Stepsister Next Door || SaTzu...

Por Dimenth0r

495K 12.9K 5.9K

Where Sana is Tzuyu's stepsister, and Mina is Chaeyoung's stepsister... A bit different from the one shots Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Phase 2: Prologue
Phase 2: Chapter 1
Phase 2: Chapter 2
Phase 2: Chapter 3
Phase 2: Chapter 4
Phase 2: Chapter 5
Phase 2: Chapter 6
Phase 2: Chapter 7
Phase 2: Chapter 8
Phase 2: Chapter 9
Phase 2: Chapter 1O
Phase 2: Chapter 11
Phase 2: Chapter 12
Phase 2: Chapter 14
Phase 2: Chapter 15
Next Chapter (UPDATE)

Phase 2: Chapter 13

4.3K 173 85
Por Dimenth0r




Mina received a phone call while she was doing her rounds at the hospital.
It was three in the afternoon, when her eldest son called.

"Chanho? Are you crying?" Mina worriedly asked

"Mom come home, there's a lot of blood" Chanho replied, sobbing

"Why what happened?" Mina

"I don't know Mom..." Chanho cried "It's noona, I think she's dying, please come home. I don't know what to do. I'm scared Mom"

"Calm down, I'll be there" Mina 

Mina quickly notify the hospital that she needs to leave, and let the nurse check on her patients. She was so worried with her kids, so she rush home.

It was the longest 30 minutes drive for Mina. She was in a hurry but it seems like everything moves slowly.

Mina park her car outside their house as soon as she get there, she didn't bother to park on their garage. She quickly get out of her car and rush into the house.

"Chanho! Woojin!" Mina call the kids as soon as she open the door


Mina run upstairs upon hearing her kids cry.
There she found the boys, Chanho, Woojin, and Minho~ standing outside the close door of Heejin's room.

"Mommy!" Minho quickly run to Mina and hug the latter's legs.

He's been crying for hours, because he's scared of what's happening around him.

Mina kneel down to reach her son and carry him on her arms.

"Mommy, noona was hurt" Minho cried

"We were just playing, then there's a lot of blood" Woojin

"Chanho, go get the keys" Mina

Chanho nodded and quickly run downstairs. In just a few minutes, he runs back~ holding the keys, and gave it to Mina.

Mina then passed Minho to Woojin, her second son~ carry his younger brother and comforts him.

As soon as Mina unlocks the door of Heejin's room, she quickly made her way inside but didn't see Heejin.

Mina noticed the close door of her daughter's bathroom. She walk towards that place, and reached for the doorknob but when she twist it~ the door is locked.

"Heejin" Mina placed her ear on the door, and there she heard sobs.

Heejin's crying...

"Heejin..." Mina utter, louder than her first call

Heejin recognized the voice "Miss Mina?"

And with the latter's replied, Mina could say that there's a hint of hope in Heejin's voice.

Later that day...

Mina was sitting on Heejin's bed when Chaeyoung arrives. Woojin called his other mother, but the latter's work is far from their house. And it took her almost an hour~ just to arrive.

"Mina? What happened" Chaeyoung worriedly asked "Is Heejin alright?"

At that same time, Heejin comes out from the bathroom.

"Heejin, are you alright? What happened?" Chaeyoung asked

"I'm fine Mom" Heejin replied

Chaeyoung checked on her daughter "Were you hurt? Do you want to see your doctor?~ No, we must see your doctor"

Mina faintly smile, she stood and caress Chaeyoung's shoulder "Calm down... There's nothing to worry about"

Chaeyoung face her wife "Woojin said that there's blood, are you sure she's alright? Do we have to bring her to the hospital?"

Mina giggles "My love, Heejin is fine. She just got her period"

Chaeyoung's eyes widened in surprise. Her whole body froze...
She's not ready for it...
She's not ready to face the truth, that her only daughter. Whom she have just met, is now a lady.

A grown up...

Chaeyoung could feel her knees~ getting weak. And that made her kneel on the ground.

"No way..." Chaeyoung shouted inside her head


Chaeyoung and the kids are on the living room. They are helping Chanho~ finish his school project.

They've been doing the rocket for hours.
Chaeyoung is struggling on the wirings, and that took most of the time.

"Are you sure you're an architect?" Heejin asked

Chaeyoung pouts "I don't build, I design"

"I want ice cream" Minho suddenly utter

At that same time, Mina approached them, holding the tray of food. She then put it down on the coffee table.

"Good thing you're here" Chaeyoung pulled Mina by the waist, making her wife~ sit beside her "They're ganging up on me"

Mina giggles and look at their kids "Your Mama is an architect, building rockets is not her thing. And you shouldn't put such things on Chanho's project. That could explode"

Woojin pouts "But this will be fun"

"I said I want ice cream!" Minho butts in, which gained their attention

"You can't have ice cream" Mina told her youngest

Minho looks at Chaeyoung, asking for help. Chaeyoung looks at Mina, and her wife gave her a death glare.

Chaeyoung gulped and look back at Minho "It's a no"

"You're just afraid of Mom!" Minho sulk

Heejin, Chanho, and Woojin laughed at the youngest. They then started to eat the snack that Mina prepared for them.

"Heejin..." Chaeyoung called

"Hmm?" Heejin replied while chewing her food

"Stay away from boys" Chaeyoung

"Eh? Why?" Heejin asked in innocence

"Because you're a woman now, you can't be near them" Chaeyoung

"But why?" Heejin

Chaeyoung was about to speak again, but Mina placed her hand on top of the latter's hand.

"Chaeyoung, Heejin is still a kid" Mina utter "And don't you think~ you are being unreasonable?"

"But I'm just protecting her" Chaeyoung defend herself

"I know... But that's not the right way to protect her" Mina then look at Heejin "Just know your limitations, and don't do things that aren't supposed to be done by kids at your age"

"I get it now" Heejin replied and smiled "I promise to never disappoint you, Ms. Mina" she then look at Chaeyoung "Mama"

Everything was fine for the Son family, everyone is happy. Things are doing great for all of them.
Everything is still new for Heejin, but she's happy, and she can't deny that.

Chaeyoung's family treats her fair, she's happy with them. And she wish for that happiness to last.


Ryujin was walking at the hallway, when a predator called her name.

"YOO RYUJIN!" Lia giggles after finally seeing the latter

Lia run towards Ryujin, she do miss the latter. They didn't see each other during weekend, and Ryujin didn't even bother to answer Lia's calls and messages.

"I can't breathe" Ryujin complain when Lia hugged her tight.

Ryujin did her best to stop Lia from hugging her, she then gently pushed the latter to have some air.

"Why didn't you answer my calls?" Lia asked

"I don't want to" Ryujin retort

Lia pouts "I still miss you"

"Whatever" Ryujin exclaimed

But Lia didn't mind Ryujin's cold treatment, she cling on to the latter's arm and walk with her.

"My Mom made a delicious lunch, let's eat together" Lia told Ryujin, as they walk towards their classroom

"I'm going to eat with the dorks" Ryujin replied, referring to Chou Twins 

"I can join" Lia

"I didn't invite you" Ryujin

"I invited myself" Lia chuckles

Ryujin just sigh, she's irritated but can't even do anything to stop Lia. She tried everything to push her away, but Lia keep on coming back~ that's when Ryujin gave up and decided to let Lia... 

But things are different now, she likes someone else, Ryujin likes Yeji, that's why she can't let Lia to be this sweet to her anymore.

They both went to the cafeteria, where Aki, Chen, and Heejin are waiting.

"So~ you are with your girlfriend, huh?" Aki teased when Ryujin approached them and sat on the vacant seat

"Shut up!" Ryujin groans

"Why? It's true" Lia butts in

Aki, Chen, and Heejin laughed at Ryujin's reaction. Ryujin really finds Lia~ annoying.

As they start eating, the group had a conversation about the family picnic.

"I miss aunt Tzuyu's signature dish" Ryujin started

"It's just pancake" Chen

"That's better than veggies" Ryujin replied

"She brings that every family outing" Chen

"And my Mom always makes her vegetable salad, every family outing" Ryujin retort

"What were you talking about?" Heejin asked

"Our families usually bond with each other, and we go on a trip together" Chen replied but Heejin's forehead creased

And Aki realized that the latter is confuse, so he tried to explain it "It's just like a family reunion. You know, our parents were friends, and they want their kids to be close as well. So they always set a trip to relax and bond"

"Is that fun?" Heejin

"You will know" Ryujin

Aki laughed "It will be fun, we can push Ryujin on the lake"

Ryujin glares at the Chou twins "I swear, I'm gonna kill you both"

"It's just like a simple picnic by the lake" Chen told Heejin

Heejin just nodded in reply, and continue eating. She and her other mother, Jieun, used to go near the sea.
She remembers her mother as a loving and caring woman, and for a moment she thought that it will be more fun if Chaeyoung was there with them.

It was only her and Jieun most of the time. And when she finally had a chance to meet her other mother, Jieun was taken away from her.

That's her only wish...
To be with both of them....

But she was never given a chance...


The family day has arrived. The Chou, Yoo, and Son family, gathered today. Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Sana, Tzuyu, Chaeyoung, and Mina are at the patio, just talking about random things in life.

"Yah! Seyeong- ah, how did you have Ji-Eun sunbaenim?? Aist!" Tzuyu brush her hair in frustration after learning the truth about Heeji 's other mother "You lucky small bean"

"So, you know that Jieun?" Jeongyeon butts in

"She's my ultimate crush, that girl is a head turner... Aist! You're really lucky~ Son Chaeyoung" Tzuyu

Sitting beside Tzuyu, is a Japanese woman~ who is now boiling in anger, and wanted to cut her wife's tongue.

"YAH! CHOU TZUYU! I'm just here! Yet you still have the guts to speak about other woman, in front of me?!" Sana hissed, and pinch her wife's ear.

Tzuyu laughed "I'm just kidding!"

Sana let go of Tzuyu's ear then look at the children. The kids are near the lake, throwing stones on the water.

"Heejin grew perfectly fine... I wish~ I have a daughter too..." Sana daydream

"Ryujin is up for adoption" Jeongyeon joked, and received a slap on her shoulder, and it is from no other than her wife~ Nayeon.

"We can make one" Tzuyu whispered to Sana

Sana glares at the latter "You're always busy!" She hissed, and their friends laugh "As soon as you get home, you'll go to your desk and work. And if you're not busy, you're dead asleep"

"I guess there's no daughter for now" Chaeyoung teased

"How about you Mina? Any thoughts on having a daughter?" Nayeon suddenly asked

Mina smiles "I already have Heejin. What more can I wish for?" She replied

Chaeyoung gently squeeze Mina's hand "Thank you for accepting her"

"She's wonderful... Thank you for bringing her to my life" Mina

"What a perfect family" Jeongyeon utter

"Yeah..." Tzuyu agreed "It's just like yesterday... When you were still courting Mina unnie"

Jeongyeon faintly smile "After all, letting go of her is not a bad thing" she said and reach for Nayeon's hand.


Everyone's attention was stolen by the kids.

"HEEJIN!" Nayeon shouted

Chaeyoung and Mina's eyes widened, they didn't waste time and run towards their daughter.

Both of their hearts are pounding fast while running towards the latter. It is because Heejin is unconsciously laying on the ground.

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