Away in Dreamland (Kirby fanf...

By GalacticWarriorZero

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This is based off of another fanfic I read. What if the Anime had a season two? Well, I'll try my best to not... More

Oc introduction.
The start of a new start
School doesn't rule
Fall of an Ally, Raise of a foe PT.1
Fall of an Ally, Raise of a foe PT.2
Fall of an Ally, Raise of a foe PT.3
A new toy
Music and Cappy Town
A very Rocky Road
Dedede's little Circus Freaks
A Circus performance.
Galacta Knight in Castle Dedede
Two Knights
An undying grudge between two warriors
Dead grudges
Dedede's plan
Working on the Halberd together
(Y/n) in Dreamland??
(Y/n)'s first day in Dreamland
An old rival
The return of a frenemy
The rabbit hole
The problem in Wonderland
Haltmann's defeat..
A new threat
Dark Meta Knight
Dark Meta Knight and Galacta Knight
Easter special 馃帀
Easter Special 2 馃帀
A conclusion..(Easter special 4馃帀)
The return of a lethal foe
A day in the life of everyone
Dark Meta Knight X Meta Knight??
Some artwork for you 馃挅
The crystal shards
"That's the end of that chapter..!"
Righting wrongs
A chapter of two lovers
Stella's flashback
S t e l l a.
The Jamba Heart shards
A fight that broke hearts
On the way..!
A small confession
Let's continue the journey
An encounter with Flamberge
A run in with Zannie
"I wonder, what's beyond the horizon?"
Void Termina's uprising
A break from heroic deeds
The carnival
Rogue Kirby
Saving an innocent soul
The Ultimate Power awakens
The true potential
It's about time they got explaining!
Dedede's little crush
A bit of a problem..
It's all his fault
Undoing his mistake
Educating Triple D
The morning after 馃
His arrival
Second thoughts
His confession
Another sleepless night
Pushing him too far
Magolor's true colours
Rehab for Magolor
Sick day
Something unexplained
Fresher air
A battle with Masked Dedede
Befriending a foe
The night before
Readying for the battle
Vs Queen Sectonia
Him or her?
Baking 馃嵃
Mirror World Kirby
The end
Venture forth! 1 - Floralia
Venture Forth! Pt 2 - Twin woods
Venture Forth! Pt 3 - Fatty Whale
Venture Forth! pt 4 - Skyhigh
Venture forth! pt5- Hotbeat
Venture Forth! pt 6 - Chameleo Arm
Venture Forth! Pt 7 - Cavius
Venture Forth! Pt 8- Wham Bam rock
Venture Forth! pt 9 - Mekkai
Venture Forth! Pt 10- Demon
Venture Forth! Pt 11- Heavy Lobster
Venture Forth! pt 12- Halfmoon
Venture Forth! p13 - An argument
Venture Forth! Pt14 - Reminiscing memories
Venture Forth! Pt 15 - Computer Virus
Venture Forth! part 16 - Independency
Venture Forth! pt 17 - Shady
Venture Forth! pt 18 - Galactic Nova
Venture Forth! pt 19 - The end of that adventure
Back at the castle
The Monument
A kick-off
A forced marriage

Easter Special 3馃帀

76 5 4
By GalacticWarriorZero

Here we are again, the possible finale of the Easter Special. . .
Hopefully it isn't because I've actually enjoyed writing this a lot. Hmph. . .
Anyway, in the last chapter I wrote like this. . .what does this mean? This means that they can hear what I am saying, so I can interact. I'll probably only be in the story on special chapters such as Easter, Halloween and Christmas. Well, let's get on, I've wasted enough time already!

They had all claimed their gifts from the egg hunt and were sat on the grass chatting about it. Of course, Meta Knight had got a bit more than the others which made them slightly envious of him, but nonetheless they were still grateful. The event had kicked into full swing by this time, and Waddle Dees and Cappies had flooded the throne room in order to exchange the plastic eggs for treats. Everyone had found an egg except...

"Dedede! Calm down! There's always next year, we can try again then!" Escargoon tried comforting.
"Even you got one! It's just not fair!" Dedede whined. That was true; he hadn't found an egg yet which did mean he hadn't gotten a prize.
(Y/n) saw Dedede walk moodily back to the castle, empty handed. On the other hand, his faithful friend and sidekick, Escargoon, was holding plenty of treats and rewards.
"Poor Dedede...Narrator can you do something about it?" (Y/n) desperately sighed.
I mean, I could but it's almost over. . . The Easter egg hunt is almost over and it wouldn't mean anything.
"Aww..but please! Or else he'll be upset. And he has changed, so he deserves it..!"
If it means so much to you, then I'll do it. . .
"Oh thank you so much!" (Y/n) graciously thanked.
Then, Dedede tripped over. "What was that...?" He said, getting up off the ground. It was none other than a bronze egg! With glee, he rushed to the castle in an instant to change it for confectionery goods. "Oh, I see she gave you that." Becca groaned.
"Who?" Dedede naively questioned.
"The narrator! She's kinda ruined this whole thing for everyone by just going ahead and giving eggs out! I felt worthless knowing she'll just give people what it should've taken hours to get in one second!" She complained.
"I have no idea who you're on about.." Dedede muttered.
She's on about me, Dedede. Yes, I did give you that egg. I placed it right under your foot before you even knew I was there.
Dedede just stared, trying to process what he had been told by this random voice. No, there was nobody else in that room. He'd thought it would've been someone playing a trick but no, the voice really came from nowhere at all.
"Here's your prize, sire." Becca reluctantly handed the King his reward.
In a childish way, Dedede opened the box and saw the chocolate egg. After, he left the room to catch up with the others.

Now, the room was completely empty except for Becca and her clone. "Hmph. This was no fun.."

Since they had woken up so early, they decided to rest their eyes while they laid on the soft grass. As it softly caressed the Knights, Kirby and (Y/n), they slept soundly. It was only, meaning it was lunch time.

Then, they all opened their eyes...they weren't in Dreamland!
Stealing a glance, they tried to fathom where they were.
"Hmm? Visitors! Oh my, it's been so long since I've had those.." a female voice boasted, merrily.
Wrapping his cape around himself, Meta Knight stepped forward and approached her; he'd heard her voice before but didn't know where..
"Trying to remember where you heard my voice? Oh Meta Knight, you're so funny!" She squealed with laughter.
"Who are you,where are we and how do you know my name?" He interrogated her.
"Chill, Meta Knight. I'm that narrator from earlier. This place? It's called Utopian Sunset. And, I know your name because. . . I do."
She explained.
"Well, why are we here?" Meta Knight frowned.
"To celebrate! I brought you here so we could have a good time." She cheerily told him.
"Who's 'we'?" He questioned.
You're so hilarious, look behind ya! You have friends with you! You aren't here alone.
"Okay, well what is this 'Utopian Sunset' then?"
This is a theme park. You can ride rides, eat food, watch shows and performances, chat with friends. Anything! Anything! You can do anything, anything at all!
"How can we trust you..?"
With that, she picked him up. She felt so warm and her clothes were so soft.
Come with me, I'll show you what we do here.
Then, she took him inside, luring the others in. Enticing, it was surely. There was everything there, cotton candy machines, slushie machines, hotdog stands, food trucks, rides of all kinds, anything!
Come ride this carousel! It's real cool!
Kirby stepped forward,"It could be dangerous!" He warned, knocking all temptation out of the others.
(Y/n) didn't consider it dangerous at all.
"(Y/n)! Don't do it!" Galacta Knight scolded, as he saw them go near a rollercoaster.
Yes, (Y/n). Come ride this with me! It'll be fun and you'll have a good time!
"Aww, it does look real cool.." (Y/n) beamed.
I'll ride with you, if you'd like.
And so, (Y/n) boarded the rollercoaster. So did the Narrator. Then, the others did.
I'm not lying, this place isn't dangerous; it's fun!
And so the ride set off, and oh it was a thriller alright! The ride was intense and fast-paced. It seemed to rush on the rails and speed around the loops. By the time it was over, (Y/n) found themself wanting to ride it again.
All of the others had to admit it was quite a ride.
I realized you guys were wearing masks, why do you wear them?
"To conceal our identity. Our kind have faces that be described as 'cute'." Galacta Knight muttered.
Oh, that makes sense. Is Kirby your species too? You do look alike, so I assume you look somewhat like him. He can be described as cute, so I get it. But, who's here to judge you guys?
The girl was right, nobody there would judge them. And, just like they were, she was there for the fun of it. She didn't look like the person who would judge them. Meta Knight still was hesitant on removing his mask.
However, Galacta Knight put his mask aside. "What are you doing?" Meta Knight asked him.
"She's right, we have nothing to hide here." He laughed, taking Meta Knight's mask off as well.
"How come Morpho Knight doesn't have to take his off?" Kirby asked.
That, my child, is a helmet. I can see his face perfectly fine.
Kirby felt a bit stupid, but (Y/n) reassured him that he was fine.
With that, they boarded another ride. The name of it was 'The Freak Out.'
This one is my favourite! I really like this's truly, thrillingly exciting!
There were four rows of four seats, positioned in the shape of a square. They were all attached in rows of four and had a backing with lead up. In a way, it looked like a giant lollipop. In theory, it was a giant swing. Finally, everyone sat down and the ride began. Slowly, the platform they stood on to get there went downwards. Then, it slowly swing from side to side, as it spun. Gradually, it built up in speed and how high it got. Eventually, it went upside down.

Once it had finished, they could understand why she wanted them to take their masks off. Just in case it was a bit loose and fell and possibly broke the machinery.
Ok, you can have time to yourselves now. Go explore or whatever, I'm gonna grab something to eat.
With that, she walked off to a nearby food truck and ordered.
They decided to stick together and ride rides as a group. "I am hungry too, though.." (Y/n) whined.

Oh, there's a food truck over there, (Y/n). Enjoy your meal.

Glancing over, they saw the large stand that sold food. Immedietly, their mouth began to water.

After they ate, they felt tired so they took a nap next to a cotton candy stall. A stick of candy floss sat on their lap as they drifted off to sleep.

Then, all of them woke up...was it all a dream?
"I don't think it was, it felt so real..!" Kirby gasped in awe.
"Perhaps it was all just a very nice dream." Meta Knight suggested.
(Y/n) woke with the stick of cotton candy in their hand. "Guys, it wasn't!" (Y/n) smiled, holding it up.

Obviously, it wasn't then.

I'm glad they enjoyed it.

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