Away in Dreamland (Kirby fanf...

By GalacticWarriorZero

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This is based off of another fanfic I read. What if the Anime had a season two? Well, I'll try my best to not... More

Oc introduction.
The start of a new start
School doesn't rule
Fall of an Ally, Raise of a foe PT.1
Fall of an Ally, Raise of a foe PT.2
Fall of an Ally, Raise of a foe PT.3
A new toy
Music and Cappy Town
A very Rocky Road
Dedede's little Circus Freaks
A Circus performance.
Galacta Knight in Castle Dedede
Two Knights
An undying grudge between two warriors
Dead grudges
Dedede's plan
Working on the Halberd together
(Y/n) in Dreamland??
(Y/n)'s first day in Dreamland
An old rival
The return of a frenemy
The rabbit hole
The problem in Wonderland
Haltmann's defeat..
A new threat
Dark Meta Knight
Dark Meta Knight and Galacta Knight
Easter special 🎉
Easter Special 2 🎉
Easter Special 3🎉
A conclusion..(Easter special 4🎉)
The return of a lethal foe
A day in the life of everyone
Dark Meta Knight X Meta Knight??
Some artwork for you 💖
The crystal shards
"That's the end of that chapter..!"
Righting wrongs
Stella's flashback
S t e l l a.
The Jamba Heart shards
A fight that broke hearts
On the way..!
A small confession
Let's continue the journey
An encounter with Flamberge
A run in with Zannie
"I wonder, what's beyond the horizon?"
Void Termina's uprising
A break from heroic deeds
The carnival
Rogue Kirby
Saving an innocent soul
The Ultimate Power awakens
The true potential
It's about time they got explaining!
Dedede's little crush
A bit of a problem..
It's all his fault
Undoing his mistake
Educating Triple D
The morning after 🥞
His arrival
Second thoughts
His confession
Another sleepless night
Pushing him too far
Magolor's true colours
Rehab for Magolor
Sick day
Something unexplained
Fresher air
A battle with Masked Dedede
Befriending a foe
The night before
Readying for the battle
Vs Queen Sectonia
Him or her?
Baking 🍰
Mirror World Kirby
The end
Venture forth! 1 - Floralia
Venture Forth! Pt 2 - Twin woods
Venture Forth! Pt 3 - Fatty Whale
Venture Forth! pt 4 - Skyhigh
Venture forth! pt5- Hotbeat
Venture Forth! pt 6 - Chameleo Arm
Venture Forth! Pt 7 - Cavius
Venture Forth! Pt 8- Wham Bam rock
Venture Forth! pt 9 - Mekkai
Venture Forth! Pt 10- Demon
Venture Forth! Pt 11- Heavy Lobster
Venture Forth! pt 12- Halfmoon
Venture Forth! p13 - An argument
Venture Forth! Pt14 - Reminiscing memories
Venture Forth! Pt 15 - Computer Virus
Venture Forth! part 16 - Independency
Venture Forth! pt 17 - Shady
Venture Forth! pt 18 - Galactic Nova
Venture Forth! pt 19 - The end of that adventure
Back at the castle
The Monument
A kick-off
A forced marriage

A chapter of two lovers

94 6 14
By GalacticWarriorZero

It had settled down in Dreamland, with nothing to stir the peace. Stella hadn't returned, Zero had been defeated and nobody threatened the current state of Dreamland. Two of the Knights sat on the beach, watching the rippling tidal waves in motion. Often, Galacta Knight had interesting thoughts..very interesting. Since this isn't a lemon fanfic, I can't tell you what those thoughts were. For those of you who know what I'm on about, let's keep that secret between us ;)
Galacta Knight would love to take their relationship further but knew it possible couldn't happen. As warriors, they had hardly any time to themselves as it was, meaning it was hard for them to even go on dates. Even if they had time, their friends were ever so caring and checked on them a lot. Sighing, he turned back around to his lover, who also sat deep in thought.
"...c....can I have a hug, Metty?" Galacta Knight meekly asked.
"Sure." Meta Knight smiled, taking his mask off.
The two held eachother in a warm embrace, it felt so nice to be so close. Galacta Knight felt a sense of security and safety while he was in his lover's arms. Taking off his own mask, he lightly kissed Meta Knight then let go of him. Sitting back down, they flashed each other a smile. "We should probably get back to the castle; it's getting dark." Galacta Knight stated.
"Alright, let's get going then." Meta Knight said calmly, getting up.
As they walked, Galacta Knight looked at Meta Knight. Then, he grabbed his hand and held it for the rest of the way. "Our relationship isn't secret. Besides, it's not like we're having-" Galacta Knight cut his sentence off at the end. God, how could he say that?
"Well, I don't get how we could when we're the same sex." Meta Knight reminded him.
"Mhm.." Galacta Knight tiredly groaned. Finally, they made it to the castle. Maddie and Becca were walking around the castle with (Y/n). "Sup loverbois." Maddie grinned. "How's the date?"
The two hadn't realized they had their masks off. They'd gotten a but comfortable around each other and had taken them off. That meant the three could see their faces. "Oh, the date. It went great, actually." Meta Knight told them, his face filled with blush.
Maddie squatted down and looked at him. "You both have cute faces. Might wanna put your masks on cause you're in the castle." She hinted, winking.
Hurriedly, they put their masks on. They hadn't realized!

"Welp, cya later!" Maddie waved.
"Bye!" Becca grinned.
(Y/n), Becca and Maddie headed to the kitchen for a quick meal.
This left the two Knights, all alone with nobody but each other.

Opening the door, they went inside their room. "What a day.." Meta Knight muttered, jumping onto the bed. Throwing his mask aside, he patted the part next to him. Galacta Knight followed what he did and sat next to his lover in bed. Then, they went to sleep, considering how later it was.

For the time being, let's go see what the girls and (Y/n) are doing...

"So, a pizza party? You sure Dedede would allow that?" (Y/n) timidly asked.
"Psh, of course he would. He'd be stupid to not allow us to have one. Now, we need pizza. And ice cream. And cake. And sweets and chocolate. And Coke and Pepsi and other drinks, like milkshakes." Maddie excitedly commanded.
With that, Becca just summoned a milkshake, a chocolate one. "I'll summon the rest when we're allowed in the theatre." Becca agitatedly told her.
"Fine, (Y/n) could you please go ask Dedede for the keys? I would do it myself but I don't even know Dedede.." Maddie confessed.
Listening to Maddie, (Y/n) ran off down the hallway and into the throne room, to find Dedede. Just as they had expected, he was sat on his throne and had already guessed what (Y/n) had came for. "Can I come with ya?" Dedede embarrassedly requested.
"Uh sure! Why not? The more the merrier!" They ran back through with Dedede.
"Can Dedede come too?" (Y/n) pleaded.
"Uh sure." Maddie muttered.
"I've never seen you before." Dedede said, pointing at Maddie.
"I know. I'm new to this place, and I could say the same for you." Maddie laughed. "Never seen you before, my guy."
That was true, Dedede didn't come with them to defeat Zero 2, he'd only helped defeat her when she was posing as Miracle Matter.
With a friendly conversation along the way, they walked to the movie theatre room and watched a film with limitless junk food at their disposal. All while most of the castle slept. (Y/n) watched with growing interest.

The lovers slept soundly, their heartbeats the loudest thing that could be heard in the room. Startled and stressed, Meta Knight woke up. Another terribly horrifying flashback had decided to take the form as a nightmare. Breaking into a cold sweat, he got out of bed and decided to take a quick stroll around the castle. Oddly enough, for once he didn't wake Galacta Knight up. Or if he did, he wasn't trying to comfort him as usual. With a sigh, he wrapped his cape around him and set off for the hallways of Castle Dedede, with no goal but to rid his mind of these awful thoughts. On his way, he found a lot of noise coming from the movie theatre. Opening the door, he saw Becca, Maddie, (Y/n) and Dedede watching a horror movie. "Damn, you do have good taste in horror Dedede." Maddie complimented.
"Gee, thanks." Dedede smirked, widely.
"What's going on?" Meta Knight obliviously asked them.
"We're just watching a film. A horror film!" (Y/n) cheered.
Patting the seat next to her, Becca encouraged Meta Knight to join them. Reluctantly, he joined them. However, he sat with Becca at the back.
"C'mon, what's up? I know something's wrong cause I can tell." Becca tried to get him to spill.
"Just a nightmare, I have them frequently and you know that." Meta Knight mumbled.
"Metty, don't be so uptight and bitter. Just, try and enjoy yourself." She urged. "Maybe try and relax a bit. If you fall asleep I'll take you back to your room."
Sighing, he saw she was right. He should try letting the nightmare go and relax whilst doing so.

Eventually, he fell asleep. "Aww, so cute~ ." She whispered, as she picked him up and took him to his room. Of course, she took his mask off for him so he was comfortable.


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