Doting Mrs. Kim | vsoo

By euphoricninja

577K 27.9K 30.7K

Kim Taehyung, the cold and aloof President of Kim Group, is a multibillionaire at a young age and every girl... More

CH 1: you will not be in the headlines tomorrow
CH2: I don't want to owe anyone
CH3: Make sure whoever wrote this will be blacklisted in Korea
CH 4: I don't like those kinds of jokes
CH5: You chose the wrong girl to mess with
CH 6: Your wife will be lucky
CH 7: I will make her suffer twice
CH 8: I will make sure karma hits them hard
CH9: I will win the Best Actress Award
CH 10: Please send some help for me
CH 11: I have an intense grudge to whoever did this
CH12: I told you that you can call me oppa
CH 13: It's an offer for a lifetime
CH 14: I intended to spend my life with you
CH 15: Do not remove it, let them be.
CH 16: Your Husband
CH 17: He knew I will fall for you
CH 18: I didn't even do that much for you yet you are thanking me
CH 19: It's also my fault for not protecting you
CH 20: You are setting the standard too high for men, Mr. Kim
CH 21: What did I do to deserve you?
CH 22: Don't joke around, Mr. Kim
CH23: To the man I love and admire
CH 24: Be my date
CH 25: This is my wife, Kim Jisoo
CH 26: Should I make you cry with your own blood?
CH 27: You don't have any right to point your finger and shout at my wife
CH 28: You are done with your revenge, and let me do mine now
CH 29: Don't get me wrong, I hate you too
CH 30: He is Kim Taehyung, he will be okay
CH 31: It felt good to touch
CH 32: Touch her and I will put a bullet to your head
CH33: I'm sorry... I am late...
CH 34: You will look beautiful on everything
CH 35: I also need it to improve my stamina [M]
CH36: They insulted the wrong person
CH 37: Some people are good in pretending to be nice
CH 38: To our kids
CH 39: President Kim has two soft spots
CH 41: I have to give it to the right owner
CH 42: We will be great parents [republished chap]
CH 43: What if destiny didn't want us to be together
CH 44: I don't want to have that choice of who to save, my dear wife or my child
CH 45: We dragged them into this mess [M]
CH 46: I'll make sure she will be dead
CH 47: I'll get back at her even if it costs my life
CH48: Do not choose me to be saved
CH49: You don't deserve to live
CH50: Let her rest
CH51: We have a lot of time in our hands
CH52: No need to remind me of that
CH53: He is still a human with only one life

CH 40: Those bastards really pulled this stunt

8K 454 533
By euphoricninja

chapter 40


Sorry for the late update! I was just so damn busy! 😭 But Thank you for waiting! 🤧🤧

Note Again: I don't proofread, expect spelling and grammar mistakes. English is not my first language. ✌🏻

Hope you will enjoy this light chap 🤞🏻🤧


Jimin, Jin, and Yoongi were in a fine dining
restaurant drinking some wine after they had a meeting for the new business they will be making. A collaboration between the Park Holdings, Min Group, and Kim Corporation, three of the most powerful businesses in South Korea.

"Where's Jungkook?" Jin asked before sipping on his drink.

Jimin crossed his legs, answering with a smirk on his face, "He was trying to impress someone."

Jin immediatelly knew what Jimin meant about it. A chuckle escaped his lips as he said, "I heard from Hobi that the girl asked him for Jungkook to be banned in his company."

Yoongi who was silently listening to the conversaton of the two snickered, "How will the girl not be embarrased? He bought 10 bouquet of different flowers and sent it to her office."

Jimin and Jin can't help but to laugh at the absurdity from what they heard about what Jungkook did. Jin claimed, "It seems that your brother fell hard."

Jimin chuckled as he pour another wine to his glass, "He was floored, hyung."

Yoongi's brows furrowed as he remembered something, "By the way, Are we still pushing Taehyung's Bachelor Party?"

Jimin nodded as an answer, "Yeah. Why?"

Yoongi snickered as he took a sip on his wine, "The man has been married for long can we skip it? It's nonsense."

"It's better to throw a party late than never, bro." Jin said with his most confident face he has.

"Besides, Hobi hyung planned out everything." Jimin added looking at his hyung who was scoffing.

"I don't trust that bastard. The last time he threw a party, I woke up naked." Yoongi bluntly said making the two laugh as they remembered that night.

"Are you the only one? Taehyung, that bastard was the only one who was not wasted." Jin cursed out since Taehyung was not as wasted as them so he casually took pictures.

Jimin had a sly grin on his face, looking mischievously at Jin, "Isn't that the night you and your ex had fun in bed?"

Jin glared at Jimin but answered bluntly, "Bastard, it was the other party in Hawaii."

Jimin snorted, "Damn, so there's another one."

Jin looked at Jimin with his so done face as he cursed at him, "As if I'm the only one, huh." before throwing the centerpiece in the middle of the table to Jimin, who was laughing his ass off as he dodged it.

The waiters around were shocked as they saw what happened, their centerpiece was expensive as it was from a famous designer.

Soon, the bickering stopped when Yoongi kicked the table and some glasses fell on the floor. Jin, who cannot contain himself was much calmer, "What the hell?"

Yoongi smiled viciously as he looked at his two friends, "If you want to break things. Do it properly."

The three broke out into some laughter as their eyes met. Jimin scoffed as a smile escaped his lips.

He was trying his best not to laugh as he took out his black card and gave it to the staff, saying casually, "Sorry for the commotion. We just missed each other. I'll pay for it."

The staff nodded as they made their way to process the payment.

As the processed was done, the three stood up readying theirselves to go. Before they walked out the restaurant, Yoongi and Jin took out their wallet, getting some bills on it and leaving it to the table.

Jin bowed at the staff with a smile, "Sorry, you need to clean a lot afterwards. We left some tip at the table as token of gratitude for your hard work."

Yoongi nodded and pointed the table, "Enjoy your day."

The staff thanked the trio while they just watched the three feeling amazed on how they can "accidentally" or "casually" break designer and expensive things.

But they knew they were different, afterall, the restaurant was owned by President Kim, and he and his friends usually eat there. They knew that those people are crazy rich.

One time, they remembered one of their boss's friend accidentally broke the chandelier. They didn't even know what happened, but the man casually just paid for it after saying sorry.


Jisoo started filming again for her movie, Bullet of Love. In order not to change any script, the producer decided to get a new actress for the role of Sana that has been vacant since she was sent to the Mental Health Institution.

This time, Namjoon made sure that Sana will be sent there and no one can get past their sight.

Jisoo was waiting for their next scene when she was approached by the rookie actress, Eunha.

She was smiling at her, waving her hand as Eunha shyly bowed at Jisoo. "Hello Sunbaenim. Thank you for the warm welcome."

"No, need to be formal. You can just call me Jisoo. I heard from my manager that we are same age, right?" Jisoo said warmly.

Eunha nodded cautiously, "Is it really okay to call you by your name, sunbaenim?"

Jisoo chuckled as she tapped the space beside her, asking Eunha to sit with her. She held her hand, "It's okay, Don't worry. I will feel more comfortable that way."

"Thank you, Sunbae. I mean Jisoo." Eunha said giggling.

Jisoo looked at Eunha as she happily congratulated her, "I heard that you just debuted 2 weeks ago? Congratulations and welcome to the industry."

Eunha smiled, thanking Jisoo, "I heard you will be having a wedding too. Congratulations!"

"I do. Please let me know if you are free that day. I'll include you on the list." Jisoo offered as she gave Eunha a bottled juice.

"That would be an honor, sunbaenim." Eunha was so flattered as she thanks Jisoo.

Soon, Jisoo was called for her scene and wave her hand excusing herself to Eunha.

Chaeyoung then came back from getting some food for her unnie. When she saw Eunha sitting on Jisoo's chair.

She politely asked, pointing to Jisoo's chair, "Excuse me? Miss Eunha, why are you in Jisoo's chair?"

Eunha smiled at her, staring at her eyes, "Jisoo said that I can sit here if she has a scene to film."

Chaeyoung looked at her trying to check if she was saying the truth or not, but as she looked at her unnie. She smiled at her as if saying that it was okay. A sigh escaped her lips as she smiled.

She immediately bowed at Euha, apologizing if ever she got offended by her action. "I'm sorry, it was just an automatic impulse for me."

"It's okay, you don't need to worry." Eunha calmly said, smiling sincerely Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung was mesmerized by the smile of Eunha. She was really indeed beautiful from what she heard of from the other managers.

After few minutes...

Waves of laughter and giggles were heard as Chaeyoung and Eunha got close immediately. Jisoo looked at the source of the scene and a smile was seen on her lips as she looked at the two happily talking.

Chaeyoung immediately got up and welcomed her unnie. She also gave her the drink she wanted and help her drape a coat on her shoulder.

Jisoo giggled as Chaeyoung nooded on her, "You seemed close already."

"We had a lot of things in common unnie. Oh, you know that she was even a member of your fanclub?" Chaeyoung excitedly announced making Jisoo chuckle, before winking at her "I know. She told me already."

Jisoo was happy as she just listen to her manager and newly found actress friend. Eunha bid her goodbye to them as her part was over.

Chaeyoung happily said, "Unnie, I swear she was the most wholesome rookie I ever met."

"Well, I agree to that. She has a great personality." Jisoo chuckled, agreeing to what her manager had said.

"She was even better than some actress or actors who have been here in the industry for long." Chaeyoung berated, clearly throwing some shades.

"Irene... Bobby... Sana..." Chaeyoung shivered just from saying their names.

Jisoo had a calm look on her face, "We make our own choices. They chose to put insecurity, hatred and greed in their heart and be clouded with what they believed in."

She added as her lips lifted, "For us, we should just continue living not for their sake but for us."

Chaeyoung stood up with complete amazement in her face, slowly clapping her hands. "That's like a line from a movie. You can be an ambassador, Unnie!"

Jisoo chuckled at her manager's remark and action before they ate their snacks while waiting for their next scene.


"I want the full report on my table tomorrow morning." Taehyung coldly instructed before adjourning the meeting.

They really had a long day especially there were mistakes again. It was not that big, but in Kim Taehyung's vocabulary. Mistake... small or big is still a mistake.

"Jack prepare the car." He instructed as he prepare his things to go home.

Jack immediately followed his boss, excusing himself.

Taehyung then dialed his wife's number.

A smile was seen on his face hearing his wife's voice, finally, after a whole day in the office it was his first smile.

"Hi, Hubby! You are not busy?"

Taehyung answered warmly, "I just finished another meeting. Are you done with your filming?"

"We are almost done." Jisoo answered on the other line.

"I'll pick you up then." He proposed and said.

Jisoo gladly accepted her husband's offer. "Okay, take care okay?"

"Yes, Ma'am. I'll see you soon." Taehyung said before bidding their goodbyes on each other.

Taehyung walked out of the office and like the usual the employees greeted him feeling intimidated from their boss's dominating aura.

Jack opened the car for his boss as they just finished a very hectic day. "Should we go directly to Madam...President Kim?" he asked.

Taehyung then instructed him, "Let's stop to get some flowers first." Jack happily nodded as he softly closed it and made his way to the driver's seat.

But before he can even open the door... he felt his head twirl... he felt a sudden pain on his side and it went through of his whole body.

Then, the next thing happened quickly as he saw his President fighting with some men.

He cursed as he tried to get up but soon...his vision turned black.


Taehyung groaned as his eyes opened. He remembered everything that had happened.

As soon as he finished his work, he was about to go and pick up his wife. He saw 2 men with black masks that went to his secretary and was very suspicious.

He immediately got out of the car but as soon as he opened the door, he was greeted by 8 other men who tried to get close at him. With his great reflexes, he dodged them and threw some punches and kicks. He tried to fight but someone held him on the side before he felt being stunned with two stun gun.

He then looked around but room was rather empty with only two seats. His eyes zoomed in... to see his secretary tied on the other seat.

He muttered some curses then calmly took a deep breath trying to untie his hand.

Before he can finish, he heard some foot steps coming.

As the foot steps were getting nearer, he heard someone speaking on the phone from outside, "Did you get Jisoo?"

Taehyung's ears perked up from hearing his wife's name, his eyes turned bloody and dark.

He swore that whoever was behind this will suffer greatly. "Don't fucking touch my wife!"

"Damn, that was too sweet" Taehyung's eyes squinted hearing the familiar voice.

The door opened with few men cackling their shits off that earned curses and deadly glare from Taehyung.

"Fucking bastards!"


"Sister, someone is looking for you." The orphanage volunteer said.

The sister came out to check who it was. She saw two men in suit looking chic and intimidatig. She nervously went outside and asked politely, Who are you looking for?"

The man looked at sister, cleared hs throat and said, "Are you the head sister of this orphanage?"

The sister nodded, "Yes, I am. What do you need from me?"

The man then took out a folder on his bag and gave it to the sister, "This is for you."

The sister thought a lot of things about the folder as she took it. She knew they do not have any debt to anyone. She gulped before opening the folder.

As soon as she opened it, her eyes widen. She stuttered as she asked confusedly, "What is this?"

The man smiled, "President Kim and Madam Jisoo bought a new SUV and a new van for the orphanage."

The sister looked at them with baffled look as she cannot believe on what she heard. The men then held out the keys and put it on the sister's hand before bowing to her and excusing theirseves.

The volunteers of the orphanage who were waiting curiously at the side, immediately ran to their head sister and took a look at the paper she was holding.

"What is it sister?" One volunteer asked.

The sister showed them the keys on her hands, "Ms. Jisoo and her husband gave us cars." The excitement of the volunteer were seen as they cheered.

But as soon as they read the papers, their eyes almost bulged out as they gasped after seeing the price of the cars the two donated for them.

"Lamborghini Urus SUV and a Mercedez Beenz Van."

One voluenteereed asked with shock, trying to confirm it "Did they really give this to us?"

When the sister nodded, they became silent as they looked at each other with amazement.

"Indeed, Miss Jisoo and her husband were on another level." One volunteered claimed and the rest agreed completely.

The volunteer who always drive the kids and the rest jokingly said, earning laughters from the group "I don't want to drive anymore. I might leave a scratch on that. I can't even pay the repair fee if ever."


Jisoo had finished filming for the day and just waiting for her husband who said he will pick her up. Chaeyoung was beside her as they waited.

"Unnie, President Kim is late? Are you sure he'll pick you up?" Chaeyoung asked, looking at her unnie.

"He said he will, but he was supposed to be here already." Jisoo answered looking at her watch, you can hear the worry in her voice.

She got her phone and dialed her husband's number but it was busy. "His phone seems to be busy. I'll call Jack."

No to avail, Jack's phone was also not reachable. Jisoo sighed as it never happened. She requested Chaeyoung to get the car so she can go and check Taehyung. Chaeyoung nodded as she immediately prepared the car.

Jisoo decided to dial her brother's number, Jimin, but he was not answering as well. Making her feel a little anxious as she could not reach Jungkook as well.

Few minutes had passed but Chaeyoung did not come from the parking. Jisoo was so confused on what was happening but her anxiousness was boiling.

She walked to the parking lot and it was rather empty from before. She saw her car parked at the same parking spot but there was no Chaeyoung around.

She instantly became conscious of her surroundings, she knew something was wrong.

"Chae? Where are you?" She called out her manager but no response was heard, just the wind brushing off the leaves.

Jisoo then heard Chaeyoung scream as if she was struggling.

"Unnie! Run!"

She looked around to see the source of the voice to see Chaeyoung being held by two men... she was supposed to help her but 4 other men came so she immediately ran going out of the parking lot before she felt someone grabbed her from the back.

She immediately threw some kick and it landed to the man's face. She ran as fast as she can but she then felt her mouth being covered with a cloth.

The next thing she knew was hearing some words that made her heart clenched from worry before passing out.

"We got her. Did you get Taehyung?"


Jisoo was blindfolded as she was guided by woever it was. She mumbled and asked, "Why are you doing this? Let us go. I can give you thrive the money they offered you."

The person did not even answer and stayed silent.

Soon, they stopped and she was asked to sit down and she can hear Chaeyoung's voice. "Let me fucking go, asshole."

"Chae..." she called and immediately got a reply,  "Shit, Unnie! Are you there?"

"Yes. I am. Are you okay? Are you hurt?"She asked worriedly even though she cannot see her.

Chaeyoung answered, "No, I am not. How about you, Unnie?"

She sighed in relief, "I am alright."

Then, they heard someone talking going near them. It was a very familiar voice.


"He will probably kill us." Someone muttered.

Someone chuckled, "He cannot. I promise."


"Are you two not yet done?" Seojoon asked, his voice sounded that he was really tired.

Hyunbin also asked, "When will you be done?"

Yejin and Jiwon answered both at the same time, "No. Almost."

Seojoon and Hyunbin just smiled at their wives' answer. The girls decided to change the color of the table setting and they went back to the store.

As they waited for their wives', Seojoon's face turned serious. "Did you know that he was back?"

Hyunbin did not need any name as he knew who Seojoon was talking about, "I did. My dad told me."

"My sons are investigating, they don't want to gamble and wanted to make sure that their sister will be safe and the wedding will be okay." Seojoon explained as he crossed his leg.

"Let's put more securities then." Hyunbin suggested.

"The Elders said to test the waters first. They believed and said that he was back for a business." Seojoon paused, facing his friend, Hyunbin, "He likes surprise attack, you know that."

Hyunbin nodded in agreement, "Just to make sure... let's keep an eye on him."


Taehyung sent some deadly glare to the people infront of him. He cannot help but mutter different curses as he found out the one behind all of this kidnapping shit.

"What the fuck is wrong with you all?" Taehyung cursed looking at everyone as one of them skipped happily to Taehyung's back to untie his hand.

In front of him was his fucking friends, smiling at him like fucking idiots.

"Congratulations!" The rest of the boys screamed and greeted with excitement.

Jin and Namjoon were holding a banner, smiling at him proudly.

Yoongi was holding a bottle of whiskey and a wine at the other.

Hobi was holding the mic with a proud smile.

Jimin was at the side laughing as he popped the confetti...

...and Jungkook was chuckling after untying Taehyung's hand and going to Jack, who was even more shocked and as he was trying to comprehend what was happening.

Taehyung stood up, fixing his clothing, "Are you guys fucking insane?" he berated, clearly not having fun, unlike his friends.

Who will have fun when you thought you are kidnapped but what's worst was knowing that your wife will be kidnapped too.

Hobi then went beside Taehyung, clinging his arm to his friend's shoulder, "Come on, we wanted to throw a Bachelor Party to you, but we know you will not agree on it."

He explained happily, " I planned the best Bachelor Party for you." he added with a proud smile.

Taehyung cannot contain his fuming anger and immediately tried to kick Hobi, but before his foot can land on Hobi he heard a very familiar voice that made his anger disappear immediately.

"You guys are here too?" Jisoo asked with shock on her face, her eyes went round.

The boys looked at Jisoo and greeted her with a hug. Jisoo then saw her husband, standing there in the middle of the room, she immediately walked and hugged him.

"What are you doing here?" Taehyung asked softly but with confusion in his voice, hugging his wife back tightly.

The rest scoffed as they saw how quickly Taehyung's mood and tone changed. He was fuming in anger a few seconds before but seeing his wife was enough to make him speak softly.

Jisoo looked at the two culprits, Jennie and Lisa who were chuckling at the scheme, "They kidnapped me and Chaeyoung for a Bachelorette Party."

Taehyung then glared at Jennie and Lisa both were raising peace signs while apologizing.

Jisoo then broke the hug and faced her husband, "Don't tell me..." realizing what was happening.

Taehyung did not need to say anything as he knew what his wife was saying. He nodded at her confirming her thought.

Hobi then cleared his throat to gather everyone's attention. "Should we move to the party hall?"

The rest of the group cheered excitedly other than Taehyung who was holding his dear wife's waist. Jack and Chaeyoung were both dumbfounded at what was happening.

Jin and Jimin dragged Jack out whispering to him, "Let's go fast or Taehyung will get mad real soon."

Chaeyoung was also dragged out of the room by Jungkook. He was holding her hand in which the girl annoyingly removed but Jungkook didn't budge and gave her a smile, "You want to move out here or be the third wheel once again?"

Chaeyoung didn't even finish as Jungkook and her made their way out.

Jisoo sighed as she tapped Taehyung's chest after seeing his wrist that was a little red, she holds it carefully, "Are you okay?"

Taehyung nodded, "Damn, I thought something had happened to you." He hugged her once again wanting to feel her warmth after hearing about his wife's name.

Jisoo hugged him back saying softly, "I thought you are in danger too. I heard the men talking about you."

"Those bastards really pulled this stunt for the sake of a party." Taehyung cursed out in rage.

Jisoo commented amusedly, "I didn't know your friends, sister, and my brothers can do this."

Taehyung sighed as he started enumerating his crazy friends' stunts, "Jin hyung once pretended to be kidnapped. We looked for him all night but he was in his bathtub."

"Hobi hyung threw a party before and made us drink until we passed out. He removes everyone's clothes and took a picture of each one naked."

"Your brother Jimin, once asked us to accompany him on a vacation. He left us on that island without a phone or any communication. He came back for us after a day."

"Jennie once pretended to faint in the middle of Lisa's birthday because the two wanted to have a prank as a gift to the rest."

Jisoo chuckled at what his husband had mentioned. If she didn't know the rest, she will probably not believe in it... but after knowing them, she was so sure they can pull off pranks like that.

She then held Taehyung's hand to calm him, giving him the sweetest smile, "Well, as long as we are safe. That is okay." she then pressed her lips on Taehyung's lips, giving a peck on it.

Soon, Jimin popped out, scolding the two, "Yah! Stop being lovey-dovey in there! How can we start the party when you two are not there?"

Taehyung scoffed, "As far as I remember, you guys fucking kidnapped us and forced us to attend this party."

Jimin explained logically, "Bro, a great party needs a climax. In your case, the climax happened at the start."

Jin then peeked out at the side, smiling mischievously at Taehyung and Jisoo, "Climax? At the start? Damn, did you two do it that fast?"

Jimin laughed hard at Jin's answer, tapping his friend's shoulder, "Your mind is so dirty, hyung."

Jin crossed his arms, clapping back at Jimin, "Wow! Coming from you!"

He added, "I just mentioned about popping some balloons but you immediately said that you know the best condom brand."

Taehyung and Jisoo looked at each other before Taehyung sighed with his so annoyed face, and Jisoo chuckled while shaking her head at the absurdity of the two.

Intertwining their fingers, they both left the two, who were still bickering.


Lisa was dancing while singing her heart out as  Hobi and her had a very heated battle. The rest of the group laughed at the two who were supposed to have collaborated in a song but it suddenly became a dance battle.

Of course, Jennie, Jisoo, and Chaeyoung were cheering hard for Lisa while the rest of the boys cheered for Hobi.

Chaeyoung was already drunk as her alcohol tolerance was not that high, she suddenly faced Jungkook, who was happily cheering for Hobi.

"Yah, you!"

Jungkook pointed at himself asking if she was talking to him.

She then pointed her finger at him, threatening him.

"Yes! You! You fucking cheer for Lisa or I'll fucking cut your balls!"

Jennie's gaped, biting her lips to not laugh but her body couldn't hold it. She started laughing holding her stomach.

Jack, who was drinking at the side, almost spit out his drink after hearing Chaeyoung.

Yoongi and Namjoon both exchanged looks before an amused smirk was seen on each of their lips.

Hobi and Lisa suddenly stopped dancing because as their eyes met, both of them burst out laughing.

Jimin, who was drinking at that time, even spit out his drink to Yoongi, who glared at him, before laughing his ass off.

Jin completely lose it as he laughed hysterically while fanboying at Chaeyoung, claiming her as his new sister, "Damn! I'll adopt you!"

Jisoo was smiling at her manager's words, but she immediately started chuckling when she saw her brother's face.

Jungkook was shocked from what he heard but a smile immediately broke out of his face, clearly amused at the girl.

Taehyung was holding a drink in his hand, leaned to his wife's ear, complimenting Chaeyoung, "Your manager is really different in a good way."

"No wonder Jungkook got interested in her." He added before taking a sip on his whiskey.

Jisoo leaned her head on Taehyung's shoulder, looking at the two, "Interested? My brother fell real hard."

Chaeyoung suddenly felt that the two stopped dancing, she looked at the two confusedly, "Yah! Why did the both of you stop?"

Before the two can even answer, she then faced Jungkook again, her arms crossed on her chest, brows furrowed as she blamed him, "You! They stopped because you did not cheer for them."

Jungkook chuckled as he held the girl's finger that was pointed at him, "I'm sorry. I'll accept your rage, what will be my punishment?" his lips lifted meaningfully.

Taehyung and the rest of the boys snickered as they knew what the boy really meant. Yoongi threw a pillow at Jungkook, who was pretending as if he didn't know why.

Chaeyoung saw it and glared at Yoongi, "Yah! You cannot do that to him."

Jisoo giggled at Chaeyoung's remark while the boys excitedly watch in awe.

"Only I can do that!" Chaeyoung added in her very tipsy and drunk tone. Jungkook chuckled in amazement and satisfaction as it seems that Chaeyoung was claiming him.

Jennie and Lisa were both drunk already and sitting on the floor...but they were not missing anything as they were enjoying the scene as well.

"We should have ordered some popcorn, Jen." Lisa said with regrets in her voice.

Jennie nodded, hugging Lisa's arm then leaning on each others' head, "If I knew, I would have bought a fucking popcorn machine."

"Chaeyoung!" Jimin suddenly called, making the girl looked at him.

"What the fuck do you want?" Chaeyoung cursed out not even blurring any words as her system was completely covered with alcohol.

Jimin chuckled before he had a smirk on his face, "I will just ask...Should I order a pink Lamborghini with Barbie print tonight?"

Jin snorted hard before falling on the floor laughing. In between his laugh, he said, "I'll buy one too."

The girls were confused but hearing the word Lamborghini... the boys knew what Jimin meant.

Taehyung and Jisoo faced at each other before a smile broke out on their faces.

Jungkook chuckled as he saw Chaeyoung's brows furrowed while glaring at Jimin and Jin, motioning that they will be dead through her hand.

A voice was suddenly heard in the room, "Chaeyoung..."

Chaeyoung berated looking at the source of the voice, "Why do you keep on calling my fucking name?"

But her body froze after seeing the source of the voice. She immediately apologized and bowed knowing that it was President Kim who called her.

The room erupted with laughter once again at the scene. The girl was so brave and courageous but seeing Taehyung, she was like a scared lost puppy.

Taehyung was unfazed as he continued, asking, "Should I buy the whole Lamborghini store so you'll have different choices?"

Jisoo lightly slaps her husband's arm, shaking her head, chuckling at the comment he said.

Hobi blurted out, "Show off, Right Yoongi?" He asked wanting to gain sympathy but immediately rejected...

Yoongi raised his arm halfway, gathering everyone's attention, "I'll buy you one store too so you have more choices."

Namjoon shook his head, laughing, "Damn, you guys are really pushing it."

Jungkook then stood up, clinging his arm around Chaeyoung's shoulder to support her since he sensed the girl seemed really tipsy already as she almost fell few times.

A smug look was plastered on his face, "No need, hyungs. My car garage has enough cars to choose from."

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes in annoyance and took Jungkook's hand and bit him real hard, making the boy whimpered in pain.

Yoongi mumbled earning agreements from Jin and Hobi, "What a brave woman."

Namjoon hissed, complimenting Chaeyoung, "She did the same thing to my two men who tried to kidnap her. They said someone bit them really hard and one even bled."

Namjoon then added, looking at Jisoo before at Taehyung, "Your wife too... bro, one passed out as your wife kicked him."

Jisoo remembered worriedly, "Please tell him, I'm sorry. I just did that for self-protection."

Taehyung wrapped his arm at his wife proudly,    assuring her, "You don't need to say sorry, they are the ones who did something wrong, not you."

An evil smile broke at Taehyung's face, "Besides... what you did was just minimal to what I did."

Yoongi and Jin both rolled their eyes at their friend's proud work. Jin and Yoongi sent 10 men to get Taehyung and Jack and thought that it was enough.

"That motherfucker broke 3 of our men's hands," Jin complained.

"One had a broken nose," Yoongi added.

Taehyung proudly said, "If they did not use that two stun gun at me. Those men will probably be in the hospital's ICU."


"When will we attack? My hands are getting itchy to take revenge!" One woman asked impatiently.

"I told you, sharpen our swords first before the war," The man said as he took a sip on his drink.

The woman frustratedly screamed as she made her way out.


I miss you, fam!! 🤧💖💜

I'll try to update as fast as I could. 🤞🏻

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