Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNati...

Da randomreader000000

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After surviving three years into the apocalypse Bailey Hawthorne strongly believes she has the new world figu... Altro

S1E03: Part 1
S1E03: Part 2
S1E04: Part 1
S1E04: Part 2
S1E05: Part 1
S1E05: Part 2
S1E10: Part 1
S1E10: Part 2
S1E11: Part 1
S1E11: Part 2
S1E12: Part 1
S1E12: Part 2
S1E13: Part 1
S1E13: Part 2
S2E01: Part 1
S2E01: Part 2
S2E05: Part 1
S2E05: Part 2
S2E06: Part 1
S2E06: Part 2
S2E07: Part 1
S2E07: Part 2
S2E09: Part 1
S2E09: Part 2
S2E14: Part 1
S2E14: Part 2
S2E15: Part 1
S2E15: Part 2
S3E03: Part 1
S3E03: Part 2
S3E05: Part 1
S3E05: Part 2
S3E05: Part 3
S3E06: Part 1
S3E06: Part 2
S3E12: Part 1
S3E12: Part 2
S4E01 & S4E02
S5E01 & S5E02: Part 1
S5E02: Part 2
S5E02: Part 3
S5E02: Part 4
S5E02: Part 5
S5E02: Part 6
S5E02: Part 7
S5E02: Part 8
S5E02: Part 9
S5E02: Part 10
S5E03: Part 1
S5E03: Part 2
S5E04: Part 1
S5E04: Part 2
S6E10: Part 1
Oneshots pt 1 of 4
Oneshots pt 2 of 4
Oneshots pt 3 of 4
Oneshots pt 4 of 4
Oneshots pt 1 of 4
Oneshots pt 2 of 4
Oneshots pt 3 of 4
Not an Update - A Memorial
Oneshots pt 4 of 4
S8E01: Part 1
S8E01: Part 2
S8E06: Part 2
Deleted Scenes
Update - Big News!

S6E10: Part 2

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Da randomreader000000

S6E10: Part 2

Warren POV

She ran into the large building that held their offices, Sun Mei's lab, the infirmary and the room she'd left her detainees. Most, if not all, of their available guards had gone to help with the shooter leaving the building nerve-rackingly unguarded. If anyone wanted anything from that building, like freeing the two men she had, stealing Sun Mei's research, anything, the building was now vulnerable and it would be the best time to take what they wanted. She hoped this wasn't in relation to their two missing AWOL soldiers but something in her gut told her it was exactly that.

She sprinted faster through the halls making the turns sharp and quick until she came to the room where her men had been. Now she found another man, who she recognized as Justin Greene from Citizen Z's files, leading the others from the room. All three were armed but so was she, she just hoped she was faster.

"Freeze!" she shouted lifting her gun, but Justin lifted his gun and fired twice and she felt the bullets hit her stomach and she fell back holding her gut. She felt no blood, she was still getting used to that, and instead of a burning pain she only felt a dull ache. Still, it was enough for the AWOL's to use to their advantage and by the time she got up they were already at the other end of the hall turning the corner.

"Shit." She muttered stumbling a bit and going after them.

Third Person POV

"What the hell Justin. What's going on?" Deric asked as they stopped, making sure the coast was clear before they ran again.

"We're saving your asses, that's what." He said signaling the all clear and they ran through the lobby and outside. Luckily, not many people were around, the shooting Jesse had caused either drew people to the scene to help, or made them flee back to their homes.

"Where's Jesse and Forrest?" Jacob asked as they ran.

"Forrest is dead." Justin replied sharply, "We're meeting up with Jesse and getting out of here. We'll head for another outpost, use new aliases and bide our time."

"Bide our time for what?" Deric questioned as they stopped at the corner of the next building. But he never got an answer, at that same moment Jesse came running over and she and Justin quickly started talking. They picked up words like 'distraction' and 'as planned' but weren't too convinced. After everything Lieutenant Warren had told them they'd been about ready to turn over Forrest for killing that ex-military guy and get their pardon. Now everything was up in flames again.

"We shouldn't have talked them into coming here." Deric muttered to Jacob. They knew Forrest and Justin could be hot heads but something in their gut just wouldn't let them abandon their friends. The service had taught them to have their brother's back. But then again it wasn't like they hadn't already broken that rule once before when they left Mark Hammond to deal with that Murphy guy on his own.

"Maybe we should have just left them and come here ourselves, just the three of us." Jacob whispered back in agreement, "Now look what's happened."

"You guys get that?" Jesse asked and they turned to her.


"We're making a run for the gate." Justin explained passing them more ammo for the guns he'd gotten them, "Shoot anyone who tries to stop you."

Bailey POV

She had made it into the community building and was starting up the steps when she saw the AWOL soldiers rushing down another hall, her instincts told her to go after them but something else kept her feet planted firmly where they were. You promised Tommy, that little voice said, you said you'd go straight to the infirmary. She never promised, she told herself, you made a deal that's a promise. And if you get hurt, you and the baby could die. Can you put him through that? Losing both of you? She hated that the logical side of her mind was winning but she also felt this knotting in her stomach, like it was urging her outside. She was a good shot, she'd learned from the best. She could help. She took a deep breath, knowing it was the dumber and riskier move, and she just hoped it wasn't the biggest mistake of her life as she ran back down the stairs and outside. She didn't get far before someone came out the door behind her and she turned to see Warren cocking her gun.

"Warren! I know where they went, come on."

"You need to get back inside. Get somewhere safe." Warren said grabbing her arm and stopping her.

"If we wait they'll get away!" she said pulling against Warren's grip.

"You need to rearrange your priorities baby girl." Warren said giving a shake of her head.

"Warren I –" Bailey began as something rolled along the concrete ground close to them.

"Get down!" Warren shouted pulling her away from the door as the grenade went off and blasted that side of the building to rubble.


He'd been on his way to gate three when he saw George running back in the opposite direction.

"George!" he shouted getting her attention.

"The shots were a distraction." She told him as they ran back toward the center of Altura where the community building, the dining hall and the supply and storage buildings were. "Warren radioed me that one of the missing AWOL men was getting his friends out I'm not sure if –" then there was a loud blast and they saw smoke over by the community building and headed for it with Luke, Paige, Dave and some of the other guards who had been following George. As they got closer he saw a group of four run out from around the corner that had just blown up and George lifted her gun and started shooting at them. He did the same as the group started to return fire and he and George crouched down by a concrete wall that went around the cement patio of another building. The group of guards split up all taking cover, some of them getting hit by the bullets and falling to the ground holding their wounds. Brendan and two more men took cover with him and George. He recognized one as Ray who he'd seen last in the infirmary helping bring in the medicine. He must have either been heading to the infirmary or leaving it when he'd gotten wrapped up in this mess.

When the return fire stopped they looked over the wall to see the AWOL group retreating around the building. George raised her hand and signaled the other half of the guards to go around the other way so they could flank them. Then she, Ray, 10K and the other guard Luke followed the group the way they'd gone. When they turned the corner of the building he didn't see them but he did see Warren and Bailey on the ground while Doc was crouched beside them.

"Chief? Chief?" he was asking as he shook Warren's shoulder. Bailey crawled on the ground from underneath her and it looked like Warren had shielded her with her body when the blast went off. 10K rushed forward and fell on his knees in front of her and she leaned back on a piece of cement catching her breath.

"I told you to stay inside!" he scolded her and he swore he'd never felt so terrified in his life.

"What?" she asked turning to him.

"Why didn't you go to the infirmary like you said you –"

"What?" she asked again, still yelling.

"Can you hear me?" he asked worried, remembering the time he'd lost his hearing. It sucked.

"A little." She responded, "It's kind of like you're underwater."

"Don't worry Kid, she'll be fine." Doc said as Warren finally came to and he was helping her up.

"Was it the AWOL's?" George asked and Warren coughed as she nodded. "Did you see which way they went?"

Warren coughed again and shook her head as she stood up and started looking around. Everything where they were was grey and covered in dust and powdered cement from the blast, the whiteness of the snow only made things look more bleak and desolate. The door was now a gaping hole in the wall but it looked repairable. As the cloud settled they looked around in case the AWOL's had stuck around to finish them off but it seemed like they'd moved on.

"We have to get them before they get out of the gate." Luke, the guard with them said, "If they set off any more grenades by the perimeter we could lose our defense and zombies could breach the wall."

"And if they get out of the community there'll be nothing to stop them from making a break for it." George continued.

"Would it really be so bad if they took off and we never saw them again?" Doc asked, tired of this stuff after eight years.

"We don't know if we'd never see them again." George said.

"She's right." Warren agreed, "They could wait outside in the woods and ambush us whenever we left, picking us off one by one, or they could raid our supplies coming in from other outposts and we'd starve. We have to get them detained."

"I don't know if we'll have the opportunity to detain them." 10K said readying his rifle, "They seem ready to put up a fight."

"If you get the shot take it baby boy." Warren instructed and he nodded, "Either way our priority is to stop any threat to Altura."


They headed for the nearest gate entrance knowing the guards had all been drawn away leaving it unguarded. When they got to the open courtyard before the gate the other guards who had split off and gone the other way around the building were already taking fire from the AWOL's. Both sides were using anything they could to take cover, trucks, benches, trees. 10K and Bailey ended up behind a metal table that had been knocked over onto its side while the other man – Ray – was using a nearby tree.

"If you've got any prayers, now's the time." he said cocking his gun and returning fire. Now that they were closer 10K could see they were against three men and a woman who all had armed themselves pretty well. He could see grenades on a belt around one man's torso, while the others all had automatic guns and more ammo on their belts. Every time he ducked to reload his own rifle he couldn't help but turn to Bailey and the worry he felt rose. His adrenaline was pumping and he knew all it took was one well thrown grenade and they'd be done. Ray suddenly ran from behind the tree and fell behind the table with them, the BOOM that went off the next second was all the explanation they needed as dirt and snow rained on them from the nearby crater the explosive had made.

"Ray! You alright?!" 10K shouted over the noise of all the shooting.

"Yeah, I'm good!" he said recovering and resting his gun on the edge of the table as they returned fire.

"Great! Do me a favor –"

"Right now?" Ray asked as they ducked again as a spray of bullets ping ping pinged against the metal tabletop shielding them. The cold snow beneath them didn't even bring a chill to any of them, their adrenaline was pumping so hard through their veins.

"Marry us." 10K asked.


"What?" He and Bailey both replied equally shocked.

"Is he serious?" Ray asked looking past 10K at Bailey who was crouched on her knees behind the table.

"I think so." She replied, "But I thought I was supposed to be the unreasonable one, being pregnant and all."

"You really don't want to wait until later?" Ray asked looking back at 10K who was sitting on the ground with his back against the table as he reloaded his gun. There was more ping ping pinging behind them that made them all duck lower hoping the table would hold up.

"We may not get a later!" 10K shouted before turning and resting his gun on the side of the table and firing back.

"Well if you've got anything prepared, say it now." Ray said, now firing back with them. When one of the AWOL's saw them and turned his gun on them they ducked again, Bailey falling into 10K this time as he wrapped his arm around her keeping her low with him as they avoided getting shot.

"Do you take me, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, whether human, talker, blend, or whatever else might come our way?" he asked quickly getting all the words out in a rush.

"I do." Bailey smiled at him over her shoulder.

"Great." He replied giving a quick smile before they both got up and returned fire again.

"Bailey you're up." Ray said as he fired.

Bailey turned back and ducked behind the table and reloaded her gun putting in a fresh clip as she tried to remember what was left on that list of things you were meant to promise your partner. "Do you take me to have and to hold, to love and to cherish –"

"If I didn't I wouldn't have asked you, of course I do." 10K replied looking through his rifle's scope as he winged one of the AWOL men making him stumble back and drop his gun. One of his buddies stood in front of him giving him cover as he gripped his bleeding arm and 10K turned again so he was sheltered by the table.

"I pronounce you man and wife. You may now –" Ray stopped midway seeing that they'd already gotten to that part on their own, "- continue doing that." He finished before more shots came their way and he ducked as the newlywed couple broke apart.

Bailey POV

She and 10K didn't have time to let the fact that they'd actually just gotten married in record time sink in. Instead they both focused on returning fire and not getting hit in the process. One of the shots from the AWOL's knocked the screw holding the leg of the table on just the right way and blasted it off upon impact. The metal flew off the table and Bailey shrieked in shock when the noise and flying object were so close to her face.

"Bailey!" 10K shouted from where he had his back to the tabletop taking cover.

"I'm good!" she called back as she regained her composure. This was getting ridiculous, other than 10K getting one of the men to drop his weapon they weren't making any progress and what was worse was that these AWOL's were using all Altura's ammo that could have lasted them months and with each second their supply dwindled. Though she should consider them lucky that no more grenades had been thrown. Then she caught sight of the metal leg of the table in the grass and got an idea. She peeked around the side and saw Warren and George behind a vehicle as they helped fire at the AWOL's. Bailey glanced at the group as the guy who was shielding his friend that 10K had shot kept looking over his shoulder at his buddy and Bailey could tell he was on the verge of grabbing his injured comrade and fleeing - with their numbers cut in half Altura could win this thing. All he needed was one push to make him act and she knew how to do it.

"Warren!" Bailey shouted over the noise and she saw Warren look around for who had called her until her eyes landed on Bailey. She made a motion of pulling a pin with her hands then pointed at the metal leg. Warren looked confused but then her eyes got wide and she nodded as she caught on to Bailey's plan. Bailey waited until the AWOL's had to reload and only one was laying down cover fire before she sprinted out from her hiding place.

"Bailey!" she heard 10K shout and felt his hand graze her pant leg as he tried to grab her but she was too quick. She ran across the grass and picked up the metal leg while Warren moved out from behind the truck and kept firing. The man with the grenades around his torso put down his empty gun halfway through reloading it and took an explosive in his hand as the woman kept shooting and the other guy's eyes widened as he grabbed his friend's shirt and started moving away tugging him along as they retreated.

The woman turned her gun on them when she saw Warren start to advance on their small group. As she fired Warren moved in front of Bailey taking the shots herself as she lowered her gun and took the metal leg Bailey passed her. Bailey kept running until she ducked behind the vehicle and George grabbed her and they crouched down and blocked their ears just as the man threw the grenade at Warren. In a move that Addy would have been proud of Warren gripped the metal leg and hit the air bound grenade like a baseball sending it back in the direction it had come from. The man and the woman didn't have time to get away as it returned to them and went off. The blast made the two retreating men fall forward and they were stunned so badly they didn't get back up.

When there was nothing but quiet George and Warren ran forward to detain the two men who were only a few feet from the bloody puddles that had been their friends. It reminded Bailey of the scene Red had described after Sarge had sacrificed herself and 10K had lost his hand, but now the snow was only making the blood look redder. Then the next second she felt someone tug her harshly by the back of her jacket and a second after that she was wrapped in 10K's arms as he hugged her.

"Don't do that again!" he said in a mix of anger and great relief before he pulled back and rested his hand along her cheek making her look at him, "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

She smirked and shrugged, "It worked."

He scoffed and shook his head pulling her back in for another hug. They pulled apart as Warren and George walked by them, their guns against the men's heads as they led them back, this time to the cells. She and 10K both followed in case they'd need any help though on the way there they passed the destroyed section of wall the grenade had blasted and saw Addy and Red who had moved enough of the debris away to get out and tend to the wounded guards that had been left behind while they'd been chasing the AWOL's. Warren looked over her shoulder at them as they passed.

"Bailey, 10K we got them, looks like Red could use some help."

They both nodded and headed over, seeing that Doc had already made his way there. Some of the men were more wounded then others, some had already turned Talker and others were bleeding but also trying to help their fallen. Doc, who kept a supply of bizkits in his bag, started passing them out to the people who had turned. Bailey pitched in as Red and Addy worked on the ones who were most injured but still had a chance while 10K went over to the bodies that weren't moving at all – those guards most likely hit in the head by the bullets – to check if there was a chance any of them were still breathing.

Bailey crouched by one man who was bleeding heavily from his leg. She used her knife and quickly cut off the lower portion of his pants exposing his skin to the cold but also needing the cloth to help put pressure on the wound and hope it would slow the bleeding. Addy was helping Red lift another guard onto a gurney before Doc joined them and called for 10K, needing his help to get the man on the gurney inside and to the infirmary where they had more equipment to treat him. Red rushed off with them while Addy joined Bailey with some of the supplies she had brought out. The guard she was tending to groaned in pain as Addy started sewing the gash in his leg closed muttering about how he was lucky, the bullet seemed to have missed his major veins and arteries.


His arm was killing him as he carried one end of the gurney and he really wished he had his other hand right now. The antler was good for a lot of things but heavy lifting not so much. They finally got the gurney up on a cot in the infirmary and Red got to work cutting away the guard's clothes and quickly working on the gunshot wounds in his chest. Doc helped her as much as he could, putting pressure on one while she worked on the other. Then patching that side up with gauze while Red moved to the next bullet. 10K stayed, mainly passing them things they asked for, and when they'd gotten the situation under control Red asked them to go out and see if there was anyone else who needed urgent care.

"Are you sure?" Doc asked double checking before they left but Red nodded not looking up from her work.

"Yeah, I've got this under control now." She said, her hands now covered in blood but it looked like the guard would be alright. "Go."

They both left and made their way down the hallway, 10K stuck his hand in his pocket and avoided eye contact with Doc as they walked. He knew in the grand scheme of things he shouldn't feel so weird about being really related to Doc, it was just. . . he was still adjusting. But the hardest part was knowing that he knew something Doc didn't, and not telling him made him feel like he was lying.

"Doc, I need to tell you something." He said still looking at the floor.

"This has something to do with me telling Bailey about my son doesn't it?" he asked which made 10K look up at him wondering if he'd figured it out.

Doc shrugged, "I figured she'd tell you." He began, "And after she left seeming so shaken up I got to wondering. . . so I had CZ do some digging and find out more about my kid."

He got quiet and 10K said nothing as he thought it through, eventually Citizen Z would have found records from when he was born, he would have told Doc and now 10K couldn't look up from the floor again.

"I'm proud of my boy." Doc began and 10K avoided looking at him knowing he was talking about his Pa, "And I'm glad he raised a son as good as you Kid."

This time 10K couldn't help but look over at Doc as the older man gave him a small smile. He wasn't sure how to react, he was touched but there was still that odd feeling, and he briefly wondered if this was why deep emotional conversations were more of a female thing, he was getting the impression that guys didn't do it right.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for your dad Kid." Doc continued, "I'm sorry I wasn't there while he was growing up, I'm sorry I wasn't there when you were growing up."

10K cleared his throat, "It's okay Doc. Bailey explained it."

There was a pause while they got to the end of the hall and went down a flight of stairs before Doc spoke again, "You gonna be okay Kid?"

"I don't know Doc." He admitted with a sigh, "I've got a lot going on right now. It would be hard enough even if it wasn't all happening at once."

Doc nodded, "You worried about the baby too?"

"What if I can't do this Doc?" he asked looking at him miserably as he leaned against the rail at the bottom of the stairs.

"If anyone can it's you and Bailey Kid." Doc replied his voice soft but also one hundred percent positive.

"I mean, I'm going to give it my all but. . .what if that's not enough?"

"10K –"

"What if I screw up this kid? I have no idea how to be a parent. And on top of that it's the apocalypse, what if I get my own kid killed?" he asked knowing Bailey had said Doc had worried about messing his dad up so he'd left. And he'd never leave Bailey and their baby, he just wanted some kind of proof that he was ready for this.

"You're already a good parent." Doc told him, "Look you're worrying over this kid and he or she isn't even born yet, and you're not unhappy about this baby right?"

"No, I'm thrilled. Bailey and I used to talk about finding somewhere safe enough to have a family but I – I never thought that day would come. I never thought we'd have it this good." Especially after he'd gotten shot and bit and was a slave to Murphy, back then it felt like their dream of going north and having a family had been only that, a dream, not reality.

"10K, you're going to be worrying about this kid for the rest of your life." Doc told him resting a hand on his shoulder, "And that's a good thing, it means you care and that's going to be enough."

"How do you know?"

Doc sighed, "Kid any man can be a father, but it takes a great one to be a dad."

He wasn't sure why, but something about Doc's statement did make him feel better inside.

Bailey POV

Hours later when all the patients in Red's infirmary wing had been tended to and were resting comfortably in their cots Red put Doc in charge before she pulled Bailey and 10K aside.

"I've got a surprise for you two." She said smiling.

"Red I don't want to seem rude, but I'm exhausted." Bailey sighed, "Can it wait til tomorrow?"

"Trust me, you'll love this." Red said smiling as she pulled her by her hand into another room with 10K close behind them. "Kaya was helping me with it when you guys got back from the Pacifica run, and a little before then after we found out you were pregnant."

The room she brought them to was small and had several pieces of equipment in it lined up along a wall, some of it was on wheels while other bits were on a table behind Red. Across from all that was a cushioned chair that looked like a chair you'd see in a dentist office. Red pat the seat and Bailey sat down, 10K was looking around confused while Red wheeled over one of the machines with a screen at the top.

"Red how did you get this?" Bailey asked figuring out what it was.

"It was lying around in Sun Mei's office but it needed new parts. Kaya had some that she and CZ had gotten from Hackerville and she helped me repair it." She explained as she started pressing buttons and flipping small switches and the machine hummed as it powered up.

"Wait, I'm confused." 10K spoke up with his hand in his pocket. "What is that thing?"

Red walked over to Bailey with a tube of jell and the two shared a look before Bailey turned to him, "It's an ultrasound machine."

His eyes got wide as he looked from her to the machine and a small smile crept onto his face.

"That's cold!" Bailey shrieked when Red suddenly slapped a layer of the jelly on her stomach, she'd been so busy watching Tommy's reaction she hadn't been paying attention to what Red was doing.

"Oh, you've been through worse." Red said adding another layer of gel. Then when she thought there was enough she recapped the bottle and went over to the machine. 10K grabbed a stool and pulled it over so he could sit beside her while Red came back with a wand looking scanner and started rubbing the end along her stomach, pulling the machine closer and looking at the dark screen. Bailey felt 10K take her hand and she turned and smiled at him.

"O. . . kay." Red said still playing with some buttons and rubbing the wand along her belly which was protruding just a tiny bit. "So. . . all this grey area is your muscle tissue." Red explained pointing a finger along the screen, "And this black bubble is the space inside your uterus."

She wiggled the wand around along her belly again realigning it a bit, "And this little grey bubble inside the black. . . that's your baby."

"You can see his face." 10K said sounding in awe. Bailey could see it too, it looked like their Little K was laying along the side of her womb. His or her head was just as big as the rest of Little K's body but you could see a little outline of a face and two little bumps at the bottom at the opposite side that looked like the start of tiny feet. Bailey started to feel choked up and tried to keep her breathing regular as Tommy squeezed her hand. Red kept pressing buttons as they looked at their Little K.

"And this. . . " she said flipping a few more switches, "Is your baby's heartbeat."

Then the machine started making little thump-thump sounds and Bailey had to bite her lip to hold herself together. 10K moved closer to her and let go of her hand, moving his arm to wrap around her shoulders as she leaned into him listening to the thump-thump, thump-thump, thump-thump.


Red was able to get the machine to print a picture of their baby's ultrasound before they left the infirmary. Bailey kept looking at it in her hands and smiling as they stopped by George's office on their way home. They knew that with more medicine in stock now it would only be a matter of time before the sick would be well enough to work again, and in the meantime there was still plenty to do. There was the destruction the grenades had caused, buildings that would need repair, plus guards for the regular posts and dealing with the two AWOL men they had in custody.

When they entered George's office Warren and Ray were already there, Ray was no doubt going to be given a position in their still developing legal system and Warren – being sheriff – was the one he'd be reporting to. George gave 10K and Bailey a timeline of when they were hoping to get everything done, but with sick and wounded it was most likely going to take all winter before things returned to normal. 10K discussed with her about the guard shifts and the overtime he could cover and she agreed she'd check with the other guards but she was worried about burning them out since they had already been doing extra shifts before more of their guards got hurt.

"I'm sure Addy will help." Bailey piped up, "She's stuck here anyway until we get another chance for her to get back to Heartland."

"Well wouldn't Murphy just take her back like the original plan was?" 10K asked.

"Murphy isn't here." Warren said from where she sat at the desk across from George. "After he made sure Addy would be okay he took off. He mentioned something about meeting his blends to get his truck back."

"What is his obsession with that truck?" Bailey asked and Warren and George shared a look like they were worried Murphy might be up to something – again.

"Right, well you two go home and get some rest, especially you Bailey." Warren said with a serious tone in her voice, still angry with her for putting herself and the baby in danger earlier.

"Don't worry Warren, I've got my eye on her." He assured her as they both left and headed for the mess hall to grab some food.

Third Person POV

After they'd eaten and returned home Bailey unlocked their front door only for Tommy to quickly duck down and pull her into his arms as he carried her inside. She gave a surprised yelp and a giggle at the same time as he shut the door behind him with his foot.

"What are you doing?" she asked mid-giggle with one arm draped behind his neck.

"Isn't this part of my job?" he asked, "I'm supposed to carry you over the threshold."

She smiled at him and shook her head, "You're such a dork."

"Yeah well you married a dork." He said not caring as he walked across the room and plopped her on the bed making her laugh again. When it calmed down she got a look in her eye like she was thinking deeply about something.

"Wow." She muttered under her breath.

"What?" he asked.

"We got married." She said sounding like she couldn't believe it. "Like, legitimately married."

"We did." He smiled as he sat next to her on the bed. Then there was a grumbling and Bailey's hand covered her stomach as Tommy looked at her in shock.

"You're hungry again?" he asked surprised, "We just got back from dinner in the mess hall."

She blushed, "Yeah but I'm eating for two."

The way she phrased it brought a light into Tommy's eyes she only saw when they talked about their baby and he got off the bed and headed to the kitchenette.

"Okay, what are you hungry for?" he asked as he started going through cabinets.

"Mmmm, one of those everything bagels, some goat cheese and –

"Pickles?" he laughed and she giggled along with him knowing he hadn't missed the small stack of them that had been on her dinner plate. "Sometimes I wonder if you're growing a baby or a giant pickle."

She laughed and blushed at his joke before he brought over a plate with everything she'd asked for. She took it and kissed his cheek, "Thank you. I love you."

He sat on the bed next to her as she crossed her legs resting the plate on her lap and he leaned on his forearm. "I love you too."

She finished her food pretty quickly and as she was wiping up the last of the cheese with her last bite of bagel Tommy shifted and pushed her hair back over her shoulder as he began to kiss up and down her neck.

"What are you doing?" she asked as she licked the last of the cheese off her fingers. She felt him smirk against her skin as he leaned forward pushing her back so she was lying on the bed and he hovered over her supporting his weight on his hand and forearm, the paper plate falling to the floor silently.

"Well. . . it is our wedding night."

She smiled and gave a short chuckle again before he leaned in and kissed her deeply, her hands weaving in his hair as she responded. For the apocalypse, they both thought, life was still really good.

                                                                            END SEASON SIX

I have a few one shot chapters I'm going to do before we get into season 7. I hope you enjoyed my first fully improvised season, the next two I've done I feel are a bit better but this got my feet wet as I adjusted to continuing the show past what was aired. Please leave some reviews (good or bad) so I can do my best to improve, or give you more of your favorite moments and characters, as I edit and post. Thanks everyone!

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