Drops of Starlight

By StrawberryMoonRose

34.2K 1.1K 698

It's the year 2000 and Crystal Tokyo never came to be. The Starlights visit Earth to find Usagi raising baby... More

Chapter 1: Back in the Atmosphere
Chapter 2: Listens Like Spring, Talks Like June
Chapter 3: Heaven is Overrated
Chapter 4: Dance Along the Light of Day
Chapter 5: Jupiter Garden
Chapter 6: Just Friends
Chapter 7: Did You Miss Me?
Chapter 8: Payphone
Chapter 9: Who's the Perv Now?
Chapter 10: Look at the Stars, Look How They Shine for You
Chapter 11: Monsters of the Past
Chapter 12: Not You Again
Chapter 13: Well, This Shall Be Interesting
Chapter 14: Chasing Her Way Through the Constellations
Chapter 15: The Best Soy Latte You've Ever Had
Chapter 16: Afraid That She Might Think of Me as Plain Old Jane
Chapter 17: Did You Fall for a Shooting Star?
Chapter 19: I'll Be the Actress Starring in Your Bad Dreams
Chapter 20: Assumptions
Chapter 21: Turn of Events
Chapter 22: Princess
Chapter 23: Five-Hour Phone Conversation
Chapter 24: Troubles Stacking
Chapter 25: Encounter
Chapter 26: Disguises
Chapter 27: The Cosmic Valley
Chapter 28: Chaos Everywhere
Chapter 29: Coincidences
Chapter 30: Soul Vacation
Chapter 31: Did Venus Blow Your Mind?
Chapter 32: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 33: Did You Make it to the Milky Way?
Chapter 34: Chocolate Parfait
Chapter 35: Permanent Scar
Chapter 36: Insecurity
Chapter 37: Beautiful Ghost
Chapter 38: Did You Sail Across the Sun?
Chapter 39: Freeze-dried Romance
Chapter 40: Calamity
Chapter 41: Banishment
Chapter 42: Fortune Teller
Chapter 43: Tell Me
Chapter 44: There's a Time to Change
Chapter 45: Did the Wind Sweep You off Your Feet?
Chapter 46: Too Afraid to Fly, so He Never Did Land
Chapter 47: Her Stay on the Moon
Chapter 48: Pursuit
Chapter 49: How Far We've Come
Chapter 50: There's Room to Grow
Chapter 51: Begin Again
Chapter 52: Looking for Yourself Out There
Chapter 53: The Stars Above
Chapter 54: Was it Everything You Wanted to Find?
Epilogue: Drops of Jupiter

Chapter 18: Making Up For Lost Time

676 22 9
By StrawberryMoonRose

💫Drops of Starlight 💫
By Strawberry Moon Rose

Thanks for all the reviews! It's great feedback, hearing how you're all interpreting the story, especially at different paces. There are readers who have waited four months to get to this point and new readers who've read chapters 1-17 in one sitting. You all have interesting theories, comments, and suggestions. Thanks for taking the time to leave them and also taking the time to read. There just aren't enough SeiUsa fanfiction and fanart out there, so I'm happy to add to the fandom.

I can't get enough of these two. And we've finally got them admitting their feelings! First hurdle cleared, but this story is far from over...

Chapter 18: Making Up for Lost Time

The afternoon unfolded like any other, but a subtle shift had taken place, evident in the exchanged glances between the two. The coy smiles and the mere closeness as they brushed past each other hinted at the transformation. Seated a touch nearer, lingering in one another's presence, and engaging in secret conversations held between four blue eyes. A change that was unspoken, intangible, yet real.

The fear of rejection on Seiya's end dissipated, and while Usagi sensed the Starlight's hesitation to the newness of it all, she was starting to see traces of Seiya from her high school memories shining through.

Especially as Seiya toppled the Jenga tower for the second time, spilling wooden blocks over the coffee table and floor.

"Damn it!" Seiya cursed, balling her fists. Hotaru and Usagi laughed in unison.

"It's because you haven't played this game before today," Hotaru offered.

"Seiya doesn't like to lose," Usagi explained, collecting the scattered pieces and reconstructing the tower.

"I'm going to win this time, just watch!"

The trio had been playing cards and board games all afternoon while Chibi-Usa jumped noisily in her exersaucer beside them. She spun a plastic ball filled with colorful beads, amazed at the effect. Chibi-Usa wasn't used to being around anyone but her mom and she reveled in all the stimulation and attention like a social butterfly.

"I'm getting hungry!" Usagi complained, rubbing her belly. "I could go for some hot cocoa! Anyone else?"

"That sounds delicious," said Hotaru. "Have you ever tried adding a dash of cinnamon to yours?"

"No, but that sounds yummy! With whipped cream?"

"Yes, with a pinch of nutmeg, allspice, and a splash of vanilla. That's how my father likes his."

Usagi sprang to her feet. "Ooh, now you have to teach me, Hotaru! Would you like some, Seiya?"


Chibi-Usa made a grunting sound and her face turned red. The sound of her filling diaper was audible, resembling a motorcycle revving down the street at two AM. Once finished, she smiled innocently.

Usagi plucked her from the exersaucer. Dirty diaper scent hung in the air, prompting her to pinch her nose.

"I've got this one, Bun Head," Seiya offered, rising from her seat.

"Thanks." Usagi passed Chibi-Usa over, meeting her eyes in a furtive glance. Seiya winked and she bit back a smile before scurrying to the kitchen where Hotaru was already retrieving three mugs from the cupboard.

"If you've got cocoa and sugar, we can make it from scratch," Hotaru suggested, fetching a carton of milk from the refrigerator.

"The only baking that gets done here is when Mako stops by, so I'm not sure!" Usagi admitted, although she was relieved to find the ingredients. They were neatly organized in rows, which had to be Taiki or Seiya's doing when they had cleaned her apartment. What a difference it made, having everything in its proper place! Usagi had always struggled to locate items, which only added to her daily stress.

Usagi bent and watched Seiya through the kitchen bar, beneath the cupboards. The Starlight was struggling to keep Chibi-Usa from rolling over while reaching for a pack of wipes. It shouldn't have been comical - Usagi knew how frustrating it was, but Seiya's inexperience was endearing, and it made her giggle. At least she hadn't put the diaper on backward. Yet.

Hotaru measured cocoa and artfully sprinkled the spices. The cozy, holiday scent of allspice tickled their noses.

"She really loves you, you know," Hotaru said.


"Seiya." The way the teenager spoke it, in such a serious tone, caught Usagi off guard.

"Um... Yeah, she does," Usagi said, floundering for a response.

"I never spent much time around the Sailor Starlights until the final battle, but the way Star Fighter protected you, each time without fail... and just the way she looked at you... It was something special, both then and now."

Heat crept up Usagi's neck. "Yeah..."

Hotaru shook her head. "I'm sorry if that wasn't appropriate. You probably have a lot of mixed feelings yourself, with everything that's happened this year. Forgive me."

"No, don't apologize, Hotaru! It's okay. Besides..." Usagi nibbled on her lip. "I... I, um, well...I feel the same way," she said quickly and quietly as if spilling a secret.

Hotaru stifled a smile. "That much is obvious, Usagi." She poured a splash of vanilla into their mugs. "But I'm glad you've come to realize it too," she added.

Usagi's mouth popped open like a baby bird's. Hotaru responded with a giggle.

"Could you pass me the milk, please?"

Usagi scoffed and slid the carton within her reach. Hotaru had only been ten years old when the Starlights first came to Earth! How did a child see what she couldn't? Had everyone been aware of her feelings for Seiya all along? How come she was the last one to realize it?


Outside, the snowstorm raged on, piling Tokyo with two-foot drifts and overcast white-grey skies. Around four o'clock, the lights flickered momentarily, leaving them wondering if they had imagined it.

Normally being confined indoors under stormy circumstances might have been a bit depressing and claustrophobic. But rather, being snowed in with Seiya felt strangely comforting.

Usagi greatly cherished Hotaru's company. They had shared many moments in the past—picnics, museum visits, and a memorable trip to the botanical rose garden. Hotaru had always been like a younger sister to her, and sometimes, even like a daughter. When spring approached, Usagi resolved to invite Hotaru on another picnic, just like old times. By then, Chibi-Usa might even be walking.

Lost in thoughts of her friends and the possibilities of more frequent get-togethers, the phone rang, as if on cue. It was Rei.

"Rei!" Usagi said. "How are you? We've been watching the weather, it's really hitting your area hard."

"That's why I'm calling. The power's been out all day, and they're saying it might not be restored for a couple of days. Ugh."

"Oh no! That's not good."

"Could I come stay at your place? I don't want to intrude on your reunion with Seiya, but I also don't want to freeze tonight without heating. I don't have a generator."

"Yes, come stay here! I've missed you lately!"

"Usagi, please don't get all sentimental on me."

"I'm sorry. I just haven't seen you guys much, and our one girls' day wasn't enough."

"Well, it'll just be me." There was a ruffling sound as Rei shifted the receiver against her other ear. "Plus I'm having no luck getting any readings during my meditations. I think it's because I'm so far removed from all the action."

"Speaking of action, I met up with Naru this morning. Another monster showed up."


"Don't worry, I'm okay. It was just me. And Michiru was there as my bodyguard. We finished him off."

"Unbelievable! I can't believe I haven't had a single premonition!" Rei complained. Usagi could practically hear her throwing her hands in the air. "And here I am, thinking I'm honing my psychic abilities! Forget it, I'm coming home. I'll stop by the shrine, maybe stay there tonight because with the delayed trains I won't get in until late."

"And check up on Yuuichiro?" Usagi teased.

"Like hell! That's the exact reason why I want to stay with you. Well, that and I'm concerned about Seiya's well-being and Chibi-Usa being there too. But mostly to avoid him! The guy just won't take no for an answer."

"Why not let him go then?" Usagi asked, smiling because she knew Rei would never.

"I would, but he's been doing an amazing job running the whole place since Grandpa passed away. He's brought in more revenue than we ever thought possible. It's because of him that I can afford to be over here in Kyoto, taking all these classes."

"It must be his charm drawing in all the ladies," Usagi giggled, twirling the cord around her finger.

"Hilarious. Anyway, I'll probably come over tomorrow."

"Perfect, you can swap out for Hotaru. I think she's got school the rest of the week."

"Right, wouldn't want her on the verge of repeating a year, just like you almost did."

"Hey, Minako almost had to repeat it with me!"

Rei just laughed. "See you later, Usagi."

"Bye, Rei."

As soon as she hung up, a distinct thud echoed from the mailbox outside the apartment door. Usagi stepped out, her face lighting up as she discovered a thick envelope from the local photo studio addressed to her.

"Yes! My pictures are developed. I hope they turned out well!" Eagerly tearing the envelope open, she was pleased to find a stack of photos she had taken over the past few months looking great, save for the occasional finger obstructing the lens and the few tainted by overexposure.

"What's that, Bun Head?" Seiya appeared, peering over her shoulder.

"Pictures for Chibi-Usa's baby book! Mako gave it to me when she was born. I've started, and it's been so much fun!" Usagi disappeared into the hallway closet, emerging with a thick, pink, cloth-bound book. She placed it on the kitchen table alongside the new pictures she had brought, then went to check on her daughter, who was visibly frustrated by her inability to sit on her own. Hotaru sat close by, providing support when she tipped over.

When Usagi returned, Seiya was flipping through the book. Horror washed over her when she realized Seiya was seeing pictures of her in the hospital, clad in an unflattering gown, cradling a newborn Chibi-Usa.

"Who took these?" Seiya mused.

"My mom. And this goofy one? Rei took that."

"All your friends came to visit when she was born?"

"Yeah, at the hospital or here when we got home."

Seiya nodded wordlessly and continued her visual journey through the book. Before her eyes, she watched Chibi-Usa's growth unfold. With each photograph, the transition from a newborn infant to the familiar baby with pink curls and large ruby-brown eyes became increasingly apparent.

A weight settled upon Seiya's chest, a blend of feelings she struggled to define. Was it the sensation of being an outsider peering into Usagi's life? After all, she had missed out on the past seven years.

However, it wasn't solely about that. The real cause was the gradual fading spark in Usagi's eyes and the increasing tightness in her smile, both changes Seiya observed as she turned the pages. Earlier pictures depicted others holding Chibi-Usa, but when she arrived at her first solid food, they were selfies or shots solely of Chibi-Usa. Gone were the pictures of Minako kissing Chibi-Usa's cheek and Usagi opening a gift basket from Haruka and Michiru. It struck Seiya with a pang, realizing that as the initial excitement of a new baby subsided, Usagi's friends seemed to be dropping by less frequently.

Irritation zoomed through Seiya's veins, but it wasn't aimed at Usagi's friends. They had their own lives to navigate - careers, relationships, life. This wasn't high school anymore where free time was a given. It was generalized frustration that Usagi had done it all on her own. And if Seiya were being honest, maybe a little bit of resentment towards Mamoru for putting her in that position.

Every diaper change, each late-night feeding—Usagi had shouldered it all alone. That wasn't how it was meant to be. Usagi deserved someone by her side through every one of those moments, not just dropping in on weekends. A partner. A lover. As Seiya flipped through the book, all she could think about was how desperately she wanted to fill that role. How could she leave Earth now? When there was an opening for her? When she was needed?

"Okay, seriously, Seiya, don't look at this one." Usagi's hands were shielding a picture as Seiya turned the page.

"Why include it if you didn't want anyone to see it?"

"Because this is Chibi-Usa's book! It's for her someday. I never thought anyone else would see these, especially not you."

"You're so weird, Bun Head."

Usagi pouted playfully, and as Seiya continued to flip pages, she caught a glimpse of the photograph Usagi had been trying to conceal. It harmlessly showcased Usagi and Chibi-Usa in the bathtub, their heads and shoulders visible above a sea of bubbles. Seiya surmised it was probably taken by Rei or Minako, yet for a moment, she wondered if Haruka might have been behind the camera.  The very thought caused her expression to pinch.

"Do you want to help me put the new pictures in?" Usagi asked.

"I'd love to."

Over the next hour, they trimmed and pasted the photographs into Chibi-Usa's baby book. Usagi fetched her craft box, a disorganized jumble of lace, ribbons, wavy scissors, and an assortment of stickers. Together they worked, side by side, their conversation flowing naturally like a meandering stream.

Seiya playfully jested as Usagi held up a snapshot from Halloween—Usagi, in her witch costume, complete with smudged eyeliner and temporary purple hair dye streaked through her pigtails, while Chibi-Usa was a black cat with whiskers painted on her chubby cheeks.

"I thought witches were supposed to have green skin and warts?" Seiya teased. "You should have opted for something else. You're too cute to be scary."

Usagi rolled her eyes. "Fine, then what should I be next year?"

"Hmm... How about a rabbit?"

"That is so not creative, Seiya."

"I think you'd made an adorable bunny. I mean, you already are."

"Ha ha." Usagi snatched the picture out of Seiya's hand and smeared the back of it with a glue stick.

Throughout the creative process, Usagi was distracted by Seiya trying to play footsie under the table. Which sticker should she put next to this picture, the jack-o-lantern or the ghost? When she turned to ask, she found Seiya leaning close, very close, but casually as if it were normal. Usagi's breath hitched and Seiya pointed at the sticker sheet.

"Use this one," Seiya whispered, but Usagi didn't follow her finger to see which one she was pointing at. How could she possibly focus with Seiya so close? Close enough to taste.

Seiya's eyes narrowed in that familiar, flirtatious manner. Then she was leaning in, bridging the short distance between their mouths until they met. It had been driving Usagi mad all day, how badly she wanted to kiss Seiya again, but there hadn't been an opportunity with Hotaru around.

Usagi smiled bashfully when Seiya withdrew, much too soon. Her lips were left tingling, her heart flip-flopping in her chest. Could she ever get used to this? There were years of chemistry to unpack, and this was all uncharted water.

"How is the baby book coming?" Hotaru called from the next room.

"Good," Usagi replied, her gaze unwavering as she locked eyes with Seiya. "It's going good."

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