hair before and I just had to get used to it for a month. (laughs and shakes his head) But, if it's a heavy decision, he makes sure to discuss it with me so we can talk about it together.

Baekhyun: I'd say people around him influence my hubby's decision. His family's well-being comes first before anything else. He doesn't do anything hasty and irresponsible so I completely trust him with all the decision-making at home.

N: Can you make him agree to something he doesn't want?

Baekhyun: No! But I can do it if it means he gets to have his way with me on the bed?

N: Shouldn't have asked.


Questions about communication:

1. How does he like to give love?

Baekhyun: Wait, I'm blushing. (touches face) Can I write my answer in detail?

Chanyeol: Blowjob.

N: Let's talk about love in general, not the explicit kind of love.

Baekhyun: Oh.

Chanyeol: Still, a blowjob.

Baekhyun: Chanyeol likes to give love by physically taking care of me when I'm sick, exhausted, and horny, as well as emotionally being there for me, like comforting me when I'm having a bad day, or making me smile when I'm sad. Sometimes, he'll also buy me stuff and I'll already feel very appreciated.

Chanyeol: And I might like to add some kissing and handjob, too. Baekhyun is fond of foreplay. (writes everything aggressively on the paper) Wait. I just realized I'm an easy person. He just has to make me come and I'll be fine? How embarrassing.

N: It's only natural when it's you.

Baekhyun: Oh, I'd also like to say that my hubby's form of affection is through helping me do simple tasks like tying my shoelaces, reaching objects I can't reach, washing my hair, and dressing me up at night when I'm too tired to move... Doing favors such as buying me coffee and driving me to the mall, Chanyeol loves doing that for me, too. (giggles) I told him I can do stuff by myself but he'd still insist on treating me like a prince. So, in exchange for that, I become his slave in bed!

N: Wow... That escalated quickly.

Chanyeol: And cuddles. Yes. He gives lots of cuddles. Baekhyun is a cuddle addict. One morning when I woke up, he was clinging to my leg upside down like he was a koala. I took a picture, though. He still doesn't know such a photo exists. (gently chuckles)


2. How does he like to receive love?

Chanyeol: Do you ever just wonder why your husband argues with you for no certain reason? I sometimes think it's because he badly wants my attention. So when Baekhyun fights with me, I'd just like to think that he misses me and wants pure quality time with me. So what I do is pamper my baby with lots of love and spoil him like true royalty.

Baekhyun: Park Chanyeol is an easy man so all I need to do is offer him my body and satisfy his sexual desires~ Give my hubby the best sex he'll ever have he won't even be able to cum without me touching his dick!

Chanyeol: But when we don't have work, Baekhyun would just ask me if I could prepare breakfast for him in the morning and I'll say yes. I'll cook for him myself and it'll already put a smile on his face. Did I also mention that he likes it when I blowdry his hair after showering before I put him to bed?

N: Not yet. Please continue.

Chanyeol: Aside from that, Baekhyun loves being dragged around everywhere. Hey, I don't mean it as a bad thing. (laughs) I mean, he literally just likes being carried, held, pulled, hugged, squished, flipped over, scooped. He's the clingy type. I don't mind it, though~

N: I see. How adorable.

Baekhyun: But kidding aside, my husband likes the feeling of me basically existing next to him. Do you know what I mean? Like, I don't have to do or say anything. I'll simply sit beside him quietly with my phone or watch him work while I talk about my day. It's enough for him to know that I'm there. (pauses, smiles, and looks at the empty space beside him) Now, I miss him already!


3. Is he more passive or confrontational?

Chanyeol: Passive.

Baekhyun: Confrontational.


4. How does he like to be apologized to?

Baekhyun: When I make mistakes, do something wrong, or say things that offend him, he prefers me to apologize verbally right then and there. He likes hearing it directly while looking into my eyes. He'll tell me, 'Won't you say sorry to me? I need an apology right now. Please tell me you don't mean it and you won't do it again.' He hates tensions and awkwardness! Also, he accepts my apologies too quickly. He can't stay mad at me for too long.

Chanyeol: Is there justice served when I have to say 'I'm sorry' a hundred times in text, in person, and in writing so that my husband can forgive me? No, right? Well, Baekhyun, that little shit, loves making me suffer every time I did something wrong. And the thing I would be apologizing for was forgetting to take out the trash? Seriously, he'll see this as an opportunity to make deals with me! 'I'll forgive you if you massage my foot. If you say you're sorry twenty times, I'll let you sleep on the bed with me tonight. I'll kiss you if you admit you're wrong while you're dancing in your underwear.' Damn it. Saying this is so humiliating!

N: But you did them anyway, so...

Chanyeol: Next question.

6. What does he like most about you?

Chanyeol: Physically, Baekhyun is obsessed with my ears.

N: Your ears?

Chanyeol: Yeah. He likes to flick them a lot. When he's bored, he'll come to me and fondle my ears with such gentle and fast strokes, and of course, I'll eventually get hard... When that happens, I'll have no choice but to have a quickie with him. Next thing I know, I'm already naked on the bed and Baekhyun is bouncing on top of me.

N: Uh, I think we are getting out of context.

Baekhyun: Well, my husband likes my butt the most. He even bites it when he's hungry.

N: Please answer something that is not a part of the body. A character trait would be nice.

Chanyeol: I'm the possessive and overprotective type, so... I think Baekhyun finds that attractive about me? Knowing that I hate it when other men get close to him, and that I get jealous of the littlest things, he likes that superior feeling I make him feel. He enjoys the fact that I'll only forever look at him, that I'll only want him for myself and nobody else. But do you know what he loves the most? It's when I give him compliments and say I love him from the bottom of my heart.

Baekhyun: My thoughtfulness. That's what my husband likes about me the most~ In my own ways, I make small efforts for him during anniversaries, birthdays, and special occasions. The things he'd forget, I remember them for him. I sometimes cook for him! I'm still learning to cook, though. And when he needs anything, I surely give it just a call away. As his partner, I do my best to make him feel loved, appreciated, comforted, and taken care of physically and emotionally. It's just a simple gesture but I also put extra work on myself so that I'll look pretty when we make love, go out on dates, visit his family, go to work, or stroll around the park. I can see that it makes him smile when I hold his hand while walking together in public~


How do you feel about the quiz? Did you have a great time?

Chanyeol: I actually had fun! I enjoyed answering the questions. It made me reevaluate the relationship I have with Baekhyun. I think I wanna do this again.

Baekhyun: Yes, I enjoyed it. It's good that my husband isn't here with me~ Haha. I was more honest and less embarrassed doing it by myself!

N: You see... The truth is... Your husband will read your answers and watch this recording later...

Chanyeol: WHAT?

Baekhyun: NO WAY!!!

Chanyeol: Hey, can you please edit that part when I said stuff about blowjobs? Oh, and that part when I said I was jealous, that I forgot to take out the trash, and that line of me dancing in my underwear?

Baekhyun: I'm so embarrassed... What else did I say earlier? I can't remember! Will you blur out my face? I don't want Chanyeol sunbae to watch this shit!

N: Sorry... But this is actually a live broadcast... There's nothing else we can do.

Chanyeol: WHAT THE FUCK!? (angrily flips the chair) You tricked me into this?

N: Apologies. It's for content purposes.

Chanyeol: Where's Baekhyun? Oh, he's next door? Baekhyun... HEY, PARK BAEKHYUN! You can hear me, right? Baby! We're going home!

Baekhyun: Oh my god... (hides his face behind his hands) He's calling me...!


To be continued.

(Notes: The answers to some of the basic questions above were actually based off Chanyeol and Baekhyun's interviews and fan meets! Others were also referenced from their vlogs, variety programs, and reality shows.

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