L x Reader oneshots SERIES 3...

By adventuretimefanitc

166K 4.5K 2.1K


Its back b!tches
A documentation post
Lap pillow
A profile on L from a veteran stan
Rescused part 2
An updated L moral analysis
Hot tub
Lured part 2
Art dump
Dead weight
Death Note fandom retrosepctive from a vertean L simp.
Lured part 3
Graveyard girlfriend
Not so imaginary
Wake up mfs new book dropped
I could actually fall for you
Lured in
An analysis on Ls mental health... again
Im lov L
Not so binary huh?
Persacom part 2
Helping bandage
Persacom part 3
Birthday wishes
Girls night
Sneak away
Chance meeting
My experience with L as a special intrest
Outside the box
Dream land
Lured in Part 2
Beautiful boys
Art dump L edition
My full L head canons!
Taken care of
Gay ass headcanons.
One hot day
Another art dump!
A note abt the $muts
Mystery man part 1
Mystery man part 2
Small details in DN
L's first birthday party
Monsters? part 2
I miss you
Noises in the night
Another book
Another art dump!!
Aussie aussie aussie
Life after death
How to disappear
Aussie aussie aussie part 2
Homophobic homosexual
Defending part 2
Hold me
Multiverse part 2
Alive at night
Alive at night part 2
L's confusion
The outside
Multiverse part 3
The annual birthday post
Snippet from the next book
Right place, right time
Girl dad
Sleep talking
Ah yes, the $mut book
Festival beauty
Tainted (part 2)
Cult leader
Asking L


4.5K 129 90
By adventuretimefanitc

A/n: time for my fav AU ever. Idol! Reader, fanboy! L. I gotta chill with this AU but I love it.

Tonight was the night, the night where he'd sneak out to mosh at your concert. How long had he been a fan now? Years probably, but he'd never been to a concert of yours because his job means he travels a lot and he'd never in the same city as you. Until now. He had everything planned out. It was a well known fact that when a certain song comes on, you'll pick someone from the mosh pit to dance on stage with you. So he had to stand out if he wanted that to happen.

The theme of your most recent tour was 'convention after party' so those raves that happen at anime conventions were all the cosplayers get smashed and dance around all night. And boy did the crowd play into the theme by coming in cosplays or rave gear.

L wasn't one for wearing clothes that aren't blue jeans and a white shirt, but if he wanted to be spotted by you he has to stand out as much as possible. So he invested in the perfect unmissable outfit for the concert.

LED light cat ears, sailor collar shirt, the kandi bracelets from his MySpace days, duel wielded light sticks, light whip hanging on the waist by his belt loops of the patchwork pants in the colours this tours era. He practically glowed, there was no way you could miss him. He'd successfully snuck out of taskforce without being spotted and took the train to the concert. It wasn't that odd seeing a guy in all that light up gear on the train today, people knew a concert was happening and some others were pretty decked out too.

Behind the backs of the taskforce who knew him as the monotonous, serious, super smart and allusive detective. He was a RAGING stan of the famous singer by the stage name sicklykitty otherwise known as (y/n) (l/n). He did indeed collect your merch he hid in his locked room, he was tweeting 'stream glow in the dark plague by the queen herself sicklykitty' on his secret Twitter account, he was up all night waiting for ticket drops.

He always dreamed of the day he could mosh at one of your concerts. Because it was like leaving the world of stressful detective work and past trauma behind and being taken to a whole new dimension of glowing lights, good music and mindless dancing with no judgment from those around him.

So at 9:30pm he found himself in the front of the mosh pit, prepared to scream lyrics until his voice gave out, jump around and completely leave his normal life behind for a few hours. Fog filled the packed out arena seeming to glow with the coloured lights.

Chatter filled the arena, soft anticipating music playing as everyone waited for the show to start. On his left were two girls, with matching outfits and and flashing headphone accessories. On his right was a boy and very androgynous person in tour shirts and covered head to toe in glitter. He already felt like he'd left planet earth and ended up on some glowing planet.

He felt someone tap his shoulder, turning to see the boy next to him.

"Dude your cat ears are fuckin sick!" He said, he sounded a bit tipsy.

"Thanks, good luck with that glitter later on" L replied.

"Anything for queen (y/n)"

"Yes anything for our lord and saviour"

"I'm so ready for murder at the clubs bass drop, the ground will literally shake"

"Oh my god I know. I'm getting on that damn stage even if it kills me" L said.

"Dude if you get up there I'll scream for you" The boy replied.

Before the conversation could go any further, the lights shifted and the music changed to the opening track. The crowd erupted in deafening screams and all L's attention was turned to the silhouette of you against the lights and fog. A smile broke on his face, for the first time in a long time he was overcome with intense joy, a moment he'd wanted for so long finally happening. And with the first word you sung he let that joy take over and let out a deafening scream of joy.

Meanwhile, back at taskforce everyone has come back from dinner break to do a few more hours of work before getting some sleep.

"Hey L we're ba-" Matsuda began, but stopped upon seeing L's desk was unoccupied by the detective.

"Where'd he go?" Light asked.

"Dunno probably to eat or shower or something" Misa added.

At first they just brushed it off as him being upstairs or something, but after a while when he didn't come back and wasn't anywhere on the cameras, they began to wonder. Eventually, they decided to ask Watari surely he knew. He was like L's dad anyway. But when even he didn't know where L went, the confusion sunk deeper. Where would he be? It wasn't like L to not be working, he never left the damn building. At first Watari was a bit worried, but upon remembering what the date was, he eased up a bit. Even though he was unaware of L's secret stan Twitter and massive merch collection, he did know that he liked you. And suspected he may be a bit of a ranging fan behind closed doors.

He just hoped he wasn't getting drunk at that concert.

With a bottle of cider in his hand given to him by the cool guy next to him, L was indeed a bit drunk. He initially said one sip and that's it, but the sweetness of the berry flavour and the party atmosphere around him... yeah it turned into more than one sip.

L has truly turned into a whole new person at this concert. And by now the famous song had come on, and this was the moment he was waiting for. He took a breath, chugged the last of the bottle and tossed it over the mosh pit bar into the box of empty bottles security had. His drunken confidence was the last piece of the puzzle to getting on that stage. And as you approached the front of the stage and teasingly ran your hand along the fingertips of reaching fans as you sung, L devised a plan.

Right as you were about the pass him, he lunged over the bar slightly and grabbed your hand, catching your attention. You gave him an amused look. The instrumental break of the song started, giving you a chance to talk.

"I like this guys enthusiasm" you said into the mic.

The cameras projected onto the screens behind you zoomed in on both you and L tightly gripping your hand. The crowd screamed, and true to his word the guy next to L screamed for him. A loud YES KING into his ear.

You pulled L over the bar and had a security guard hold his spot. L's mind raced, his heart beating out of his chest as you pulled him onto stage.

"First off how drunk are you?" You asked into the mic, then pointing it at him.

"...yes" L replied.

The crowd laughed as did you.

"Look at this guys cat ears what the fuck they're so cool, what's your name catboy?"

He almost said L, but luckily even when drunk he caught himself.

"Ryuzaki" he replied.

"Well ryuzaki that bass drop is coming up, you drunk enough to dance without embarrassment?"

He grabbed the mic and pulled it toward him.

"I've waited like 10 years for this even if I was sober I'd be going FERAL" he said.

You laughed, taking the mic back off him.

"I like you catboy, alright all you in the seating section get on your feet! Mosh you know what to do! I wanna see you all jump like you're trying to double bounce on a fuckin trampoline let's go, 1, 2, 3!"

L felt like his soul left his body when that bass dropped, heading you sing right next to him, hand in yours jumping around and screaming the lyrics along with you. It was the best two minutes of his life, forgetting about kira and drunkenly dancing around with you on stage in front of a whole packed out arena. He felt absolutely euphoric, and even though he was drunk he knew he'd remember everything that happened when he was hungover tomorrow morning.

By the time the song ended and he had to go back to the moshpit, he felt like he could die right then and there and have zero life regrets. As the song transitioned, you let go of his hand dropping him back in his spot in the pit. You said something to the security guard before you went back to singing and left him freaking out over the interaction. The guy, androgynous person and two girls next to him were freaking out with him and exchanging high fives.

Another hour later and it was the last song of the concert, everyone together in unison singing the final notes as confetti fell around them. L made sure to stuff some in his pockets to keep.

"Thank you so much! You're all sick mother fuckers! I'll see you when the next album drops!" You yelled into the mic, before dropping it dramatically and running off stage waving the crowd off.

The arena lights came back on, and slowly people began to leave the arena all jittery and talking about the experience. L was about to leave and scream about the fact he managed to get on stage with you, but the security guard grabbed his shoulder.

"You, come this way" he said.

L assumed it was because he was clearly drunk and security would escort him out so he didn't throw up on anyone, but to his surprise when he followed the guard, they went up the stairs on the side of the stage and before he knew it, he was backstage.

Did... this happen with all people that got on stage? He'd never heard of it happening?

"Uh... why am I here?" He asked.

"Beats me, (y/n) just said she wanted to talk to you"

He just about had a heart attack then and there. You wanted to talk to him? Holy FUCK-

You sat on a bench with a water bottle under the air con. Stage lights and dancing are hot man.

"CATBOY! You came!" You said.

"What did I do? Am I in trouble?" L asked.

"No, I just thought you were sick. Most fans that come onto stage are always blinded by the adrenaline even if they're drunk. You just let loose and I vibe with that"

"Uh- ok? Dude I feel like I'm dreaming"

You beckoned him over, his drunk self almost tripped and ate shit but laughed it off and came to sit next to you.

"First off. Your ears are fucking sick, I gotta get a pair for my next shows. Second, you're very drunk and I don't want you walking home so I'll have a guard drive you ok?"

He wanted to cry, you were so nice! He was just a random fan and you were offering an escort back to taskforce? All the stories of you being really nice to your fans were true after all.

"Third, what were you drinking?" You added.

"Cider. Some berry one. I said just one sip but that shit was so sweet I couldn't stop" he replied.

"Oh man, sounds good. I like the enthusiasm with that grab. You were not going home with out that dance on stage. And ten years? Woah dude. You're like one of my longest running fans. Thank you" you complimented.

"No thank you! This is the first time I've felt happy in a real long time. My job is all fun and games until cases go for half a damn year" L replied.

"Cases? You a detective?"

"Yeah. It's cool until you know who the killer is but don't have evidence that'll hold up in court so you're stuck there trying to tell everyone you're right and they don't believe you"

"Damn, that shit sucks ass. Let me guess, you just need ONE thing?" You asked.

"YES I NEED ONE DAMN THING AND I CAN LOCK THE FFFUKER UP-" he yelled, slurring his words a bit because of the alcohol.

"Dude that's so annoying. I'd be so fucking mad"

"I have been. So this concert was a gift from the gods and I finally had the chance to just... let it go. Thanks for being like... fucking awesome ya know? And letting me be in the presence of a goddess"

"Aw you're such a suck up. I'm not a goddess I just sing and shit"

"Yes you are! Name one person more talented than you. They don't exist. You can't. I believe in (y/n) supremacy. You're a bloody, uh, ethereal being! And I love you so much I wanna cry and like... smash my head against a fridge- what? I mean- god that cider is getting to me-" L rambled.

You giggled at his mess of words expressing his love. As funny as his drunk state was, you definitely wanted to know the real him. While he was rambling you grabbed a pen and a sticky note, wrote something and folded it up.

"Catboy-" you said.

He stopped his rant, and turned to face you. You playfully grabbed his cheeks in one hand and held the paper up in the other.

"Open this when you get home, in the meantime keep it safe here" you said, stuffing it in a pocket of his.

"Uh- ok?"

A few more minutes of talking and you had to leave to get on the bus for the next show tomorrow and get some sleep. So a hug goodbye and you sent L off to be escorted home. By the time he'd gotten back to taskforce, left the noisy arena behind and actually sat down. He was so tired and the alcohol was starting to have its negative side effects. He felt sick. Getting out of the car and thanking the driver, he stumbled up to the door still in full concert gear and checked his watch.

"12:30 fuck-" he sighed.

He wanted to pass out.

"Oh the paper-" he remembered, taking it out of his pocket and opening it.

Please talk to me more catboy. You're funny when drunk but I'm sure you're just as awesome sober. Call me, and don't leak this or I'll have to take legal action, and I don't wanna do that catboy. You're cool.

He could hardly believe it, what in the wattpad fanfic? Your actual number? He was about to jump around in excitement when he was suddenly overwhelmed by a sickly feeling.

Opening the door, he stumbled inside and began to head upstairs to probably throw up and pass out.


He jumped and turned to see the taskforce still awake in the main room. Light being the one who yelled.

"What the hell are you wearing what did you do?" Aizawa asked.

"Is that rave gear? Dude did you go to a rave?" Misa asked.

"What is up with you why are you so glittery?" Matsuda asked.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP- listen I'm drunk as all hell and I'm going to throw up and if you don't shut it I'll throw up on all of you let me go-" L snapped, turning to leave and go upstairs. They didn't follow, just stood there confused.

This wasn't like L at all.

Hearing the noise and knowing L was back, Watari he got up to go see what was going on and if he was ok. He knew that he went to the concert for sure, and judging by the bang followed by an 'ow fuck' he indeed was drunk.

From outside the locked bathroom, Watari knew L was definitely throwing up all that alcohol and sighed.

"How was the concert?" He asked.

"Good" L managed to get out.

"Want some medicine?"


"If I YouTube concert videos tomorrow will I see you on stage?"

"Yes actually... look"

Under the door slid some paper and when Watari picked it up and saw your message and number, he was honestly impressed.

"She saw you hammered and still gave you her number. I never thought I'd see the day you got a girl" Watari joked.

"Haha- I'm marrying that girl" L replied.

"All the posters in your room told me so"

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