Away in Dreamland (Kirby fanf...

By GalacticWarriorZero

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This is based off of another fanfic I read. What if the Anime had a season two? Well, I'll try my best to not... More

Oc introduction.
The start of a new start
School doesn't rule
Fall of an Ally, Raise of a foe PT.1
Fall of an Ally, Raise of a foe PT.2
Fall of an Ally, Raise of a foe PT.3
A new toy
A very Rocky Road
Dedede's little Circus Freaks
A Circus performance.
Galacta Knight in Castle Dedede
Two Knights
An undying grudge between two warriors
Dead grudges
Dedede's plan
Working on the Halberd together
(Y/n) in Dreamland??
(Y/n)'s first day in Dreamland
An old rival
The return of a frenemy
The rabbit hole
The problem in Wonderland
Haltmann's defeat..
A new threat
Dark Meta Knight
Dark Meta Knight and Galacta Knight
Easter special 🎉
Easter Special 2 🎉
Easter Special 3🎉
A conclusion..(Easter special 4🎉)
The return of a lethal foe
A day in the life of everyone
Dark Meta Knight X Meta Knight??
Some artwork for you 💖
The crystal shards
"That's the end of that chapter..!"
Righting wrongs
A chapter of two lovers
Stella's flashback
S t e l l a.
The Jamba Heart shards
A fight that broke hearts
On the way..!
A small confession
Let's continue the journey
An encounter with Flamberge
A run in with Zannie
"I wonder, what's beyond the horizon?"
Void Termina's uprising
A break from heroic deeds
The carnival
Rogue Kirby
Saving an innocent soul
The Ultimate Power awakens
The true potential
It's about time they got explaining!
Dedede's little crush
A bit of a problem..
It's all his fault
Undoing his mistake
Educating Triple D
The morning after 🥞
His arrival
Second thoughts
His confession
Another sleepless night
Pushing him too far
Magolor's true colours
Rehab for Magolor
Sick day
Something unexplained
Fresher air
A battle with Masked Dedede
Befriending a foe
The night before
Readying for the battle
Vs Queen Sectonia
Him or her?
Baking 🍰
Mirror World Kirby
The end
Venture forth! 1 - Floralia
Venture Forth! Pt 2 - Twin woods
Venture Forth! Pt 3 - Fatty Whale
Venture Forth! pt 4 - Skyhigh
Venture forth! pt5- Hotbeat
Venture Forth! pt 6 - Chameleo Arm
Venture Forth! Pt 7 - Cavius
Venture Forth! Pt 8- Wham Bam rock
Venture Forth! pt 9 - Mekkai
Venture Forth! Pt 10- Demon
Venture Forth! Pt 11- Heavy Lobster
Venture Forth! pt 12- Halfmoon
Venture Forth! p13 - An argument
Venture Forth! Pt14 - Reminiscing memories
Venture Forth! Pt 15 - Computer Virus
Venture Forth! part 16 - Independency
Venture Forth! pt 17 - Shady
Venture Forth! pt 18 - Galactic Nova
Venture Forth! pt 19 - The end of that adventure
Back at the castle
The Monument
A kick-off
A forced marriage

Music and Cappy Town

221 5 29
By GalacticWarriorZero

Becca woke up refreshed and full of energy. Stretching, she picked up her phone and searched for some good music to play. Unfortunately, Cappy Town didn't have internet, so she used mobile data. "Now, let's see...what's popular on Earth at the moment.." she grinned, looking through the songs. Melanie Martinez came up. "Oh, I love her music! The crybaby album and K-12 album are so good."
With that, she put on the crybaby album. It wasn't in order but it was still very nice to listen to. She put on her headphones and set off for Cappy Town.

In the throne room...

Dedede felt bored. "Mah TV ain't doin' so well at teh moment. I needs me sum fresh ideas." Even Escargoon was out of ideas at this point. "Hey, how about music?" Dedede suggested to himself.
"Whose gonna sing? These Cappies are nothing but hot trash at singing. Don't get me started on Kirby's singing." He shuddered. Everyone was scared of Kirby when he picked up a microphone. He could not sing for the life of him. Then, he heard something through the wall.

"Kids forever. Kids forever. Baby soft skin turns into leather. Don't be dramatic, it's only some plastic. No one will love you if you're unattractive."

Dedede boiled with rage. "Is someone insulting me?!" He shouted, as he rushed outside. Nobody was there, except Becca walking down the halls with her phone on. The headphones got irritating so she took them off. "Hey! You callin' me unattractive or sumthin'?"
Blinking blindly, she shrugged. "No idea what you're on about, Kingie."
His attention turned to the system in her hand, playing music. "Hey, that don't sound half bad. Did you sing that?" He said, astounded.
Shaking her head, she told him it was a singer from another planet. "I love her music, it has much meaning behind it and lovely messages."
"What's her name?"
"Melanie Martinez. She's such a big hit, she even made a movie!" She beamed.
Rubbing his chin, Dedede muttered to himself. "A movie.. that's not a bad idea.."
Checking the time, she realized she was going to be late to her picnic. "Oh! My sincerest apologies, I'm going to be late!" She shrieked. "I'll cya later, darling!"
Rushing into the distance, she turned her phone off and put it in her pocket. Eventually, she made it to the picnic.
"I'm terribly sorry! Dedede was asking me something." She apologised, as she sat down.
"No problem!" Kirby beamed.
"It's fine." Meta Knight said.
Smiling coyly, she said," I'm so glad to have such good friends."

After the picnic.

They kept talking and decided to lay off training for a day. Admittedly, it was a foolish decision but also reasonable. As the sun began to set, the sky became speckled with stars and painted a fine and royal purple. The three parted ways and two of them returned to the castle together. To their surprise, there was music playing and loud stomping could be heard. "Well, that's hardly a good sign." Meta Knight stated.
"When is anything Dedede does good?" She reminded him. "The pillows he gave out, the TVs he gave out, the artifacts he gave out. It's all just terrible manipulation that everyone gullible falls for."
As they approached the throne room, they saw Dedede 'dancing' around the room to Melanie Martinez songs. Escargoon had his hands over his nonexistent ears. "Sire, turn it down. It's too loud and it's getting late, very late!" He complained. His words were drowned by the loud lyrics of Mad Hatter. Dedede didn't know what the lyrics means but he frankly didn't care. All he wanted was a good time, at the cost of the town's rest. Cappies began to crowd up in front of the castle, protesting. They wanted the music to be turned off completely so they could sleep. It wasn't just the sound, but also the vibrations the sound waves caused.
Maniacally, he laughed and continued to "dance". Enraged, the Cappies continued to protest against the king who was acting aloof. "No sleep for you guys in exchange for me bein' entertained is sommat I'll take. Aheheh!" Dedede roared with laughter. Furiously, Tiff approached the king. "You're nothing but a selfish, old bully! Why don't you just listen to it tomorrow? We want to sleep now but we can't because of your dumb music!" Tiff argued. Becca looked taken aback, Melanie's music wasn't just "dumb music" to her.  He just ignored Tiff's innocent request and cranked the volume higher.

The people of Cappy Town eventually got to sleep, only because they were so exhausted. However, Dedede remained awake along with Becca, Meta Knight and the Waddle Dee's. "Aheheh, I certainly got unda Tiff's skin dere...I bet I can annoy her again with even more music." Dedede plotted. 
Bouncing up and down on excitement, he got on his throne and turned the monitor on. "What's King of Dreamland doing up so late? How can I help?" She asked.
"I need to get a robot that can help me to annoy someone by playing music whenever they go to sleep." He grinned.
"I have this." She produced the product from behind her back. "It has a censor on it. It can detect when someone is about to go to sleep and I can tweak it to play music when activated. It'll run you 11,000$. Capishe?" She suggested.
"Capishe alright." He sinisterly cackled.
Susie sent the device over with the instructions in the box. After reading them, he fathomed how to work it and selected the most annoying tune he found. Tiff was away with Kirby so he snuck into her room and set up the device.

Hours later.

"Tiff, time to go to sleep!" Lady Like commanded.
"Ok, goodnight!" Tiff cheerfully shouted through the hallway. Laid in bed, she rested her head on a pillow..and weird music sounded. It didn't stop at all. "what the?" She said, astounded. She got up and then it stopped. Then she laid back on her bed, head on the pillow. It started again. She repetitively did this but didn't understand what was going on. Frankly, she was quite irritated by the annoyance.
Dedede heard the commotion from his own room and he laughed at her suffering.
Tiff looked under her pillow and found the device. "Haha, very funny Dedede." She sarcastically remarked.
And then she went to sleep.

The Mayor put a law in place so that nobody was allowed to play loud music after a certain time unless it was a special event such as a carnival.

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