Helping bandage

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A/n: alright, we're getting back into the swing of things. I've been caught up in other books and my medication has kinda shifted my sleep and work ethic recently. Bc damn, I'm on a lot atm trying to fix up my whack ass health. But we're getting back into one shots now.

TW: self harm

Going into the case, you didn't expect much outside of the usual detective stuff. Boy we're you wrong, Kira was one hell of a case. But there was something bothering you a lot more than Kira recently, that that was L.

You were in decent terms, definitely friendlier than the rest of the taskforce. But ever since you met him he'd been a rather low energy person. That wasn't the strange thing some people are just like that, it was the fact his energy seemed to be even lower recently.

He was quieter, he was sleepier, he was working less efficiently than usual. Anyone would be a but bummed after a setback like the one you just had, having to release Light and Misa and go back to square one, but L was taking it particularly hard.

Something told you he'd been struggling since long before the case. Maybe it was his disheveled look that he somehow pulled off, or the sad tone of his voice. But you worried about him sometimes, he may not be very liked by the taskforce, but you liked him a lot.

It was late, past midnight but you were up awake still due to your sudden inability to sleep. Tonight just wasn't your night really, you'd been tossing and turning for ages. So you decided to get up and look for a sleeping medication you could take to aid your slumber, making you head downstairs at 1am.

You found yourself wandering through the large taskforce, occasionally bumping into a wall in the darkness. But finally you made it to the kitchen where a cupboard of medical supplies was, the light was on telling you someone must be up late doing work and wanted a drink or something. Sleepily you trudged around the corner toward the kitchen, the door half closed. When you pushed it open the noise made L jump.

Of course it was L, he never slept.

"(Y/n)- you're awake?" He said.

"Well unless I'm sleep walking here then yeah I'm awake" you replied.

You seemed to have caught him doing something as he stood right where you were heading, the medicine cabinet.

"Is there sleep meds in there? I can't sleep for the life of me" you asked.

"I dunno, you can look" he replied, stepping aside to let you.

You began to dig through the stacks of various pills and bandaid packets looking for something with a sedative or melatonin in it. L just stood there watching you, hands behind his back.

"What to you need at 1am?" You asked.

"Just... a bandaid"

"What'd you do? Run into a wall in the dark and bust yourself?"

"Just a scratch"

Ok, something seemed off. He was talking like he had something to hide, like he was trying to keep the conversation brief so you'd leave. You paused your hunt for medication to turn and gave him, giving him a hard stare in the face.

"Alright. Spit it out" you said.


"You're upset about something. All month you've been mopey. You're usually a low energy person but never this bad, what's wrong?"

He was silent for a moment, unsure what to say. He never really had people check up on him before, or notice something was wrong.

"I'm just annoyed we're back at square one. That's it" he replied.

"Ok sure. But I know that's not everything, your mental illnesses can't escape me L. You didn't hire someone with a psychology degree for this case and expect me to not notice did you?" You replied.

He knew you were right, with your knowledge you'd be able to spot his struggles from a mile away. There was no point hiding when you knew already, in fact maybe you'd be able to help.

"I just fell back into an old habit... that's all" he sighed.

"Let me see"

Reluctantly he gave you his arms, and you gave him a saddened sigh. Thankfully nothing was too fresh, it seems he'd just damaged one of the healing scabs and it was bleeding again. But from all the old scars, you could tell he'd broken his clean streak.

"This case shook you up huh?" You asked.

"I was two years clean... and I ruined it all in one night..." he sighed.

Finally you'd gotten him to open up, something no one was able to do. He was a very solitary person and didn't trust easily, but you wanted to help. Ever since you met him you knew he needed it.

"Don't beat yourself up. This case isn't easy, you have every right to feel like shit" you replied, grabbing some bandages and a tissue.

He couldn't help but watch as you gently cleaned the blood away and tightly wrapped the healing wounds.

"It was two years of progress gone though..."

"Healing isn't a straight line, it has highs and lows. The fact is it's been two years which is amazing, you had some setback, you can still move forward. This case is fucking torture I get it, but it's best to find healthier coping mechanisms rather than dwell on the one setback" you explained.

He'd been told plenty of times to find better coping mechanisms, but he never knew how. Maybe it was the way you phrased it but he did seem to have something click. It was just one setback, it was still an impressive two years...

If he stopped the spiral before it got bad, he could present that one setback didn't happen and continue the two years. Right?

"You need to remember that emotions are valid and totally normal, it's just finding the right way to safely let them out that makes all the difference" you added.

"How? I've suffered all my life with nothing but traumas and I've never known what the right way is..." he replied.

"Well, I'm on this taskforce, I'm an expert in the field and I care for you. I'll help you find the right way, it's different for everyone"

He had to let that sink in for a second. He hasn't heard those words in a very long time.

"You care for me?" He asked.

"Yes. And don't you dare ask why, I don't need a reason to care for you. I just do ok? You deserve care" you replied.

This was the first time the whole case he'd been able to actually address his hard it was, and how much it hurt him. And all the bottled up pain was finally being let out in a much better way than hurting himself, by talking to you.

"You worry me sometimes L, I just want you to be happy. You deserve a break, your allowed to have emotions, and I'll help you as much as you need alright? Don't be so hard on yourself. I know it's easier said than done but we can work on this together"

With a sigh, his emotions finally took over his body and he pulled you into a hug. He needed it, he craved it. You gladly accepted, making sure your grip was comforting and warm.

"I have no idea what to do (y/n), please help me" he admitted.

"Don't worry, I'm here. I always will be" you replied.

He finally had a glimmer of hope on the trash pile that was the Kira case. You were that glimmer of hope, and he'd cling to you as long as he could. Maybe with your help, he could forget that little setback, and continue on the path of healing.

L x Reader oneshots 1 // series 3 • Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now