Changed {Martin Garrix Fanfic...

De LindzK12

295K 7.8K 2.2K

When someone slowly starts to change you, is it for your own good or for their own pleasure? When you take a... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Final Author's Note

Chapter 23

5.2K 123 42
De LindzK12

Chapter Twenty Three - Panty Snatcher 

- Madeline's POV - 

I immediately jerked out of his grasp and he turns around quickly, a weird look on his face. I cross my arms over my chest in protest. The only thing I really feel like doing is sleeping for hours upon hours. 

"What's wrong?" he asks, his eyebrows deeply furrowing. He steps closer and I don't back up as his scent travels into my nose. The muskiness of it drives me mad (in a good way, of course). 

"I don't want to go anywhere," I whine in objection. There is that one devil part of me that wants to know what he is planning on the other hand. His head lowers, his nose touching mine slightly. 

"Please," he coos in a low voice. The same voice he always uses when he wants to get his way. "It'll be fun, I promise," a smirk resides on his mouth that is just inches from mine. My hands find their way to his shirt and I tug on it lightly. 

"I don't feel like walking," if I look up anymore, our lips would touch. Something I am actually not to opposed too. He rolls his eyes before laughing. He backs away from me and I miss the feeling of our closeness. He turns around and I stare at his back confusingly. 

"Jump," he says simply as he pats his back with his own hands. 

"What?" I say, slightly shocked at what he was telling me to do. He looks over his shoulder and gives me an amused look. 

"Don't be anymore stubborn than you already are," he says, patting his back two more times. Reluctantly, I step closer to him, putting my hands on his shoulders. 

"If you drop me," I say in a threatening tone before I hesitantly jump onto his back. His hands grip the outside of my thighs tightly and I relish the feeling. 

"I'm not going to drop you," he says and he begins to walk. I suddenly feel self-conscious about my weight and I am wondering if I am too heavy for him. Stop nitpicking yourself Mads, I listen to my subconscious, knowing she is right. After all, he does not seem to be bothered by it as he continues to walk further and further away from the campus. 

"Where are you going?" my hands loosen a little bit around his neck. My goal here is not to choke him. 

"You'll see," he replies and I start to wonder if we are even on the campus property anymore. That's how far we have been walking, well Martin has been walking. I start to laugh internally of how cliche this seems. Hell, we could be right out of a Nicholas Sparks book. 

He walks just another few minutes and soon, I see what seems to be a lake appear. Why did he bring me here? 

"We're here," he says proudly and he sets me to the ground gently. He turns to face me and he grabs my hand, this time I don't pull away. "Come on," once again, I am being dragged by Martin Garrix and I am unable to say anything. We get closer to the 'shore' area of the lake and I see that it goes on for miles and miles. 

"How did you know this was here?" I asked thoroughly confused. Exactly how would he know this would be here if one; he is not from this place and two; he is supposed to be locked up at a camp all summer? 

"Last year I decided to take a walk and I stumbled across it," he explains but I am still confused. Who in the world just comes on a casual 'walk' this far? I decide not to ask him though. "I come here to clear my head," he lets go of my hand and I look up into his eyes. 

"And you brought me here because?" one of my eyebrows raise towards him. 

"To talk," he said with no emotion on his face. Suddenly, he takes me off guard as he begins to pull his shirt over his head. "And to swim too," he continues, now with a smile on his face. I feel my face go pale at his words. 

"I don't have a swimsuit," I state the obvious and I have to keep my eyes from traveling down his torso. He smiles again, breathing out of his nose heavily. 

"So?" he asks, his eyes looking up and down my face. Even though I am not looking, he bends down slightly and I know he has taken his pants off. Okay, this is it. This is where I get dragged to hell by satan. My virgin eyes look down his body and I gulp... holy shit. 

"I'm not going to swim in clothes," I say rather to quickly, my throat almost too dry to say anything. I look back up to his face and he's now smirking bigger than ever. 

"You could skinny dip," he offers suggestively and I cannot help the blush that appears on my face. 

"No!" my voice sounds like high and squeaky. "I'm not gonna go swimming," I say glancing away from him. And plus, who knows?! Since it rained, the water is probably freezing. I much prefer the warmth here. 

"Suit yourself," he gave me a dismissive shrug before walking into the lake, soon to a depth near his shoulders. Damn, I think internally as he swims around carelessly. "It's warm Mads!" he yells from the water and I want to flip him off, but I decide against it. 

"Your point?" I yell back and it ends up making him laugh. 

"Just get your ass in here!" he motions his hand to come towards him. I have to smile at his cuteness as he begins to swim around again. Oh come on Mads, stop being an old lady and don't hold back! When are you going to another chance swimming with a hot Dutch boy? I cock my head, knowing my brain was right. 

Hesitantly, I unbutton my jeans and shimmy out of them. I then take off my shirt slowly and I realize that no one has ever seen this much of me. Frankly because my parents would not allow to wear two piece bathing suits back home. I also take notice that for once, my bra and underwear are matching and I thank God for that. Actually, I this stage, I need to start thanking satan or something. 

I make my way over to the water and I prepare for all the hair on my legs to grow back instantly, but surprisingly, Martin was right. The water was really warm. 

"I knew I was irresistible," he says confidently swimming over to me. I know his eyes are on my chest but for some odd reason, I don't mind that much. 

"Ha ha, you're so funny," I manage to say before he grabs my hands and pulls me to him. I gasp at our sudden closeness and I cannot help but think of how intimate this is. Although, I internally cringe at how bad we are going to smell after we get out of this lake. My hands firmly grasped his bony shoulders and his moved to my waist, slowly. 

"I want to know more about you," his voice his low and his accent sounds deeper than normal. I have to control my breathing from our closeness. 

"I've already told you -"

"- No," he stops me as he shakes his head. "I want to know the real you, what you really want and stuff," his eyes never leave mine and I'm put into a stump. I don't even know the real me yet. His grip loosens on me and I take this chance to swim away from him, leaving a few feet in between us. 

"What about you?" my feet barely touch the bottom, so I have to keep moving around to make sure I don't drown or something. He licks his lips like he is thinking of something to say. "You say I need to trust you, but I barely know you," I point out for what seems to be the third or fourth time. 

"What do you want to know?" he says and I can tell he is being reluctant about it. 

"Tell me about your family or something," I suggest, remembering he has not told me anything about his family or his home. The only time he has mentioned something about it was in one of our first conversations. I can see him stiffen in the water. 

"I have a sister," he says simply. "She's sixteen," he continues and his gaze leaves mine. 

"What's her name?" I asked with more curiosity in my voice. The more my hair gets wet, the heavier I feel in the water. 

"Laura," he answers, still not looking at me. The memory of a little me in Sunday school comes back and this girl named Laura came up to me and took my cupcake. She obviously got in trouble but soon after that, we became pretty good friends but she ended up moving when we were about ten or so. 

"What about your parents?" I turn my head and spit in the water, tasting the murky water in my mouth. He sighs heavily and I'm wondering if I asked the right question. 

"They're um," he pauses trying to find something. "I adore my mother but my father can be... harsh," he's still looking away but I admire the way he talked about his mom, then again, the bitterness in his voice talking about his father confuses me. 

"What is Amsterdam like?" I ask quickly, knowing he feels uncomfortable. 

"I like it," he finally looks at me and I notice the blue from under his eyes earlier has mostly disappeared. "It's old but beautiful," he laughs to himself. "Do you have any siblings?" 

I shake my head at his question. "Just me," I smile slightly. I think there can be pros and cons to being an only child. "My mom always wanted another kid, but my dad didn't. I think that's the main reason of their fights," I swallow remembering as a kid how much they would yell. Yes, even the perfect church family is not so perfect all of the time. 

Suddenly he swims over to me and grabs my waist again. I squeal slightly from his sudden touch and it feels different from underwater. I catch a smirk on his mouth and I know he's up to something.

"Do you realize how much of a turn on this is?" he lips are hovering above my right ear, his hot breath fanning over my wet neck. Well damn, he knows how to change the subject fast. His lips attach to the very bottom of my ear and I lean into him. 

"Martin," I say softly, gripping his shoulders again. Almost instantaneously, I feel something hit my cheek, I know it's not just lake water. "Martin, it's raining," I push him away and I can make out droplets coming from the sky. 

"Fuck," he curses sharply, his hands now going to down and grabbing mine. "Let's go," we swim through the water and soon, he ends up pulling me behind of him. I glance down at my body to find it soaking wet, along with my bra and underwear. God, I feel gross, I mutter in my head. 

"What the hell am I going to do? I can't just walk into my dorm like this," I say just now remembering about Haley. He hands me my shirt before putting on his. 

"Just come to my dorm, you can dry your stuff there," he runs a hand through his wet hair and I gulp. I think about arguing, but I honestly have no other choice. I mumbled an 'okay' and I put on my jeans as fast as I can. I can tell the rain is going to start coming down like hell in just a few minutes. 

"I'll race you," I say cockily. I actually just need a run considering I have not been able to the past couple of days. 

"Alright, Madeline," he eyes my face. "Your on," he nods, smiling down at me. Without a warning, I turn on my heels and take off, much like I did with Matthew last week. I have to hold in my laugh as I hear him curse behind of me, very loudly. 


We make it back in no time, the only problem was that the rain was faster than we ended up being, so we were now completely soaked not just by lake, but rain water too. Also, my other problem was my wet jeans chaffing my legs. Remind to never wear these things again. 

"You're such a cheater," Martin's voice echos in the elevator and I laugh, turning to him. 

"Am not," I shoot back. "You're just slow," the elevator dings and the doors open swiftly. He lets me step out first and I remember exactly where his dorm is. He unlocks it and it looks just the same as last time, except now, it seems a lot more organized and clean. 

"Welkom op mijn huis," I jerk around at his words and he is trying his best to hold in his laughter. It soon dawns on me that he is speaking Dutch. 

"English please," I say, turning around, looking around his room once more. I am still unsure about his roommate situation and why he does not have one. 

"I said, welcome to my house," I can hear the smirk in his voice. I run my hands along my arms, feeling chilly, but I also feel like a bag of dog crap. Gross. 

"I need to shower," as I say this, something familiar catches my eye. His journal. The dark leather looks the same and I'm suddenly tempted to open it. 

"Here," I turn around to find him handing me shampoo and body wash. "Now you'll smell like me," I take the items in no protest. Hell. I will gladly smell like him. 

"I don't have any clothes," I shrug. Swiftly, he goes into his closet and give me a sweatshirt and a pair of grey sweatpants. 

"Just wear these until yours get dry," he says and I grab them, muttering a thank you. I watch him as he goes and sits at his somewhat desk in his room with a laptop sat on top of it. I want to ask him what he is doing, but then I remembered the quicker I shower, the quicker I can leave so Haley won't suspect anything. 

Once I enter the bathrooms, the memory of me coming in here that day Karlie dumped orange juice on me, came back rapidly. She has not tried anything else on me for almost two weeks and I am starting to get suspicious. Has she finally grown up or is she planning something not even satan could pull off?

The water is almost too hot, but I don't care. I have always thought the hotter water, the more germs are getting burned off somehow. I wash my hair and body thoroughly, getting any lake smell off of me. I step out, missing the warmth, but I still manage to get dried off and get dressed, but then it hits me like a ton of bricks. I have no more underwear. Shit. Should I still wear his clothes? Well I can't go out there naked either... 

As my internal struggle continues, I pull on the thick sweatshirt and it barely covers my butt. As much as I don't want to, I pull on his sweatpants. I stop complaining in my head because they are actually really comfortable. I gather up my dirty, wet clothes and go back into his room. He is still sitting at the desk, now with a pair of headphones on. He must notice my presence because he takes them off quickly and stands up. 

"I don't know where -"

"- I'll take them," he says amusingly, grabbing my clothes. I try to hide my blush, knowing that both my bra and underwear was in his hands (they were just in between the shirt and jeans). He walks past me and I notice how quiet this dorm is. It is almost like no one else is in here. I glance over at his open computer screen seeing something that has different lines and stuff on it. I then look over at his journal again, wanting to open it, but Martin comes back into the room, shutting the door behind of him. 

"How long will that take?" I asked, my foot tapping on the floor. He steps closer to me and I don't back away. One of his hands runs through my damp hair and down to my chin. He tilts my head up, forcing me to look him in his eyes. 

"The fact that you don't have a bra or underwear on, makes me want you even more," he smirks with a wanting look in his eyes. My stomach does cartwheels as his lips attach to my neck and his hands dig into my waist. I feel weak against him but then I feel safe simultaneously. His lips make their way to mine and the kiss is immediately heated and not slowed. I tug on his hair and he groans which makes me smile. 

His feet are now walking and in one motion, my back has hit his bed. As he situates himself in between my legs. I want something more. I just can't place my finger on it. His cold hands go under his sweatshirt and sudden sirens go off in my head, but I ignore them, wrapping my legs around his torso, bringing him closer to me. 

"Do you trust me?" his voice his deep as he pulls away slowly. My chest is practically heaving up and down. 

"Yes," I return quietly, pulling his head back down to me. His teeth tug on my bottom lip as he devours my mouth once again. His tongue works furiously with mine and I feel tired and I like I can't breathe, but I am unable stop. 

Suddenly, I feel the sweatshirt being fully tugged up but I don't stop it. His lips detach from mine and I sit up as he pulls the piece of clothing from my body over my head. My breathing picks up as I notice his eyes is glancing down at my chest. 

"Holy.. fuck," he breathes in and out before reconnecting our lips. Soon after, his lips go down my neck and I cannot stop the gasp that comes from my mouth as he comes in contact with my chest. As one of his hands caress my breast, his lips are securely around my other one. A series of light moans escape from my mouth and I feel awkward, but it's so pleasurable.

"Martin," I can feel that my face is flushed. He glances up at me with fiery green eyes and his lips are now on my stomach. My breathing his heavy and my eyelids feel tired but they soon go wide as I feel his thumbs on the edge of his sweatpants. "Martin," I swallow. "Stop," I say breathlessly and I push him off of me. I immediately grab the sweatshirt and cover myself. There's a strange pulsating feeling in my lower stomach and I'm confused at to what it is. 

"I'm not going to force you to do anything," he says coming closer to me again. His head buries in the crook of my neck and I lean into him, trying to control my unsteady breathing. 

"I'm tired," I croak out, my voice cracking in the process. I don't know whether to be embarrassed or ecstatic. He begins to lay me down and my head hits his pillow. He doesn't say anything else as he gets off of me. He goes and sits down at his desk and I know he has an amused expression on his face. 

"Stop it," I say, pulling the shirt back over my head. 

"Go to sleep," he laughs, putting his headphones back on his head. I stare confusingly at him but before I know it, the rain against the window and Martin's scent, puts me to sleep peacefully. 


As my eyes are still closed, I'm only half asleep now. I hear noises that are sharp and I think I am dreaming, until my eyes flutter open. It takes me a second before everything is clear and not blurry and I make out those noises are talking. I almost forgot where I was for a moment, but then I see images of what happened earlier in my head. I flush. 

Martin's back it turned to me and I see he is on the phone. Once again, he is speaking Dutch. But this time, he sounds angry and bitter. I suddenly wish I knew the language so I could eavesdrop better. He turns around and he glances at me, before looking away as his jaw clenches. He says something that must be goodbye in Dutch because he hangs up abruptly, looking back to me. 

"Your clothes are dry," he says and I look over at the digital clock to my right. 6:47 P.M. Whoa, what!? 

"Shit, I need to go," I sit up on his bed and stand up quickly. I have been with him for almost four hours today! "How long have they been dry?" I ask him. 

"About two hours now," he shrugs his shoulders lazily. The fire from earlier is still in his green eyes. 

"And you didn't wake me up?!" I half shriek. I now think he is on a mission to get us exposed. 

"You were tired, damn," he chuckles and I shoot daggers at him. I notice he has folded my clothes neatly, my bra of course being on top. I walk over and grab the pile of clothes. Okay, usually Haley and them are all still at dinner, so if I leave now.. I can get back and make it seem like I have been doing something important all day. 

"Thanks," I mutter, goosebumps going down my arms as he brushes past me. 

"What about my clothes?" he comments in a 'duh' tone. I give him another glare. 

"I'll get them to you tomorrow or something," I nod, making a reminder to myself. He smiles before his head lowers. 

"Bye Mads," there is a light in his voice and I know exactly what it is from. I give him a small smile in return before walking out of his room. Once I enter the elevator, my back leans against the wall and I swear I am high again. Something inside of me danced around just thinking about the way he looked at me. Okay Mads, stop thinking about him or you'll burn holes in your head. 

The elevator dings and opens. I step out knowing my subconscious is right. Much to my dislike, an image of my parents flash in my mind and I am horrified. Don't think about them - my thoughts are interrupted by someone bumping into me, causing me to drop my clothes. 

"Watch it," I spit gathering up my clothes and I am glad it has stopped raining because there would have been no point in drying them. Once I have them all collected, I notice something. Something is missing... my underwear. 

Martin has taken my underwear. Holy shit. I am going to kill him. 


A/N .... So yeah, that happened. Hahaha, I have a feeling some of you are going to be like :o. I was so excited to write this chapter and I quite like it. Tell me what you think by leaving me a comment and vote! :D love you guys xx

tumblr - lindzfrienzxo 

***Also, I got the Dutch from Google Translate so I hope it's right? haha, tell me if it's not because I know translate can be shitty sometimes lol xx

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