Drops of Starlight

By StrawberryMoonRose

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It's the year 2000 and Crystal Tokyo never came to be. The Starlights visit Earth to find Usagi raising baby... More

Chapter 1: Back in the Atmosphere
Chapter 2: Listens Like Spring, Talks Like June
Chapter 3: Heaven is Overrated
Chapter 4: Dance Along the Light of Day
Chapter 5: Jupiter Garden
Chapter 6: Just Friends
Chapter 7: Did You Miss Me?
Chapter 8: Payphone
Chapter 9: Who's the Perv Now?
Chapter 10: Look at the Stars, Look How They Shine for You
Chapter 11: Monsters of the Past
Chapter 12: Not You Again
Chapter 13: Well, This Shall Be Interesting
Chapter 14: Chasing Her Way Through the Constellations
Chapter 15: The Best Soy Latte You've Ever Had
Chapter 16: Afraid That She Might Think of Me as Plain Old Jane
Chapter 17: Did You Fall for a Shooting Star?
Chapter 18: Making Up For Lost Time
Chapter 19: I'll Be the Actress Starring in Your Bad Dreams
Chapter 21: Turn of Events
Chapter 22: Princess
Chapter 23: Five-Hour Phone Conversation
Chapter 24: Troubles Stacking
Chapter 25: Encounter
Chapter 26: Disguises
Chapter 27: The Cosmic Valley
Chapter 28: Chaos Everywhere
Chapter 29: Coincidences
Chapter 30: Soul Vacation
Chapter 31: Did Venus Blow Your Mind?
Chapter 32: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 33: Did You Make it to the Milky Way?
Chapter 34: Chocolate Parfait
Chapter 35: Permanent Scar
Chapter 36: Insecurity
Chapter 37: Beautiful Ghost
Chapter 38: Did You Sail Across the Sun?
Chapter 39: Freeze-dried Romance
Chapter 40: Calamity
Chapter 41: Banishment
Chapter 42: Fortune Teller
Chapter 43: Tell Me
Chapter 44: There's a Time to Change
Chapter 45: Did the Wind Sweep You off Your Feet?
Chapter 46: Too Afraid to Fly, so He Never Did Land
Chapter 47: Her Stay on the Moon
Chapter 48: Pursuit
Chapter 49: How Far We've Come
Chapter 50: There's Room to Grow
Chapter 51: Begin Again
Chapter 52: Looking for Yourself Out There
Chapter 53: The Stars Above
Chapter 54: Was it Everything You Wanted to Find?
Epilogue: Drops of Jupiter

Chapter 20: Assumptions

572 23 14
By StrawberryMoonRose

💫 Drops of Starlight 💫
By Strawberry Moon Rose

Thank you to enchanters_creations on ig for drawing adorable fan art for this story! A perfect photograph for Chibi-Usa's scrapbook indeed! You can find it on my Instagram story (taylorlynn.art) highlight titled "fanfiction"

Chapter 20: Assumptions

The following morning, Usagi chose to remain silent about the unsettling nightmare that had plagued her sleep. With Seiya's attack at the mall, her own encounter at the cafe, and now the haunting dream, her thoughts were in a whirlwind.

Did the rest of Queen Beryl's generals continue to lurk in the shadows? Was Nephrite truly behind the recent monstrous attacks? If not him, who, and what was their motive? The riddle that sent Usagi's thoughts spiraling, induced a throbbing headache. She fought to push aside the barrage of questions, staying wrapped in Seiya's arms as the morning light roused her. Seiya's touch offered comfort, a balm against her stress. However, their tranquil moment was short-lived as Chibi-Usa demanded that someone get up and change her soggy diaper.

With the morning routine in full swing, Usagi, Seiya, and Hotaru embarked on making homemade pancakes. Simultaneously, they juggled the task of entertaining Chibi-Usa with an assortment of toys. The kitchen morphed into a mess, and Usagi inevitably got flour in her hair, but the pancakes turned out scrumptious.

They convened around the kitchen table, topping the flapjacks with sliced strawberries, dollops of whipped cream, and drowning them in half a bottle of maple syrup. Amid the feast, Hotaru chatted about her favorite school subjects and her plans post-graduation. The phone's ringing punctuated the atmosphere. Usagi jumped up to seize the retriever.

"Hello?" she said.

"May I have a word with Mrs. Chiba?" inquired the courteous voice on the other end.

"That's me," Usagi said, wincing inwardly. She made a mental note to see if she could change her last name back sooner.

"Calling from Dr. Kusama's office. I'm here to remind you of Chibi-Usa's scheduled six-month checkup today at one-thirty. Kindly bring your insurance information and an updated list of medications. We recommend arriving fifteen minutes ahead of the appointment."

"Oh!" Usagi's hand flew to her forehead as realization hit. "Yes, that's right! Um, we'll be there. Thank you. Bye."

"Is something wrong?" Hotaru asked when she returned to the table, looking distraught.

"It's just, I totally forgot about Chibi-Usa's doctor's appointment today..."

"Do you want me to accompany you?" Seiya asked.

Usagi's voice held a note of relief as she replied, "Would you? I always have my hands full with all her baby gear."

"Of course, but considering the current weather conditions, how far is it? The news mentioned slippery roads and train delays. I don't want both of you out if it's dangerous."

"The clinic's actually within walking distance. In the summer I'd push her in the stroller there and back."

"As long as the sidewalks are safe, we should be alright then."

Hotaru chimed in, "Should I tag along too?"

"Better safe than sorry." Usagi sighed. "It seems like every time we step outside, we attract trouble."


That chilly afternoon, bundled up, they ventured into the wintery world that had taken over Tokyo. The sky hung heavy with a murky shade of white, and the snow trickled down cinematically. Gratefully, the path leading to the hospital had been shoveled clear of snow. Scattered fragments of sidewalk salt crunched under their boots as they trod, the crisp air turned their cheeks rosy.

Seiya wore Chibi-Usa in the baby wrap, and the little one stared with wide-eyed wonder at snowflakes dancing from the heavens. A gleeful squeal sounded from Chibi-Usa when one landed on her nose, prompting her to wave her mittens in an attempt to capture one.

"Are we still in Japan?" Usagi spun in a circle, arms outstretched. The sidewalks were flanked by snow banks that towered almost two feet. She inhaled a large gulp of cool air, amazed at how peaceful and quiet the city had become. With schools closed and the suggestion for commuters to remain indoors, a winter vacation vibe hung in the air contagious and uplifting.

"It's lovely," Hotaru agreed, tilting her head to the sky and allowing a snowflake to melt on her tongue.

"Seiya, have you ever built a snowman?" Usagi asked.

"No, can't say I have. It doesn't snow on our planet."

"Really? Not at all?" Usagi's curiosity brimmed.

"Not once."

"We've got to then! And snow angels too! How about later? Our apartment complex has a communal backyard which would be perfect! Mom got Chibi-Usa a sled as an early Christmas present, she could give it a go today."

"Sure, that sounds fun," Seiya said. She couldn't take her eyes off the blonde who practically skipped beside her. She finds joy in the simplest of things. Seiya always found that childlike quality in Usagi endearing.

Despite the sidewalk being treated, Usagi managed to find a slippery patch. As her footing gave way, her arms pinwheeled in a comical display before she toppled sideways into a snowbank. The expression of surprise frozen on her face, coupled with her snow-covered boots jutting into the air, prompted Seiya to lose it in laughter.

Usagi jutted out her bottom lip. The snow was sticky and dense around her, making it challenging to get up. Passerbys smiled down at her. She glared at Seiya. "A little help here?"

"Sorry," Seiya said, still grinning. She extended a hand, and in one fluid motion, hauled Usagi back to her feet.

"Are you okay?" Hotaru asked.

"Yeah." Usagi brushed off the snow as best as she could manage. "Did I get it all?" she questioned, twirling in place.

Seiya couldn't help but notice a snowy patch on her behind, and she bit her lip to stifle her laughter. "You missed a spot," she pointed out.

Usagi quickly brushed off her bottom. She emitted a huff and marched on, leaving Seiya chuckling under her breath in her wake.

The pediatrician's office found its abode within a tall brick building adjacent to the hospital. Seiya courteously held the door open for the group, and they ascended the elevator to the third floor where the air bore a blend of stale coffee and disinfectant. Usagi checked in with the receptionist at the front desk.

The waiting room chairs were scratchy but comfortable enough. Usagi read a children's book to Chibi-Usa, pointing at every colorful animal animatedly. Each page had touch-and-feel textures that fascinated her - soft fur on the image of the rabbit, velcro over the panda's paws, and a rough sandpaper tongue on the lion. When Usagi finished, Chibi-Usa grabbed the book by the corner and gnawed on the edge, soaking it with drool.

The clinic was more subdued than usual due to the weather, but the wait to be called back stretched on.

Seiya helped herself to a cup of water from the dispenser tucked in the corner. The radio played softly over the ceiling speakers, prompting Usagi's head to pop up in recognition.

"Hey, this must be one of Minako's new songs!" Usagi exclaimed. "I'd recognize her voice anywhere!"

"I think you're right," Hotaru said. The song was a slow pop ballad that turned catchy and powerful in the chorus.

"I couldn't tell anyone about my true feelings

My own fate, I had no sympathy for

Those days I spent with you shined

I close my eyes, wishing you were here

And that's my prayer, forevermore"

As the next verse commenced, a second voice intertwined with the melody—a husky, rich tone. Seiya was mid-sip and nearly spewed her water.

"Well, it seems someone managed to make time for a collaboration with the famous Minako Aino," Seiya mused, shaking her head with a knowing smile. "I can't say I'm surprised."

When the song ended, the radio announcer said, "And that was Minako Aino's brand new hit, 'I'm Here' featuring Yaten Kou of the Three Lights! I don't know about you guys, but I never saw this collab coming! The Three Lights disbanded almost eight years ago now and have remained out of the public eye since. This has us wondering, are Minako Aino and Yaten Kou an item? Will the band members pursue solo careers in the near future or perhaps consider getting back together? Tune in..."

"A great question indeed," said Seiya. She tugged her cap down lower as she noticed the receptionist looking their way. It was probably a coincidence, but Seiya didn't want to take any chances.

"Wow...!" Usagi said in wonder. "That song was so good! Minako has some explaining to do, I'm definitely calling her tonight!"

"Chibi-Usa?" A nurse with a clipboard poked her head into the waiting room. Usagi and Seiya stood, gathering their belongings, including the diaper bag.

"I'll be right here," Hotaru called after them.

The nurse led them down a narrow hallway to a tiny room. Usagi settled into one chair and Seiya beside her. Five minutes later, a brisk knock sounded at the door, and the pediatrician entered breezily without awaiting a response.

Dr. Kusama, a woman in her late thirties with dark hair and oversized 90's glasses, greeted them with a warm smile. It was the kind of smile that was good with children. Dr. Kusama was always affable and to the point, sometimes too much so.

"Hello there!" Kusama's voice brimmed with enthusiasm. "It's been two months since little Chibi-Usa's last checkup. How's she been? Oh, and look, we've got the father here joining us today. About time, isn't it?" She laughed at her own joke. "I jest, I understand how busy you dads are. Work is work after all, am I right?"

Seiya was too caught off guard to respond. She shot Usagi an amused look, and the moon princess lowered her gaze to her lap, her cheeks a subtle bubblegum color. Seiya debated whether to correct the doctor's assumption, but by the time she thought to, Kusama was already instructing them to undress Chibi-Usa in preparation for her height and weight measurements.

"My, she's growing like a sprightly little shoot, isn't she? Reflexes appear to be on point. Is she able to sit on her own?"

"Getting there," Usagi replied. "She tips over sometimes, but we're working on it."

"Fantastic! Remember to lower her crib once she begins her crawling adventures. Because right after that, she'll be pulling herself up onto things. Before you know it, she'll be running around, getting into everything!"

"I can only imagine," Usagi said, smiling because she could very well imagine an older Chibi-Usa.

Chibi-Usa's wails were ear-piercing as the time for her shots arrived. Usagi held her close, pointing at the charming anime characters on the bandaids, though her daughter couldn't care less. Seiya handed her the pacifier and she instantly was muted.

Following a series of questions about Chibi-Usa's sleep routine, Dr. Kusama delved into her eating habits. The doctor then turned her attention to Usagi, asking whether she was still breastfeeding, to which she replied yes.

"That's splendid! However, I must caution you that it's often between this visit and the forthcoming nine-month checkup that many mothers find themselves pregnant again. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's imperative I inform you that breastfeeding doesn't serve as a form of contraception. If you're not seeking another child right now, he needs to use protection." Dr. Kusama nodded toward Seiya.

Both their faces turned scarlet. Usagi ducked her head and pretended to be fixated on adjusting Chiba-Usa's shoelaces.

Seiya tugged at her ponytail. If only Dr. Kusama knew the truth, she wouldn't be telling them this. Seiya was too embarrassed at the implication that she and Usagi were sleeping together to even look in her direction.

"Set up your next appointment at the front desk, if you would. Otherwise, I'll look forward to seeing little Chibi-Usa in March! Keep up with your daily reading sessions. Buh-bye, you two!"

With that, the door clicked closed, leaving an awkward silence to permeate the room. Suddenly feeling claustrophobic, Usagi jumped to her feet.

"All done, Chibi-Usa! Time to go home and play outside," she blabbed, desperate to say something, anything at all.

Together they shimmied Chibi-Usa into her winter coat and strapped her into the baby wrap while avoiding eye contact. Usagi arranged the next appointment with the receptionist, and they were off.

Despite the temperature being just shy of freezing, the surrounding buildings acted as barriers against the chill wind, creating an illusion of warmth during their walk back. Chibi-Usa's fell asleep after a few blocks, snuggled up against Seiya's chest like a baby koala.

"Aw, she looks so cozy, Dad," Usagi kidded.

Seiya's lips tugged up at the corner. "You know, you could've corrected her, Bun Head."

"And what should I have said?"

"I don't know, I suppose it doesn't really matter what others might think."

Usagi remembered when they were riding the Ferris wheel together and she'd said, 'What if someone takes a picture of us up here? Breaking news! Seiya from the Three Lights has a girlfriend!' And Seiya hadn't batted an eye.

"Back then, you didn't care if people thought we were dating, did you?"

"No. And I still don't. But I'd worry about your safety if anything got out. The paparazzi can be incredibly invasive, and fans can be dangerous too. I would never want to put you or Chibi-Usa in harm's way because of me." Seiya adjusted Chibi-Usa's hat as they walked.

Hotaru was several paces ahead, giving them some privacy. Seiya appreciated that about the outer guardian, and also how she seemed to be in favor of their new relationship. She wasn't so sure how everyone else would react when the news broke. Seiya contemplated Taiki and Yaten's previous efforts to steer her away from her feelings for Usagi, deeming them a distraction from their mission. What would their stance be now?

Seiya stole a glance at Usagi strolling beside her. Her side profile was adorable - her petite nose was pink from the cold, her lips looked dewy under a fresh coat of chapstick, and a snowflake landed on her eyelashes, melting almost instantly. The brightness reflecting off the snow made the blue of Usagi's eyes look striking.

"Hey, Bun Head..."


"I have a question."


"So, what are we?"

Usagi looked over with furrowed eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

Seiya smiled a little. "You know what I mean. Like, we're dating, right?"

"I mean.... I thought that's how that works," Usagi mumbled, looking straight ahead, seeming a little flustered.

"Well, I was just debating how to ask you to be my girlfriend is all."

"Ask?" Usagi looked at her in disbelief. "You've always told people that's who I am anyway!"

"You're right," Seiya laughed. "Because who wouldn't want to date someone cool like me?"

Usagi smiled. This banter, it hadn't changed even after all this time. The chemistry that was palpable from the moment they spoke in the park, Usagi had a feeling it would never fade. Not when they had such a strong friendship as a foundation beneath it all. And especially not if Seiya kept looking at her with that handsome smile.

"So, Bun Head, what do you say?"


Seiya sweatdropped. "Do you want to make it official?"

Usagi skipped ahead and walked backwards to face the Starlight. "Hmm," she teased, pretending to weigh her options. "I don't know, I might need some time to think about it..."

Seiya smirked. "Take all the time you need. You know I'll always be here."

"In that case it would be rude to keep you waiting."

"Is that a yes?"

Usagi paused, allowing her to catch up. She surprised Seiya by linking her arm through hers and leaning into her side. "What do you think?"

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