Drops of Starlight

StrawberryMoonRose tarafından

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It's the year 2000 and Crystal Tokyo never came to be. The Starlights visit Earth to find Usagi raising baby... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1: Back in the Atmosphere
Chapter 2: Listens Like Spring, Talks Like June
Chapter 3: Heaven is Overrated
Chapter 4: Dance Along the Light of Day
Chapter 5: Jupiter Garden
Chapter 6: Just Friends
Chapter 7: Did You Miss Me?
Chapter 8: Payphone
Chapter 9: Who's the Perv Now?
Chapter 10: Look at the Stars, Look How They Shine for You
Chapter 11: Monsters of the Past
Chapter 12: Not You Again
Chapter 13: Well, This Shall Be Interesting
Chapter 14: Chasing Her Way Through the Constellations
Chapter 15: The Best Soy Latte You've Ever Had
Chapter 17: Did You Fall for a Shooting Star?
Chapter 18: Making Up For Lost Time
Chapter 19: I'll Be the Actress Starring in Your Bad Dreams
Chapter 20: Assumptions
Chapter 21: Turn of Events
Chapter 22: Princess
Chapter 23: Five-Hour Phone Conversation
Chapter 24: Troubles Stacking
Chapter 25: Encounter
Chapter 26: Disguises
Chapter 27: The Cosmic Valley
Chapter 28: Chaos Everywhere
Chapter 29: Coincidences
Chapter 30: Soul Vacation
Chapter 31: Did Venus Blow Your Mind?
Chapter 32: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 33: Did You Make it to the Milky Way?
Chapter 34: Chocolate Parfait
Chapter 35: Permanent Scar
Chapter 36: Insecurity
Chapter 37: Beautiful Ghost
Chapter 38: Did You Sail Across the Sun?
Chapter 39: Freeze-dried Romance
Chapter 40: Calamity
Chapter 41: Banishment
Chapter 42: Fortune Teller
Chapter 43: Tell Me
Chapter 44: There's a Time to Change
Chapter 45: Did the Wind Sweep You off Your Feet?
Chapter 46: Too Afraid to Fly, so He Never Did Land
Chapter 47: Her Stay on the Moon
Chapter 48: Pursuit
Chapter 49: How Far We've Come
Chapter 50: There's Room to Grow
Chapter 51: Begin Again
Chapter 52: Looking for Yourself Out There
Chapter 53: The Stars Above
Chapter 54: Was it Everything You Wanted to Find?
Epilogue: Drops of Jupiter

Chapter 16: Afraid That She Might Think of Me as Plain Old Jane

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StrawberryMoonRose tarafından

💫 Drops of Starlight 💫
By Strawberry Moon Rose

Someone was wondering how long this story will be. I can say this: it's going to be a long one, close to Wavering Destiny in length. Hope you all stick around for the ride!


Chapter 16: Afraid That She Might Think of Me As Plain Old Jane


"Are you okay?" Naru asked, sounding worried.

Usagi nodded vehemently. "Yeah, sorry, this muffin's so good, I just ate too fast!"

Suddenly she was overcome with the urge to contact her friends and tell them about her theory. If it was true, who would benefit from preventing Nephrite's death? Was anything else on the timeline messed up? And how come she was still left with the memory of how things originally were? The back of her neck felt clammy and she began wondering if Crystal Tokyo ceasing to exist played any part in this puzzle.

As the conversation with Naru continued, Usagi remembered that Michiru was also present at the cafe. Usagi made a mental note to catch her before she left. If anyone was in contact with Setsuna, it was her.

The guardian of time wasn't stationed forever by the space-time door, but surely Pluto would know if someone had traveled to the past? Perhaps another one of her time travel keys had been stolen?

It became hard to focus on their conversation. Naru was talking about her part-time job working at her mother's jewelry shop. She gushed about a beautiful ruby ring she's been hinting at, but should she insist on a diamond? Did it matter if Nephrite was never going to propose?

"Ruby would look beautiful with your complexion," Usagi said, zoning back in. "But a diamond's so classic, too..."

When Usagi brought up the subject of Umino, it sounded like Naru hadn't seen him since he landed a job as an engineer. In Naru's new present, they were just friends and always had been.

It was painful in a way, recalling how the couple had entered the affection competition and Umino lit up the giant heart as a symbol of their love. Usagi's lips stretched into a tight smile, hoping her friend wouldn't notice. She finished her muffin, unaware she hadn't tasted it until only the wrapper remained.

"This was so much fun, Usagi!" Naru said. "Let's do this again soon, alright?"

As the waiter presented the bill, Usagi rummaged in her purse when an abrupt scream pierced the air. Her head snapped up in alarm.

"What's going on?" Naru stood nervously.

Crash! A table in the next aisle flipped over. Out of nowhere, a creature reminiscent of the one Usagi and Seiya had previously encountered appeared, its sharp talons scratching the air as it balanced on its hind legs.

"Get somewhere safe!" Usagi ordered over the commotion. People surged towards the exits. Even the waiter froze in his tracks. His eyes were glued to the hideous monster with pallid skin and eerie purple eyes. The same noxious green gas oozed from its pores.

Naru didn't need to be told twice. She bolted for the door and vanished into the crowd.

"Submarine Reflection!" Sailor Neptune stood on a nearby table, aiming her mirror at the beast. A beam of energy rocketed from her talisman, striking the monster's leg. The creature cried out, a long, nails-on-chalkboard howl.

Usagi dashed down the cafe aisles, hoping for an empty bathroom or concealed space to transform. She skidded into an employee-only section, ensuring the coast was clear before, crying out, "Moon Eternal...Make UP!"

In the blink of an eye, her comfortable dress morphed into her eternal sailor guardian uniform, complete with her celestial wings. A thought flickered through her mind – when had she last transformed? The realization startled her; it had been years. Nonetheless, muscle memory propelled her into action.

"Hold it right there!" Sailor Moon clamored, returning to the dining area. She thrust a gloved finger in the creature's direction. "How dare you disrupt a snowy morning where people are enjoying sweets and coffee? That's a crime I cannot forgive! I'm the pretty guardian who fights for love and justice, I am Sailor Moon!"

"Protected by Neptune, the planet of the deep sea, I am Sailor Neptune!" The teal-haired guardian materialized gracefully by her side, her presence emanating poise and power.

"And in the name of the moon, we'll punish you!"

The monster emitted a piercing howl, causing both guardians to wince and cover their ears. Its response only fueled their determination.

"Deep Submerge!" Neptune summoned forth an orb brimming with the might of the ocean's depths. With a precise motion, she propelled the aquatic sphere toward the creature. The impact was explosive as it collided, sending the monster hurtling into the wall, leaving behind a massive indentation.

The monster shrieked, but swiftly rebounded, leaping to its feet - charging straight at them!

"Out of the way!" Neptune dove towards Sailor Moon, shoving her to safety in the nick of time. They landed in a painful heap on the cafe's floor.

"Neptune!" Sailor Moon cried. The beautiful outer guardian had just enough time to roll off her princess when the monster lunged again for Sailor Moon.

Neptune grabbed the monster from behind, straining to keep its thrashing limbs under control. Its strength was undeniable, and it was obvious Neptune's grip couldn't endure for long. Its claws scraped through her gloves, producing a scream from her glossy lips.

Sailor Moon scrambled to her feet and attempted to summon her tier. But nothing happened.

Panic flooded her veins - how could she forget? Galaxia had destroyed her tier! She had sliced it in two with her sword during the final battle.

I don't have a weapon! Sailor Moon realized, taking a step back.

Neptune's arms quivered as she grappled with the relentless monster. Its desperate swipes were focused solely on Sailor Moon, paying no heed to Neptune or the cowering cafe employees seeking refuge behind booth tables and corners.

Usagi touched the crescent moon on her forehead. To her immense relief, she succeeded in manifesting her tiara.

"Moon Tiara Magic!" For not utilizing her tiara in years, her aim was still impeccable. The monster turned to moondust in Neptune's grasp. Sailor Moon, however, had a feeling that without Neptune's initial attack, her tiara might not have been enough to take it out. Dread wormed its way through her stomach.

Sailor Moon stared at its remains on the floor, then exhaled. She glanced at Neptune, who managed to look simultaneously alarmed and relieved.

Neptune procured a small plastic bag from the bakery counter, intended for holding doughnuts, and knelt on the floor.

"What're you doing?" Sailor Moon asked.

"Collecting a sample." Neptune sealed the bag containing the dust. "I plan on delivering it to Ami Mizuno's for analysis on my way home. I'd like her to run some tests on it. Perhaps she can shed light on its origin."

"Good thinking," Sailor Moon said. Why didn't I think of that? She couldn't help feeling a pang of inadequacy; Michiru's presence had a way of making her feel underqualified somehow.

Neptune stepped close. "This enemy... It's not like anything we've ever encountered before."

"You're right," Sailor Moon said. "These monsters are different. They're stronger and have a different look to them."

"This one was similar to the mall creature." Neptune glanced around the cafe, noticing the pairs of eyes upon them as cafe workers and civilians took in the sailor guardians who had saved the day. If they lingered, reporters or the police would inevitably arrive.

"Let's go," Neptune urged in a low voice, her grip on Sailor Moon's hand prompting her to follow suit. "We should continue this conversation in a more discreet location."

They exited out the back door, which led to the employees' parking lot. It was secluded and deserted, so they both relinquished their transformations. Their sailor guardian uniforms receded seamlessly into the fabric of their everyday clothing.

In the grip of the frigid air, Usagi shivered. Snow was coming down harder now, blending everything in an expanse of white; the sky, the ground, it all looked the same.

"My c-coat," Usagi chattered. "And purse. They're still inside."

Michiru nodded. In the next instant, she returned with Usagi's belongings. Usagi managed a thank you as she hastily donned her coat and earmuffs.

"My car is parked around the block," Michiru told her. They walked swiftly through the falling snow, Usagi shivering the whole way. Her socks were wet through her boots by the time they reached Michiru's silver, expensive-looking car.

Usagi climbed inside in a rush, aware of all the snow she'd tracked in while Michiru gracefully slid into the driver's seat. As the engine purred to life, warmth blasted from the vents. Usagi noticed the button for seat heaters and pressed it.

"Wow, this is nice!" Usagi said, impressed, and slightly envious. The seats were rich, smooth leather upholstery, and the interior smelled tropical, just like Michiru.

"Thank you.  It was a gift from Haruka," she replied, brushing away the delicate snowflakes from her flawless hair. "I scarcely drive it. When we venture out together, we take the train or one of her cars."

"One of them?"

Michiru's laugh resonated like wind chimes. "Oh yes, she has a couple." With that, she expertly glided out of the parallel parking spot and cruised down the streets with ease, mindful of the treacherous driving conditions.

The classical music playing softly eased Usagi's nerves. She tucked her hands beneath her legs, surrendering to the rhythmic hum of the tires against the snow-laden road. Minutes passed in a tranquil silence before Usagi worked up the courage to tell Michiru about her theory - that maybe someone changed the past, sparing Nephrite's life for some greater reason.

Michiru listened politely. When Usagi finished, she said, "It's indeed a captivating concept, though I can assure you that Setsuna would promptly detect any incursion into the space-time door or any form of time travel."

"Can you ask her anyway?" Usagi hated the whine in her voice that made her sound like a child.

"I will," Michiru promised. She glanced over at her with a sad smile. "Are you perhaps harboring the notion that another intervention might be responsible for the vanishing of Crystal Tokyo?"

Usagi shook her head. "I'm not hoping that. I'm just wondering."

"Well, I can assure you that's not the case. The current reality has rewritten itself as a consequence of preceding actions, thoughts, or decisions." Her hand flitted to her lips, which twitched ruefully. "Oops. I shouldn't have said that."

The news should have come as a surprise, but it didn't. "I already knew something must have gone wrong somewhere," Usagi said, not missing a beat. "I keep telling Luna that, and I wish she'd just come home. She's looking for answers with Rei, but it's not going anywhere."

"It's a challenging truth to accept," Michiru concurred, her voice tinged with empathy. "I'm aware that Haruka isn't pleased by Setsuna's decision to cultivate a relationship with Mamoru. In fact, she's rather discomposed by the entire situation. She hasn't spoken to Setsuna since she left."

"How come? Doesn't she want Setsuna to be happy? You three and Hotaru are practically family!"

"You know how Haruka is."

Usagi nodded. She wasn't sure what else to say and turned her attention out the window.

It wasn't a long drive to her apartment, but the roads were slick and the snow was blinding, so the journey took longer than usual. She spent the drive replaying the morning on heavy rotation.

It made her stomach sink that an enemy had appeared when she was with Naru. Throughout the years, her friend had always seemed to get mixed up in her battles, but could this be just a coincidence too? Did Nephrite have anything to do with these monsters or was it just random chance?


When they arrived at Usagi's place, Hotaru was playing with Chibi-Usa in the living room. Seiya greeted them at the door wielding a spatula in her hand.

"Hey, Bun Head! I'm whipping up some delicious burgers for lunch!" Seiya's infectious grin was met with slightly troubled expressions from Usagi and Michiru. Seiya sensed the change in atmosphere. "What's the matter?" she asked, her face falling.

Usagi explained what had happened at the cafe. She relayed what she learned about Naru and Nephrite, though it wasn't much, and about the vicious monster, whose singular target seemed to be Usagi herself.

Haruka joined the group and examined the minor cut on Michiru's hand from the monster.  She pulled her partner close.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Seiya said when she finished. Seiya looked like she wanted to hug her, but was torn. Perhaps because her confession last night or Haruka's presence held her back, Usagi wasn't sure.

Hotaru appeared in the entryway, wrestling Chibi-Usa in her arms. The guardian of silence was looking more mature every day, though she hadn't grown more than an inch or two since the war against Chaos.

"It's a relief you didn't have Chibi-Usa with you this time," Hotaru said in a soft, empathetic tone.

Usagi nodded. "You guys were right about having protection. This time it's so different."

"As soon as I'm healed, I'll keep you safe," Seiya said in a low voice. She touched Usagi's shoulder with her hand, her loving eyes brimming with resolve.

Usagi blushed at the floor. Somehow knowing Seiya still had feelings for her made every little touch, every glance, feel loaded, just like it used to so many years ago. Naru's words echoed in her mind: Do you like him the same way? You need to tell him how you feel. You can't keep leading him on.

Haruka cleared her throat noisily. "Let's hope Ami's analysis of the sample provides some answers," she said, her tone as sharp as her gaze.

Usagi could practically feel Haruka's eyes like a heat lamp.

"Until then, we must exercise caution," Michiru added.

"Indeed, we do," Haruka echoed, locking eyes with Usagi. The weight behind her words was tangible, pregnant with unspoken undertones. Her attention then shifted, settling on Seiya with a firm scowl, as she gathered her belongings and stepped purposefully past them.

Seiya's jaw clenched, seemingly holding her tongue. She returned to the kitchen to finish preparing lunch. Hotaru, with Chibi-Usa in tow, slipped back into the living room.

As the time came for Haruka and Michiru to leave, Usagi licked her lips, hugging her midsection. "Um, thanks for staying over, Haruka," she said. "And Michiru as well, for earlier. I appreciate it."

Michiru responded with a beautiful smile. "There's no need to thank us. We are simply fulfilling our duty as guardians."

In contrast, Haruka's demeanor conveyed a mix of emotions. Her hands were concealed within her coat pockets, and her dark-blonde eyebrows never seemed relaxed. Usagi knew it was because of her. Guilt attempted to seep into her, but she resisted its pull. Why did she feel the need to apologize for last night? I didn't do anything wrong.

"Kitten," Haruka said, sounding tired. She took a step close, hesitating. She regarded her with a mix of seriousness and exasperation.

"Be careful?" Usagi guessed, crossing her arms. "You don't have to worry about me so much."

"Just... consider what I said earlier," Haruka murmured. A glimpse of black hair caught her attention, and she glanced upwards to find Seiya emerging from the kitchen, arranging bottles of ketchup and mustard on the table.

Haruka abruptly leaned in and kissed Usagi lightly on the lips.

Surprise widened Usagi's eyes.  As Haruka withdrew, Usagi's fingers flitted to her mouth, which popped open in astonishment.

"You ever think I worry so much because I care?" Haruka whispered. She smiled, looking pleased at Usagi's pinkening reaction.

With a satisfied step back, Haruka made sure to catch a glimpse of Seiya, who held a mustard bottle so tightly it seemed poised to explode at any moment. Seiya's jaw was set, and in that instant, Haruka knew she had never seen the Starlight so furious before.

"Take care, Hotaru," Haruka called, rejoining Michiru near the front door. Her lover rolled her eyes at Haruka's behavior and adjusted her cashmere scarf.

"Drive safely!" Hotaru's voice resonated from the living room. She made a silly face at Chibi-Usa, completely oblivious to the exchange.

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