(Possibly Discontinuing) A Se...

By Asparagus_Anion

14.3K 523 488

This is a HarryPotterxReader fan fic, this is my first ever fan fiction that I have ever done. I hope you guy... More

~Hogwarts Letter~
~Diagon Alley~
~Platform 9 and 3/4~
~Hogwarts' Sorting Hat~
~A Flying Incident~
~Hallowe'en and Mountain Trolls~
~Gringotts Break - In~
~Mirror of Erised with Werewolves?~
~The Hidden Secrets~
~Quidditch Dragon Egg's~
~The Forbidden Forest~
~Mystery Solved (Part 1)~
~Mystery Solved (Part 2)~
~Mystery Solved (Part 3)~
~The Beginning Year's End~
~Last Day~
~A Very Odd Summer Day~
~Deja Vu~
~Flying cars with Murderous Trees~
~A Talking Journal~
~Food Fight~
~A Mistake I Couldn't Control~
~Super Powers~
~The Tea Spilled~
~The Cardinals~
~The Cursed Journal~
~A New Best Friendship Born~
~The Chamber of Secrets~
~That's It?~

~Dinner Gone Wrong~

1.5K 27 60
By Asparagus_Anion

I'm Y/n L/n, I live in a Pureblood family, the L/n's, they are the most valued purebloods family every, right above the Malfoys.

I'm sitting at my desk, writing in my dark room, with dark black brick walls, and small windows with little bit of sunlight coming through, and writing in my journal about how I can't wait to go to Hogwarts, and the dreams I have about how it's going to be there. And how excited I am that tomorrow is my 11th birthday and I could go to Hogwarts and all this could come true!

I hope that I get into the Slytherin's house to carry on the family legacy of Slytherins.

I hear a knock on my door.

"Hey Y/n! What are you doing in there?! You've been in your room all day!"

I quickly stop writing in the journal, close it and hide it in one of my drawers and put it under a bunch of binders and useless stuff.

My parents don't know about the journal, they think that having a place to write feelings is a sign of weakness and that I should do no such thing.

I put on my poker face that my parents taught me, and walk over to the door and open it.

"Hello, father," I say "I was just cleaning my room before the guests come over today."

Oh right, did I forget to mention that we're having the Malfoy's over for dinner? I reckon it's just another bet on who can be more mature and have more money.

"Good to hear, now get dressed. They're coming over any minute now." D/n said.

I nod my head as the slowly close the door. I walk over to my closet and pick out a dress to wear. If I wore pants and shirt I would probably be an Cruiciatous Curse Dummy all of a sudden.

I pull out a long laced off the shoulder black dress that hugs my features and flows out at the bottom for my legs to move.

I put it on with a small metal snake choker, and wore flats trying to approve my appearance. you are not what other people would call pretty. You have braces, with pimples and acne, and wear glasses (NOTHING WRONG WITH GLASSES, I think glasses I pretty cute tbh, but this is just the "typical nerdy" look or something, nothing against you if you look like this, everyone is beautiful and deserves love) you rush down out the door and walk down the stairs as elegantly as you can. You see Lucius Malfoy in the door way with his wife Narcissa Malfoy and behind them Draco Malfoy, which he is about your age. I walk up behind my father and listen in on the conversation.

"Hello D/n, it's been a while." Lucius Malfoy announced.

"Indeed it has, here, take a seat!" My father insists, motioning towards one of the seats at the dining table.

Lucius and Narcissa as well as Draco walk over to the table and sit down.

I've only seen Draco Malfoy sometimes, we don't talk to each other. He just looks at me in disgust.

"So, how's business been? Everyone working ok at the Ministry?" Questions my Father as we start eating the various foods that are on the table.

"Everything so good so far, I'm disgusted by the people who work at the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts, they should just kick everyone off that branch, and get rid of the branch itself! It would do use to us, we would get rid of the people interested in muggle stuff, it would work out as well, because that guy Arthur Weasley is there. Can't even support his family. Why have kids when you can't even give them a life they want?" Argues Mr. Malfoy.

I can't help but to get mad at the fact that he's targeting Arthur Weasley. I understand that sometimes work could be difficult and might want some things changed, but no way would it be ok if you target someone specifically, and then also attack their family.

What makes me even more infuriated, is that D/n laughs at this. M/n does too, anyone would think it's real, but me and Mom get along quite well. Unlike Father and I, and I can see right through the fake laughs, that she just wants to put up a good image in front of Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy.

"Indeed. I wonder why they even put that branch there in the first place!" D/n chuckles as we continue to eat in silence.

And then my dad brought up the topic I always hate him bringing up:

"What do you think about the Dark Lord?"

"I think that he has the right idea, of having one race of wizarding race. Those filthy mudbloods don't deserve to be called witches and wizards! I hope he returns soon."

And that is when I had the last straw.

"Have you ever thought of that maybe Muggle-Borns are actually better at magic than purebloods? Just because of their blood, shouldn't define who they are! There is something going on in the muggle world, called racism! Where people discriminate others depending on the color of their skin! How would you feel if you were-" My screaming rant at the Malfoys was cut off by my Father. Clearly in an angered voice saying

"That's enough! Y/n, wait outside of the dining room. I need to have a word with you."

Once I looked him in the eye, I couldn't help but slightly be terrified of him. If looks could kill I would be on the ground lifeless.

I slowly walked towards the door and walked upstairs to my room, waiting for what was to come.

My door burst open "Y/n!" my Father screams at me as he walks closer to me while I sit on my bed unfazed. I've seen way too many of his out-takes on mom that I already know what to except.

*TW: Physical Abuse and Swearing as well as mentions of blood ahead*

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?" He continues screaming at me. I've been though this, so I kept a straight face at all time, not wanting to show that I'm secretly terrified to death because I have never seen him this angry before.


"YOU FUCKING BITCH" Before I could even react, or know what was happening, I feel a sharp pain on my left temple.

I stumble back tripping over the stupid dress and hitting my head on the dark wooden bed side table. I'm pretty impressed with myself how I haven't passed out from the pain yet.

"I knew we shouldn't have done it. I KNEW WE SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE IT!" Father screams.

"Shouldn't have done what?" I'm able to give out in a raspy voice.

"ADOPTED YOU!" And I stiffen.

Thoughts were coursing through my head a thousand miles per hour.

I was adopted? Who were my real parents? Was I really adopted? Is this some kind of sick joke? Why was Mom being so nice to me if I was adopted? Can I even call her Mom anymore?

I couldn't think of any answers to the questions through the pain, and I was slowly slipping away from consciousness. Right before I pass out, I hear terrifying words that I never though I would hear:

"Get packed. You're getting out my fucking house, and don't. EVER. Come. Back."


Hey guys! Anna's here, I'm the author of this story, and I wanted some feed back from some of you guys that read my story, even though probably nobody will read this story, I'm still gonna post some stuff because I want to create a story, and maybe, just maybe, someone will actually read it.

I hope to get some feedback from you guys, and I also have a YouTube Channel! It's called: Red Rose RBX

Please check it out!

Word Count: 1376

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