Away in Dreamland (Kirby fanf...

By GalacticWarriorZero

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This is based off of another fanfic I read. What if the Anime had a season two? Well, I'll try my best to not... More

Oc introduction.
The start of a new start
School doesn't rule
Fall of an Ally, Raise of a foe PT.1
Fall of an Ally, Raise of a foe PT.2
Fall of an Ally, Raise of a foe PT.3
A new toy
Music and Cappy Town
A very Rocky Road
Dedede's little Circus Freaks
A Circus performance.
Galacta Knight in Castle Dedede
Two Knights
An undying grudge between two warriors
Dead grudges
Dedede's plan
Working on the Halberd together
(Y/n) in Dreamland??
(Y/n)'s first day in Dreamland
An old rival
The return of a frenemy
The rabbit hole
The problem in Wonderland
Haltmann's defeat..
A new threat
Dark Meta Knight
Dark Meta Knight and Galacta Knight
Easter special 🎉
Easter Special 2 🎉
Easter Special 3🎉
A conclusion..(Easter special 4🎉)
The return of a lethal foe
A day in the life of everyone
Dark Meta Knight X Meta Knight??
Some artwork for you 💖
The crystal shards
"That's the end of that chapter..!"
Righting wrongs
A chapter of two lovers
Stella's flashback
S t e l l a.
The Jamba Heart shards
A fight that broke hearts
On the way..!
A small confession
Let's continue the journey
An encounter with Flamberge
A run in with Zannie
"I wonder, what's beyond the horizon?"
Void Termina's uprising
A break from heroic deeds
The carnival
Rogue Kirby
Saving an innocent soul
The Ultimate Power awakens
The true potential
It's about time they got explaining!
Dedede's little crush
A bit of a problem..
It's all his fault
Undoing his mistake
Educating Triple D
The morning after 🥞
His arrival
Second thoughts
His confession
Another sleepless night
Pushing him too far
Magolor's true colours
Rehab for Magolor
Sick day
Something unexplained
Fresher air
A battle with Masked Dedede
Befriending a foe
The night before
Readying for the battle
Vs Queen Sectonia
Him or her?
Baking 🍰
Mirror World Kirby
The end
Venture forth! 1 - Floralia
Venture Forth! Pt 2 - Twin woods
Venture Forth! Pt 3 - Fatty Whale
Venture Forth! pt 4 - Skyhigh
Venture forth! pt5- Hotbeat
Venture Forth! pt 6 - Chameleo Arm
Venture Forth! Pt 7 - Cavius
Venture Forth! Pt 8- Wham Bam rock
Venture Forth! pt 9 - Mekkai
Venture Forth! Pt 10- Demon
Venture Forth! Pt 11- Heavy Lobster
Venture Forth! pt 12- Halfmoon
Venture Forth! p13 - An argument
Venture Forth! Pt14 - Reminiscing memories
Venture Forth! Pt 15 - Computer Virus
Venture Forth! part 16 - Independency
Venture Forth! pt 17 - Shady
Venture Forth! pt 18 - Galactic Nova
Venture Forth! pt 19 - The end of that adventure
Back at the castle
The Monument
A kick-off
A forced marriage


57 6 13
By GalacticWarriorZero

The human stared out of a window, expressionlessly. Another night had passed without her going to sleep and, surprisingly, she didn't feel tired. Everyone else on board was as dormant as a mouse, meaning the ship was soundless. Only her shallow breaths could be heard, paired with the almost-silent beating of her heart.

Hours passed by like this, until dawn approached. She continued to stare out at the sky, observing it's tropical colouring. The sky looked like an exotic cocktail, with its pineapple yellows, mango orange and it's cherry red.


"Red sky at night, shepherd's delight. Red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning.." Maddie recited.

That meant something awful was coming, such as a storm.

Though she didn't care, she made a mental note of it for future reference. Several more minutes passed with her vision fixed on the blushing sky.

"You're up early today, aren't you?" Someone chuckled from behind her.
"No, not really. I didn't even go to sleep, Sir Meta Knight.." Maddie mumbled, without even turning around to face him.
"Aren't humans supposed to sleep?" He questioned.
She gave a low laugh and shrugged,"I'm not exactly human, you know? I'm an amalgamation of a human, dark matter and light matter. Cutting it short for you, I'm part human." She reminded him with a scoff.

There was a silence between the two before Maddie spoke up,"Look, we aren't safe here. Magolor, Magoor, whatever him name is wants to kill us." She told him, getting a somewhat confused look from Meta Knight.
He knew something wasn't right and Maddie had proved his suspicions. Urging her to continue, he carried on listening to what she had to tell him. "Galacta Knight was listening to him speaking with (Y/n) last night. Apparently, he wants to use us to get an artifact known as the 'Master Crown' which grants him overly excessive power with limitless usage. Landia is the one who has the crown and he wanted to use us to slay Landia for him. Then, he wanted to enslave the galaxy and kill us all." She explained, without stopping.

The information was a lot to take in. It was not surprising that he was yet another powerhungry traveller who wanted to take advantage of Kirby's generosity. "He did say he didn't want to go forwards with the plan, but we can't be too sure." She added, rubbing her chin.

This came as a great shock to them both. Even though Maddie had said it, it was a bit unclear why he would put his plans to rest. "How can we be sure it isn't just a trick to entice us in to trusting him?" Meta Knight questioned, making a good point.
"That's my thoughts exactly. If he's pretending to change his perspective to gain our trust then he could still be on with his plan scheme of trying to conquer this galaxy along with Nova knows whatever else." Maddie blabbered, beginning to sound intellectual.
Her tone had changed from her usually cocky and laid back one to an intelligent and powerful tone.
"We'll confront him about it! We can see what he has to say about this. If what he says sounds faux then we can debunk it as him trying to continue with his plan and then we can flee from here." She continued.

The masked swordsman listened to what she had to say and considered her idea.

To their surprise, the Halcandran himself came through to greet them,"Good morning, Meta Knight and..." He started.

Magolor hadn't asked for Maddie's name and didn't care too much for it. "You're up early today, aren't you Meta Knight?" He snickered, sounding laid back.

He's my main concern.. I've heard his trust can be hard to get. I wouldn't be surprised if he knew exactly what my plan was and was trying to play dumb with me.. he thought in spite.

He didn't hate him, he just hated how tough it was to gain his trust.

"Oh, hey Magolor..I've heard that there'll be a storm today so I think we should postpone getting the wing-" Maddie proposed.
"Nonsense! I think that they can handle a small storm!" He said, dismissing her concern.
"No, what I'm saying is there is a storm today and I'm not letting them go. It's too risky." Maddie remarked, her voice becoming stern.
The Halcandran tried to protest but she wouldn't allow him to,"No, they aren't going today. I'm not allowing it. You only care for yourself, Magolor. What happens if they get harmed by the lightning?" She protested.
"Well, a scratch is a scratch. I'm sure they'll be fine." Magolor shrugged.
"A scratch is a scratch? Have you not seen what damage lightning can do? Are you that pathetically selfish that you would prefer your beloved wing instead of all of them coming back in one piece? Would you prefer your wing back at the cost of their lives? If so, then we quit running around for you! I'm not letting them get hurt for your entertainment. " She argued, her voice creeping up in volume.
"No, it's not as if it would hurt that much, right?" He lied.

Maddie looked at Meta Knight's attire and then back at Magolor. "You know that metal attracts lightning and can cause terrible burns? Or have you not done any research on that?" She scowled, rolling her eyes.

Magolor nervously rubbed his hands together,"I don't know much about this land, you forget.."
"If you did not know this land then you would listen to me since I do know." Maddie huffed.

She stood up and went to check on the others who were still asleep.

(Y/n) was on their bed, listening to the conversation. They didn't know whether to trust him or not. The decision was really hard to make and it made (Y/n)'s head spin.

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